So after Star Wars went down like the Hindenburg, will Daisy Ridley still have a future in the showbiz?
So after Star Wars went down like the Hindenburg, will Daisy Ridley still have a future in the showbiz?
I truly hope so
She was great in Murder on the Orient Express
>natural angelic beauty
>fake eyebrows
One day she will reveal the vile shit Josh Gad did to her.
>natural angelic beauty
this is what NEETs actually believe
Hopefully Daisy will explain how Josh Gad sexually and emotionally harassed her using his Disney connections.
but like
when was this
when did this rumour start
Daisy is my waif.
hopefully she gets nude
No, she's already shown her tiddies on tv as an obscure corpse. What further use does she have?
Nah, don’t need another russian honeypot.
That's illegal
She has another movie with Tom Holland coming out.
Yes, she is very cute and actually isn't bad at acting.
Showing pusi
>Ugly roastie
>Rotten ovaries
l-lewd and gross
She's so cute. Probably cutest actress in Hollywood right now.
charasmatic as hell
Poopers are better. More intimate and filthy. If a girl shows your her chocolate factory, it's a sign she really trusts you.
>tfw gf is finally comfortable letting me eat her ass
it tastes sweet
She never had a career to begin with she was a rich kid snob who went to drama school and chocked on the right guys cock
I only ever once ate one of my girlfriend's ass, and yeah I remember a lot of greasy lips but a musky but weirdly sweet taste on my mouth. Good times.
That's what an acting career is.
MOTOE rumors?
She'll star in a movie where she pees on a man's face as punishment for him only having a 7 inch dicklet (this part will be played by me)
Honestly, I think Daisy Ridley is only remotely passable with her hair down like in the OP. Natural angelic beauty is taking it a bit too far.
I don't think so, but honestly, she didn't write Rey, so yeah, I'll hope so too. Like the first user.
>Natural angelic beauty
>wears clothes
She has a good basis for pulling the "horny teenager on her date with an adult man" look.
Unironically, who are daisy's parents?
Okay, that's fair. I agree with that when you post that pic related.
I heard her Uncle's like a rich banker or something.
Her mother is a banker
>"horny teenager on her date with an adult man" look
Do these things really happen that often that it become a categorized look, I'm pretty sure teenage girls rarely date anyone beyond their own age.
banker or (((banker)))?
Uhm user, teenage girls are generally only interested in adults, especially if they're above 20 or even 30.
Allegedly. Someday. Maybe.
Daisy from Super Mario Land and Ridley from Metroid.
Who cares? She should just find a good husband and have babies. She'd be a better Mom than actress
10/10 Aryan goddess
>have babies
>This user doesn't know...
They're not fake just """styled""".
Yup pretty much.
Who'd you rather have, a dipshit uni kid or a successful, well dressed, well smelling banker?
I know a couple of girls like this. For their own fault, they never get satisfied.
For the same reason teenage boys crave after milf/adult women.