What would a spinoff with a grown up Isabella/Fireside Girls be like?

What would a spinoff with a grown up Isabella/Fireside Girls be like?

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Other urls found in this thread:

rule34.paheal.net/post/view/3942642#search=DuckyMomoisMe Isabella_Garcia-Shapiro

I've been noticing we got the most Phineas and Ferb threads Especially Isabella since I first joined this website in the last 2 weeks why is that?

... how do you notice anything before that?

It would be boring without a Candice to slowly descend into madness.

i want her to go apeshit again

She could show up too from time to time

Probably pretty boring, like a more sterile Ducktales. Isabella is usually competent to the point of hilarity so I don't see how you could make her interesting without either aping all of Phineas and Ferb or else doing something entirely different, which begs the question - why make it PnF related at all?

This is why the two fireside girls centered episodes failed

Great, we went from Finncel to Dipcel to fucking Phincel
Just fucking ban all of these autismos already

Is it really Phincel if it was Isabella who WAS the incel?

I'd watch it

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Already a thread At least the first two thirsted for multiple characters instead of obsessing over one girl. I'm tired of this shit

what would OP not being a faggot look like?

Reality? He's clearly straight

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I don't get it

Yes you do

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She's too trusting

Isabella and the fireside girls if fledged out a bit more could fulfil the same role phineas, ferb, Buford, Baljeet and Isabella have in the main series. They still would need an equivalent of Candace and Doof however to carry most of the comedy. The fireside girls episodes had decent A plots but the B plots with poofenplotz could not hold a candle to Doof and Perry shenanigans. I couldn’t see myself wanting a whole show with poofenplotz in doof’s role.

It's over for you Isabella chuds, My thread is doing better.

But what does that have to do with anything

Dan Povenmire worked on both shows

>Isabella is the latest postergirl for the 'le ironic Yea Forums pedophile' meme
Okay, but

W h y

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All of the current Isabella threads are her aged up so that excuse doesn't even track


I honestly don't remember

It wouldn't be a good show

Great thread OP


Motherfucking AWOOGA

rule34.paheal.net/post/view/3942642#search=DuckyMomoisMe Isabella_Garcia-Shapiro
Prepare to be disappointed.

I'm not particularly disappointed

Based and robust

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She really is something

Are you legit retarded?

He's trying to get the thread nuked

nice tits

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I wanna see somebody age up Tanya from Youjo Senki

This aged poorly.

In Isabella's case it's good

> /thread
i'm fucking done here, jannies will be coming any minute to sweep up this pathetic thread

Oh really?

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Why you have to be mad

sticking a kid’s face on a bimbo body is not aging them up

Phineas and Ferb trainer when?

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Ok but that's not what this is

Lots of luscious lesbian sex





You're late to the party

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Just turning your attention to a thread that doesn't need necrobumping, I supoose.

I think that thread needed it too

That thread was made on the 21st, this thread ws made yesterday.


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