do you watch movies on public transport?
Do you watch movies on public transport?
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Fuck no I live near blacks so I'm too busy making sure I don't get shot or stabbed for no reason.
I don't play video games on public transport either
I don't know how people are able to concentrate on what's on their phones or what they're reading when they're out in public
lol no, I chat to people like a human being
I can barely listen to music on the bus because boomers talk so goddamn loud
no, it's pretty rare my commute takes that long
i watch tv shows because i can usually fit one in during a 30 minute bus ride
i bring a book a long, but it's usually too loud and distracting to read it.
instead, i just listen to conversations and keep an eye out for undesirables, making sure to turn the page periodically.
This is my favourite JAV.
By not being an ADD addled genetic deficit and being capable of a modicum of concentration and focus.
>steals your wallet while you enter your focus zone
I drive a car. I'll never use public transport again thank fuck.
>I harass people who just want to sit quietly
Fuck you
Does brynny still modeling?
Yeah nah
dadadada coochie poochie dadadada coochie
why do we let these savages live around us again?
I have anxiety so when I'm in public I'm nearly def and cant focus on anything because I'm too busy thinking what everyone is thinking about me. I can barely mindlessly scroll thru facebook in public. I do it to look busy but if u asked me what I just read I couldn't tell you
It blows my mind when I see people reading walking down the street or on a bus or something
You better not be listening to music without headphones son.
Great "acting"
Good luck stealing that shit while my fat white ass is sitting on it.
>implying situational awareness and the requisite focus to read are mutually exclusive
What is it like being a low functioning plebe anyway?
yes it is
>It blows my mind when I see people reading walking down the street
That's just dangerous. Either you don't pay enough attention to the book you're reading or not enough attention to your path.
brynny a cute
you don't let anything aroud you or not
people who rule over you let them in, yours or any other non oligarchs opinion or wants do not matter
Only commercial air travel. Maybe a long distance bus but I'm not that poor and if I do a bus trip it's usually to a game or concert so there's drinking to be done.
No, only people I ever see doing that are autist asians and they are weird because they prefer to hold the phone up to their face instead of holding it more naturally and looking down.
this, you just know they are constantly looking who has a good cellphone to mug
I watch kinos on my iPhone on the back of which is a 'FUCK SCORSESE' sticker.
what is public transport
based and not relaxing
i recently started masturbating on public transport or sticking my dick between the seats sharking women in front when i am on a bus
>public transport
Can you imagine being poor?
nothing cute about pushing her chest together like that
She's sadly not flat anymore.
But she's still small and I still like her.
Fuck no I live in USA so I'm too busy making sure I don't get shot or stabbed for no reason.
Quit wrong.
Never pull out something valuable on a bus or train. I suggest a book, but be very aware of your surroundings.
How is she so beautiful and perfect bros.
thats ok
>preferring right to left
go to b virgins. this is a board for people who have had sex
Who are you quoting?
She's thin and smol and has a cute smile and she doesn't like blacks. What more could a man ask for?
we don't. white people move to suburbs. only civilized black people can afford to live there usually.
She can stop growing now though
shes a vegan though
i own a car. so, no. i don't watch video while driving. it tends to lead to accidents.
Until you put a baby in her. Then she needs real food.
>you will never make Brynny a mother
What's even the point of going on.
in places with good infrastructure you dont always need a car
Idk man
Looking at pics of her is nice though
Especially that one with those flowers and thighs :^)
I tried, but read a book is better
True. But it's not just about getting from place to place efficiency, it's about keeping nigs away while you do it.