
What K I N O have you watched recently? This was just added to CC and is as close to a 10/10 as I've seen in a long time.

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which kinos should i download to watch iwth my beautiful austrian gf?

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You have to go back

Jeez you have a lot of kino to catch up on. I'd say go with Being There because it's really good and can be enjoyed by just about anyone

The Three Colors Trilogy is a great watch with grills.

Dogville or Antichrist? The great debate

Breaking the Waves

Dogville or gtfo.

Black Narcissus. it was just on TCM so i rewatched it.

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This is the only good school shooter movie

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is there a hd release of that anywhere?

#3 4 me

That's a fucking gorgeous film. I can't believe how intense it is for a mainstream film from 1947.

Yeah I saw that, didn't watch though cause I watched it a few months ago. It's pretty amazing what they could do with matte paintings

agreed. the archers did some amazing work. i havent seen a bad film from them, yet.

The Sneedener

Black Sneedicus


t. chuck

Criterion Channel

>blocks your path

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this was freaking boring at least red dessert was a e s t h e t i c. this only was for the title shot

Pic related Saturday

I also watched Amour yesterday, but it was a disappointement

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You'll have to come up with better bait in /film/, user.

Fucking sad. The scene where he lays in the grass is so peaceful though. He was a trapped man.

anus films lol

The Bridge on the River Kwai

What does /film/ think of Once upon a time in Hollywood?

Ah damn shit missed it. what puts me off TCM abit is its obsession with Clint Eastwood. Obscene.

Red Desert is definitely my least favorite Antonioni I've seen
Why was it disappointing?

I enjoyed it about as much as I have enjoyed his previous films. Fun characters to watch on screen and the ending was cathartic

What are you talking about?

Black Narcissus. TCM is a film channel.

why did he do it? was he just horny or what?

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he was based

Name a better musical.
Just try it.
You can't.

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What I'm confused about is why that poster said
>What puts me off TCM abit is its obsession with Clint Eastwood. Obscene.

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I was reviewing on the quality of the film channel you nonce.

Buffalo '66

How on earth does TCM have an obession with Clint Eastwood? That is objectively false

>muh theatrical surrealism
fuck off Vincent

You aren't making any sense

i don't own you anything

Theyre always playing Clint Eastwood films. Almost every evening. And often when they play one they play another straight after.

>film ends with 20 minutes of nothing happening
Unironically kino and a perfect filter, tho would've been even more kino if the movie started with 20 minutes of nothing happening.

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Dude, there's different TCMs in different countries. He means TCM UK or Australia.

does criterion channel work with chromecast? i've heard mixed things.

*Triggers his peers and brainlets*

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>adding the release year and director
Almost based, but you should put the date between parentheses and before the movie title, so you can order by name and have them all ordered by release year

Hey what is the quality for A Generation and Kanal?

I saw War Games recently, some stuff seems a bit out of touch, but it was pretty comfy.

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Sans Soleil

Man on Fire

Lancelot du Lac
Not sure what to think of it at all.
Have you seen other Tsai's films?

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portrait of a lady for me[/spoilers]

It depends on your internet connection and if your tv has overscan. If the resolution of the source is lower than your screen, your tv will zoom in on the picture cutting out parts of the image, obviously this isn’t preferable if your trying to watch a movie. Sometimes the overscan is unfixable too as it is with my tv. It only really effects black and white films in 4:3 and it’s how I watched Nevsky because i thought the print was damaged and that’s just how it looked. One way to that fixes it is if I unplug my tv and hold the power down the button for 30 seconds, but if it disconnects or if I have pause it or fast forward it will more than likely kick in the overscan again. Really it’s just not the best way to watch so I ended up just having to steal my moms amazon fire stick

saw this
it was based

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This one's pretty good

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If you both want to feel down for the next 3 days, watch Leviathan
Кaким мaкapoм y тeбя пoдpyгa - aвcтpийкa?

Absolutely loved this, what other Bresson's should one watch.

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You don't. Start by watching non-shit directors this time, sweaty.

Why did Tarkovsky love Nazarin? I watched it and liked it but why did he consider it one of his favorite 10?

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>tfw the rights holders are cucking us out of decent quality Zulawski and HHH blu ray restorations.
Thank you faggots

Watch this yesterday.

There no better thing in this world than a Cassakino film featuring Gena Rowlands.

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I watched Jeramiah Johnson yesterday
Will watch Hard Times in a day or two

Watched Corpus Christi yesterday. It was as kino as it can get. Anyone else here saw it?

The Eternal Jew

The Young girls of Rochefort

loves priest movies

i bet you're an atheist

Go chronologically. A Man Escaped is a good taste of his style.

is this a google doc thing? because all of these would be streamable on cytube. if someone got some kino in google doc holla at me and i will add it to the list over at cytu dot be/r/tv4c

Pic related, not sure what I thought. Wanda had no agency, she just let others abuse her.

