Best ComicTubers

I've been enjoying a lot of ComicTropes' more recent videos on industry icons, but I am also quite partial to ComicPop's Back Issues series.

What ComicTubers do you watch Yea Forums?

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didn't he larp as a superhero and pussied out

somebody make an edit with him pointing and doing the pogface

casuallycomics because you can tell she genuinely enjoys comics and is pretty knowledgeable. she actually talks about things that interest her instead of whatever fotm shit is currently being shilled

i miss her shipping channel

Strange Brain Parts makes some cool videos.
I like that he doesn't show his stupid fucking face, either.

Are you me OP? Youtube have been shilling his channel to me for a while

The comic industry is dead so every "comictubers", as you have so fondly call them, is a coping manchild stuck in the 80s.

Recently got into ComicPop. Their "back issues" videos make me kek

I remember seeing a Reddit post about this guy, and it was a drawing a dude made crying that Chris abandoned his friends or some shit. Doubt it's true, and I can't find the post anymore. Anyway, he seems like a good guy, unlike his stuff even though I find the odd video he does a bit dull.

I can’t take comictropes seriously. He’s too woke now

>makes episode about the British Invasion era of comics industry. Just talks about how the brits changed stuff
>makes episode about the phillipino invasion of comics industry

This guy has some good videos, but he comes off like such a sackless pussy I cant stand watching him.


I second Casually Comics. Shes does deep dives on history, generally stays out of divisive BS and does funny voices when reading panels.

Back Issues is peak comfy and perfect background noise (I mean that in a good way)

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Well at least he didn´t talked shit about Shooter in his video
There was an mma guy who decided to be a real life super hero named Pheonix Jones. He gained some media attention and other autists decided to join him and be "heroes" too; our tubby youtuber among them. He made some shitty costume and name, and went on patrol at nights with the other autists. They would walk people back to their cars and get heckled by drunks and thats pretty much it. Some of the people in his "super group" made sexist jokes and he thought some were waycist so he left the group and dedicated his life to collecting japanese vending machine toys and preserving his virginity.

>Phoenix Jones
Was later arrested on drug trafficking charges.

>so he left the group and dedicated his life to collecting japanese vending machine toys and preserving his virginity.
Based otaku

OnlyFans when?

Casually Comics and Cartoonist Kayfabe because they actually talk about comics.

Comics by Perch I'll occasionally check out because he has insider info on the comic industry and makes some good interviews with comic creators. However I don't sub to him because he uploads a lot of videos in one day, has a shitty mic, also tends to have some shit opinions,

Bro, you're on Yea Forums, you're not in a position to accuse others of being virgins

what the fuck are you whining about

>what the fuck are you whining about

Why do you think he felt the need to explain that the phillipino invasion wasn’t a literal invasion but he didn’t do so for the British one?

>her shipping channel


No, I'm asking why you care so fucking much

>Bro, you're on Yea Forums, you're not in a position to accuse others of being virgins
When the 'other' being accused is morbidly obese, spray painted some hockey pads, put on a Halloween mask with Guy Fieri flames on the side, and thought that made him a super hero named OMEGA; then yes I am in a position to call him a virgin.

imagine the fat goblin who posts this shit

Who would win in a fight between Omega and the Lightbringer?

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weren't some of them actual drug dealers? if real life was a comic that'd been the big twist that makes our protagonist question his purpose

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>has a channel mocking famous artists story tropes and designs
>designs the most unoriginal and uninspired superhero with the most boring name of all time
>blames depression afterwards

Strip Panel Naked is the best one
Strange Brain Parts
For the Love of Comics
Comic Pop

Helps that she is cute. just not as cute as Tiff

>he left the group and dedicated his life to collecting japanese vending machine toys and preserving his virginity.

Apparently he has a massive cock and got a lot of pussy in those days. At least according to the Seattle people who were in that clique.

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They've been saying that since the 80s. When the year 3000 rolls around, people are still gonna be saying that the comic industry's gonna die any day now.

Suuuure, Chris.

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I believe it. In comics, mild mannered geeks always get the most bitches.

>In comics, mild mannered geeks always get the most bitches.
Comics rarely reflect real life user; especially when they are made by mild mannered geeks writing their wish fulfilment.
Also, according to the guy he was engaged to his fiancée while 'super heroing', and for what its worth he doesn't seem like the type to have chicks on the side.

That's pretty wholesome of him

Comic tropes ripped off SBP
they're the same fuckin' video like almost line for line but SBP was first look at the dates.

>Cartoonist Kayfabe
Don't they actually make comics too? Jim Rugg and Ed Piskor make comics, Rugg just did a Hulk thing recently and Piskor does weird indie stuff

>Best ComicTubers
literally me and my 190 subscribers agree with me

I'm one of those subscribers and I can confirm

Nice. I was sure I was gonna get called a faggot and a shill for liking something. Back issues is great, the main guy Sal goes full autism sometimes when he rants about the industry but most of the time they're entertaining rants and you can tell he cares about comics to be so autistic about them.


why do you think HE cared so much? We get it. You like the guy.


