*waah waah why isnt society nice to me*

*waah waah why isnt society nice to me*
*literally cries*

The fact that young men actually think they are just like him is actually terrifying to me

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Other urls found in this thread:


You didn't get it because you have a penis but you want a vagina

>white men: hey could people treat us as human beings for once?

>men shouldn't have emotions and discuss their feelings, they should take it up the ass with a smile when life gets hard
And you niggers wonder why the suicide rate is so high.

>men shouldn't have emotions and discuss their feelings
> they should take it up the ass with a smile when life gets hard
No, you fix your problems

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>The fact that young men actually think they are just like him is actually terrifying to me
No it isn't, because this is just a bait thread.

>film theory
when the fuck is matpat gonna get JUSTED like projared?

>get hit by car and paralyzed
>bro don’t be mad lol

who are you quoting?

>what the fuck how DARE white men be depressed!!!

Attached: canada_anal.jpg (500x565, 49K)

>I should try crying lol it works for women haha

>le white man is opressed

back to /pol/

imagine being afraid to cry
how utterly cucked

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>who are you quoting?

who are you quoting

The movie was pretty good

Good. It should be.

no it isn't

>oppression in 2020 is based only on race
Go back to pleddit.

Yeah, It was.

learn what a good film is faggot

Attached: Citizenkane.jpg (260x382, 27K)

>white men: hey could people treat us as human beings for once?

oh no somebody made fun of white people dancing on twitter oh no!

What is good about that movie?

Cool strawman faggot.

Except there literally exist problems you can't white-knuckle on your own. If you've never found one you're an extremely fortunate child. If you have found one and still think the only answer is to suffer in silence, then you're a stunted old fool.

>be man
>see woman cry bitch and moan
>they get lots of attention, money and love
>decide to cry bitcg and moan
>everyone makes fun of you

Act like a man and you will be respected. No man got rich and beloved by acting like a woman

>Dude why male suicide rates are so high I don't understand



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>The fact that young men actually think they are just like him is actually terrifying to me

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>Rich white christian men like Wayne are the reason why poor oppressed blacks and jews like me have a hard life!

Wow so brave

Fuck off retarded boomer.

Did he fix being a manlet?

You're not oppressed because niggers on Twitter make jokes about white people food. Jesus fuck, you're pathetic.
t. Nazi

All literal bitches. Man up, cuck.

Then how about we take women's voting rights away since they are basically overgrown children?

Tradcucks like you are the worst
Give authority back to men or shut up

This but unironically. Men need to be strong, showing emotion is showing that you are weak. Weakness means you will not find mates or success. It's the burden of being a MSM, but if you do not wish to carry it then just kill yourself already.

Take your fucking authority, pussy. No one is holding you back from conquering the world

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Lol so males are basically disposable and if half of them died nothing would happen? Why do we keep telling men those fairy tales about how everyone is special and we are all equal when they are clearly not true?

Except our gynocentric laws which always favor women, men will only get their authority back once shit hits the fan and our system collapses

This is unironically a feminine view of men. They are problem solvers for others (women) and must not have problems of their own and if they do exclusively solve it on their own. Not even the problem of other men, because that takes away attention that should be directed at women.
Men only societies (whether in clergy, military, scientific and industrial groups, even freemasons) have always had a strong mannerbund.

Here's a redpill, in both traditional and current pozzed society, the men have always been slaves to the gynocentric system, the only way to win is not to play and only care about yourself
You are more self sufficient than parasitic women.

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There's literally no law holding you back as a man except child custody and you're an incel anyway. Go live your life, bro.

Yea it's so terrifying they dance on stairs instead of shooting your face

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>male suicide rate is high

The male suicide rate is increasing but this reflects a general trend amongst both genders. In fact women comprise greater proportion of suicide victims today than in 1990

In 2000 male suicides outnumbered females by 4.4
In 2017 male suicides outnumbered female by 3.5

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Society is shit and it deserves to burn

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>Here's a redpill, in both traditional and current pozzed society, the men have always been slaves to the gynocentric system, the only way to win is not to play and only care about yourself
>You are more self sufficient than parasitic women.

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You should be terrified

>Except our gynocentric laws which always favor women, men will only get their authority back once shit hits the fan and our system collapses

Found the le nigger.

you know it's a good post when you get 5 (You)s of generic antiwhite rage

That's because women are growing up and realizing their life choices didn't give them happiness. I expect female suicide rates to increase as this generation of over-achievers get older.

lol delusional cuck

Keep stayin' based, user.

at least I'm not a nazi

>You're not oppressed because niggers on Twitter make jokes about white people food. Jesus fuck, you're pathetic.
t. First to the gas chamber
>t. Nazi

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but user, why would female suicide rates increase if there exists limitless numbers of people to validate any decision a woman will ever make?

wouldnt it be funny if one day western men had enough and just abounded society in the thousands!!

men built the western world for women


That increase in female suicides can easily be explained away by the growing trans population

I guess I just understand why people idolize him. I liked the movie just fine, but he's a pathetic individual.

why does america hate white males so much

They idolize him because they relate to him as a pathetic individual

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>someone bitching society isn't fair because womyn
>calling anyone else pathetic
Wew lad

Still coping huh disneyshills?

