>this piece of shit cost as much as infinity war
This piece of shit cost as much as infinity war
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I hope Mickey can use his Fantasia magic to cure this shit
Thanks a lot Drump
based corona dabbing on yidsney
Go back to r3ddit
Gee maybe pandering to a global terrorist regime was a bad idea.
lol just delay the release of the movie
NNNOOOO MY PRO CHINA PROPAGANDA. I only got 8 hours of it on my TV today
so theres no fun or magic in this just literally the journey of a asian american dyke wanting to play war?
why don't they just delay the movie instead of not showing it in closed cinemas? it isn't as if it would decay. just release it in October for china day.
Yeah right, it was always going to flop.
>no singing
>no Mushu
>no romance
Mulan was shit with all those things, who the fuck wants to see it without?
don't forget the expensive reshoots they needed because they put in a lesbo kiss that the test chinese audiences all reacted to violently
>it's a virus' fault that it's not a musical and it cut key characters from the original
Why was there one to begin with??
>tens of thousands of movie theaters
Please tell me this is just shitty rhethoric. What country needs several 10.000s theaters?
A country filled to the brim with people
Nobody is going to see this film. They think of Mulan, which makes them think of China, which makes them think of Corona virus. Are any of you going to risk your health to see this shit when it's just going to be out on Disney+ in a few months anyway?
Do you really need to ask that question?
lmao they had to cut the kiss in ROS in asian markets. Disney is one of the main avenues of pushing the globohomo agenda.
Since they cancelled Li Shang to appeal to the foreveralone, manless bluehair landwhale writers they have on staff, they decided a lesbian romance was the ONLY option for mulan.
Ten thousand by itself is pushing it hard, but "several"? That's ridiculous. I live in a major European city, we got like 6 or 7 major cinemas (and a bunch of indie places screening hipster garbage or foreign movies) and they can easily handle major movie releases, up and including MCU and Star Wars premieres.
>comparing your little European city to fucking China
There are a billion more people living in China than even the population of the US.
serves them right for pandering to chinese audiences. let china make its own movies like india does.
It would have bombed anyways. They got to giving a shit about stupid things like what sexuality the characters had and that shit does not go over well in China.
Then the producers would
Yes, and 50% of those people so poor they touch the brim of poverty. They ain't going to the cinemas anytime soon.
October is to crowed plus , malifcent bombed in October
they did. then those SJWs crying bitch fit because the chinese cast Matt Damon in it
>I readily believe this film cost as much as Infinity War on the second hand word of an actress who appears in the movie.
the movie is altered for the chinks. they dictated what goes in it. fuck you all. and disney cock suckers.
>Caro pointed out that Mulan is a landmark for representation not just for having a woman director, but also for having a female director of photography in Mandy Walker (Hidden Figures) and a female first assistant director, Liz Tan
>One moment of slight tension came to Caro when she was asked by an audience member how she reconciled taking the amazing and deserved opportunity to direct Mulan with the critique that perhaps the story should have been directed by someone of Chinese origin?
>Caro acknowledged the legitimacy of the question and said that Disney initially did begin its director search by only considering Chinese filmmakers. But she said it actually was Hong Kong super producer Bill Kong who said to Disney that, 'Actually, this is a Disney film.' It's certainly about Chinese culture and a terribly old and important story there ... But the other culture to contend with is the culture of Disney. It's a very strong culture in the world that reaches many, many people. And so, between them, it was determined that they would widely search for directors that weren't solely Chinese.
This is white women, they talk about diversity all day but they have no problem stealing the spot of an actual diversity person. never take white women seriously, they're not about equality, they want white female supremacy.
You got a source for that? I know they remove a gay kiss when a guy kisses Mulan thinking she was a male but I never heard of lesbian romance.
>Why was there one to begin with??
Because it's 2020
Kek absolute vapid cunt
>first the movie gets stalled so they can find a way to find to chinks more
>then the movie gets stalled again due to "complications"
>main actor then shits all over hong kong chinks infuriating a great deal of the west
>now it's the corona virus
Hahahaha. This just keeps getting better.
>they put in a lesbo kiss that the test chinese audiences all reacted to violently
literally why?
