How long will it take me to understand Kant...

How long will it take me to understand Kant? Currently an assistant proffesor on campus only has one specialization:Kant, he also wrote his thesis on Kant. It looks to be as this guy has dedicated his life to academia to studying and teaching kant but also has a few other specialties. My question is, to understand Kant well would I have to devote my life this TA? like gee whiz is he really that hard or is this guy just a fanatic?

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fuck ton of spelling errors sorry

similar question to OP's, if I've never read any philosophy except the Gorgias, what do I read to prepare for this?

he's a fanatic, no one can tell you how long it will take YOU to understand Kant, now fuck off and go read Kant, stop making these pointless threads

Plato, the Rationalists and the Empiricists

I read the critique of pure reason when I was maybe 14 and loved it, so it can't be too difficult.

sure thing Einstein we believe you

I read Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus when I was six, loved it

I know what you mean, I don't get all these people who don't understand Principia Mathematica, like come on guys, I read it in preschool

I'm not even joking. It's one of my fondest memories. My brain was practically empty and I had an epiphany once per page or so which is just a wonderful feeling. It's comprehensible and written in a step by step manner. I'm sure I didn't get everything but I had much more difficulty with other books.

It's not that hard. Just read the property prerequisites.

oh shut the fuck up you autistic sack of shit

Critique of Pure Reason at age 14? how cute. while you were out reading Kant, I studied Finnegans Wake, which I read for the first time at 6 months old. you are nothing

Stop making that joke, it really isn't that difficult. I mean compare it to the Frankfurt School or even someone like Sartre. Everything in Sartre is just 'evident', he doesn't explain anything. Kant gives you a rational step by step introduction which you can follow. Maybe the translations are bad idk.

I the exact experience user, coincidentally at 14 too. I hardly understand the massive copes in the rest of the thread, Kant seems a beautifully analytic writer and his project just as highly so.

This, I read and perfectly understood all of Kant's work by age 10. The incels in this thread are just coping for their intellectual inferiority.

I know what you mean, My mother read me Fanged Noumena when I was an unborn baby, had no problem understanding it. Even had a critique prepared before I was born.

Just read it. You shouldn't have too much trouble. I read about half of it when I was 8 but then moved on to something more challenging. David Hume's Enquiry, I believe.

Remember OPee, adolescence is worshipping Kant, adulthood is knowing that Hegel was right all along

I read Being and Time in utero, dear ol' mom got a real kick out of it.

Why do people ITT shit on someone who might have been a genuinely intelligent and precocious teen?

If someone is born with an IQ >2.5 s.d.s above the mean it might be feasible for that person to read Kant that early. Stop shitting on others because of your own insecurity, it's pathetic and womanly.

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Because it's funny you sensitive woman

>having to actually read Kant and Hegel
I'd already independently worked out all their ideas and refuted them by the time I was seven


You couldnt do that by the mere fact that at 14 you havent even developed abstract analytical thinking as your brain was not matured enough. So even if you read it you cant understand it. Even someone with analytical and abstract skills would have problems because that work requires previous knowledge that noone without study possess so even if you were genius in this aspect there is a huge chance of you not getting it but only believing you do.

The problem with Kant and others like him is not that HIS WRITING is hard to understand, it's that you need to know everything that came before. Almost every work from that time is a response to another, or an entry into a semi-public discussion. They're not meant to work by themselves.
Which is also why I can guarantee this 14 yo kid in this thread did not get anything out of that book.
Simply because it's impossible and it's not a matter of IQ. It's a matter of knowledge. It's like saying you read and understood Nietzsche as a child - the writing isn't hard but without knowledge of the things he uses as a basis, you won't get him.

Its actually seems pathetic to me desu

Women always hate seeing men having fun

Honestly, it just takes a while to get used his "style" of writing. Same with Hegel. Read books about Kant, if you have a good understanding of all his viewpoints prior to reading his books it becomes surprisingly easy.

Some people spend decades on it and stiml haven't got it

I remember when my mother used to read me Phenomenology of Spirit before bed

Here you go, you now understand Kant.

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>He didn't even read Fanged Noumena in the wombena