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what the fuck are even half the replies in this thread and this board right now even

what time is it in australia

lefties are afraid of joker because he was shown killing bourgeoisie

The movie makes you follow Arthur in his fall to villainy with increasing unjustifiable murders. First the subway guys, after his life has gone down the shitter, most people can agree those guys were looking for trouble and maybe deserved it. Then it's his mother, which is up in the unjustifiable scale but she was abusive and neglectful and the reason Arthur is like this so we go along with it. Then it's Remus, who is an asshole but he also helped him giving him a gun and seemed to care for him as much as you can care for the weirdo coworker with a mental illness. And finally Muh Ray, which is supposed to horrify us. We the audience are supposed to agree with him in his dialog and the shooting is presented as brutal and an act of evil. The icing is the psychiatrist who (maybe) gets killed for no reason at all.

The movie succeeded because it makes us accompany Arthur in his descent. The movie wants so see how far can we get, how much will we justify Arthur's murders if we understand his problems. The SJW side of things understood this perfectly and saw it for what it is, a complete subversion of their ideals and propaganda. How are we supposed to believe the reason niggers are violent savages is that they are poor? Arthur is poor and ends up being violent, but the movie wants you to understand his violence is evil no matter what. In Joker (2019), poverty isn't a free for all card, nor is mental illness. Evil is evil even if the evil man is the most fucked up man in the world.


>haha what if we abandoned our nations and women and gave it all to invaders haha

didn't read lol

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What a bunch of incel cringe.

Not an argument

>all those buttblasted replies
based & redpilled


wow! is this real?

>IRL media and news literally encouraging people to go shoot up the theaters
>seriously trying so hard to get someone to do an actual mass shooting at the screening of a movie like this
>movie is about exactly people like them who are chaotic as fuck and make fun of mental illness
>somehow the thought completely passes their mind and they act pretty much exactly as the movie portrays them
>end up looking like complete fools since nobody shoot up shit and the movie ended up being right about how they'd act
Got what they deserved.

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>white men: hey could people treat us as human beings for once?

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>Le citizen kane is a masterpiece
el oh el I remember being 16 and wanting to be 2deep4u.

I watched this movie expecting to hate it but I love it. Arthur's transformation is beautiful. One of my favorite parts is the scene where Arthur drops the gun at the children's hospital.

cry yourself to sleep some more, you mentally ill, effeminate incel

>Modern society has destroyed the family
Just fix it bro
>Modern society is extremely alienating
Just fix it bro
>Everyone has their fingers in your pockets taking the income you sweated for
Just fix it bro
Just fix it bro!

Neurotypicals get the noose.

It genuinely is a pretty good movie, but it's a good movie because it's just Taxi Driver for zoomers. Just have him puss out of killing Deniro and have him save an adolescent prostitute. The real funny part is this movie Has Deniro in a big role and it's a mashup of The King of Comedy and Taxi Driver both big Deniro films.

a woman with mental illness is still wanted by men
a man with mental illness is on his own, you only have a couple mental health professionals that have to come into work and deal with you

No it can't trannies only comprise 0.3-0.6% of the population in 2016.

Lets be generous and bumping that up to 1% and eliminate that from the female rate, the difference is negligible.

men should get some standards
and then make a movie about it (see mods, totally on topic)

Travis and Arthur are two very different people. I disagree with your notion that its this generation's taxi driver. But I will concede that there are some similarities. Namely the whole city is going crazy. However, Arthur's motives are very different from my perspective. It appeared to me that Arthur was planning on killing himself at the end but the talk show host just infuriated him to the point of Arthur wanting to kill him instead.

>if a movie isn’t as good as Citizen Kane than it’s shit
Kind of a high bar there user.

not at all

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Wtf I hate Citizen Kane now

>Act like a man and you will be respected. No man got rich and beloved by acting like a woman
That's true. You should never trust feminists, especially since they are the ones who are telling people the opposite.

Whats to argue? grow the fuck up and stop feeling sorry for yourself.

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>Act like a man
which man?

>No man got rich and beloved by acting like a woman

There's an entire industry of men acting like women and getting paid well to do it.

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Follow their example then

Maybe if I was a greedy and soulless fuck like you, Satan.

As it stands, I'll just sit back and let other people do their own thing as long as it doesn't harm me or my family.

He literally got beaten and chained to a heater. I doubt you would think straight either.

I love how retards on both ends of the political spectrum completely missed the point of Joker.

Protip: It's about screwing with midgets, not class warfare.

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That's why they gave him the oscar.

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Incredibly subtle bait.

That's the most correct characterization of the last decade I've ever seen.

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Fuck off simp

>men should get some standards
Unlikely because women will always be more valued than men

Imagine how much our society's problems and men's depression would disappear if leftists and women stopped acting like spoiled socipathic children

White men are too cucked to fix anything, let Islam take over

I agree. The popularity of this film (in a way where men empathize with the protagonist) is pathetic and emblematic of the death of masculinity.

Why are white people so fragile lmao

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Too bad they didn't set it on high table.

Really missed opportunity.

I believe he was paraphrasing

Imagine how much better this site would be if it wasn't filled to the brim with hypocrites like you.

