>What is National Socialism National Socialism is a philosophy or world view. It is the belief that Man is a part of the natural world and that he is in no way separate from it. It is the belief that society should be structured in accordance with the laws of Nature. An integral part of National Socialism is Racial Idealism which is based on the love of your own people. This is expressed by placing the interests of the racial community to which you belong ahead of your own personal desires. National Socialism believes that all men are NOT created equal. Just as every individual has his strengths and weaknesses, so too does each race have qualities that make it different from other races. National Socialism also believes in the improvement of your people. National Socialism’s goal is that each new generation of children will be better off than the one before it. National Socialism believes in putting the people before yourself, but there is a considerable difference in the socialism of Hitler and that of Marxist doctrine. Hitler saw nationalism as a patriotic motive to place the good of one’s country before personal ambition.
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oh awesome i love socialism ill be sure to check this out
James Long
I'm actually genuinely curious about national socialist kino. What are some films from that era of German film that is actually good?
Beyond "Triumph of the Will" and Leni in general I don't know much about it. I doubt Yea Forums is patrician or objective enough to discuss the subject though. There are plenty of Soviet era directors (Tarkovsky, Eisenstein) that we talk about every now and then
Karl Marx birthname (((Moses))) was literally born from a family of over 100 rabbis.
Cooper Clark
>There is literally nothing wrong with private property
The literal source of the common mans slavery is the capitalist labour relationship, this is only possible through private property. No one are Natsocs anymore this isn't 2018. People either went Nazbol, Communist, Accelerationist, or nihilist
Socialism is the workers owning the means of production like Communism, but in Communism it's a classless, moneyless, stateless society, Socialism is before Communism
Socialism isn't monolithic and a lot of socialists are actively hostile to communism. Socialism coming before communism is specially a Marxist-Leninnist ideological concept.
Lincoln Harris
fuck off dubskike. you cant suppress the truth anymore.
Dylan Baker
Fucking retarded idiot didn't understand Marxism and his pseudo socialism was just "hey German capitalist I like you, Jewish capitalist I hate you" bullshit fraud. Goebbels should have remained a Marxist and led the party, aimed for good relationship with the USSR, Hitler ruined everything and killed 60 million Whites by invading Poland when he promised not to
Jace Evans
My 100 acres of land being mine is hurting literally nobody. My family lives out here and we hunt and grow fruit trees and berries.
John Robinson
based fuck partisan hacks
Jackson Lewis
Holocaust deniers are on the same level of conspiratorial dunderheadedness as flat earthers. Let me explain how: All of us know that the earth revolves around the sun, but I doubt any of us here could prove so mathematically. Does that make our knowledge less certain? Absolutely not. We know what we know on the basis of the expertise of those who can prove it and have. Historiography, although not a science, is modeled on the scientific method in that all historical research is evidence based. Historians use only primary sources and ascertain the validity of their findings through a web of peer review. "History is written by the winners" is a tired platitude which dismisses the study of history as a sort of literature, not the evidence based methodology it actually is. Everything is documented. If you don't believe it, just follow the citations. Ever wonder why deniers just pick at non-historical accounts of the Holocaust and never touch anything penned by an actual historian? Because they can't refute the bedrock of historiographical research establishing the facts of the holocaust, the primary documentation, without flailing their arms and claiming without evidence that all of the Nazis' own paperwork are Jewish forgeries, or that chemists, geologists, archeologists, or any other experts are in on it too.
Daniel Thompson
there is no sauce unfortunately user i will post the entire thing though so save it, its probably the most important natsoc literature to exist
You act as if state-owned property would abolish the enslavement of the people. History shows the foolishness of your ideology; not one communist/socialist society was a free one. Funnily enough, NS was close.
If only Ohm Adolf had died in '35 as planned he would've been the gieste to lead the movement and we would have had 25 years of peace before the next war
Then don't complain then. Liberalism rules through suggestive power structures and liberalism ability to expand markets aiding capitalist enslavement. In the US suicides are skyrocketing, wealth inequality is insanely high, 50% of workers live paycheck to paycheck etc etc
so saying niggers are dangerous because of their criminal behavior is fine?
Samuel Smith
I men's modern day "liberalism" is actually fairly totalitarian. You should read "The Power of the Powerless" , it was written by a Czech rebel against their communist regime examining the methods of social control they used.
It's honestly even more terrifying than reading 1984 or A Brave New World and comparing them to modern governments.
Carson Gonzalez
Kayden Hughes
Why is this allowed but I can’t post threads about my favorite actress without it being deleted
Imagine being stupid enough to fall for the socialism meme. You have to be some type of trailer trash, nigger or a spic right out the river to think its a good idea.