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reminder this film ripped off Kimba the White Lion. YMS is wrong

Can't wait to hear what the apparent furry has to say about this steaming pile of shit

reminder that this film DID NOT RIP OFF Kimba the White Lion. YMS is right. If sharing similarities is the same as outright plagiarism, then how come Disney's the Wild isn't called a Madagascar ripoff?

I highly doubt there is much of substance in his review.
Its an expensive tech demo of a film.
Nothing more nothing less.

Nah man

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All the ass kissing in the comments are fucking dumb as shit, "a delayed video is better than a bad video" what the fuck is this shit? Dude could of released this shit earlier if he didnt spend all his fucking time drinking like a sailor, watching shitty youtube videos with that indian guy, and giving political opinions that no one gives a fuck about! Like yeah dude, if im stuck on deciding a political issue, I'm totally going to ask this Canadian dogfucker on how to run my ideology, go fuck yourself!

Never watched the new Lion King. But the new Aladdin was terrible.

>Dude could of released this shit earlier if he didnt spend all his fucking time drinking like a sailor, watching shitty youtube videos with that indian guy, and giving political opinions that no one gives a fuck about!
Thank you. I hate when Youtubers try and pretend their work really requires over a year to finish when they're wasting most of their time fucking around with content no one cares about.

How many years had he been working on this?


Madagascar was actually The Wild's ripoff. It's just that The Wild spent like a decade in development hell and nobody ever gave a shit about it once it finally did come out.

Jesus it's felt way longer than that. I guess because of Covid.

There’s nothing about this movie that requires hours of dissertation to critique it. Its main problems boil down to:
>it has no reason to exist
>the art direction is uglier than the original and the emotion from the cartoon film is lost in the models
>it’s just the same movie but worse in every way
You could make this review in ten minutes, thirty if you want to go into detail about the production.

Attached: 3B014547-2873-4745-85BF-E777A4A830E2.jpg (824x476, 30.89K)

You could just make a shitty soul/soulless meme and get the point across

Damn, when you put it like that it makes Japan seem even more shallow than Disney.

>furry horse fucker
>defends dog fucking
>has a crush on Scar because his dad and brother abused him and he has a lonely childhood
>profile picture is him next to a furry getting a BJ
>is Canadian
>doesnt finish watching movies before he reviews them

Uhhh based?

They are

Well, the early bird catches the worm. Also Madagascar is 10x better than that shit.


canine fornicator



>3 hours long
>Part 1
In less time than that I could just watch the damn movie.

When your criticism is longer than the actual film itself, you need to rethink your life decisions



Reminder YMS is a furfag who defends sexual relationships with animals.

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>he isn't currently balls deep in a puma

Attached: AdumVsKimbaf.png (1266x688, 103.6K)

I think Adam had a pretty bad wrist injury so he couldn’t edit it properly.

Adam keeps using the “I’m depressed” excuse for too much. He always shits on people and sounds super condescending in people who critique him where later he will be like “sorry I’m really depressed and there’s so much other shit going on in my life. I’m actually really nice I just sound mean”.

I still think Adam is my favorite movie YouTuber reviewer since my taste align the most with his but he can have a bad attitude.

I was on his stream once and he was editing his podcast when Ralph made a mistake naming an actor or something. I joked around saying “ah man not editing out Ralph’s mistake” on the chat and then he pauses everything and starts yelling on where the mistake was, calling my ID out, then telling me I’m wasting his time. I can understand his frustration but damn he could have toned it down a bit.

>a movie analysis longer than the movie itself
>part ONE
Who in the fuck watches this shit?

>Disney's the Wild
What does The Wild have to do with Madagascar?

>doesnt finish watching movies before he reviews them
I caught this because I go on Twitter for art and it was stupid. If a movie was so bad you couldn't finish it that's part of the watching experience.

He isn't reviewing the experience and often separates the experience from the qualities of the film itself


Just watched it. It was great, the music stuff was really interesting. He said part 2 won't be out this year.

>profile picture is him next to a furry getting a BJ

Anyone else just feel less and less respect for Adam with every year? I used to love him and IHE in 2016 but now they're kind of insufferable nitpicky losers.

Didn't this faggog get exposed for not even watching the movies he reviews?

There's nothing wrong with a good analysis being long.
>often separates the experience from the qualities of the film itself
I am very skeptical whenever people say this. I don't really believe that's possible.

People put in on in the background like a podcast. At least that's why I do.

>I joked around saying “ah man not editing out Ralph’s mistake” on the chat and then he pauses everything and starts yelling on where the mistake was, calling my ID out, then telling me I’m wasting his time.
He sounds like a bitch, i get it frustrating to get shit from chat but it sounds like your comment seems was just a one off aide comment that he took too seriously. He needs to with shit because thats going to bite him in the ass that way, although he would probably will like that feeling

you could also throw in 10 minutes about the music I guess

there is nothing about this film that requires that much analysis

Two hours and forty minutes. With more to come. On a 1:58 movie.
Fuuuuuck that.
This isn't some Kubrickian masterpiece that needs surgical dissection.
If your review is longer than the movie, you have no right to criticize editing.

you miss all the visual jokes...



hees not a furry, bro. stop

can’t believe i had to scroll this far until someone mentioned his dog rape apologism. jesus christ this board

anime was literally created because Tezuka loved Disney movies so much

This talking point in the wokest campaign on western fiction sure did take a catastrophic fall from public discourse after YMS dropped his smash hit atomizing that particular tumor.

Sheesh, that's longer than the damn film. Just watch the movie and form your own opinion. Do people really care that much about what some guy thinks about a movie?

Did he really need to make this? Let alone spend years on it when most people agree that it was a worse version of the animated film.

But he is? I heard he likes dogs a little too much

Why did he think he needed to do a longer video than Oldboy?

Wasn't he seriously injured for like a year

because original lion king is his favourite film

Seriously injured from wanking it to fucking dogs and lions, that he was!

Watches movies at 2.5x speed. Doesn't really pay attention when watching movies too, losing out on small details that he blames the movie for not having on.

People don't watch it to form an opinion you retard. People watch it because they wanna see a movie they hate get bashed for 3 hours.

That was for his yearly Oscar nomination reviews. Not his main YMS videos.

So they need their opinion validated like a toddler? LMAO

yeah plus the wild didnt do anything revolutionary with its animation. however the thief and the cobbler was going to change the industry

Three hours of a noted furry dog fucker saying "SOUL VS SOULLESS" to a live action cash grab from Disney. Absolutely useless.