>joker fans: waahhh be nice to me because it's not my fault that I'm weak and ineffective. my fee fees hurt cuz life is hard :'((

Because white men are the only positive net tax contributors while everyone else keeps leeching from them and demanding more gibs

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Why are leftists like you against bullying so much when you constantly mock and attack white men?

i like the fact joaquin calls jimmy fallon "Jimaaay"

>*kill self*
Master race

The only ypocrite here is you

>just accept being a slave goy!

> *starves without welfare*


You havent been paying attention. Its mostly brown or asian women who prefer dressing as him in protests these days.

Reminder that if only white men voted democrats would never win an election again

No, I'm pro white people killing themselves because muh evil tax, go ahead and join the club fragile male
You are free to move to a state with no income tax or whatever you are crying about, or kill yourself like most of your race

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Was he right?


Fuck off kike, taxation is theft

The Joker is just a worse version of Falling Down

Is this a discount version of QuarterPounder?



> we're robbing you of your money and rights
>You are free to move

And who the fuck are you, sweetie? I'm here to stay, prepare for more tax cuts.

Okay Douge.

>feeling incredibly depressed due to awful job circumstances
>someone asks why i'm so down
>give a heartfelt explanation of how i'm unable to slack off and i always try my best but it doesn't mean shit and i'm tired of losing opportunities to nepotism or seniority despite people admitting my merits make me perfect for whatever
>confide that i'm tired of every step being a twisted ankle, every decision being the wrong one eventually
>get told i'm not allowed to feel that way because i have a family to support and i have to just take it up the ass however i can to stay alive

>"gosh user you always bury your feelings why don't you let some emotions out once in a while?"
i have an impending meeting with a tall bridge and people who think they're close to me will say "wow it's such a shock i had no idea he was so upset"


>Men only societies (whether in clergy, military, scientific and industrial groups, even freemasons) have always had a strong mannerbund.
>men only

Well yeah...

I'm not a leftist you dumb fuck. I'm a fascist if anything. I can tolerate weakness in other men, but when men try to celebrate or self-pity their weakness I am legitimately disgusted and want to have nothing to do with it.

Whats wrong snowflake?

Are you seriously bragging about paying taxes? White people are the master race because they pay taxes? lmao pol and Jordan Peterson fucked you up.

This is why we need another world war, there are too many weak men in this feminized society and another culling is necessary

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This isn't about where you fall on the political spectrum at all, retard.

It's about how so many of you halfwits want to vilify people for acting like sociopaths while you yourself engage in incredibly sociopathic behavior as well. It's text book hypocrisy and it's getting tiresome.

>Takes credit for all white male taxpayers
>Cries when given credit for all racism, slavery and neo Nazis

>Be a woman in the West
>Have everything given to you since birth
>Told by everyone how special and precious you are; men around you will give their life to save yours because it's a biological imperative with whites
>Be treated to above equality, with every opportunity being re-examined for you regardless of the male competition's skills and qualifications
>Decide to then vote in mass immigration, run around demanding we let in millions of people who would rape/rob/murder you without a second thought
>White men see this and react on biological imperative. We lose our jobs, educational achievements, family, friends etc for simply trying to protect our Western women
>Receive this treatment for years on end, with every facet of society telling us how bad we are because of the color of our skin, meanwhile everytime we turn on the news we see these bastards robbing and raping the land
>Men eventually give up and start committing suicide from this ridiculous level of social depression
>Western women laugh at us and call us losers for giving up our own lives because we can't stand to participate in a crumbling society where our every positive action will just create negative reaction with the one person we would give our life and soul for; the Western woman

Yeah, go ahead and tell me again how Western/white men are the problem and how we deserve our ridiculously high suicide rates.

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No, I am just pointing out that white men are the only ones holding this system together and without them it would collapse because women and niggers are not capable of maintaining a civilization

>white men should not be proud of their heritage
>but they should feel guilty of slavery

ok retard

>Wanting your cake and eating it to
Either you're an individual or a group.

So you expect us to fix everything and never complain while women and minorities have no responsibility
If we don't return to patriarchy nothing will be fixed

Honestly bro, you should kill yourself. Pandering for sympathy and pity is extremely undignified but you are so far up your own ass you can't see how you come across to those who aren't swimming in self-pity. Even if things were 10,000x more stacked against me, I would never bitch about it. You have no dignity.

didn't read lol

Not sure if tradcuck or roastie

White men should go extinct already, seriously nobody need them, other than shooting places up and crying online they do nothing, that's their life, perpetually crying and whining about made up conspiracies and being victims

Circular argument.

I already said what you refuse to hear, idiot.


It's mostly just about you. Being a shitty human being. No one expects you to fix anything other than your attitude.


>White men should go extinct already
Be the change you want to see. Start campaigning for camps where white men are concentrated.


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>So you expect us to fix everything and never complain while women and minorities have no responsibility
I'm a white guy too. I don't expect anything. I do my part for my family, loved ones and community and keep to myself because I'm not a self-pitying faggot. I actually work and pay taxes though while you're just a drain on the system, so you shouldn't be talking about fixing anything.

This is pathetic
But this Is based and truthpilled

>just fix your attitude while you get outbred by shitskins and women betray your race

>Frozen Wyteboi Joose
>From Concentrate
>May Contain Trace Amounts of Onions

I don't need to, white men account for nearly 70% of all suicides they are being replaced in the workforce by brown men and their women are breeding with brown men more than ever before, it's inevitable.
The only thing white men can do is cry online and fantasize about a collapse or revolution that is farther away every passing day

Why are kikes in these threads always so obvious?

