

Attached: FQ8y8HWXoAEH06k.jpg (1439x1865, 231.95K)

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fuck off, we love Disney here

You guys gonna buy dips with /biz/?

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When did companies become these bullishit numbers on a screen
what the hell happened to capitalism being about producing and selling goods?

>Buys stocks in disney
>Hundreds of disneyland employees show up at my place

Jesus that's hilarious and also scary.

Literally when companies go public.

the free market literally doesnt exist, it's just a religious concept that capitalism requires in order for the people to not immediately see the corruption from top to bottom

The current political career of every Florida Republican.

This is a war of mutually assured destruction. Well, kind of, Disney can survive it.

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>Disney can survive it.
Nobody tell him

Easy buy. New marvel movies coming up. Covids over so more people going to overpriced theme parks. Disney+ has Mando and more mervel shit coming so more resubs. Netflix is killing their animated shit so Disney is going to become a bigger hub for animation and streaming. The stupid town tax shit doesn't matter in comparison to all that.

The drop was because of the leaked skype call dumbass

>leaked skype call
what happened on the call?

The majority of Disney's profits come from the parks you retard. Marvel and Disney+ is literally chump change compare to how much the park makes. Its why they took the biggest hit when Covid hit.

>Turning Red making even normies question Disney
>Lightyear with muh diversity
>Florida fucking Disney by revoking a 60 year old deal

Bad time to be a Disney fan

Yeah, Disney can survive, Florida can't.

At the end of the day, Disney will win because any damage the conservative can do to Disney will only result in worse damage to themselves.

Basically they admitted they purposely want to indoctorate kids to gay shit

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This notion that Disney is invulnerable is hysterical given the amount of times it has failed to profit throughout the last 30 years

>being this delusional and out of touch with reality
bad time to be so afraid of imaginary boogeymen

Employee literally admitted to "a not-so-secret gay agenda"- those exact words.

>it has failed to profit throughout the last 30 years
And yet it survived.

This image reminds me of a story I heard a decade and a half ago.
>Some rando in Finland buys tons of oil to heat up his house
>Delivery guy comes over to his place, the owner of the house is away on business
>The delivery guy hasn't visited this house before
>Can't find the oil vent leading to the big ass oil container under ground
>Finds some sorta vent
>Starts pumping the oil down it
>Hours later the company gets an angry call from the customer
>The delivery guy had pouted the oil down the chimney of the guys sauna that was built in the cellar of the house
>Whole sauna and cellar is now flooded with oil

This story should not be mixed with the story of another Finnish guy who around the time of the Georgian conflict got scared of impending WW3 and so bought a shitload of sugar and filled his sauna with it.

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>he thinks normies sperged out over turning red or the lightyear trailer
It's honestly funny how much of your life revolves around Yea Forums posts.

>about 17% is majority of profits because it suits my delusional narrative

>And yet it survived.
Still lost money and ironically enough still hasn't recovered from the Eisner years where he was running the parks to the ground.

>Disney's largest source of revenue is its Linear Networks segment, but its Parks, Experiences and Products business is the most profitable.
>Parks, Experiences and Products business is the most profitable
>most profitable

And? What's your point?

Disney can bleed, we all know that, but it can afford to bleed MUCH more than any sitting republican.

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>retards still think the dissolution is happening
It's going to be stopped in the courts, if not on the fact that special districts can't be dissolved without landowner approval then for the clear first amendment rights violation
>B-but Disney stock go down!
Yeah, at the same rate it has the whole pandemic due to closed theaters and reduced tourism
You kids are so stupid and gullible. You'll believe any halfway-interesting narrative.

Capitalism is not about producing or selling things, it's about reorganising and redirecting production and trade that already exists in a way that only benefits a small demographic of corporate aristocrats and their government collaborators.

why do Finnish men store items in saunas?

>Disney can bleed
They can't. The past two years literally showed this yet you're argument is
>D-d-d-d-disney is still s-s-s-standing.

It's a dry space protected from direct sunlight and can be temperature controlled at will.
The only downside is that you can't use the sauna as sauna while storing stuff in there.

>Oh no, one of our parks is under-performing!
>I guess we'll just have to shutter the entire company, because that one singular park is our only source of revenue...
You guys are legitimately retarded.