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What do I watch?

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watch HHH's Three Times

then Syndromes and a Century, then a The Wayward Cloud

This is kino

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First of all delete that shitty rips and download proper ones. After you do that watch Rublev also watch Tsai Ming Liang chronologically.

it was mentioned a number of time that she was slow..

Don’t watch The Battle of Chile. It’s far left propaganda. And this comes from a Chilean cinephile centrist

Is Too Late to Die Young worth watching?

Yesterday i watched Wajdas The Promised Land, that was a great film

>I'm a centrist Pinochet supporter. Btw Hitler did nothing wrong. Praise Kek


No. Pinochet was arguably worst than Allende. But both were pieces of shit. Communism and fascism suck.

Underrated Cassavetes. Really maddening performance from Rowlands.

thanks i'm watching the battle of chile now
t. chilean

do chileans unironically watch "la colonia"?

Simple story yet incredible film

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that's fancy and gayer Zero Day

marathoned this with the gf, we love thriller and mistery movies, bonus points for snuff themed flicks

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>jose luis cuerda

Of those I have seen and loved:
Au Hasard Balthazar
Barry Lyndon
Bicycle Thieves
Black Cat, White Cat
Chungking Express
Dancer in the Dark
La Notte
Lawrence of Arabia
Mulholland Drive
Raise the Red Lantern
Rome, Open City
Spirited Away
The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
The Holy Mountain
Three Colors Blue
Tokio Story

I would recommend watching with your gf Black Cat, White Cat. It's funny, lighthearted and like everything Kusturica does genius.

This looks kino. Added on my watchlist.

>Barry Lyndon
>Lawrence of Arabia
>Mulholland Drive
>Spirited Away
>The Holy Mountain

Do you Remember Dolly Bell was a fucking bore. Starts out well and interesting, and the more you watch it the more you want it ti stop. Same with Arizona Dream.

>snuff themed
Did you see the one where Nick Cage brutally murders pornographers. It’s actually really good besides some cheesy stuff at the end. I just love how angry it is and it’s unrelenting attacks on a giant industry of vice . Joaquin and Gandolfini are in it too

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I haven't seen those yet, but The Time of the Gypsies is on my top 10 for sure. Otac na sluzbenom putu is also good.

The mob crew bit was messy but 104min of Ben Gazzara smoking cigs was sufficient

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>The Holy Mountain

El Topo is better that's for sure

watched this when I was like 6 years old for some reason, mite watch it again because i can't remember anything about it

Why do you like Balthazar?

Do any of you have a subscription to the Criterion Collection?

I prefer the one where she gets buttfucked by Brando.


>Why do you like Balthazar?
I think it has the structure of a classical fable but with a very experimental structure. It kinda is the "Platero y yo" of film. Also it's very sad.

What did you watch recently in there?
I recently watch The Official Story, which is an Argentinian film about the military dictatorship. It was an ok movie, with a good screenplay but pretty mediocre cinematographically speaking.

You got the wrong one

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I watched Love in the Afternoon and La Chinoise.
Not the best Rohmer and not the best Godard, but they were both interesting

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I kust watched Cavani's Women of the Resistance. Doc on female partisans in WWII. Also a few days ago saw some Lina Wertnuller comedies.

I'm not very big on documentaries but I would be down to watch some just to change my mind. Which documentaries have you seen that you liked?

Who would win in a fist fight?

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I like the Traveltalk series and the old MGM shorts about Bali. For WWII, Nights and Fog is the best documentary too.

is this in black and white?

Who is on the right


What are the best movies from 1910s that have less than 40 checks on letterboxd

Nazarin, Tarkovsky's favorite priests

Nazarin because the other one is a TB patient who can't stop drinking spoiled wine

What are some good flicks? Like Trainspotting or American Psycho

Absolutely based. Rewatched this on Friday as well. My favorite Cassavetes. I live in a city with a great theater scene but I really wish I could see a production with Cass and Rowlands on stage like the one depicted here. Seems so intense

>Criterion streaming isnt available in my country
>TCM closed a few years ago and no longer available in my country

>Dont wanna illegaly download
>Amazon prime just has a bunch of indian movies, HBO I've watched everything already and Netflix selection is garbage in my country

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Only need a US proxy to sign up to Criterion Channel. Once signed up you can use it without any region lock

>Dont wanna illegaly download
Stop being a retard

So if I travel to USA, sign up and then go back I can use it?
Morals are important anone

Even easier if you have an Android phone. Just download the APK, sign up and then you can use it without any VPN at all. Based criterion dabbing on region blocking

>Morals are important anone
What morals? You know these are corporations right?