Hating self-pitying weak men doesn't mean I'm a white knight who looks up to women. Can you even talk about anything without falling back on meme categories?

Your death won't accomplish anything except have people laugh behind closed doors. Lash out and exercise your agency, show society why it is wrong to cast you to the side in favor of the scum of society.

You believing that shit is true without CONFIRMING ANY OF IT, is hypocritical and the sign of a bad attitude, yes.

I'm glad we finally agree on something.

Not an argument

>noo you can't complain and talk about your issues, only wahmen are allowed to do that because muh vagina

Oof that's a whole lot of opinion without any facts to back it. I'm going to need some proof bud.

I have no source that means everything is alright white man, continue your passive existence everything will be alright!!

Wars just kill all the strong men though who join the army

>bitching about issues on Yea Forums every day while refusing to work or make any meaningful change in the world for anyone
It doesn't matter how right you are if you're too much of a bitch to make any meaningful change in the real world.

>workforces are immutable
>also automation totally isn't a thing
>thinks racemixing is something new and works in only one direction
>thinks revolution isn't perpetually one bad week away at any given time

Yeah, you're an intellectual powerhouse, kiddo. I'm convinced. I'm starting a rally tomorrow!

Once white men die out we will go back to dark ages, I am sure you will love having a homogenized mass of mutts without any culture to control kike

imagine being a white man and thinking you're oppressed

I mean yeah. Why would I change my life because of an alarmist sperg on the internet? Are you going to pave the way and provide a beacon to follow? Because I still have a family to take care of and doing whatever you are implying or suggesting is just going to hurt them.

Yeah, shame on young men for feeling alienated.

mass shootings are self defense

You are like a farmer who wonders why his horse refuses to work when you keep treating him more badly and feed him less until he dies

It's kind of like antibodies fighting off an infection. They are *white* blood cells after all right?

further proof that joker is a glow in the dark nigger psy-op to empower those with a mass-shooter friendly mindset. remember how they tried to meme a shooting into existence?

Asian countries are doing alright without any white men, we will manage (:

>Men are killing themselves 3,5x higher than females
>b-b-b-but females!

kek you're the problem.

>Asian countries are doing alright
Japan and Korea are dying out as well because they empowered their women

Wow that was terrible post
Fucking retard

Its even funnier when some nigger or gook thinks white genocide is real than when some white retard from /pol/ does desu

You are like a virgin who has never had sex. Keep feeling bad for yourself and see how it works out for you. The good news is you'll never find a shortage of excuses to keep being pathetic with a mindset like yours.

Do you think women should have their rights taken away? If no you are why we are in this mess

Looser incel here.

If you think I'm going to fight for or participate in this shitty society you are dead wrong. Russia or China could invade tomorrow and I won't do jack shit to stop it. If you try and draft me I'll just spend the war in jail, sucking down resources.

Fuck this country and fuck my "fellow" citizens, my life has been made measurably worse by every metric and I owe nothing to the "people" around me.

>white genocide is just a conspiracy goy, now stop having children to save the planet and import more shitskins!

I do think that. I also think that men who feel as if they are victims and the world owes them anything in any way deserve to have their rights taken away, because they are just women in men's bodies.

Based bait

so what lol

goodest goy wagecuck itt

Why do normies believe that they have actually earned all their success and din't just get lucky? Your lack of empathy is astounding

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Name one.

hi normalfag

Guys will end up with parasite women regardless. Mans need to not be alone and have a legacy outweighs just doing things for yourself.

>my weakness is a virtue
>posting blackpills while talking about empathy
whose the nihilist here you faggot?

>so what lol

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"""""strong""""" wagecucks like you will keep letting """""weak""""" people take advantage of and use you with a smile on your face as you LARP as some ancient warrior online

>Guys will end up with parasite women regardless
Not anymore when sex robots and artificial wombs become available and roasties will be completely obsolete

I doubt you're smiling with your sexless, friendless life and your parasitic lifestyle. Tell mom I said hi.

nice reading comprehension retard

Tell that in a few years when you get overworked an wife leaves you

“Men’s greatest weakness is their facade of strength, and women’s greatest strength is their facade of weakness.”

They’ll just make companionship with real women more valuable, becuase it’ll be real, more human, not simulated.

ceep crying lol

Or it will force women to act feminine and friendly again instead of being toxic bitches like they are now

I know, you said the smile is on my face while I'm being "taken advantage of" by "strong neets". I'm saying you're still undignified, pathetic, and miserable no matter if a couple cents of my tax dollars get siphoned off by you.

It's simple. We kill #MeToo

This entire thread

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ur gay lol

poignant cartoon faggot

>ordinary threads getting deleted left, right and center
>off topic incel hating thread stay up for over 200 replies
Reminder that a tranny janny made this thread

No, women (mostly dumb ones) will continue to spite men and blame them. This won’t change in a post femanist Jew-run society. And don’t think (((they))) won’t be complete charge of the sex bot scheme,if it becomes a reality. They control sex as they do now, nothing will change.

Most black males think like this.

Yeah most women will never learn so they will try to get sex bots banned

>if it becomes a reality. They control sex as they do now
There will be black market then

I still don't get why zoomers think some mental patient is a hero. Arthur isn't a leader and has no control over the mob that used him as an icon.

