Why can't Americans understand kino?

Why can't Americans understand kino?

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Neon Demon was a very good movie. Didnt play death stranding.

If Kojima didn't spend so much time hobnobbing with Hollywood celebs, maybe he could have made a good game.


We perfectly understood that both film and video game were and still are trash for brainlets.

Kojima is the perfect example of a midwit.

So it's okay for japs to be racist?

Rambo difficult for japanese to understand

I fucking hate modern movies. I don't give a shit about it's message, GIVE ME A GOOD FUCKING STORY.

Death Stranding is pure, unfiltered, kino that will go down in history as one of humanity's greatest achievements.

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TND is incredible save for that self-described "cologne ad" ending refn literally said "we ran out of money, so we shot a cologne ad" at the Q&A premiere I attended

Death Standing is Kojimas Only God Forgives


You can't be racist to wh*te "people"

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Where is the gameplay?

You're exaggerating but kinda yeah.

They couldn't understand the prequels either. It's their pop culture, it rots their brains.


Ask your mom
checked though


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more like knight of cups desu

damn right

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Nah, game sucks.

Why target americans then?

It would have been good but the ending was too long. Also being stuck on the beach and having to run around while waiting for Amelie to pop up and monologue some more was annoying as fuck.

Both of those are maximum cope. Understanding something does not guarantee enjoyment.

Sorry Kojima, but I'm not sorry. You're a hack writer and your dog shit writing has been exposed to the world. Get over it.


>What do you see?

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Because Americans are fat, ugly, stupid, circumcised pigs

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The modality of consumption conditioned into people by capitalist culture is one of regurgitating the familiar rather than one of being able to reconcile with the novel. People are conditioned to consume, not to foster an aesthetic perception that would facilitate a more authentic thought, feelings, and worldview. Culture is an industry and industry is concerned with media as product before it's concerned with media as art.

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t. Tyrone Hernandez-Smith

Can someone explain the neon demomn to me?

>europoors talking about kino
o im laffin

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t. Ashberg Goldmenheim

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You're a parody of humanity masquerading as a European, you disgusting, meme-glutted fucking imbecile.

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Japan is a million times more racist than america or any european nation but they get away with it because they aren't white

were they woke intersectional feminist films? Those are the only true kinos. Perhaps it is foreigners who cannot understand kino.

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Death Stranding looks boring. I usually love Kojima's convoluted bullshit storytelling, but I'm not interested in playing DS. I'll probably just watch a compilation of the cut scenes one day.

Young girl runs away and becomes a model, realizes the industry is filled with scum and is consumed by it literally and figuratively

It's a cop-out response. If you try to make something "deep" but it just comes out a convoluted mess, you can just say, "You just don't get it." and pretend you're so much smarter than your audience. Even Tommy Wiseau pulled this move.

American critics also didn't understand many of Welles' kino. His adaptation of The Trial comes to mind, with its use of dream logic being quite polarizing to the philistine critic.

he and kojimbo are truly kindred spirits

that's a tremendous exaggeration
the game deserves some of the praise it gets, but they could have put in like 10% more effort and made it an actual masterpiece. which is something you can say about a lot of kojima stuff, actually.

I went to see Neon Demon early one day. I was the only one who bought a ticket. Some older guy had walked in and an usher came in and asked him to leave. Then he snuck back in. 2/3 of the way into the film, he calls to me across the theater. "This movie is a load of crap isn't it?" I replied that I was trying to just sit back and enjoy it. He ended up sitting until about the end. I still dunno if he was just trying to find someone to hook up with.

I think he was trying to rape you, user.

>blaming audiences for not caring about your shitty boring movie/game
based but also cringe

>Why can't Americans understand kino?
They are just fucking stupid. They can't understand that not winning a single battle and then running away from Vietnam means that they lost. They can't understand that dropping two nukes on a country means nothing when that country annihilates the American automotive industry.

Americans (and Europeans) are born losers and they have to lie repeatedly to themselves to cope.

What did she mean by this?

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>Didnt play death stranding.
>death stranding

Americans invented the kino, sonny

Oh shut up, you foreign peasant. It's nothing but memes with you irrelevant shitters.


You will always be a fat shitstained burger-eating circumcised Walmart-insect who's existence is a testament to the depths of subhumanity.

Are you one of the minds behind the BBC/Cuckold deathcult thats sprung up on Yea Forums in recent months?

Just because you suck nigger cock now doesn't mean other countries are "a million times more racist" than yours.

Imagine if he didn't have deadlines or a budget

Of course you play it. You have to figure out how to walk by leaning left and right.


most people are stupid so obviously most people aren't going to like random art house flicks you fucking retard.