It will still make a trillion dollars just like all the other crappy live action remakes
It's funny because had they not hired an incompetent director and shitty writers, the production would have went on schedule and they would have released the movie before the Corona break out. Now the chinks won't watch the movie in theaters, they will just download the movie and western audiences don't care about Mulan, especially a version made by woke women.
>This is white women, they talk about diversity all day but they have no problem stealing the spot of an actual diversity person. never take white women seriously, they're not about equality
Every day this becomes more apparent.
If you still haven't clued in, you're as retarded as a white woman: easily lead and super easy to emotionally manipulate.
Probably. The majority of television is a joke nowadays. It's still a fun ride while it lasts.
This is the ultimate hope. I hope it fails. Terribly. I know they'll blame it on this and that, but I don't care. It'll still make hilarious threads.
Fuck chinks and fuck Mulan
>muh white women
It's literally all women in first world countries.
Do you faggots literally never leave your house? Go to a slight upper crust neighborhood or a university and ALL the women, black, brown, yellow, green, fucking anything, they're all vapid as fuck.
America shows new movies in 4k theatres (according to boxofficemojo) and China had 5x as many people, do 20k movie theatres would make sense.
It's not about being vapid, it's about white female hipocrisy, they say white men need to leave the spot to diveristy, but white women never leave the spot for any ethnic diversity.
As a product of interracial intercourse, I speak for all mutts when I say "these sjw pairings are cancer"
Isn't Mickey Mouse now public domain?
Diversity is code for gibs. So non-whites will say whatever they want to get ahead and Whites largely do the same. I don't see how anyone believes it's anything more than a psychological trick to get ahead.
lol no
>comparing ancient Chinese culture with the "culture" of a modern American corporation
I like how she had no excuse and had to hide behind some asian producer nobody heard about. All female surp hero movies are now wrotten and directed by white women, but when they make an asian folk tale movie, it's still white women who write and direct. Feminism and diversity is just an excuse for extremely mediocre white women to get high profile jobs they don't deserve.
>Mulan was set to be a blockbuster in china
No it fucking wasn't lmao it would have fucking bombed with or without coronavirus; the virus just gives them the perfect excuse
>Are any of you going to risk your health
You can't catch a virus just by watching a movie, this is not The Ring
It's kike reasoning, they are obsessed with chinks because they are 1.4 billion of them and a lot came out of poverty and can afford movie tickets. A kike is obsessed with potential endless chinabux he forgets about everything else.
It was a normal kiss and the gubmint wanted it out.
Censor boards are the first the see these movies in chinkland
And? Literally all modern women in the west would do the same.
You show me a single non-white who wouldn't do that and I'll show you a liar.
>They ain't going to the cinemas anytime soon
they are the poor need bred and circus to be kept under control
>no li Shang
have they not watched any movies or TV shows from East Asia. It's all romance shit.
>disney movie does bad
>its the alt right!
>its toxic fandom!
>its drumpff!
>its the corona virus
is it possible that it's just a bad movie?
They're retarded because the vast majority of china is still dirt fucking poor, a percentage of them can buy tickets but just because a small percentage of a big number is still a big number, doesn't mean its profitable. The take-home from chink cinemas is almost fucking zero. Their culture is also completely different. Why isn't Hollywood chasing the Indian market? They have equivalent populations and industrialisation.
Coronachads win again.
I enjoy seeing companies loose money more than I enjoy seeing their movies.
>is it possible that it's just a bad movie?
only if its about a white man doing non diverse things everything else is literally blasphemy
>Why isn't Hollywood chasing the Indian market?
Indians dont wanna watch niggers they wanna watch pretty white girls. The western propaganda machine doesnt sell outside the west where common sense is still legal
Same, Satan... same.
>You show me a single non-white who wouldn't do that and I'll show you a liar.
We don't have an example of that since the West is white dominated (men and women), however white women are posing as 'diversity and minority'. They are none, white women are the most privileged and sheltered people on the planet. They replace white men in the name of equality, they never let actual diversity take the spot, it's all about white women. I'd say the biggest enemy of actual diversity are white women.