Why do people find it hard to believe whites are oppressed? I could literally punch a random black person for no reason and I would be labeled as an evil racist, where as Jamal can point guns at white people in the street literally say "I HATE WHITE PEOPLE" and nothing happens to him.

Why do people think Yea Forums is the place to find answers about social psychology?

Sex bots will not solve mans problem. If you thought guys were losers with body pillows or sex dolls, imagine ones who impregnate robots (artificially) and then claim it’s all genuine and real, and that they aren’t huamanity starved losers. Nothing will change

Cope, you will have to compete with Stacy for Chad once sexbots are created, I expected Betties like you to kill themselves once you realize Chad only wants Stacy not girls that are below 8/10.

What if the AI will be so advanced it will act better than real roastie

How is that a cope if I don’t want a sex bot? Who cares who wants them? It’s still degenerate. Sounds like you’re the one whose coping you can’t just get a gf irl and naturally. Keep waiting for those robots

>Chad only wants Stacy
Ummmmm no user this us heterodoxia all women gets chad dick that's why they're so uppity I think you need to study the Texts more

op didn't even say anything about race

All these seething trannies when you’re right

What kind of "chad" can be produced in a generation that all but abandoned actually trying to pick up actual women and instead flees into the arms of simulacra? That just means defeat.

Do you really think these capeshiters would sit through a real movie?

>didn't change anything
>traded the rest of his life for the chance at becoming a /pol/ meme
Definition of success.

based, trannies literally can't deal with this lmao

It's literally Taxi Driver. It's not about anything symbolic, it's the degradation of aan into insanity and his attempts to cope.

This is certainly opression, and men are starting to realize this fact.

Getting a gf doesnt mean shit, its just a hole pretending it cares about you beyond your cock and face. Sexbots are for guys who want actual true monogamy true commitment not just mind games galore which is what real women do even when they married to you. I know its hard for a subhuman roastie to comprehend relationships being something beyond VAGINA OH YH YH WOO but thats the reality.

nice $5 word

>the virgin mass shooter
>the chad unabomber

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>be white man
>cry because you see black men on Yea Forumsand taxes exist
Can't make this shit up

Media, governments, banks, schools... are crushing men.

Did you watch the film? It's about a man trying to process the complex trauma of his childhood but who ends up lashing out violently after being tipped over the edge himself by violence. He was beaten as an infant which lead to brain injuries meaning that he was unable to cry. His involuntary laughter would happen every time he wishes he was able to cry and his inability to do so represents his continued inability to properly process his trauma. Notice that when the men attack him on the train (because of his involuntary cry-laughing) at first he just lies there on the ground and takes it like a helpless infant (just as he does in the very first scene). Then something snaps and after killing his attackers he runs to the public bathroom and does his strange ballet yoga thing- something has finally awakened in his psyche. Arthur is abused and abandoned by those who should have loved him and we can also see this pattern of rejection by symbolic father-figures being repeated- his colleague ('you know your my boy'), Thomas Wayne (who also punches him in the head without provocation), and Murray. Arthur's story is one of man who has been a victim since he was born and when circumstances finally allow him to take ownership of his life, it is already too late and he is already too far gone and it comes out in a violent and maladaptive way. Notice that after he becomes the Joker his laughter is now voluntary, it is no longer a substitute for crying as he has finally shed that part of his past. The society that the Joker emerges out of is both hostile and uncaring at the same time, and so part of his psyche has stayed where it was chained to a radiator as an infant. The genius of the movie is in having the audience relate to his feelings of helplessness while showing the very darkest possible path away from the initial trauma. No offense but I think you are a silly person for trying to make it about incels or identity politics generally.

>Getting a gf doesnt mean shit, its just a hole pretending it cares about you beyond your cock and face. Sexbots are for guys who want actual true monogamy true commitment
Spoken like a true incel

>Getting a gf doesnt mean shit, its just a hole pretending it cares about you beyond your cock and face. Sexbots are for guys who want actual true monogamy true commitment not just mind games galore which is what real women do even when they married to you. I know its hard for a subhuman roastie to comprehend relationships being something beyond VAGINA OH YH YH WOO but thats the reality.

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>Did you watch the film? It's about a man trying to process the complex trauma of his childhood but who ends up lashing out violently after being tipped over the edge himself by violence. He was beaten as an infant which lead to brain injuries meaning that he was unable to cry. His involuntary laughter would happen every time he wishes he was able to cry and his inability to do so represents his continued inability to properly process his trauma. Notice that when the men attack him on the train (because of his involuntary cry-laughing) at first he just lies there on the ground and takes it like a helpless infant (just as he does in the very first scene). Then something snaps and after killing his attackers he runs to the public bathroom and does his strange ballet yoga thing- something has finally awakened in his psyche. Arthur is abused and abandoned by those who should have loved him and we can also see this pattern of rejection by symbolic father-figures being repeated- his colleague ('you know your my boy'), Thomas Wayne (who also punches him in the head without provocation), and Murray. Arthur's story is one of man who has been a victim since he was born and when circumstances finally allow him to take ownership of his life, it is already too late and he is already too far gone and it comes out in a violent and maladaptive way. Notice that after he becomes the Joker his laughter is now voluntary, it is no longer a substitute for crying as he has finally shed that part of his past. The society that the Joker emerges out of is both hostile and uncaring at the same time, and so part of his psyche has stayed where it was chained to a radiator as an infant. The genius of the movie is in having the audience relate to his feelings of helplessness while showing the very darkest possible path away from the initial trauma. No offense but I think you are a silly person for trying to make it about incels or identity politics generally.
So original

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Could you imagine? Crying because there aren't enough niggers on tv?

