How the fuck did they do it?

How the fuck did they do it?

Attached: cat.gif (280x280, 3.6M)

they asked him nicely

is this real?

Its CGI retard.

no pretty sure its real

we can dance if we want to
we've got all your life and mine
as long as we abuse it, we're never gonna lose it
everything will work out right


brainlet post

why does every white male resort to this “move” (dance?)? genuinely curious.

you never hit up that good mexican catnip senpai? Shit's wack

why are there so many insecure nonwhites on Yea Forums? It's weird... We get it, you wish you were a blue eyed white person, stop thinking about us 24/7 and ruining threads

They beat the cat until it dances properly
this is animal abuse and you need to stop reposting it

Jokes aside, is that actually real? I know you can teach cat paw tricks and stuff but that's a little too extreme.

yikes the projection

zoinks the immediate backtracking wowy zowy

Where is the original video?

What's that mean?

How the fuck did they find an actor who looks so much like JK Simmons for the scenes where he talks to himself?

Attached: counterpart-1519139462.jpg (480x240, 13K)

yikes im sorry I triggered you in your safe space. I clearly hit a nerve.

give me another (You). will it be an ironic or a seething reply?

Cat gyrating instrunctionals, a set of instructional tapes on how to get your cat a jiggling

Wow cool, would this work on a dog?

>all that shit just to say you're a nigger and you're a bitch

big oof, ruh roh, frikkin cringer dude

>he's not old enough to remember the dancing Katz Krew.
Fucking zoomer.

no dipshit, thats called DGI

>zoinks the immediate backtracking wowy zowy
Gtfo and grow up.

What's DGI?

Dogs are easier, just tie a strip of bacon to a ceiling fan and he'll recreate that scene from interstellar

Thin skinned. gyrating instructionals

Neat! Would this work on a cat?