Why should I sit? I’m a warrior. I defeated the Mountain in the field...

Why should I sit? I’m a warrior. I defeated the Mountain in the field, driving him out of the Riverlands and saving my people.
I spent years in a dark dungeon, and know how people have suffered. Yet I was merciful and took no vengeance upon the surviving Frey ladies, for they had no hand in my family’s murder.
As the Riverlands is healing from this terrible conflict, I want Westeros to heal. I want to make seven peaceful, prosperous Kingdoms for my son to grow up in.
I would be a strong, humble, and just King.
For my family. As my duty. On my honor.

>everyone applauds
>Lord Royce leans over to Lord Arryn
Now that’s a man I wouldn’t mind bending my knee to!

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Other urls found in this thread:


Edmure? More like DEmure!

Personally, I think at least one major character should have dabbed in the final episode. Preferably tyrion.

I concur

That's a smart joke user.

Uncle. For fucks sake, shit down and shut up.

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Sit down incel

If they had made Radmure king, I would have forgiven everything else.

>they had no hand in my family’s murder.
logically they would have

Never forget that arya killed people, butchered them and baked them into a pie that had a crisp flaky crust. Meaning she didn't just slap this together she practiced making pies and crusts to make sure it was good enough for a lord to eat.

Arya is the one who should have been put down for being mad.


Daenarys got dabbed ON, if that helps

Sit the fuck down, uncle.

And this literal american psycho tier action was played off as a yass kween slay moment instead of a sadistic and evil act by a deranged lunatic

As a psycho who only lives for revenge, Arya is the perfect character to answer the question that's been on everyone's mind for 8 seasons: What's west of Westeros?

Cool, is this the incel thread?

Quiet, wench. You ugly wench. Used Bolton whore. I'm a veteran of two wars. TWO wars. I was trying to save my own people from the war your imbecile family dragged us into while you were getting hollowed out by a traitor's bastard.

It should be considered a privilege that they even deign you to sit on this council, to taint it with the foul miasma that emanates from between your legs. And you tell me to sit? Say it again. By my name, Edmure Tully, Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident, I swear to separate your head from that whore body if you tell me to sit once again.

Know your place, slut.

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What a waste of a great actor to turn his character into an absolute simp since the very beginning.

no, it's the uncel thread

based and Edmurepilled



That's cool but it would be out of character, he's supposed to be a weak retard

Is this the new jonah hill insulted by french tv host meme?
edmure was in fact an incompetent shithead who disobeyed orders. the best ruler for westeros would be royce

You're a white male!

Didn't she betray her father because she was wet for Joffrey?

also betrayed her brother twice by not telling him about littlefinger's army and by telling tyrion jon is a targ after jon swore her not tell in the godswood


Did a girl bully you?

if anything he was at first naive and shortsighted but ultimately was a true, noble, and brave Lord

I don't even remember, but did the debt to the Iron Bank got ever brought back up?

he wasn't supposed to be a weakretard, that was just flanderization

>Daenerys's empire seems to be booming since you took over, must be hellish trying to shoot dragons out of the sky, I would imagine.

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>Why should I sit? I’m a warrior. I defeated the Mountain in the field, driving him out of the Riverlands and saving my people.
>I spent years in a dark dungeon, and know how people have suffered. Yet I was merciful and took no vengeance upon the surviving Frey ladies, for they had no hand in my family’s murder.
>As the Riverlands is healing from this terrible conflict, I want Westeros to heal. I want to make seven peaceful, prosperous Kingdoms for my son to grow up in.
>I would be a strong, humble, and just King.
>For my family. As my duty. On my honor.

this is actually pretty good

but he needs to sit down

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>I never read the book

Bran and Gendry and Rickon and Joffrey and Tommen and Jojen and Dickon and Lancel and Loras are relentlessly handsome.

Robin is also relentlessly handsome.

He was actually a stronger leader in the book.

>edmure was in fact an incompetent shithead who disobeyed orders. the best ruler for westeros would be royce
Rob is retarded armchair general, he didn't tell Edmure his plan, but acted to defend Riverlands, he defeated Tywin with half of his numbers and inflected heavy casualties on Lannisters. Fuck Rob, fords offer great defensive advantage, not using that would have been foolish, and Tywin is absolutely dangerous when fighting on even ground, so if he had been allowed the ford he likely wouldn't have been stopped.