>comprehend relationships
>realize Chad only wants Stacy not girls that are below 8/10.
you don’t even believe in your own BS kek

The trannies are fucking seething

>Only incels want monogamy
All you are doing is proving men right when we say roasties are subhuman animals who only care about sex not commitment not relationships only sex. Have you forgotten the purpose of pairbonding you stupid female animals? Its to form parental units for future humans not your fucking vaginal pleasure god women are pure scum.

Sometimes I envy gay people because they have less shit to deal with

>No one is holding you back

Shaming is not an argument roasties

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>those words I put into your mouth proves me right
keep it coming jesterfag

You forgot SPLC and AIPAC

Why would I feel guilty as a white man? Blacks were sold to Jewish slavers by other blacks and were given to a very small rich percentage of the population. You're not as smart as you think you are.

I'm telling ya, /pol/fuckery causes just as much brain damage as Huntington's

Art just isn't suited to the americans... even joker needed an italianamerican influence

Stop larping as a guy who wants to be in a committed relationship, it’s cringe.

>Getting a gf doesn mean shit, its not just a hole pretending it cares about you beyond your cock and face. Sexbots are not for guys who want actual true monogamy true commitment

There, argument parity achieved.

Why are you trying to justify being a whore

>Why would I feel guilty as a white man?
Because you are supposed to have a mental illness that compels to appear morally superior no matter how many millions get fucked over in the process.

Liberals are narcissistic monsters they are doing this shit because they think it makes them better people not because they actually care about african savages or muslim jerks. Pure fucking evil liberals are.

You're not a man, you've proven that you refuse to be.

Women are incapable of commitment so I don't care anymore

Why do you make things up?

Yh like a woman can care about a man who isnt her child or father beyond his cock and face get real you lying roastie scum. Ive seen so many times handsome men do nothing in clubs and get instant positive female attention yet you are trying to claim all you dont only care about face or penis size? Fuck off, men hate women because they cant stop lying about their true nature.

>be a man and serve this used up roastie
kys tradcuck

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Don’t ever come back... pls

Gay dude here
I feel bad for straight dudes because women will never be able to love and respect men the way a man can
Modern women are kinda trash

>commit to a woman
Lol your so clingy and needy

>dont commit to girl
You are such an asshole!

Fuck off to CuckTears you simp

lmao this

>get real you lying roastie scum
not an argument sweeaty

What the fuck is a simp?

>women are out to get me!
You’re the simp and don’t you forget it

>implying very part of system isn't heavily stacked in their favor

>Liberals are narcissistic monsters
and social media made it worse, because now they can organize their fucking cult to cancel someone they don't like or pressure anyone. This is why Joker is such a huge movie for these retards, it's capeshit garbage with no originality and a soup opera script, hitting you over the head with all these obvious scenes where you are supposed to feel bad for this underdeveloped character who is ultra narcisistic, pedophile, has urban psychosis and becomes a killer when he stops taking his medications, oh but we are supposed to feel bad for him because society treats him like trash, life is unfair but he is the one who deserves more than anyone, what a fucking bunch of schizos.

someone who tries to grow gummy bears in 9.6 ph soil

>*waah gentiles won't let me assimilate*
>*waah incestuous matriarchal insane culture*
>*waah if only I could be as non-white passing as I was white-passing and incite these minorites I hate less for being Noahide-compliant to take care of the problem for me without cloak and dagger*
Joker isn't a Taxi Driver sequel, it's an unself-aware Barton Fink retread from some script they adapted from the vaults.

>3 Kid Hooligans, 3 Chads in Suits from Wallstreet
The secular 'Barton Fink's' power fantasy, both the Wallstreet Suit and the proletarian kids beating him up.

>somehow the thought completely passes their mind and they act pretty much exactly as the movie portrays them
In slave importer manifests, certain surname types are common among proprietors -- 'Anglo' holdovers after they outlawed it -- Phoenix appears often.

>[[Stroheim, Griffith]]
One of these is not like the other. There is no metanarrative involving yellow journalism magnates and their peccadillos in revenge for tribally affiliated motivations for slanderous reviews.

>He was beaten as an infant which lead to brain injuries meaning that he was unable to cry
Allegorical infant circumcision. Yes, it's that base and simple, and Freudian, and profane.

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Cope, you fuck-up. This level of bile only comes from the social defects that can't look a girl in the eye. Can't call yourself a man by basically giving up to fuck robots.

A man who obeys women like dogs.

>One of these is not like the other.
Yeah that was the point of the image. Retard.

not him but some women are absolutely out to get me
the thinly veiled homophobia from some of these girls is disgusting considering how they pretend to be progressive

>0.3-0.6% of the population in 2016
I don't understand how those numbers are so fucking high. I have never met a transgender person and I don't know anyone who has. Where are all of those trans folk?