Indians are already addicted to Bollywood, they produce more movies than Hollywood so it's difficult to break into that market while China doesn't have an industry as big as Bollywood.
I dont know if this is what that user meant but if there is a virus going around then going into an enclosed space with a bunch of strangers for 2 hours isnt something that a lot of people are going to risk.
>t. non-white
>We were looking for a story that did a few things. We wanted to tell a story that we don’t see enough of… a story about a strong woman of color who gets to be the hero. We were also looking for something we thought it was possible to sell, since we wrote the script on spec and were hoping to get paid for that work. And, of course, we wanted a story that got us excited to write and to see on the big screen one day. After a lot of brainstorming and research and advice from smart people, Mulan became the obvious choice.
>We watch a lot of stuff and always recommend to other writers that they watch and analyze as much as they can. Here are just a few of our current favorites:
>The Handmaid’s Tale: Chilling and powerful in its timeliness and so visually stunning. Also, the structure is amazing, especially the way the storylines play with time. Every choice is so carefully made and executed.
>Jane the Virgin: Comedy! Romance! Tragedy! Strong women! This checks all our boxes. Plus, it’s another show that is very carefully thought out and structured. Hints of the events from the current season are laid in all the way back at the beginning.
>Hidden Figures: A movie we’ve already seen multiple times. It’s about strong, ambitious women who never competed with each other, but supported each other through tough times. And, from a writing perspective, it made a super compelling drama out of people doing math!
Good. Less non-whites.
good, fuck disney
>The Handmaid’s Tale
Life in the middle east but we pretend its white women who have to suffer through it in drumpfs america
>Jane the Virgin
Dunno that one but no one hates female virgins more than other women since they want a even playing field
>Hidden Figures
Literal fucking propaganda when you look up the actual women who are the whitest niggers you will ever see looking nothing like the actors they casted. Hidden figures with Nasa would be all the nazi scientists in reality
based corona-chan
The earliest feminists were in the KKK, none of this is a surprise, the movement was invented against ethnic minorities because white men would be rather replaced by white women that letting minorities compete with them. It's a bit funny to watch white women treating white men as second class citizens, I guess there is justice somewhere.
Dabbing on godless chinks
>watching all those garbage to get inspiration to make a action movie about a woman trying to fight mongols
jesus fucking christ
>high profile jobs they don't deserve.
As opposed to the token minorities who totally deserve the high profile jobs based on nothing but their ethnicity?
Alright, Chang.
I love how Chang tier this post is.
rent free
The point is that it's only white women, you get more brown people as token characters in movies but when it comes to producers, directors, writers and people who actually have decision power it's always white women.
If they're smart they will hold it until later in the year.
If they were smart, they wouldn't making this kind of movies. Like take another popular classic, and pozz it hard.
i know so many asian girls who cream themselves over mulan can recite the movie word by word but have no fucking interest in watching this shit
>And so,
"It doesn't apply to me. I'm rich, and I fuck who I want. My ex is an asshole. Jealous of my talents!"
Iger noped out because of this
Until when? Corona virus is kind of indefinite
I'm more triggered by "Disney culture" being treated as a real culture
Can it make it back outside of China?
I don't want to be one of *those* guys but just imagine if these millions of dollars being spent to release shitty Hollywood slop in China were instead spent on funding scientific research or put into public works projects... You know, make people's lives better instead of trying to scam China out of hundreds of millions to make more movies.
Nobody was going to see it anyway.
Do you understand just how many people China has?
I'm sure you do, Satan
More people in China get run over twice in one week than the population of your "major European city".
Stop pretending you know things, eurofag. You're only fooling yourself.
It's Nicki Caro reporting what he supposedly said, I wouldn't be surprised this is heavily distorted.
Ok but why are there no black people in the movie? Racist whores.
>You think we're a charity? You think all that talk about diversity and shit is genuine?
Why do they call asians "people of colour"? What colour are they, yellow?
Fuck yes, let them eat themselves. The more people say this kind of shit the more obviously mental it'll seem. I take it the director of live action frozen won't be Scandinavian.
We're now actually at the point where a film can't be about a place unless everyone involved is from that place. If Casablanca was made today people would be in uproar that Rick wasn't Moroccan
Sonic is currently at almost triple its budget without China.