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>muh pandemic
>Disney Parks, Experiences and Products revenue doubled to $7.2 billion in the first quarter of 2022 compared to $3.6 billion during the same period in 2021.

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The 80s.
If you dig deeper, everything post the 73 oil crisis.

Say it with me kids!

>Parks, Experiences and Products business is the most profitable

Dude, they aren't going to die anytime soon. They can still take more damage, there's no way the conservatives can win.

Why do this retard seem to think that Disney or rather any company would want to lose more money?

Who said anything about dying? It hit is still a hit they don't want to take anymore damage than they are taking now.

In what way is Disney losing money over this
The dissolution literally can't happen
Stock price is divorced from revenue
Nothing about this actually harms Disney

Yeah, and the logical thing for them to do is retaliate and remove the people attacking them from power.

>Stock price is divorced from revenue
>Nothing about this actually harms Disney

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It's a cycle for you faggots to think Disney is gonna crash and burn because of some "controversy", get shocked they don't, and then do the exact same shit again. None of this shit will matter after like 2 months.

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Money is a means to an end, at megacorporation scale money is imaginary and infinite. In a contemporary economic framework money is primarily a social control mechanism that dictates what wage laborers can and can't do and how they must live.

Reaction gifs are not ways this is hurting Disney
Tell me: how do you think any of this actually hurts Disney

I think it's fucking hilarious that Disney is the new culture war. I mean most people on the left criticized them for barely doing anything other than pay some lip service after it was too late and the right wing flipped out about it. If Disney and Florida want to damage eachother I'm just going to sit back and laugh at it

Theys still losing money.

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Actually right now the logical thing to do is nothing.
Disney was taking a lot of shit for its political donations and was facing real loss from large boycotts
Now they look like defenders of the people who were threatening to boycott because of a bill designed to die in the courts.
As far as Disney's concerned the situation is resolved

Capitalism is about pooling money to benefit those who are in on the deal and was never about anything else. Goods and services were only ever a byproduct of that.

>When did companies become these bullishit numbers on a screen
industrialization is already over and this is the only way you can make money now

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No they aren't
Stock prices falling doesn't reduce revenue
Dissolution would actually significantly decrease their tax burden and spending in exchange for the FL gov being able to fine them for permit/zoning violations they'd have to establish, and can't happen because FL law is clear that special districts can't be resolved without landowner approval and Citizens United is clear that corporate political donations are free speech

Disney has never had a controversy this severe in 25+ years (I'm 29, so I wasn't around to remember anything worse).
Stock prices are one metric, but it's really hard to say anything when Disney keeps so much information close to their chest. What we do know is that Disney's phone lines are overloaded with phone calls pissed at them for financially supporting the law or publicly opposing the law. I have heard people are dropping Disney+ and their Disney vacations over this PR disaster, but we don't know the numbers. Maybe Disney will have to disclose such information on May 11th.

Get a job, and stop watching Vaush bitch

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When I save Disney by buying all the dips, what should I do? Personally, I'm thinking of making Mickey into Florida Mouse.

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>at the same rate it has the whole pandemic
>You kids are so stupid
>You'll believe any halfway-interesting narrative.
Except their stock increased in value during the pandemic.

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Whenever someone mentions vaush, nobody knows who it is, so I'm beginning to think it's a strawman.

Just use the wood to build storage, duh


Nigga they lost nearly 50 Billion in value, quit simping for a company that doesn't care about issues.
They only see yall niggas as dollar signs.

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okay you good, have to throw it out there.

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just turn your brain off and have fun

>Disney has never had a controversy this severe in 25+ years
lol what the fuck are you talking about
The same dumb fags have been protesting Disney's (weak) LGBT support since 97. Disney quest was one of the biggest failures in Disney history. There was a wave of deaths in Animal Kingdom and a toddler got eaten by a gator. Lasseter left because of a sexual harassment charge

You not paying attention is not a company having no problems

>Disney has never had a controversy this severe in 25+ years

>They lost 50 billion!
>(In theoretical stock value for shares they don't intend to sell or buyback)
You have no idea how any of this works, do you?