Recommend me some great priest or monkkinos anons. I loved Rublev and Diary of a Country Priest.

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Alright I might try that
Artists have worked hard for their creations and deserve payment for it

are you Egyptian or Arab? lol

you'd need a US-based credit card to subscribe, retard

>Artists have worked hard for their creations and deserve payment for it
You know most of the artists are dead and the ones that are alive aren't seeing much money from Blu-ray sales.

The problem is that every teenager imagines school shooter movies it like a fun and light hearted GTA school edition, but no studio is gonna green light such kino. It will always be grim and serious.
They should at least make it like a campy horror revenge film in the style of Carrie.

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Morals are entirely abstract concepts. You think dead Fellini or DeSica care if you pirate their movies? They're dead. They don't give a shit.

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already watched, i think there's gotta be a few gems out there, Joaquin was stellar as a fuckboi

No, I pay through Google Pay you retard

Smh at people trying to educate me when I've been using Criterion Channel from Austria for more than 6 months now

he is just larping, i bet he is american scared to pirate

Just applied to another big shot Uni for a Doctorate and I think I'm gonna be sick. Can't wait for the letter of refusal. Please give me some calming /film/s about striving and succeeding or not necking oneself after failing

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Cool-ass movie


Impressive as an indie production, but not that great of a movie IMO

What did he mean by this

Crash (1996)
Crash (1996)

Favorite Cassavetes flick

How is Carrie "campy"?

Just watched Jumanji The Next Level and it was fantastic.

Pretty much how I feel about Blair witch, carnival of souls and the Vincent Gallo movies


Finished watching that depressing film about that guy who kidnapped that woman and her boyfriend kept looking for her and it was..depressing.

COS and Buffalo are both amazing

How nuts is it that the most successful actor on the planet has not been in a single good movie

Im doing this gay letterboxd challenge where you see 30 films from 30 diff countries

Hopefully this will stop me from seeing the same Netflix trash they keep recommending to me

High and Low is next for me

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I liked The Rundown

I've probably already done that.

He was in so many great flicks, user. What the fuck are you on about?

Whatever it takes to get on the right path

Literally not a single flick that he acts in has been great

*blocks your path*

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The Flowers of St Francis

i've seen The Hole and The Wayward Cloud also
From the three I saw I'd say that Stray Dogs was definitely the most difficult one. But I do enjoy The Hole and The Wayward Cloud more (and those two I enjoy equally, I think they're both masterpieces). I don't expect to enjoy anything else from Ming-liang as much as I enjoyed this two, but I still expect his other films to be very good.

It's best to watch his films chronologically to understand TMLEU

Thank you good user.

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Léon Morin, prêtre

Do all of them have as many erotic scenes as the Wayward Cloud?

No, that's his worst film.

I believe The Wayward Cloud is his most explicit film.

Not the priest guy, but how is this movie? Heard it was very bleak

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thoughts on capellani?

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About to watch two hour and a half movies in 'quick' succession - help me decide which two. It's cozy outside, it's night, I've got the afternoon shift tomorrow and am completely alone
>The Horse Thief
>The Boys From Fengkuei
>Dark Star
>A Man Escaped

Depends on what you mean by bleak.
It's not as miserable as Come and See, for example, it aims more to paint the life of the french resistance, without all the romantism of it that was in style after WW2. It's more about the relationships of those people and the way they live their life, always fearing, never trusting, and doomed to fail.

A Man Escaped, Persona

I just saw Un Coeur en Hiver. That was beautiful and broke my heart.

Sautet is so good. Feel like he's kinda an overlooked french director.

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based wpuld be disregarding the filenames and letting Plex do the work

Have you seen this?

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stop using my posts to bump the thread you goon

Thank you user. I already watched it and it was pretty great.

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Thoughts on Andrzej Wajda?

Which directors are better when utilizing color instead of black and white? What about the opposite?
Might be a bit controversial, but colored Kurosawa (Kagemusha in particular) is, in my mind, better than anything he made prior to it

I have only watched Ashes and Diamonds

Who else made good silent, black and white and also color films like Ozu?

Watch Kanal. One of the best if not the best WWII movie ever made.

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already seen these
dunno havent watched them yet
чтo знaчит "мaкapoм"? извини, нe мoй poднoй язык

nae idea

Yes and Cesar Et Rosalie. I love Romy Schneider! I really liked them both, but this Mon Coeur film really felt like all his best in a few moments.

I like that film that had Romy Schneider!

i watched it some years ago, any good quality torrent?

I wish there was a list of movies about men in filth/dirt with this Kanal and Wages of Fear and other stuff.

any aleksei german movie

Based, that's how I have mine ordered: year-name-director

Eroica. Too bad it's almost forgotten.

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