Mulan just needed to not spend as much.
Women have been using this meme successfully so far. look all these female characters and stories made by men are now being taken over by women because men aren't allowed to write women characters anymore.
This will be the death of Super hero movies.
>main actress was born in Wuhan
KEK what are you doing God your making it to obvious
From what I hear it was going to be woke trash, so the Chinks wouldn't have watched it anyhow.
The virus saved them the embarrassment of flopping in Asia.
>muh Uyghurs
>dat corona-tan
I saw the trailer, and it looked like she was a kung-fu master now doing flips in the air and shit.
What a load of fucking shit.
Wait are you arguing FOR race based filmmaking?
>Chinks puts muslims into camps
>God puts chinese cities into quarantine
It's like poetry
Such a stupid image. Every movie would have directors, writers and showrunners, presumably who are male besides those women cherrypicked out here.
No, I'm highlighting white women hypocrisy. They're campaigning for women filmmakers for female led movies, but when it's an asian or black led movie, they still want a white woman director. I even read one "feminist filmmaker" article, in the comments there were white women filmmakers interviewed. In the comment a black woman asked why they were all white female and the response was enraged white women saying we worked for it and shit. So when white men make movies, it's male privilege, but when white women make movies, they worked for it and the ethnic minorities aren't working hard enough.
Well if you were able to read you'd see that in all these projects there are female directors or writers or both. And this is CAPESHIT a genre created by men for boys, it's overwhelmly masculine yet there are more women involved.
Wouldn't you be surprised if women magazines were written by men?
oppa epic style
>if you were able to read you'd see that in all these projects there are female directors or writers or both
What? I'm saying besides those women, most in these projects are men. For example it's saying only 3/11 of the directors are women. Right?
Of course capeshit is a masculine thing, I'm not saying affirmative action is right, just that the image is dumb.
Maa sha'Allah
It's not dumb at all, they're putting women in the creative process, the writing and directing are critical in a movie. It doesn't matter if 90% of technical stuff and crew is male. How do you think BoP ended up the way it did? Female writer and director.
Reply to this post with blessings to Nurgle, god of plagues.
>bless papa Nurgle
Ah, I see. I was thinking the image was making a huge deal out of a small amount of women, but you're saying even if it's 10% female, they have too much creative power.
It doesn't even matter anyway. Either the movies turn out good, or it's just more get woke go broke to add to the pile.
good, finally women do something right
>woman director
Why do lefties do this? Why? I do not understand. The adjective of woman is “female”. A director who is a woman is a female director.
Summer literally just finished
Stop getting me sick you fucking fat bastard. I keep everything clean, yet I can't stop getting ill
Oh my fucking god I forgot about that thing
Or you know, releasing a bio-weapon across the planet to cripple every country and kill fuck knows how many innocent people.
Why are these websites so concerned if a movie does well in China? What's their horse in this race? Like their jobs depend on Disney performing well. Why are they always spreading panic about reshoots when most blockbusters have reshoots? Why do they even care about box office? Does that somehow validate the movie? Oh, no poor Disney isn't gonna make bank on this one movie? The children! Think of the children!
>Ten thousand by itself is pushing it hard
USA has like 300 million people and major releases are on 3k+ screens. So triple the people, triple the auditoriums, I guess.
Chinks, apparently
They're there only for the diversity image Disney is trying to showcase. You really think these whores will have any kind of output? Most of the legit male directors Marvel employed fucked off because Marvel wouldn't let them do what they wanted, let alone some random roasties.
One person eating bat soup literally ended all of China's financial progress since the cultural revolution
>and a female first assistant director
Big deal. Assistant directors are like ushers. Moving extras around and telling them to be silent. Is this really some landmark for women? Giving out medals for swimming in a bathtub?
>Disney initially did begin its director search by only considering Chinese filmmakers
So, if you're writing a script that features a diverse cast do you have to bring in a asian or a black person to fill in the dialogue for characters that correspond with their races?
People are dying on the streets of China, but OH NOOoo Disney might not make a billion dollars off of their latest SJW fueled live action remake cash grab.