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Sit *DOWN* uncle!

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were all the women in GOT meant to be insufferable or is it a cosmic joke

Cersei paid off the debt with riches looted from Highgarden. That's how she was able to take a new loan to hire the Golden Company in the last season.

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*Arya teleports behind your back and slits your throat*

pfft nothing personnel kid

mel brooks parody when?

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Dear, niece, let me ask you of this, what did you do during the war? Other than performing mariticide?

>wonder how they will accomplish the beautiful vengeance over house frey
>it's all resolved in a 5 minutes "yas kween" scene for Arya
>nothing more is known about the freys
>no house talks about them and/or any plan about avenging the Starks

Does anyone else think they purposely tried to ruin the show? None of the decisions made any fucking sense. Even the tumblr retards who only care about epic deep quotes didn't like it.

Hey it's the asshole from The Terror

That's Brutus to you, pleb

It's Brutus, learn your history kids

Yep, lost potential:

No, you are talking about Prince Philip.

The Crown
The Terror

Dude loves dressing up in old timey clothes, fair play to him.

that day of the final episode was so fun
I've never seen Yea Forums get BTFO that hard, though I avoided TLJ threads(didn't see that piece of shit until weeks after it came out)

I wish :(

Has he said so in an interview? Perhaps he just type cast and can't find other jobs?

He never got the order to let the mountain pass. Rob didn't tell him shit, blame him.

IIRC it was different in the books right? Robb told him but Edmure said fuck it?

No. This is how it was in the books.

The threads were really good near the end yea?

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Anyone else catch that line in The Terror where he talks about feeling like Julius Caesar crossing the Rubicon? They totally gave him that line in reference to his role in Rome.

iirc he did an interview with Jared Harris for The Terror and the interviewer brought up that they're both in lots of costume dramas and he joked that he has an 'old fashioned face' or something.
It's not even that he's 'type-cast' per se, he can play a range of different types of people (he plays two completely different guys in Outlander alone), he just seems allergic to the 21st century, kek.

He also dressed up as a Roman when the guys have their big party before leaving the ships behind.

Yeah we're told that but it doesn't gel with what he goes through off screen

ummm..no? because she did it the based way, unlike that crazy dragonfemcel

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You misspelled Best Boy

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He literally DID BTFO the Mountain at the Ford. Who else has kicked the shit out of Gregor Clegane and lived?

Hard not to think about seeing as the guy who played Caesar was also in The Terror.

Have they recut the final season yet

reminder that it didn't happen in the show

edmure and the riverlands don't even appear until season 3

robb is the romantic freedomfighting king of the north, not the king of riverlands, until suffenly in season 3 he is. I do not get how people were just ok with this shit, ok with house tully being non-existent until they were needed for red wedding. game of thrones has illogical shit and inconsistencies already in season 2 and 3

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he cute in them though

Everybody knew what was going to happen from the confirmed spoilers you absolute buffoon

Go back

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Didnt he only win because the Lannisters stopped half way through their assult to go to Kings Landing?


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they stopped because they were BTFO and could not cross the river


Tell mr. Johnson that user is to be punished, as a boy.

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Sansa, please sit on my face

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this, but bring your little sister with you, sansa

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They left to go help relieve Kings Landing the army, it was mentioned in the book the Lannister army turned South East which is the direction of Kings Landing. Honestly this battle does not make a lot of sense, Twyin knew Stannis was on his way to Kings Landing and he didnt know Tyrion and Littlefinger had organized the Tyrell alliance. So as far as he knew he was leaving Kings Landing to its fate if they had forced a crossing. Like I get he has got to defend his home but he must have known Robb didnt have the men to take casterly rock.

let me get this straight

Yea Forums likes stannis because he is the autist self insert

Yea Forums likes littlefinger because he is the pedo self insert

Yea Forums likes dany because she is the incel rage self insert + fat ass

Yea Forums likes edmure because...?

Why would they stand outside the wall!?

Because the final season was really really bad. And the showrunners are basically telling us that Edmure sucks so therefore he must be awesome.

