I'm sorry, but in what world were they not the bad guys?

I'm sorry, but in what world were they not the bad guys?

The son lied about his credentials. Ok, fine, whatever. The daughter lied about her credentials and gave false medical statements. The daughter got a guy fired for flirting with her. The family collectively got a woman fired, assaulted her (twice), and eventually the father and mother were directly responsible for killing her. The son was going to commit a double homicide, and the father ended up murdering a guy because he made a couple of comments about him smelling bad.

Mr. Park had no idea that the woman who got stabbed by the ghost was Mr. Kim's daughter, because of the aforementioned fraud the family committed. Mr. Park held his nose because he was near a guy who had been tied up by the Kims for days, covered in blood, and probably piss and shit.

And finally, you're telling me you'd pick a stranger's life over your own son? Fuck off.

I know the movie is meant to be about the class struggle and all that shit, but the Kims didn't do a single even remotely malicious thing during the entire fucking movie.

Attached: The-Kim-Family-Woo-sik-Choi-Kang-ho-Song-Hye-jin-Jang-So-dam-Park-in-Parasite.-Courtesy-of-NEON-CJ-E (1140x760, 166K)

damn, you are a straight up retard, huh?

>t-they were b-both parasites
can you explain what the rich people did wrong besides just plain old non malicious stupidity?

Explain to me like I'm retarded then.


>the son was going to commit a double homicide

I'm sorry, what the fuck?

u got autism?

He was going to the basement to kill the husband and wife.

The son's life wasn't in danger though, the stupid mom just believed fear/shock induced seizures could kill a kid.

Though would it have killed Mr. Park to do something like

>"Quick! Mr. Kim! Carry the girl and we'll all take the same car to the hospital!"

>American movie comprehension

The entire ending

He needed to recharge the magic stone with the blood of the poor.
It's very metaphoric.

No he wasn't, he was going down there to offer them the philosopher's rock as a goodwill/peace gesture of apology.

One aspect of those artworks is to share/pass them on. The Kim family got their fortune from the rock, and the son was trying to give it to the odd couple to apologize and hope to improve their fortunes.

How the fuck does he expect them to improve their fortunes if he just keeps them locked up in the bunker. He was pretty clearly gonna kill them, hence making his own death by the rock more poetic

Bad guys?? Sorry OP, you've been watching too many Marvel movies. Not every movie has a bad guy and a good guy. Everyone in this movie had faults and problems, brought about by their situation and their choices. Kind of like life. How about that.

>le ambiguous morals
how fucking deep. maybe tell reddit about your little theory there, they would probably enjoy it.

it wasn't about wrong doings of the Park family you fucking burger. It has to do with their indifference and ignorance towards the life and death struggles occurring with their own house. It's about the conditions that bring the people of the lower classes into conflict with one another despite the fact they have shared interests.

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ha ha ha look how angry a movie without clear good and bad guys makes you. thats called autism. not even joking.

How the fuck does a successful university student expect to improve a poor loser family's fortune by giving them a rock? It's a spiritual and cultural aspect, not a logical one.

If he was going to kill them, he wouldn't have done it with a rock, he'd have gotten a weapon. And he especially wouldn't have done it with a philosopher's rock.

It's rare you see this much RETARDATION in one thread.

>autism bad
ok reddit, you got me, you're so empathetic and in tune with your emotions. i bet you get tons of pussy. What's it like being an intense metrosexual numale?

prove the intent bougie lite

Why the fuck do you burgers think you're supposed to view them as the good guys? Is it because your fat riddled brain can only comprehend a movie with a clear good and bad guy?

For fucks sake the movie is CLEARLY showing how poor people can be shitty too, and that they're not going a hesitate fucking each other over to get ahead. As a viewer, you're supposed to feel uneasy about their methods.

Movies often portray poor people as good and rich as bad and this one deviates from that. If you stop and think for a second, you already answered your own question. If you think about it, the rich folk didn't do anything wrong. They're just so rich that they don't particularly care/ignorant about what other (poorer) people who experienced, as demonstrated by the rain scene.

