Does this sentence make sense?

Does this sentence make sense?

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is this tumblr i recognize?
you must (i'd even say morally ought to) leave this platform.

no it's absolute gibberish

legible but not sensible

The comma isn't necessary. Be more specific, I don't know what this is.
>coloUUUUr days on calendar
It sounds like a command. Maybe try something like "colour the days on your calendar."
Also starting with the positive and ending with the negative has a better ring to it. Ie "green or red; good or bad"

Bad days are red and good days are green on the calendar. How fucking hard is that to understand dipshit.

you should have an independent clause after the semicolon. if you don't know what that means, stop posting on Yea Forums

you misplaced the semicolon; try something like this
>Coloured days on the calendar; red or green, good or bad.

you're also not using the semicolon correctly

I think you'll find that I did; I am adept at the practice, although for some it is hard to distinguish proper syntax; placing a good semicolon is a talent

>Coloured days on the calendar. Red or green. Good or bad.
I made it more kino.

I ; your sister

This is fucking awful

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Good prose mmbut I think you missed a punctuation. Mark



good job. you spent 20 minutes googling how to use a semicolon after I called you out. at least your learned something


HahHahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, oh man this board eh user?, what has it crumbled into

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please don't! I'm so scared!
fucking retard

I love this autism.