He's rad

no, it makes all the sense

robb went to pillage lannister land so tywin had no choice to go there because muh family legacy and honor. but he got BTFO on the way by edmure, who had no idea that robb wanted tywin to go there for revenge, so tywin turned to king's landing to fight stannis instead

>reminder that it didn't happen in the show
Edmure did beat the Mountain in the show under slightly different circumstances from the books. See the Stone Mill scene.

>I do not get how people were just ok with this shit, ok with house tully being non-existent until they were needed for red wedding
Nothing wrong with saving supporting characters for later when they're needed. That's neither illogical or inconsistent, it's simply condensed storytelling. Although the show could have made it clear that the Riverlands was a part of Robb's Kingdom earlier than Season 3.

>they didn't regularly bathe back then
>don't think they had toilet paper either
GOD I want those two to sit on my face so bad!

From memory the show made it out the battle was about the Stone Mill rather than just the location of the fight.

Why world build when we can have Oona Chaplin's fat arse instead?

Why would you put your trebuchets outside the wall? Why would you stand watching your commander slaughter thousands of his own men and then go join the pile when he tells you too?

reminder that arya is described as especially nasty girl

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Quiet, guy. You big guy. Mercenary Masked man. I'm CIA. CIA. I was trying to file a flight plan for the plane your imbecile hired guns crashed with no survivors while you were getting captured according to your master plan.

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Because Tobias Menzies is a god tier actor who is amazing in every role he plays.

>I shuppose harrenharr is off the taberu as werr?

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In the book Edmure fails to hit his fathers funeral pyre with the arrow. Everyone is sympathetic with him the blackfish even saying its no shame Hoster failed to hit his father as well. Contrast in the show he is portaryed as bumbling at it rather than a man just deeply effected by greif with Blackfish snaching away the bow and hitting it. Why the fuck cant tv do nuanced characters. People are either just complete fuck ups or genius. No room for average people.

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Given what all the world building was leading up to I'm glad we got Oona Chaplin with no clothes instead

I guess if you cant put them on the wall it would be hard to see what you are hitting if they are behind the wall. But yes that was dumb as well.

That crown.....fuck this show so much.

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>swn sodomize you with a giant cucumber

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because they skipped edmure, blackfish, riverrun and entire riverlands where most of the war happens in season 1 and 2 but now red wedding (the biggest expect you didn't see that comin huh) was coming and they needed them. so they had to introduce edmure in a way so normals could easily remember him, hence why they made him spectacularly stupid

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Can we get a Ching Chong Sansa? Might coom

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Remember that this guy has gained control over Dorne somehow and gets a say in who the new king is and he's basically just an extra that doesn't even have a name.

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why did sophie have to grow into such giantess?

spicy leftover


Yes, things were changed but the major details are the same: Robb doesn't tell Edmure his plan, the Mountain is in the Riverlands, Edmure rides out and drives him out of the Riverlands, Edmure is publicly lauded (deleted extended scene) and then privately chastised by Robb.

she would have been much better snasa

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imagine CIA kissing and grooming her

The ass that lost the North

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Based no fapper

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I hate it when girls brush their eye brows upward.

have you ever coomed to /got/. I confess, I have coomed couple times to that drogo x dany scene

he's handsome, but he's old-time handsome. Like when men with cleft chins were considered sexy back then

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Edmure was perhaps the most stereotypically Chad character (in a good way) in the books

No Robb has to congratulate him in front of everyone then behind closed doors he berates him for not following a plan he knew nothing about.

Has the Stark ladys ever gotten the BBC?

Is that darting sensation Nathan Aspinall?

What's to forgive? Ending the show in the most based way possible?

>Ramsay lets anybody in the area have a go on Sansa
>Arya is cunny in a foreign land surrounded by people who can change appearance at will
There's nothing that they haven't had.

he's probably a Yronwood I have no fucking idea

>reddit spacing
You have to go back failed normalfag.

Go back 2 reddit

He's a Martell; they just shat out another one for the sake of it. The actor said he was Doran and Oberyn's previously unheard of younger brother.

He's absolutely amazing in Outlander. Also there's this from somewhere.

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Doctor Who.

daddy davos rip my manpucci apart pls

Is Outlander actually good?

Outlander is the female id unleashed combined with some goofy fun characters and some absolute historical kinography. It's very good when it's good but its a mixed bag overall.

it's the ultimate female power fantasy. honestly, only women and homosexuals enjoy it past episode 8

Navy uniforms just do something for me :3

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Nigga it’s a bodice ripper with a few nuggets of history.

