Is the show actually good now?
The Owl House
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Lets take this opportunity to go over everything that has now happened.
Hunter is a clone but not just any clone he is but one of many, completely interchangeable and disposable clones created by both "The Collector" and Belos on the off chance Belos needs a literal meat puppet to preform experiments with like with that one instance where he attempted to sacrifice Luz or Lilith to the monster guarding the other end of the sealed off door or in need of a younger heavily moisturized body to marionette to feel young again.
Knowing all of this information offhandedly this show can only end in 3 possible ways.
Outcome A: Darius and the Coven Leaders desperately instruct to the Blights that they need to evacuate before The Collector and Belos turn the Magic Draining Machine on to reincarnate the Titan. Amity is strongly against the idea but Luz goes to Odalia and tells her "Amity will be useless here her magic will just be drained."
Outcome B: Alador finally grows a spine and tells Odalia "We're not leaving. I am not gonna let the Emperor put me, my family and Darius in danger because of his seething hatred for magic." Odalia hates the idea but is outvoted by her family
Outcome C: Alador, Amity and Odalia all have a part to play in this but Odalia's part is purely for selfish reasons. No Magic means No Abominations and No Abominations means no customers. This also makes her contract with the Emperor null and void since Hunter and Darius are against the Emperor now.
Who the fuck cares?
Damn, last episode really made all this dumb family drama with the blights and everyone else look retarded. Who cares. Belos is ending the world. And thats a good thing.
no, never was, never will, but pedophiles enjoy the validation.
it had promise, but butchered it with LGBTQ+ representation. There was none at first, but then at some point they decided to go all out suddenly, with several background characters being gay, the main character of course and even included a retarded ugly looking gender neutral character as a love interest for another main character(who was previously mentioned to be straight and not into this fuckery)
So if you can still enjoy a show that has "potential" and don't mind this rainbow bullshit, then it might be a show for you. At least the artstyle is "the bare minimum" of what i consider an attractive artstyle.(not counting the gender neutral freak)
someone do this
not even a bird can save him now
No, it’s not. And no amount of threads that you make will change that it’s terribly written tripe.
The show has good elements just like Based Belos
So is the Amity Locket theory still a thing?
People have been saying it looks like an eclipse and it will have something to do with the collector.
People are saying Collector will possess luz.
But what if they're gonna possess Amity???
> the dyke loses it
that would be believable representation
Um is there anyone else here who wants belos to win? I feel like he's a maniac but one that is kinda in service of humanity, well if he can keep the collector happy. Still I like him.
Maybe he will be able to do as much damage as possible.
What if he indeed manages to kill people in witches and demons.
It is now.
If The Collector is male and he possesses Luz, would that make him trans or does Luz grow a futa dick?
he’s gonna collect all the pronouns, that’s his master plan
then he'll collect all the STD's
4 episodes left, right?
I wanna see Odalia, Darius, Alador, Perry and Boscha parents team up
Five actually
>Darius has been sad when he saw Hunter getting promoted as The New Golden Guard.
>Darius knows the fate of the Grimwalkers.
>That's why Darius has been so happy for Hunter getting new friends and not following what Belos says to him.
>Emperor Belos: The Golden Guard has betrayed us
>Kiki: I knew he would, that slime
>The Emperor's Coven: OH NO
>Darius: This is a new feeling, pride in someone else.
Are we using this thread then?
> the good guys win, belos dies, hunter is free
> he decides to research grimwalkers to better understand what he is
> turns out he's only got two years to live because belos only put the bare minimum of magic necessary, he wasn't built to last
> his face when
anyone else think King's race of demons look stupid as fuck as adults or is it just me
he requires a hug from the following people
She has no reason for it.
>Hunter spends his last days building the "perfect" Grimwalker
>similar to him as he didn't have a lot of options for the Bone of Ortet
>different enough
>when its finally done, the new Grimwalker asks "who am I?"
>Hunter gives it the name Caleb
>it then asks "who are you?"
>Hunter tells him it doesn't matter since he won't be around for much longer, but that Caleb can think of him as a brother
>Caleb finally asks "what is my purpose?"
>The only answer Hunter can comfortably give is "To be happy"
virgin other villains
>kill hundreds
>to save thousands
CHAD Belos
>kills hundred
>makes their families worship him and his cult
>all so that he can kill them all later
can anyone here claim that he is not based?
They would never allow Emperor Basedlos to win.
dude worked his way up from fratricide, to homicide to genocide
does anyone have that edit of this pic with Ena's face on it that got posted a while ago?
>He also want to kill Twitter
> hunter's last moments is turning into ash while group hugging the entrails
I like Willow
where is that image from?
It's mostly the theories people made that were obviously cooler(like King being a titan), and the big eyes that ruin any potential for cool looking design they could have had
No. it has few good moments but overall it lacks bite. I would put it somewhere in the same range as ladybug
That's okay user.
Willow has been improved.
Let's hope she can help Hunter's situation.
ok guys, I know it's impossible to tell who those three characters were cause of their cloaks
but, hear me out, cause I have a theory about one of them
Not really. He just seems like a jackass. I was actually waiting for his wooby paste to get dropped in the backstory ep but now he just seems like an ass. Not helped by the fact they are downplaying the horror of that world.
It's from a promo that Dana did.
That's Edge of the World.
That's Raine.
More like
>Emperor Belos: The Golden Guard is dead, Long live the Golden Guard.
as he rolls out new copy.
>Belos is an incel manchild lashing out because his brother got a girlfriend and stopped playing pretend with him
we had the Collector for like two minutes and I already crave more of him
>hey, Phil wanna /gs/
either you're fucking retarded, or one of the worst trolls I have ever seen
never before have I seen a joke go so far over someone's head
People here can be shockingly autistic
hah, Belos the 400-year-old virgin
No, you hear me out
Do you have this reaction to your dad pulling a "hi hungry, I'm dad" joke?
>Hunter was meant to be a host body for the Collector
>he's gone so now he needs a new grimwalker
>except this time he'll do things differently
Belos creates a Luz grimwalker just to pervert her life and because he's tired of Caleb betraying him.
>belos gets creative and the new one is a girl
>wants to fuck her, realizes he's gay
Googling only takes a few seconds, don't worry about that.
> "how does a blade in your ribcage feel, brother?"
> "don't care, had sex"
This is getting out of hand.
Is this the Clawthorne ancestor or their kid? Looks pretty small
Has been all season
I don't get why people are assuming Belos hates witches just because his brother dated one. How many times have the inhabitants of the Boiling Isles fucked over Luz? If she hadn't immediately met Eda, she'd be dead by the second episode.
Probably the ancestors based on the boots and dress
> "collector, I would like to offer this body for you to host"
> it's hunter
> the collector has witnessed firsthand the multiple acts of abuse belos commited towards his grimwalkers
> "keep for yourself this puppet of flesh, I do not want my butthole trashed!"