Itt : movies only >130 IQ can enjoy and understand

itt : movies only >130 IQ can enjoy and understand

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i enjoyed it but i cried a lot
i have a weak spot for AI/robots learning to love

Do you browse Yea Forums by any chance?

You also got a weakspot in your ass for my cock

mostly /ck/ and /g/

but I'm married user

>talks to 300 other men behind your back
Just like a real woman

>still no AI waifu OS
bros... it's taking too long... still 15 years for the singularity

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based, same

>TFW yer mam loves Lars and the Real Doll but refuses to see this and Ex Machina
Why are sexdolls okay but robits and AI are a bridge too far?

i hate women

I enjoyed that movie overall, but it does not require high intelligence. It's actually pretty stupid to make a wide release film that requires the cognitive ability to be a decent doctor or lawyer just to "get it."

it's an AI tho, she views things different, it's not cheating

He should have braced himself. It's like dating a poly chick, right? You might think that, but his character was supposed to be flawed and vulnerable in that way.

Because it gets too real for her

Are you a tranny by chance?

nah just a barafag

literally The Great Filter
>even EOP can't into Ye Olde American

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Attack of the Clones, unironically.

Anyone high IQ knows all film is anti-culture Jewish filth

This movie made me cry hard because it reminded me I'll never love anyone/thing as much as he and the computer loved each other :,^(

It's simple. If you watched it with subtitles you liked it, if you didn't you couldn't understand and got confused and didn't.

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based. I didn't cry, but I felt like it. Great film

This is true,thanks for pointing it out,maybe I'll rewatch it with subs

Loved watching VVitch but pretty sure it's promoting a satanic message therefore it's just typical Jewish trash

You'd have to be a complete retard to need subtitles

Congrats on your superior hearing, but the dialog is all quiet as hell with old accents difficult to understand. That's just a fact

this movie hit me in the feels to user, i remember when i first watched it i cried as well. I wish i had an intelligent ai that sounded like scarjo and built a relationship with. even if it did end in heartbreak i would do it.

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