I'm not trying to be a negative guy right now but it kinda sucks how non comic readers would rather watch YouTube videos about comics or live action adaptations based on them rather than just reading comic books. I always see people debate on this board why comics don't sell that well and how to improve sales but this is imo one of the biggest hurdles. A lot of people straight up don't care for the real deal and are ok just watching adaptations or other people talk about them. I have no idea how you change that or if you even can. Most likely those people would never be interested in the characters or situations if it weren't for the secondary media

I like ComicTropes. Even though he's clearly a superhero fan, you can tell that he actually cares about the medium of comics itself, not just "lore" and powerwank stuff.

I also like StripPanelNaked.

I hate shit like Comicstorian and Comics Explained, though. I honestly don't understand who the audience is for just summarizing comics. Hell, they're not even summaries, because the videos are longer than it would take to read the comics. This must be for autistic people who read Wikipedia entries and just care about collecting details and minutiae, and don't care about storytelling or comics themselves. And I also hate how these videos have the most surface-level understanding of comics and pretty much go "so this was a really good comic because we've never seen this character be this powerful before."

>I honestly don't understand who the audience is for just summarizing comics.
People who don't read comics but want to know things about them. Or some people who probably heard about [insert conic here] and that it holds context for something in current day that they want to read but skip the context. Casual readers and non readers.

the big 2 is impenetrable to normalfags. it's much easier to watch a 20 minute video going through booster gold's history than it is to find a reading order and then track down everything. indie books i think could actually benefit from these videos better than big 2 stuff.

On the other side of it though, these vids can be seen as advertisements for comics. I read comics and I do watch some of these channels on occasion. If there is a book that they are praising, I'll go and read it on their recommendation. Its like people who watch twitch people playing video games; are they watching instead of getting and playing the game themselves, or are they watching to find new fun games to play. Probably a little of both, not sure what the majority do though.

>Cartoonist Kayfabe
>Strip Panel Naked is the best one
Nah. Cartoonist Kayfabe are. I feel like they do a greater variety of discussions and have decent knowledge about things.
Yep. Ed did X-Men Grand Design, Hip Hop Family Tree and is not doing Red Room. Ed did Street Angel, Plain Janes and now that Hulk Grand Design.

yeh pretty much mcu fans, you can tell cos when a new charcter in mcu is introduced there'll be a video on them

Comictube is 99% awful garbage like with most youtube nerd communities so outside of people like Strange Brain Parts and Strip Panel Naked, there is absolutely nothing of value.

i like his vidoes but he did say marvel should retire the punisher character sfter January 6 happened which is a level of retardation i cannot condone
uh oh, too tired to watch now but i hope this isnt true


Actually, it WAS an invasion.

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She isn't especially hot or anything. She's cute, but just regular nerd cute, and mostly cool for her knowledge and storytelling skill.

I think most people on Yea Forums would lose their minds if there heard stories from the big convention boom of the mid 2000s to mid 2010s. Nerds genuinely used to get all sorts of wild weirdo pussy once upon a time.

Huh? The question of if X-Men ripped off the Doom Patrol has existed before 2019.

You can't change it. I could list all the problems with comics, industry and everything else. But the truth is the public have a skewed perception on comics, some of it cultural amongst other things. And no matter how much you explain things away, they will eventually just say that it seems like more effort than it is.

What happened to make it stop?

nta, but i'd imagine it has to do with the increased comercialization and disney-fication of 'con-culture'. chicks used to show up in sexy cosplay because they liked the character and wanted to look sexy infront of likeminded nerds; now they go to look sexy as advertisement for their instagram and onlyfans.

>I honestly don't understand who the audience is for just summarizing comics
Identity politics means people want to create an identity, often with perceptions about that identity. Data collection etc reduces identity down to products. People like Marvel or w/e but these people are more likely to see a movie or, more importantly, buy merchandise. To stand out from other people these people desire a little bit of knowledge because it makes them feel more intelligent and they can use it over their "friends". Comics though might seem too impenetrable or nerdy and have bad connotations. So while WandaVision was coming out people wouldn't shut up about House of M, the worst event comic for modern X-Men, because it is a lynchpin, something they've heard of and can mention. People want all the perceived identity benefits of a hobby without all the leg work, enthusiasm or knowledge. Essentially their personality is reduced down to a social media post. Conversation has been destroyed by comments. The whole "actually" meme, people wanting to correct others or be more intelligent and stand out. Literally revolves around referencing things, when references are cheap in a world where you can Google search.

What do people find so interesting about strip panel naked? Watched a couple videos and wasn't fussed.

If we going to bring up Yea Forumstubers. Mr enter turned red 9/11 meme
will only end up making him look good thanks to breadtubers attacking him. breadtubers can’t go an hour without defending Disney.

I think Comic Tropes is who Linkara wishes to be when he grows up

>can’t go an hour without defending Disney.
Vaush alone spent a week making videos defending Disney. Funny how communist larping trust fund babies all love Disney.