Uncle, have sex.

No, it's still retarded. If Tywin hadn't been driven, Stannis would have taken King's Landing, murdered Cersei, Joffrey, Tommen and Tyrion. Leaving, Tywin no other choice but to retreat back Western Lands, make peace with Robb, and marry Margery and form Rock-Reach kingdom. Which would be interesting...

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>not cooming to Bran telling Sansa he witnessed her rape

*sigh* somehow dorne has returned

>Oscar Bait, the line

>Arya is the one who should have been put down for being mad.
Imagine if she took Jaime's face (and that was why and how 'He' declines Brienne's imploring to stay, NO sex). Imagine she turns on Jon for being a pussy-whipped bitch selling out the North and his birthright for Dragontits (takes Cesei's face), with all the inside knowledge of their army. Baits dragon holocaust, makes Danerys' rule untenable. Escapes to Lannisport like Hitler to Argentina. Surprise bitch, no one is taking your raping mongol horde's or fire lizarding shit. Glorious combined land and sea battle off of the Iron Islands, a Lannister Stalingrad. End run around All Seeing Bran, whom can't distinguish between skinsuit versions. Cornered (or dead, by muh Kween after), Jon then has cause for uncucking himself regardless of what Arya may or may not have done in Cersei-skin.

But Tywin doesnt know that he thinks Stannis is still at Storms End its only after the first battle with Edmure does he learn where Stannis is and the alliance Littlefinger made with the Tyrells.

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>only ever has sex with his husband ramsay

what kind of turboincel logic is that?

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why didn't she become pregnant?

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exactly my point

the dogs

I wish I had a jawline that based


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And your point is wrong

refer to

Based CHADmure

that dude has more chad jaw

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I remember I just HAD to google this prostitute after the episode (maybe even before it finished). it was a shame because there wasn't much material, but I whipped cream that evening like no other. she's so fine.

how does a woman stay dry after doing a scene like that? and how does a man not get a boner if a woman like that sits on his lap? also, anybody got the webm?

>they put a guy on the throne with a broken back
>he can't have kids
Good plan fucking morons

your dick can still work if your legs and back are broken right? I've seen documentarys on efukt about retard vegetables having sex with the help of machines

he's paralyzed from the waist-down
also there are no such machines in Westeros

Maybe they can invent another saddle for him

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poor bran the beautiful rapes are all he will ever have

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Maybe he can try warging into his semen but otherwise I think he's fucked

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with the existence of maesters one would think that westeros would develop to the next age already

i coomed to that picture of her eating a lollipop

jaimefag time for your confessions

>reading this trash

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>regardless of what Arya may or may not have done in Cersei-skin.
How about we just skip all of what you said and have arya fucking jon while she is wearing a cersei mask.

unironically better than any book boomers insist is a "classic"
>inb4 b-but grrm wrote some silly sex scenes

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Remember when he was introduced as a cartoon villain sociopath then magically becomes a good boy just because he is so handsome he became a fan favorite

The Chad halo effect

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i know that NoFap is working because this photo is getting me pp hard

>bad villain whilst blonde
>becomes goodboi and hair becomes dark brown
really makes u dink

>Like I get he has got to defend his home but he must have known Robb didnt have the men to take casterly rock.
In the show Tywin says Casterly Rock was always hard to defend, and the gold mines are exhausted anyway. He plans to move the family seat to King's Landing.

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He is an immortal God-Emperor, he will outlive the Seven Kingdoms

remember when cersei was blind thinking the qt twink lancel could replace jaime?

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Because when you've had sex a few times, you learn self-control.

and remember when jaime never found out he got cucked by him

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Bless. So when do you graduate high school?

>cersei's relationship with jaime wasn't a unique thing
>she was just really into fucking family

It's weird. It's got tits, frequent rape, gore and bad language but it also feels like it's marketed for 50 year old women.
I'm currently on season 3 and still can't really tell if I like it, the main chick is a great actress though (i'd never even heard of her before) and Tobias is great in it too.

You know "groom of the stool" was actually a real position, and highly respected one.

