Jobless hopeless friendless broke running out of food & after my last job rejection i said ill KMS or kidnap someone

Jobless hopeless friendless broke running out of food & after my last job rejection i said ill KMS or kidnap someone

just finished crime and punishment & i want to deflate these thoughts which of Dostoyevsky books should i read next

>im not even larping i was literally planning to kidnap a woman the same way Raskolnikov planned & rationalized his murder & the fucked up thing is i dont even think im over the idea of doing it

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Notes from the underground or the idiot.

Demons or h&i

Crime and Punishment.

Read C&P again and this time pay attention

the Idiot, then Brothers K.
t. actual sincereposter

Seek mental help.

>Seek mental help.

i think ill visit a mosque or church monday the same napoleon speech raskolnikov wrote i said to myself last week but replaced napoleon with the founding fathers genghis khan & Alexander

>i think ill visit a mosque

forgot my image

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>I'm a loser and need help, what should I read?
What the fuck is it with this board that every single fucking day we get at least two threads like this. Reading won't magically cure you, go get committed to a mental asylum instead, you'll have plenty of time to read there.

not in america in the Caribbean most small churches here run pyramid schemes cults who prey on the weak & the mega churches are superficial dress too impress consent every Sunday yyou hve to make a big donation tto see the preacher

It's because 80% of the posters here are /r9k/ regulars


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>Jobless hopeless friendless broke running out of food & after my last job rejection
I know these feels. Read Notes if you want to go further, or Demons if you want to go back. Brothers K if you'd like to become a monk.

Before you do any stupid shit read brothers k.

Bro just go for it, you can totally be the next Napoleon if you just kill her and get away with it. Just don't have four panic attacks in public like a faggot and all your dreams will come true.

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Happy and successful people have no business in literature, fuck off


Rob a bank or an ATM if you are going to commit a crime. Those fuckers deserve to be robbed.

high risk

I'm confused: even if you believe Raskolnikov's justification for stealing the old lady's loot is not wrong, to what end is kidnapping a woman supposed to justify the amoral means?

You DO realize Raskolnikov's true crime was robbery, not murder, right? That was the subject of his Napoleon speech, not the murder, which constituted the fulfilment of his latent desires but not its actual object.

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>kidnapping the woman & ransom her for 500k to get back on my feet so i will capable of becoming the next Alexander elon nietzeche

her family is rich greedy fucks who just take taxes through government contract staffing i Raskolnikov would do more for the world with 500k than they are doing with their millions

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you have no power here

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or maybe i should admit i am nott capable of becoming a great man & im just another losing who is justifying taking some elses shit maybe im just another lazy bum

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yes i am just another loser who just wants to take other peoples shit so what so fucking what why shouldn't i take their shit if im willing to kill myself why shouldn't i at least try to kidnap her for 500k ya why not why not

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modds dont take my rambling serious this is a screen play im writing crime and punishment meets taxi driver a story about aa 26 your old doomer in 2019 america

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Fuck the risk. Here is how to do it.

Steal a digger, take the atm out of the wall, load it into a van, drive away. Freeze the ATM in an industrial freezer, all the way down to 50 C, in order to freeze the ink. Break the block of ink with a hammer.
Do it in a quiet town. Cops will take ages to arrive, youll be long gone.
Once you get the digger and getaway van you have the hardest part done.

>i was literally planning to kidnap a woman
she'll probably end up falling in love with you if you do that, given female psychology

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atms have GPS

don't do anything crazy op

but *if* you absolutely positively have to, be sure to mention that dostoevsky made you do it when the cops haul you out. maybe they'll finally ban his trash books then

part of the plan was to just kill her so i wont have to babyy sit her while i wait for the money but then i found out about a drug i can give her to sleeep for ddays


Based ironic open tabs poster.

He'll just end up like Svidrigailov instead.

If his theory is justified then he won't magically become a good person after getting away with the crime. It will just show him he can get whatever he wants in life by just jumping above morals whenever he feels like it.

You'll never actually do it you edgy faggot

but if u read the book then you know that you will be consumed by guilt, realize you are nothing near napoleon or any great man, you will fall into the traps set by a shrewd detective, be sent to jail and - this is where similarities between your situation and the book will end, because you will probably not be redeemed by the love of a prostitute, you will most likely simply rot in jail. you may be redeemed though, through meditation and prayer.

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>the founding fathers genghis khan & Alexander
absolutely based

I get that the focus is the ass crack but I can't help but wonder who Rudolph Fuchs is

Its embarrassing how weak men are today, you don’t deserve to read Dostoevsky you edgelord faggot

Read it again. You didn't get it.


Don't tell me you just want to do this so you can get your own Sonia.

>you say that but when a man is out of food & hope mountains moves

being trapped between depression from looking at past mistakes & anxiety of a hopelessness future is already a prison

true! but, i think when you really reach the depths of depression and anxiety, and you have the gun to your head and are about to pull the trigger, you may have an epiphany, and find *something* that you can exert control over in your life, and that will give you a start, at least. and it's better if this happens outside of a jail cell. but, hey, even if you are in a jail cell, you can still control your thoughts, your cravings, and other things. the bible helps in this regard.


imagine being such a brainlet, you get inspired to actually commit crimes by Crime and Punishment.

Raskolnikov is fucking miserable. His escape valve from madness is qt sluts and Jesus.

I'll be your friend OP. I'll be your Razumikhin.

didn't get inspired literally saw myself my situation my ideology my daily thought process in a fictional character & it gave me a little hope that im not or have no been the only one

>a real life taxi drive once meet Martin Scorsese & got angry at him saying "who told you about my life" because he thought taxi driver was based on him

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