Just wanted to say congratulations to Malcolm actor Frankie Muniz on his recent marriage! Glad to see this guy staying...

Just wanted to say congratulations to Malcolm actor Frankie Muniz on his recent marriage! Glad to see this guy staying strong after Erik's untimely death.

Attached: rs_1024x759-181119160118-1024-Paige-Price-frankie-muniz-engaged.jpg (1024x759, 80K)

Dude lucked out by being a cute kid. Got a ton of money so it doesn't matter that he aged into a gremlin.

Did ANYONE from this show other than Bryan Cranston make it?

Stevie's dad was Uncle Ruckus from the Boondocks. So no

they were all being diddled (look it up), so they never really had a chance

remember that time he shit down the wagie's throat?

Attached: mun.jpg (500x262, 24K)

He went through a rough patch but he looks fine now. Pretty sure he's short though

hope he doesn't have a stroke or something

Attached: canyourepeatthequestion.png (600x751, 350K)

absolutely based

he will be left with $20m after she divorces him.

I never get why celebrities with millionaire lifestyles stop to seethe at random plebeians like this. What does this achieve?

Too based

>You get $40 million at age 19
>but you're stuck being 5'5" for the rest of your life

do you take it?

im 6'1 and i would not even think twice about it
would gladly become a fat, bald manlet for 40 million at 19

every time. wealth tops height when it comes to the pussy hierarchy

I'm 5'6 and I thought I was only 5'5 until like last year anyway so of course I'd take it. Height doesn't mean shit if you're rich regardless.

Who has been stealing my gremlin/goblin shit I have been saying for years? Is it just one nigger on here or are multiple faggots doing this shit now?

Because fuck wagies.

Attached: CLEAN_IT_UP_WAGECUCK.webm (1280x720, 3M)

A two inch upgrade? And i get paid? Deal

He looks like Affleck's bro.

Because it's a reality check for the shit poster as they go to sleep and wake up to their shit 9-5 job.