You're awful, Murray

You're awful, Murray.

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Me? I'm awful? How am I awful?

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The Joker sucked
>Oh no society bad
>me kill people
why didn't he lift some weights, learn to fight and just beat the crap outta deniero on tv? But I guess thatd require him to quit being a loser

My favourite movie of 2019

Easily in my top 2 capeshit flicks of all time.

Your laughing. Roasties are crying in their sheets and you're laughing!

>You don't know a thing about me, pal
That's what I would call high quality cope. He didn't even try to address it, he just brushed it away.

>wow society having problems leads to people in society having problems
So deep

Well the other one can only be The Dark Knight so it's interesting how the best movies are always when the Joker is involved. They should just make more movies about Joker.

That's always what people do when they've lost the argument and don't want to admit it. They just don't respond.

You suck user.

Between Joker, Ad Astra, and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, 2019 has been a nonstop barrage of kino. I definitely need to keep watching movies from 2019, something good was in the water that year.

The line about werewolves sounded like something a teenager would write.

this posts are reaching self parody

never checking this thread again

>you're awful anxiety

yeah? well check this

Perfect. Now that you aren't looking I can announce that I am gay.

Nice pasta

I like to think that this scene was Joaquin Phoenix recreating his interview with Letterman and doing what he really wanted to do.

>you're Offle Murray
Why was Arthur so retarded? His name is Murray Franklin.

Why is his first name a last name and his last name a first name?

Foreshadowing to Dunnhier, Offle's son.

>What do you get when you cross Amentaliél Lonah with Asusaite, who abandons him and treats him like trash?
What the fuck was Asusaite's problem?

>Smee? How am I Offle?
I’d be confused if I was Murray too

What ethnicity are these names?

Where was the incel uprising we were promised Yea Forums? You lied.

Still it blows my mind that this movie was made by the guy who did The Hangover. They should start giving more directors chances to go out of their comfort zone. Give the guy who did the Harry Potter movies some arthouse film. It might turn out well.

Its not a pasta. I genuinely did not like the movie and Arthur is the definition of a pussy.
I was expecting him to get his crap together, right the wrongs in his life. Or at the very least, maybe we'd get a joker that wasn't gay.
But no, we couldn't even have that. Phoenix's joker is an effeminate loser that complains about how rough it is out there but does nothing to better things for himself. Instead he tears everyone around him down like a twat.

I know

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>maybe we'd get a joker that wasn't gay.
Huh? He had a girlfriend.

Fuck OUATIH. Quentin Goblino did Bruce dirty.

What was up with the scene where he walks into the glass door? It came at a weird time in the movie for it to be comedy.

The script was weak in general, especially the dialogue, which is strange because Phillips is generally good at writing banter. Joaquin elevated the fuck out of the material

Jokew: “What do you get.when you when you cwoss a mentawwy iww wonew with a society that abandons him and tweats him twash!”

Muwway: “Caww the powice gene.”

Jokew: “I’ww teww you what you get.”

Jokew: “You get what you fucking desewve!”

Because you're a loudmouth liberal that refuses to accept the problems liberals have wrought in California, the culture of which you defend by not speaking out.

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whilst I enjoyed the movie that line about "warewolving" was cringe. in my 22 years of life i have not once ever heard "warewolf" used as a verb. seems like something an edgy 14 year old would say

Where was batman in the movie

Can't disprove it?

I dunno how all this ties in to the DCEU but Batman would be 15-20 at this time

Not to mention this is supposed to be set in the 70s. That's not even slang people would've used then.


>movie changes everything about Joker's origin story for the purpose of telling its own unique story

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I also thought it was weird the way he described himself as a loner. Loners don't call themselves loners.

Am I the only one who was breathless during this scene? Not even memeing. Chills ran down my spine and I felt like I couldn't breathe. I somehow forgot I was in the theatre and in that moment I was Arthur. After the movie was over I heavily considered a mass shooting, but ultimately decided against it. Still! I find myself giggling much more and indulging my violent tendencies. This film really woke something up in me. People are just so fucking awful these days.

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that guy was a gay man

this is the kid i told u about

>The line about werewolves sounded like something a teenager would write.

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It was kinda funny but I think it just shows that it’s just one thing after another with life shitting on Arthur.

Only because they still have hope someone could want to be around them.

reported to the fbi

>they think we'll just sit there, and take it like good little boys!
>they think we won't fight and werewolf!
I thought it was him reverting into an abused boy, it seemed like he was referring to his mothers boyfriends abusing him and finally reacting to it. didn't seem like bad writing to me

>>The line about werewolves sounded like something a teenager would write.

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I doubt you could even kill yourself with fucking it up. I don’t believe in you and I expect nothing from you, yet somehow I’m still disappointed.

>just lift bro!!

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uhh yeah i'm thinking he's based

i'm awful :(

I'm fucking an 18yr old right now, and I have a few other girls in waiting. You don't even need to lift, as long as you eat right and stay in shape. The main problem is most of these guys are socially inept retards with dumb voices and a spergy gait.

>society didn't du nuffin. I'm totally not a basedboy.

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take a look at this joker

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