Even famous and wealthy non-Americans are OBSESSED

>billions of dollars on military and aid to Israel is good
>spending money on healthcare is bad

Why are Americans so fucking stupid? I wish the rest of the world would just nuke them already

The American entertainment industry has been engaged in a massive crusade to collectively lower the IQ of the country. Today, the world realizes they have won.

Man they really kind of are, aren't they? I wonder if we or they can do something different to sort out our relationships.

>be kojima
>copypaste tropes from western and eastern art
Why do kojima fans praise him so much?

>Americans didn't understand it
>*sells like shit in Japan, Europe, and America*
What did hackjima mean by this?

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t. Bernie bro

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I can't take you dumb fucks seriously at all. Really? That's what you say? You just spew a bunch of untrue insults and memes and that's that, huh? God, you're pathetic people.

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Based. Anyone saying there's no gameplay should probably just fuck off back to fortshite, miserable zoomer fucks

Damn. And I thought one of the falls I had, and was just watching on a video, was fucked up.

Neon Demon was better when it was called Starry Eyes

>American critics also didn't understand many of Welles' kino.
Europoors literally failed to understand Citizen Kane, one of the easiest films ever. Sartre even wrote an embarrassing review of it.

It was the most uncomfortable movie experience I've had.

what are the boxes for?

You deliver them.

To be fair you need a fairly high IQ to understand Death Stranding

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what is the contents of them

Hideo pls

Black-man semen for white women

I still don't understand this image

When will the obsession end bros?

It's a line in the game
Unironically written by a man who considers himself a cinematic genius


It's not that people don't understand the game, it's that some people don't want to play a walking simulator for the first 10-15 hours of the game. Kojima valued art over gameplay with this release.


Even the gameplay afterwards is shit
You can melee takedown entire camps of bandits with your stupid cats-cradle string and once you get that string-shooter gun that stealth takedowns any human bad guy
The only "gameplay" that is worth it is the sections with the spooky guys and even those become trivial and boring after 10 hours

We don't care what message you have to convey because it simply isn't important or applicable or even entertaining

would have made a better movie

With unironic lines like "Princess Beach"? I would've walked out of the theater

No it wouldn't have

You just wanted more bing bing wahoos

>Japan is a million times more racist than america or any european nation
Imagine believing this unironically

>people don't want to play a walking simulator for the first 10-15 hours of the game.
>You can melee takedown entire camps of bandits with your stupid cats-cradle string and once you get that string-shooter gun that stealth takedowns any human bad guy

Oh wow, so it is exactly like MGS 5. I guess that means that Phantom Pain was not unfinished product, it was exactly like Kojima wanted it to be.
Is Kojima the Tarantino of gaming?

That is the thing, dude aleays wanted to be filmmaker, but he is like a pornstar that wants to make it big in Hollywood.
He proved that more than enough with cutscenes in MGS4, his ideas on the silverscreen would be the most unironic B-movie garbage in the world. A minute long scene of helicopter falling into Vltava river and two minutes long scene of soldiers clicking their weapons, get the fuck out.

holy shit you are dumb as a rock

Americans just don't like pretentious shit. Yeah a lot of us are retarded but even the smarter ones hate 2deep4u shit. And kojimbos game sucked because the gameplay sucked. The mgs games were so much better and its clear after death stranding that his team at his old studio were what was keeping his games afloat

Shut up, Hideo. You're a hack

This is some peak cope. MGS4 was the first MGS game where I skipped the cutscenes because enough is enough. Dude knows fuck all about pacing, if the E3 presentation of PP was not enough. Imagine having to fast forward your your own presentation.
The second Kojima doesn't have a superior gamemaker hand hanging over him, he flies off the handle and produces laughable plots.

Oh you certainly do play it, it's just fucking boring and a complete chore

>I skipped the cutscenes because enough is enough.
ahahaha, gtfo zoom zoom, not Kojima's fault you can focus on something for more than 5 minutes.

It was actually ironic. The scene inmediately before that one he says something about Mario and Princess Peach, then she makes that "joke".

Honestly, one of the most disappointing things I've ever experinced. You Yea Forumsdiots were saying it was the most cringe thing you've ever seen in a video game, but it was incredibly meeehhh.

Oh please, 40% of Neon Demon's gross was from America. This whole "American audience is dumb" is just the PC way of saying there are a lot of stupid shitskins in America. Why didn't Neon Demon do better in America? Because of stupid shitskins. It's just so funny to me that the American audience is thought of as dumb because of the fat white trash redneck stereotype, when in reality it's because of stupid niggers and spics.

>The Trial
Been meaning to watch this. cheers for reminding me

wait what? could you go into more detail on the cologne ad? all I remember from the ending is pic related and coughing up an eyeball

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Why doesn't Kojimbo have scenes like this?

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