>Everything ever only depends on you brah, if you ever dare to suggest our great system and society is flawed in any way you have a small peepee and are an incel
>Here, let me post a picture of an old-timey dude with moustache to fortify my argument with some ancestral energy
You poor tools.

Modern women are spoiled entitled brats who deserve to die childless with cats

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>this offended he doesn't kiss all women's ass
Why does he upset you? Stop acting like a woman.

>Everything ever only depends on you brah
Unless you live in a third world country then yes

>to fuck robots
Its not about sex silly roastie its about the bond something your animal brain cant grasp as men who feel nothing towards you(dark triad psychopaths) is what you are really attracted to yet at the same time you make the silly claim you want bonds with men.

holy fuck I cannot STAND these fucking whores
how does she think some gay men feel? that they'll never, ever, EVER be able to have a child that is truly part you and part your spouse?
she threw her chances into the garbage and expects me to have sympathy?
disgusting, disgusting whore

The men in their lives made them this way. Where’s your excuse now?

>gay men hate women that's why they're gay
It's not the 90's you fucking retard

Fuck off faggot freak get aids and die.

Buddy, there are fucking millions of girls out there. The U.S is a goddamn continent. If you are telling me that you can't find one to look your way than the problem goes beyond what some article you grabbed can tell you.

Just bond with a car or teddy bear or vidya character. What do you need to wait for?

>just treat people with respect bro

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not my fault because I don't fuck chicks?

dilate tranny you'll never have a real penis

Who are you quoting, faggot?

Virtual waifu have been a thing for years now
A dog will always treat you better than a woman

>Mocking bonds
Good show the men in this thread your true nature.

Holy shit grow a pair white men

By definition if you're Living In A Society, nothing fully depends on you.

you're so fucking stupid it hurts
hypergamy is at an all-time high but yeah bro just bee urself and a woman will just fall into your lap
go ahead and ignore all the statistics that literally prove you wrong, keep your head in the sand and dismiss the suffering all around you, it doesn't make you a good person

Is this your first day, redditor? All women are literally identical.

You don't understand the problem, women today have TOO MUCH choice so they are less willing to settle down

you, you untouched cunt

holy shit be less homophobic, whore

>fags so insufferable even their allies hate them
Wow based trannie curb stomping faggots.

You got your EBT yet?

Fuck you the jews made me incel by brainwashing our pure and innocent white women into finding brown men attractive and rejecting superior intelligence like mine

I wasn't. Why do you need to make things up?

>ah no the statistics!
Keep being afraid of your own shadow, you putz

>the lgbt community is a monolith
trust me, I'd kill bugchasers and pedophiles given the legal opportunity

I'm not, I just have empathy for my fellow man
put yourself in someone else's shoes for once, scumbag

Nope. Can fags really not read?

Nah, you are just addicted to video games, porn, and self worship. No better than the women you claim to hate. You deserve each other

>numbahs is raycisss
I disagree.

apparently you can't, no

Everyone hates trannies, they are the biggest attention whores who took over lgbt board

>nuh uh i dindu nuffin
Typical roastie

Number of men who whined online about hypocrisy and begged others for authority, who ended up getting respect
= 0

Number of men who started lifting, smoking and acting like a man, who ended up getting laid and respect
> 0

Simple as

Not an argument poofter.

>mentally ill people don't get along with other mentally ill people
Wooow noo way

No hes right, jews mass promote paleolithic IQ black retards as the ideal mate for white females causing them to only desire men like that while ignoring white men stupid or intelligent.

I strongly suspect "INCEL" is a totally engineered and fake movement by more Agent Provocateurs or "Fracture Agents".
Incel is a portmanteau of "involuntarily celibate". The word itself is kind of a preposterous insult to any person its applied to. In this case, strictly men
Spookiwinx is a good 'meta' nomology strategy to employ on these so called neologisms, acronyms, memes as a starting point.
First of all, the word 'incel' sounds like 'in cell', as in 'intercellular' or "a parasite that exists within the host"--a virus or bacteriophage for example. Or 'In Cell" as in, 'in jail', a name that forbodes its inevitable outcome. It also sounds like 'intel', just swizzle the t for a c, meaning a psyop, 'haha...dupers delight we fooled you again, you fools, you'll never learn'.
The suddenly adopted meme skipped all virality (another red flag) and was blasted out on all channels--as if it were a surveymonkey campaign. On the day I heard it, I felt immediately that it had to have been manufactured out of thin air by MSM, who suddenly all know about it. With these hamhanded, manufactured virality sh*tmemes, its almost as if the MSM is trying to send a coordinated message
>Oh you haven't heard about ____ (incel) yet thru social? I guess you're just not cool. Because like everyone is using ____ and knows what ____ is and if you don't know ____ you don't have any friends, loser.

Most white women still dont date outside of their own race

>Acting like a man
Gets you thrown in prison you feminazi scum

Greentext isn't an argument sweeeaty.

>Its not about sex.
Why entertain the idea of using robots as a replacement if masturbation and hentai can suit your "needs" just fine and then need for companionship could be found in among your fellow man? I also like the cope that you assume I'm a woman by calling you a fuck-up, which is factual. Plenty of kids that a shitty four years in high school spoke like you did.

It's literally a newspeak term for dissatisfied men

none of that is a replacement for intimacy

You idiots are extremely selective when it comes to assigning 'oppressed' and 'privileged' to different groups and desu it's a retarded project in the first place.

