Who would you like to direct the inevitable movie? I’m thinking Steven Soderbergh

Who would you like to direct the inevitable movie? I’m thinking Steven Soderbergh.

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Everybody knows these diagnoses are bullshit.

>Get one kid diagnosed
>suddenly you get 4 more all going to the same school for some reason.

Attached: FA779F8F-3F0E-42ED-AA8B-C46816C15D70.jpg (675x1166, 243K)

It only took fucking up an entire generation for someone to realize this. Good job, trained professionals.

>you're not mature enough to have sex
>you're not mature enough to drive
>you're not mature enough to drink alcohol
>you're not mature enough to smoke
>you're not mature enough to vote
>you're not mature enough to generally be considered able to have social or economic responsibility

>you are however always mature enough to decide to heavily medicate and do invasive permanent surgery because you like the color pink

Attached: tranny.webm (864x542, 2.53M)

Just admit that you're bi or gay. You don't have to literally look like a girl to be treated like one. Ironically, lots of LGB folk I talk to resent thetrans movement for hijacking their cause for this mad scientist shit.

Isn't gender dysphoria like a really, REALLY rare disorder? Except suddenly we have it popping everywhere. Entire thing seems like ADHD back in the '90s or autism in 2000s - over-diagnosed so you can put kids on drugs and make them be quiet.

In the future they’re going to look back on these treatments (especially the ones done to kids) as we look back at lobotomies. One of the worst aspects is that every fucking creep that advocated for this shit on twitter, reddit, signing petitions etc is going to slowly back away from it and plead ignorance.


Attached: 1582776152322.webm (528x297, 2.1M)

Who would have thought a for profit business would try to get people to pay for their services?

difference is today we have the internet and internet doesn't forget

We’ve got a generation of kids now that hit puberty, feel a bit uncomfortable with themselves, and immediately jump to the conclusion that they must be trans.

Fuck off

>type your subtitle here

Half of everyone I know claims to be on the Spectrum. Fucking weird when they're completely normal, except sometimes get a bit socially awkward.

Lynch, duh.

poor guy duped by jews

have the audio then


no i'm just saying the subtitles say "type your subtitle here" for like a quarter of a second

At first I thought the interviewer was the tranny.

wish there'd be a more recent version of this research but u know that u'd be cancelled hard as an academic if you dare venture into this topic seriously

in conclusion: women that encourage this shit are nuts.
appreciated dr obvioustein

I reckon Bowers records the mutilation surgeries he performs and masturbates to them. Especially Jarons.

It’s not just about encouragement. I doubt most women with BPD are actively encouraging their sons to turn trans. It’s more likely that the lack of a stable maternal figure for these boys manifests itself in feelings of gender confusion.


Attached: 1581918908578.webm (988x546, 2.65M)

Stop with the transphobic disinfo!
Dilate my friends, Shadilay!

>in conclusion: women that encourage this shit are nuts.

It's feelgud encouragement. Real problem is they seem to not realize this will RUIN that child's life. Child doesn't know shit about shit and that's why parents should be doing their job of raising said child to adulthood.

Is there a more modern paper? Or would this type of research not get funded today?

weirdest thing is I'm amazed people aren't even more socially awkward today given how discouraged actual person-to-person interaction seems to be with technological advancement. of course someone used to communicating over discord and twitter will fucking choke in live conversations even under the most ideal conditions.

I will make you my sissy you fucking TERF!

Attached: ESDAiRxWsAAJ0xo.jpg (758x573, 83K)

Suck my clitty =^_^=

Attached: ESDAiRsXUAAVYPr.jpg (528x810, 69K)

With kids it's entirely their parents' fault, but with actual adults I can only put the blame on "drugs will fix me" attitude. You need to work through your problems seeing as we don't have a magical wand to fix them.

>for hijacking their cause
Good. I hope transpeople crash their alphabet movement, with no survivors.

How long before the LGBs cut away from the Ts?

Is he calling his dick a clit?

lgballiance started up because of t

Women are evil.

David Cronenberg

Why do Yea Forums liked to talk about trannies that much

Do trannies actually think they pass...?

BTW fuck Janies the Tranies
You get Band on this pathetic board for replying to a cunt
nowhere else is it that bad
Do you Niggers want to become plebbit maybe apply there you turbo faggots good for nothing Niggers
Fuck jannies
Fuck trannies
Is this responding to off-topic garbage enough for you you piteous sorry-Ass good for nothing subhuman for free doing NIGGERS
TeeVee mods are gay btw

they literally have a TV show, retard

Attached: 1581654461914.webm (512x288, 2.86M)

They are mentally ill so of course they do

>why does Yea Forums talk about the defining social issue of our time so much

Jesus Christ, at this point I'm on the side of radfems. What the fuck even.

Mental issues.

The right is creatively bankrupt for insults after being outed as incels. Despite most having never met a trans person in their life, a "tranny epidemic" was devised as a strawman ammo against the left in the great meme war. It's pretty pathetic but this is all they have right now.

This is a good sign - it means the doctors know this is a completely unsustainable trend and are resigning to avoid the future lawsuits. Don't be fooled into thinking they're resigning for moral or ethical reasons.