Spoilers faggot
I was scared this happened but good job it was only a dream. Imagine killing him off so early
He deserved that
a faggot like you spoiled me 2 months ago with the same screenshot on the front page
seriously, why are you doing this?
Sandler is Jewish.
This movie is Jewish.
Its a Jew movie.
Go fuck yourself.
>credits start rolling
I felt literally nothing when he died but my mom gasped and got teary eyed
>Sandler's character gets shot in the face
Honestly deserved it
this is your brain on /pol/
the movie is kino
How did she react to this?
I just wanna know if it's real
ok jew
Holy shit I'm gonna cum
She was crying because of you. She desperately wants you to get a job and a girlfriend so she can have grandkids
So you tryna tell me that nigga KG wasn't gonna pay an extra 10 grand for a rock that gave him powers? Motherfucker was making millions and his superstitious tendencies were outright fed when he had a great game with the rock and then a crap game without the rock. Pshhh...
is this a sequel to Pixels?
>tfw no Julia gf
No. You can see it when she stands up straight and the shit inside folds between her skin. And for a single frame, when she sits down.
>not expecting spoilers on Yea Forums
This isn't reddit, you fucking faggots.
>its a Jew movie
So is 99% of everything that comes from Hollywood. Why are /pol/faggots so delusional?
>comically large fake sheboon ass
Why do women do that to themselves?
Out of all the angles they could pick.
unironically kikes.
they said "thicc" is the new trend, to make fat niggers look attractive.
If you find a bunch of jews and blacks talking over each other entertaining you're retarded. This movie was garbage and the safdie brothers are hacks who can only create 'suspense' or make 'frantic' movies by having all their characters be dumb as fuck.
Why do people say this movie is "stressful" or "annoying"? I was laughing my ass off all the way through, but then again I'm a half-jew and it reminded my of my obnoxious Jewish extended family. This movie nailed the whole subculture of greedy, avaricious Jewish merchants engaged in a constant backstab conga-line to a T.
oh no, but he finally won big!?!
This felt like a curb your enthusiasm movie where the stakes were higher and more serious. Highly enjoyed it.
he died at his peak and happy
Tell me more about your jewish relatives, are the stereotypes true?
What's even the point of getting ass implants when it's so obviously fake? It looks stupid.
Hands down best ass put to film.
It was an ugly, stupid film to appeal to people whose lives are both ugly and stupid.
Fucking spoilers you retard god fucking damn it
She left the room and said "do what you've got to do, I'll be back in 5".
No spoilers please
Honestly, even if the movie is good, like many of you shill here, i would never watch it because of this faggot. Just seeing his face is enough to put me off from seeing the movie.
Normal Jewish stereotypes? Yes. /pol/ stereotypes? No. For the most part they're just middle-class salescucks caught in the rat race chasing the next commission or wealthy client. The thing this movie nailed is the atmosphere you get when you go to Passover and all they want to talk about is the latest model of car or flatscreen that their buddy cut them a deal on, or where to get such-and-such thing for a bargain price provided you know the owner of the shop and use the password going through the back door.
These conversations go on like this for hours, where they constantly try to convince themselves that they're a high roller cause they managed to finagle an autographed basketball or some shit from a celebrity (they really do like basketball). One of my cousins works for a company shmoozing up clients so he's always travelling and taking them to fancy restaurants on the company's dime. His entire personality revolves around knowing the best places in any city to get steak/sushi/whatever and what his next major acquisition is going to be. They're not bad people, but their consoomers to the very core. It probably helps that their conservative zionists and not at all liberal.
Funnily enough Howard most reminded me of a Chinese boss I had once who was a former gambler and loved basketball. He would constantly ask me how much I would bet on a million different little things happening in a game while at work.
This post kind of ruined the movie to me and I was looking forward to it. Fuck this gay earth
He dies at the end though, thank god
Because of some retarded Irishman who couldn't control his basic emotions
The better scene was her in the leggings. Phenomenal.
So I'm supposed to believe this prick felt so insulated for being locked up for 3 hours that he'd kick away a million dollars?
considering the movie is based on something that actually happened?
It's still worth a watch
I got spoilered too, but I didn't know
he was going to DIE AFTER WINNING HIS LAST BET. Expected him to lose it and get killed as a result. Very intense scene tbqh
you are hands down a sick pervert
>Uncut Reddit
I love Idina.
"""based on something that actually happened"""
What a hideous specimen.
Lock me up
i mean...he still bought the thing
So the memes are true, greedy little merchants always trying to fleece someone
>Damn /pol/ is right again
If he didn’t lie to them multiple times would he have made it out alive at the end?
What is wrong with Jews?
it got ok as it went on, but the beginning of the movie with the weird music and i cant fucking hear what anyones saying was gibbin me big anxieties
Anyone else expect her to bring a guy home when Sandler snuck in the closet?
holy based
Because jewman was desperate for cash, which brings up the other issue, why not just give him 120 and say "take it or leave it, ya ain't got any other buyers". And what was that shit about shaming him for trying to get more money for something he bought? This is just how the world works and jewman was right, the guys that sold it to em it are set for life, hell, their children are set for life.
who cares
I think it was pretty obvious jewman didnt pay the ethiopians as much as he claim he did
okay now should I list all of the wars and land grabbing anglos engaged in throughout history or?....
How does the Sandman always get to make out with such hot prime pus in all the movies he's in?
It's pretty obvious he did.
>Wars are now equal to subversion of everything critical to maintaining a healthy civilization
Only a Jew could cope this hard.
He's struggling to find a good number to say
/pol/ is a disease.
Oh dear user
>endless brutal conflicts for hundreds of years that result in loss of life over dumb shit like land and muh gods muh pagans are somehow less bad than subversion and usury
and i thought the left was into the whole oppression olympics thing
No, he's struggling with admitting that he didnt pay a quarter of it's supposed worth.
Judaism is far worse.
>endless brutal conflicts
Fucking spoiler
Uncut version is going to be released this year
Hopefully it just contains more Julia butt shots.
i stood up and clapped in the movie theater
>having a discussion about past historical wars that anglo saxons engaged in
>post twitter shit over modern middle eastern conflicts
when are mike and jay going to review it
He had that woman with him, probably his financial advisor or something, telling him to back off when the price went above a certain point
I wouldn't say annoying. It was certainly tense at times though
poorly endowed OP detected
wasn't actually a fantasy
The movie didn't work on me except the scene where the girl goes to the bathroom with that rapper, it's the only scene I felt something (feeling bad with the protagonist for his gf cheating on him). But here there is no widespread jewel use and basketball isn't considered by anyone. So, a hard movie for a different culture.
Motherfucking... he thought the rock gave him powers, nigga ain't gonna listen to some dumb broad about how to spend his cash when somethin like that was on the line. What kinda moron goes to an auction for an item he couldn't buy straight from the horse's mouth willing only to fork over about 30 g's more? Pshh, that shit was whack.
This sounds exactly like my ex step family they were Armenian
hasn't this movie been out for a few weeks now?
oy vey!
This movie was obvious communist propaganda because all of the problems were created by money and it was trying to showcase how the miners lived in poverty
why are you even here? just to suffer?
Can you please use the spoiler option next time. Some of us haven't watched it yet
kys u fuck