If the poor folks are supposed to be the good guys, then they would've had a good ending. Instead, their lives are more miserable than when they started. They got what they fuckin deserved.

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They all sat together and got drunk even though they had the run of the huge house, this was supposed to show they were nice even though they were scumbags.

you sound like some sort of retard that spends hour after hour arguing that the nintendo is better than the xbox or something. or collecting figurines. or otherwise being autistic and wasting your life. glad im not a loser like you ha ha ha

Care to explain. The rich guy saying kinky shit while fucking his own wife isn't cause for him to die.

This but edited down.

>both sides r bad hurr im smurt

I hope your fucking joking. Sorry we tried to kill you here is a lucky rock.

The rich people did nothing wrong. The only thing remotely close to being wrong is being manipulated into firing 'loyal' employees.

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B-B-BUH MUH MILLIONAIRES AND BILLIONAIRES (well, it's just muh billionaires nowadays, eh berniebros)

Reason why the director said that both sides were at fault is because he sees wealth as inherently immoral thing, but is self-aware enough to see that the rich people did objectively nothing wrong, so he at least tried to hamfist in a shitty smell metaphor.

Which is why he's asking you to explain.

OP here. Clearly I don't think they're the good guys, but this movie got a TON of praise for being another "MUH CLASS STRUGGLE" epic.

The director already said that neither side is innocent. The poor family was awful and the rich family was embarrassingly oblivious. The only people praising the poor family are lefties that exaggerate the meaning of the movie

>I am going to murder two people, and plan in advance to do it. So, my preparation for this will be... to get a decorative rock, not any functional weapon that I could otherwise obtain with zero effort, like the myriad of kitchen knives I walked past on the way down

They're Korean bro, they're into that weird spiritualism and yin yang karma shit.

If you didn't get the reason the first time watching it you and your family should be euthanized.

The rich people are naive. In Korean culture, naivity shiws that one is innocent and pure. In many Korean stories, the good guy is depicted as being naive, with the bad guy taking advantage of it (the story of Heungbu and Nolbu is an old example, The Last Empress is a modern example). The poor people are meant to be bad and the rich people are meant to be good. If you missed this and thought both sides were equally bad, you were wrong.

After the flood, the son was obviously all reflective about life and trying to turn over a new leaf, saying how he wanted to fix things to his dad. He was trying to do that to make peace with the couple in the basement, he just didn't realize what condition they were in before he went down there, that the wife was dead and that the husband was insane and eager for revenge out of grief and duty to Mr. Park.

>If the poor folks are supposed to be the good guys, then they would've had a good ending.They got what they fuckin deserved.
Meanwhile, the rich dad gets killed without fanfare and his family most likely ended up on the korean version welfare with nobody to maintain their privileged lifestyle.

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Damn dude, I think you just lost
Lol I've never seen someone so autistically seething before

It's called 'being beneficial to the productive society' outside of chapo safe space and their $120k patreon.

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It is funny nobody notices how easy was for the Park to fire their employees. "Why should I ask my driver, the guy who drives my ass everywhere about the underwear? I'm rich i got no time for that nonsense, i'll hire another driver, whatever." The Park couple were evil cowards hypocrites with zero empathy, same as the others. The only difference between them is their wealth.

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Yes but the whole point and the director already basically said this himself is that naivety and that resulting perception of "purity" is itself a luxury
And some might even say it's the ultimate luxury in the sense that it cannot technically be bought outright but it can only really be achieved by successive generations of maintained wealth and comfort
It's true that in many Asian stories royalty and naivety is actually associated with goodness perhaps the most classic example being the story of the Buddha who is typically portrayed as being a sheltered prince that renounces his old life
The point is to turn those old archetypal stories on their head and show that in the real world people aren't just born with magical pure hearts they're just afforded it by their circumstances or not
It's a criticism of the systems that enable or disable people to be good THE PARASITES WERE THESE SYSTEMS ALL ALONG

t. Evil poor people

you really are missing the point of the film

being rich means its easy to be a nice person

what the fuck is that

maybe the real parasite was the friends we made along the way


Bad guys? The genre is drama, not action