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What do you call a system where one side has all of the responsibility and none of the authority while the other one has all of the authority but none of the responsibility?
Sounds a lot like slavery

If you are an american you can easily just finish your high school, don't fuck up, get a job, pay your rent, save up some money, go to community college, get a better job or come up with your own business, you can have a pretty comfy life if you take the right decisions and don't give up to sentimentality

if you spend your life feeling sorry for yourself, waiting for someone to also feel sorry for you, sharing sad memes on facebook, browsing /pol/ looking for other schizos to share your retarded take on life, then society is a bitch indeed

>but a robot will be

t grow up without a father

Based picture

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Is this real? Who is this?

underage b&

This is what I'm talking about. There's no helping you fucking screwhead copesters. That's exact why you will never succeed, why you won't have a family, have prospects or matter at all to anyone. The type that reinforces the idea that some people had the misfortune of being born. And it would help your parents so much if you took a few shots of laundry detergent. Go quietly, like you weren't even here to start

Ignorance is bliss

>Just be miserable you incel!
Fuck off you women are so evil, the only reason you hate sexbots is because the idea of non Chads being happy triggers you.

it remains to be seen whether or not the human brain will process such a bond as suitable intimacy
but if we're talking about truly sentient AIs then I think so
we don't really know what to expect, but it's probably going to be a better offer than the modern woman, who is also incapable of truly providing intimacy in a pair-bonded sense
I'd take a virgin waifu bot over a 7/10 woman with 5+ partners any ole' day of the week

go back to r*ddit

I don't think I'm being original but so many people on this board post as if they completely misunderstand the basic message of the film.

The problem is not incels, its women and its always been women. Men since the dawn of civilization have been bitching about women not giving a flying fuck about bonds only vagina tingles you are the problem you were the problem and you will always be the problem you fucking roastie scum.

ikr, imagine actually being productive in life

So you're telling me that jerking off to hentai and finding a good bro won't make you happy?

Women did not change, men did

What's the point of being productive when most of your money goes into niggers and single moms?

they going to hold your head in their lap and run their fingers through your hair?

>The problem is not incels.
Spoken like a true incel.


True, women are slaves to their nature which is why they don't deserve rights

Just don't worry about that user, just let the fire around you get worse and worse and drink your coffee. So long as you have your coffee everything in life is fine and shouldn't be thought about. Woowie I'm tired I think we should all go to bed.

Are you looking for a wife of a mom?

Life is not a disney movie lmao
That almost never happens

Says the roastie

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>ceep crying lol

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Bro, everyone gets the message, this isn't Batman V Superman, the script isn't that bad and anyone can get the basic message, it's spelled out in every fucking scene, however that message is cynical and somewhat irresponsible, I don't blame Phillips he is basically still a teenager and he just wanted to make an edgy film, he doesn't realize how superficial the movie is, the social inequality theme of the movie is barely even developed but they needed some intensity and that's why it escalated so quick, "kill the rich" in a better written movie wouldn't be such a psycho statement but in this movie the rich people are the bad guys for almost no fucking reason, that's why liberals and incels love it so much, they are so disconnected from reality that they don't care for anything or anyone but themselves

>incel hurr incel
The men who created the first misogynistic content were all men who were successful with women yet women always go HURR INCEL HURR INCEL when men criticize them. This is subhuman reasoning they literally cant fathom a guy they want to fuck not liking them.

>he can't cope with cool cpelling

Robowaifus and artificial wombs would, no doubt, make the world a better place. Men would finally achieve freedom.
But while we wait for them we shouldn't forget about surrogacy. It's our best option right now.

>just let the fire around you get worse and worse
urban psychosis

Did a nigger teach you how to do that?

Watch this

what was the first misogynistic content?

>all the real time evidence of things getting worse
>ha you're just crazy bro just sip your coffee and be happy
Take an IQ test.


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True, chads and incels think a lot alike

aal me babe-eh

Non sociopaths want a wife and family but women consider this boring and lame.

Sociopaths want cock tingles until they drop dead and women consider this exciting and wonderful. Sociopathic dudes have always been successful with women debunking the idea women like men who are gentlemen, sweet, or romantic as sociopaths dont have one iota of romance in them the stupid roasties think a psycho manipulating them is romance where as if a non psycho does it its "creepy".

>This almost never happens
and then you wonder why we'd prefer robots who are programmed to do so lmao

ceep crying lol

How can that not be accomplished with a VR wife simulator and a fucking Fleshlight?

what was the first misogynistic content?

All women are sociopaths basically

what the fuck are you even talking about? incelposting is getting weirder

>True, chads and incels think a lot alike

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>ceep crying lol

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The reality is if all men suddenly started beating women to death with rocks, women would magically begin to respect white men again. This realization is enough to make a white man lose the ability to even view white females as people as this is very disgusting and revolting to realize they only like white men who are monsters they hate civilized white men. They even apply this to to other races they date like blacks I have literally never seen a white female date mentally civilized black man before they always date the most evil ghetto psychopaths they can find, they date the most evil spics they can find, and ignore mostly civilized races like asian men in dating while also adoring arabic jerks.

yep, just like that

>what are numbers how do they even work
God I wish I was this retarded it would make things so easy.