ITT: We write up characters that are embodiment of the seven deadly sins that isn't blatantly obvious or cliche

ITT: We write up characters that are embodiment of the seven deadly sins that isn't blatantly obvious or cliche.

For example avoid the following:
Gluttony being a fat ass
Greed being a rich guy
Lust being the only woman out of the seven
Wrath being angry AF 24/7

Also, it'd be nice if you guys can suggest some lit. that features characters representing the seven sins that takes the reader a couple of read through for the fact to dawn on them.

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Wrath - my mother

Lust is OP. He might not be good looking, and hes probably too sutistic to express this, but he is always craving cock.

Envy is a seething incel

Like you?

have sex.

I did.

Gluttony can follow any hedonistic pattern cant it? Is the chronic masturbator, edging for days and searching for more and more deviant images to drive him forward, not glutinous?

I guess the first question is: how abstract do we want to get?

Pride is a newly converted Yea Forums Catholic

Ah shit nigger

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Just take it more meta. Why are the seven sins bad in the first place?

Lust is succumbing to short term satisfaction at the sacrifice of the future
Wrath is giving in to violence instead of reason
Pride is overlooking ones own flaws and ignoring valid criticism
Sloth is letting things of value decay and rot
Envy is desiring the achievements of others instead of working on achieving things of value oneself
Gluttony is taking more than one needs when other members of the community could use it
Greed is someone who wishes to control things outside of his control, someone who hinders progress by holding onto things and people too tightly to keep them from doing things he doesn't like, tyranny



Wrath: a sour, bitter old person, living on social service, council housed. Apoplectic and apocalyptic swearing over any inconvenience exceeding $3 in real value, assuming $6 minimum hourly wage. Mostly powerless because people cut him off from themselves throughout his life as a dangerous liability. Multiple charges for battery when younger, all dismissed; stopped getting them only because the last one threw hip out. These days stick to petty revenge, passive aggression, snide comments, bullying fellow tenants with letter-of-law

Lust: an apparently volcel youth camp head-coordinator; major ring distributor of CP. Terrified of being found out, quite sophisticated online masking. Need to touch himself on others overpowers all terror and shame, lives vicariously through his CP leeches. Always claims to go to the maldives scubaing for his vacation; actually bangkok, vietnam, ES Burroughs road trip. Drugs himself and autoephyxiates to cope. Saving up building a dungeon cabin in Leiflandia; he knows he wont die in Ikealand if he's busted. Doesnt dare enact Project Neverland. Yet.


Gluttony: plump and pimply when younger. Now Xfit, spartan bands, spin-class regular. Very trim. Allows herself two cheatmeals a week; will travel up to two hours and wait two more for the ¶parfaité¶ meal. These tend to have courses from different places. Not a good cook; dating a 1 star michelin event caterer, specializes in Japanese fusion. Has a drinks cabinet most other women reserve for wardrobe; can make nearly anything that doesnt involve peat scotch.

Avarice: Comic collector. Some toys, but mostly comics. Aged 42, married, one child; a fund manager, getting promoted to lead line soon. Does trade-cycling more than his colleagues, but not noticeably. Has genuine aptitude for trade. Misreports income gains to wife; up to 25% per month goes into his collection. Print originals, signed copies, limited runs, error copies. He has a rented dryroom holding his collection. Has a memebership in a hunting fraternity. That is his cover for live auctions at Sotheby's. He's been very busy recently; Stan Lee's death drove him into a frenzy. If interrogated will claim he's collecting as "an investment", maybe for his child. It is not. He will never sell. Nor give. Nor will. He doesnt think about dying.


I like these, though Gluttony seems like a perfectly alright gal

Sloth: Gamer. Has a let's play channel, walkthroughs, achievement collector; newschool action speedruns and RTS specialist. Tried to do a sociology channel as an influencer after gamergate; not popular, defunct. Is a second draft pick of a progamer team, tends to play supporting roles. Coaches girlfriend to be a gamergirl so that she has cred for her twitch and lifestyle channel. After losing bouts he decompresses on MMOs and Monty Python. Sleeps 4 hours a night, underweight, breathing difficulties. Hates JHP with a vengeance, ostensibly because JHP is a pseudshill who appeals to (his own) authority, but really because he has not cleaned his room since he moved in.


Envy: Mr Jones. Married 7/10, two boys both do posh extra curriculars: elder is a serious yaughtsman, younger does baby grand and fencing. Co-owns a vehicle shipping/ construction-hire dealership: generators, cranes, trawls, so forth. Likes throwing and attending parties, talks loudly, brings cigars. Mouth contains 2500$$ worth of dental caps. Has a mistress (9/10) his wife doesnt know about; ships undeclared highend consumer goods his partner doesnt know about, profits on tax-savings. Owns a BMW, regrets it - the new series plastic components are SHIT - but always tells people it's the perfect car, half to save face, half in hope that his listeners will follow his mistake. It will take a shrink or a hypnotist to find out that he lived as a poorboy in a rich neighborhood; the neighbor's kid, James, had a brand new Brittanica, kept it in a glass case, refused to let him even breathe the fumes. The oohs and aahs as James became ever more superior with each consultation of the Britannica has haunted him forty years. Can never bear to look James up, even in the age of social media. James is dead.

Pride: A buddhist temple lay-abbot; abbot duties (mostly clerical) but not inducted into the monastic order; never considered taking the orders. Has been steeped in the sutras from his youth, age 7; verbatim recall of many chants and passages, most of the leading commentaries. Well-able to hold his own in public debate, though very often he demurrs: fools talk much; they should PRACTICE. Has come up with the idea of Dharma Class for sunday, in which he sermonizes the congregants. His sermon scripts are vetted by the Ven. Sattiya, the eldest monk in residence; most of them pass without correction. He rarely refers to his script. A very pleasing voice, comfortable eloquence in his sermons. Some of the laity record and distribute the sermons; he offers to foot the full cost, to make it free. Competent in administration; runs just about every major function in the temple. Wears cheap clothes, sandals, eats as the monks eat. He prides himself in his humility, has a sutra for every occasion; can be riled if balked, but often disengages as "takes the high road" of forgiving his oppponent before this happens. Ven. Sattiya is well aware of his secret heart, but has no way (or power) to correct him without breaking the sangha precepts against Ill Speech.

I see what you mean. That's kind of the problem with deadly sins: the more advanced they are, the better they get at appearing normal and reasonable.

like these two user. the decadence /guttony of the hyperfit-chick is def an interesting observation

CS Lewis' observation. Gluttony isnt just about eating *much*, it can also be about eating *fine*.

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>edging for days and searching for more and more deviant images to drive him forward


the posting quality on the board