What is the most shocking scene in history of cinema? Pic related

What is the most shocking scene in history of cinema? Pic related.

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The ending of uncut gems got me

Horror movies should be banned.

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>people literally cried and shit their pants seeing this in the theatre

The mexican birthday party scene held a lot more gravitas imo

It's funny, Signs is one of my favorite movies. And through the years on all the systems and screens I've watched on, I've never once seen the alien figure on the roof in that scene. Only a couple months ago in a youtube clip did I see there was actually something there. It's too bad, I'll never know how bad that would have shocked me. The foot in the cornfield and the classic "vamanos children" scene got me good though

The bisection scene in bone tomahawk in theaters when I knew literally nothing about the movie was the wildest fucking moment

>vamanos scene

I said most shocking, not the most disturbing, life-threating, soul-crushing, dreams-devastating psychological terror-inducing kinomurder in history of modern humanity.

Uhh what movie is this?

>that one kid at school that said if you freeze frame on the pantry scene you can see a pair of eyes

Signs (2002).

>the most disturbing, life-threating, soul-crushing, dreams-devastating psychological terror-inducing kinomurder in history of modern humanity.
That's The Mist ending
No piece of art has ever made me feel so hollow and hopeless like that

Oh ty. Forgot that scene.

I'm not how he deserved that. The ending doesn't make any sense.

Why would he have to deserve it? If he deserved it it wouldn't be anywhere near as heavy


My point is that the ending is shocking just for the sake of being shocking. That is not how you do shocking things.

I guess I don't remember that scene at all.

Brain tends to delete negative, life-threating experiences from memory.

It was the most shocking for me. When you watch it for the first time you're expecting something, but you get more than you would've thought. At that mooment Merril and the viewer are both shocked.

No. It's a story of futility. Sometimes you do everything you can and you still won't succeed. That's a part of life. It tells that story in an extremely harrowing and effective way

>part of life
So that means it's not shocking at all. Things which are part of life are ordinery. Defeated by facts and logic.

Bow down

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You think it would have been more memorable.
Like was.

That's what your mother said.

This board is so boring. Why is nobody posting to my amazing thread? Same old shit top threads every day.

>my girlfriend literally died 7 days after seeing this scene in the theater

Watch the entirety of Salo, which left me feeling empty and sad for days afterwards

I would but the captchas being a bitch

I don't understand the ending of the movie. Why did he hang himself?

what's the point of the captcha if barneybot punches through it anyway?

Probs internal hemorrhage from a BBC infusion


Also The Sixth Sense and Blair Witch Project were shocking if you saw them in the theater without knowing anything beforehand. Movie endings aren’t really shocking anymore after you’ve seen a lot of movies though.

yass totes probs

I burst out laughing at that. There's only so much depression a movie can slap me in the face with before it just comes off as insulting, and it loses me/I can't take it seriously.

I imagine the furry fellatio scene in The Shining must have been pretty shocking in 1980.

first time i saw this scene really got me

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what is going on there? i dont remember the ending

The ending of buried is fucking gut wrenching.

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He had a premonition of meeting the Devil, then his soul left his body.


i always thought it was about a fear of failure

more than anything, the winkies man never wanted to become the bum