Poor Disney. They are the true victims in all of this. How will they possible recover.
Go shoot up a Walmart, incel
But user, I don’t care about any of those things
Chinks aren’t human
Nobody gives a fuck if they die
>lesbo kiss
Who would do that, just go on the internet and lie?
Global pandemics are TIGHT.
>no Mushu
to be honest, dead chinks is a good thing
>what do a couple have to do with promoting Tinder
Most of these are not really that hard to grasp honestly.
I will slaughter any bugmen who dare to defile turkic-mongol-russo mutt beauties in the name of Allah.
>So, if you're writing a script that features a diverse cast do you have to bring in a asian or a black person to fill in the dialogue for characters that correspond with their races?
No, you can bring white women, because white women can write and direct all races and genders, somehow.
>You really think these whores will have any kind of output?
They absolutely do. Where have you been? why do you think everyhting is pozzed and woke?
Exacly, Grandfather is telling you to let it go. You need personal musk to atract females too.
>That would be $250 including mandatory protective mask
In 3 years yes.
Despite the fact that interracial relationships are very uncommon
they will lobby to push it another 20 years further and keep doing so for the forseeable future
>People are dying on the streets of China
good riddance. too bad they had to spread the infection beyond their borders. hope it gets to israel at least
Thank you RoCOUGH COUGH aaaargh EEEE ah ACHOO wheeze! Thank you Robert.
>hope it gets to israel at least
Already has.
>>The Handmaid’s Tale: Chilling and powerful in its timeliness and so visually stunning. Also, the structure is amazing, especially the way the storylines play with time. Every choice is so carefully made and executed.
Ah yes the "shariah law except it's WHITE MEN's fault" show.
Fun fact, did you know that a dating site carried out an experiment where they matched interracial couples, mainly black and whites more to see if that would increase the amount of it's users who dated interracially and it worked? :^)
It's just how white feminists shit both on muslims and white christians.
>retards wearing the meme mask because they think it will magically protect them
>Don't buy the mask goy they don't work
>Btw please stop hoarding masks goys the hospitals need them!!!
chinese people hated mushu because it was disrespectful and basically a mockery of their culture
More than half of those men would be white by american standards. What's the problem?
Phew, good thing people are rational!
Muslims are never acknowledged in the show. Christians are - they literally take all the shit from the middle east and paint "traditionalist christians" with it to the point where it hinges on propaganda and subliminal conditioning.
Handmaid's Tale is basically the america that "people" like Pence want. It's a great cautionary tale about what you get if you let the conservative mutts rampage free.
>people coughing on back infecting everyone in at least a 5 meter long cone in front of them
>but at least the movie isn't infectious!
Based retard.
They force light skinned uyghurs to marry chink officials. It's disgusting.
>What's the problem?
american standards. Those are Swedish commercials
Just look at this booty. Doesn't it makes you sick?
Not applicable.
This. Why didn't Mulan get BLACKED?
It's barely subliminal, everyone is saying it's sharia law and stuff. They did it on purpose.
Masks are to prevent people from spreading disease, not to prevent people from catching them.
It's both, there are two types of masks.
>CNN lies
in other news water is wet
Good movie was shit as soon as they cast a white man
>set to be a blockbuster
but literally every piece of information about it was showing how disinterested the chinese were in mulan, how apathetic domestic was, etc.
Fantasia magic? What does a black porn star have to do with anything
>female this female that female female
can you stop
38% of people do not have shit taste, good for them
>n-no our movie didn't fail because it's bad it was uhhhhh *looks up lists of excuses* THAT VIRUS THING!! SO YEAH!!
If it fails Disney can blame the poor box office numbers on both misogyny AND sinophobia. Brilliant.
no they CAN'T
thanks capitalism.
>fast and furious movie come out
>-4 becomes +400% for a few months
>cnn cries
>disney tries to blame xenophobia, people riot outside of disney for HK rights
>the mouse dies within the next 5 years
If China's economy collapses maybe we'll finally see some decent blockbusters, come on ceronachan!
Because hype will die down and it will cost a tone of money in marketing to get anyone to turn up.
there's currently no hype right now though