Wtf, MeToo when? This is disgusting

>When Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis began their relationship in 1989, she was 16 years old while Pitt was 26. They met on the set of the TV movie Too Young to Die? (1990), in which they played a couple, and worked together again in Kalifornia (1993). They resided together and the relationship ended after four years, in 1993.

Attached: 3C3D559E-4029-4C8A-8919-B3A205401B84.jpg (2048x2830, 464K)

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Kalifornia is underrated bradkino

Never. People have known this for years and no one ever cared. Brad Pitt is indestructible like Mel Gibson.

That's Guy Pearce, dumbass.

user best not to interfere in the affairs of beautiful people. Focus on uggos like Weinstein and Cosby, they sure as hell don't deserve it if we don't.

Let’s be honest, Brad is the victim here, imagine having to deal with her drawling voice and whatever the fuck that hairline is.

>Juliette Lewis
Fucking seriously, Brad?
This man has just the worst taste in women. What a failure at life!

she looks mannish

So? I fucked a 16 year old when I was 26. It's no big deal.

yeah but gibson got destructed. in the ass. he's stuck making bootleg flicks for blacks now.

she's probably an amazing fuck though

Who cares when you look like a foot

Nice try fbi

That's a dude

Attached: HowShitIsThisThreadTest.jpg (1271x825, 488K)

u just know people would be more outraged if she was actually attractive lmao

4 to 6 are based

Nobody outraged when 27yo Depp dated 18yo Winona

Is Brad a simp?

He looks like he has a really long arm in the thumbnail.

Also nobody cared when 26 JDepp dated 18yo Winona Ryder, 40yo Joaquin Phoenix dated 19yo Allie Teilz
But i remember them trashing 34yo Henry cavill for dating 19yo Tara King.

Attached: Joaquin-Phoenix-and-his-girlfriend-Allie-Teil.jpg (615x409, 45K)

yo whats with the bloom effect with 90s cameras?

It's not creepy if the woman consents.

Didn’t Paul Walker date a 16 year old when he was 40?

just about everyone in hollywood banged juliette lewis before she was 18

I'm on 2.

Pitt is relentlessly handsome.

And they didn't care as well, some only realized it after his death and made articles about it but people were like "hey leave the dude rest in peace".

he probably used her dad's scientology connections to get parts


Attached: Juliette Lewis From Dusk Till Dawn.jpg (1170x664, 282K)

>But i remember them trashing 34yo Henry cavill for dating
Because he is hot property
>rank 1
All eyes are on him at this point.

>That's Guy Pearce, dumbass.


who gives a fuck, she looks older than him for gods sake

this tbqh

jesus he's dated uggos

>that's a 16 year old


I don't find her especially attractive, not only in a unrealistic high standard Hollywood actress/model sort of way, but like even if I was at a bar and she flirted with me way

Nobody cared about 39-year-old Jerry Seinfeld dating a 17 year old big tittied jewish goddess

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