I know it ended in disaster but I want to go back bros
And I never can
Watching the earlier seasons would just be depressing now
I used to rewatch once a year. No I never thought the show was perfect but it was damn enjoyable
I want to go back

I never got why incest was so offensive or makes people made. Like, it's literally the same logic as gays - they are both adults who consent, why the fuck do you care? Because it's "unnatural"? lol.. like people say about fags?
Seriously I don't get it. I don't have a sister though.
Because it produces fucked up babies? So what, is it fine if they use protection then? Gays don't make babies, are they not okay?
I just never got why people find incest so offensive and get so upset about it and act like it's so immoral when it has the exact same logic as fags that people will defend (I don't care either). Literally consenting adults just having fun

>Arya is perpetuating Colonialist thought by seeking out new lands to settle and forcibly convert

best Yea Forums post of the day

there is no argument against this other than muh morals. but if you support gay marriage and gay sex then you have literally zero moral reasons to not approve consensual incest.

What even is the moral argument though? Like I actually don't get it, I'm not playing stupid, I never got why people get SO mad about it. Like even if I make it, what if I fucked me mum. Well personally, I don't want too, I wouldn't like it. But suppose me and my mom both consented. What is the moral argument against it? So what if we had fun?
It's literally hurting no one.

Please just end your life, you shitpost

muh god doesn't want you to have sex wiht you mum

imagine how much smells a nose like that can smell

>Gays don't make babies, are they not okay?
No, they are definitely not okay

Because the show is written by morons, for morons. I'm shocked people actually got half a brain and rightfully trashed this fucking mess of a show, of course all for the wrong reasons, but small victories.

Can't shoot an arrow decently, how's he gonna be king? Wait Bran can't either. A pattern forms.

She was an anal only type of gal.

>it has the exact same logic as fags
Hardly. Attraction between the sexes is natural in almost any context. Attraction to the same sex is evidence of deep psychological dysfunction. It's an evolutionary aberration.

Most relationships end and you don't want to see that person anymore. If you did that with your family you would be a fucking idiot. Normalizing that would be terrible for society.

>cgi budget couldn’t afford elephants

Still makes me giggle a wee bit.

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NYBD, is this an emergency?

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Calm down Cersei

I guess, but that's like a practical concern that's of issue to the consenting people, it doesn't really justify the anger that people have towards incest without really thinking about it
I'm not even really defending incest, I just don't get the distinction normies make between fags and incest. The logic that applies to fags applies to incest. I don't get why normies get so mad about it.
Personally I don't care about either, if both people are capable of and choose to consent, I don't really care
Which is what normies say they believe, but then they REEEEEEEEEEEE over incest

what the fuck is wrong with you
you'd recognize twilight is pulp trash but think YOUR pulp trash is better than the classics


>budget increases
>number of producers increases
>costumes and sets and props get noticeably worse
Really makes one ponder.

What would it have even mattered? They would have been burned instantly

any cunt in westeros could bake a pie or get a pie lid in a middle ages kitchen from some cunt kitchen wench, did I say cunt? CUNT now where's my cunny?

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>I fell for the cleganebowl hype
lol in retrospect I was willfully delusional

except I don't think Twilight is trash, it's pretty decent

I always thought that was like one of those guys in the toilet with the aftershave and the mints and the tip jar?

they really ruined his character, much better in the books

Worth it.

Based truth speaker

I like when they push my penis upward

bro she probably got moist but just played it cool, like she acted it didnt really sexually excite her

leads to retards

>For my family. As my duty. On my honor.

Attached: Rad.jpg (410x273, 100K)

>It should be considered a privilege that they even deign you to sit on this council, to taint it with the foul miasma that emanates from between your legs. And you tell me to sit? Say it again. By my name, Edmure Tully, Lord of Riverrun and Lord Paramount of the Trident, I swear to separate your head from that whore body if you tell me to sit once again.

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have rape

Attached: the actual rape.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

gonna need the original post for reference here user

You just know

literally made for BWC

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reddit.com/r/freefolk/comments/dzzc61/from_Yea Forums



>I hate sansa, but this ain't it chief

>How do you delete someone else's post?

>I bet you're a virgin.

I could go on but you all get the point. Holy fuck Reddit is cancer. These sois are just sad nobody posted their daily Obama or singing cat meme or whatever

I miss it.


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Not sure if you mean me but I've coomed imagining book Jaime shitting his pants a few times (more than I can count on one hand)

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