Why aren't disaster movies made anymore? They were big in the 70's, but with advances in CGI they could really be improved upon.
Why aren't disaster movies made anymore? They were big in the 70's...
That last car had me clenching my butt, irl kino provides better suspense than most movies.
There was Geostorm a couple of years ago which was alright
Hello re ddit
What are some unexplained mystery movies?
because they suck
haha he said reddit
wire on the ground wrapped around the axle and yanked the other cars around as it was drawn up/taught. wire isn't visible because shitty camera resolution.
burgers have become too fragile since 9/11 and katrina.
Every capeshit film is a disaster, in every sense of the word.
t. chinkoid
they made a few in the early 10s and they basically flopped because the "spectacle" was too far over the top and no one believed any of it. also the writing was awful because none of the soon-to-be-dead characters could be sympathetic or endearing and the plot could be nothing more than a thin excuse to go from ridiculous occurrence to ridiculous occurrence.
>That last car had me clenching my butt,
pics or it didn't happen
>people just carry on crossing like nothing happened
fucking china man
>They were big in the 70's, but with advances in CGI they could really be improved upon.
how the fuck did you miss the day after tomorrow and 2012
a bug in the physics engine?
That guy crossing the street was trying out his newly found psychokinesis.
Don't be a retard, it's obviously a gust of nerve gas
They tried with the world after tomorrow or whatever it was called and 2012, and then sucked.
There hasn’t been a decent disaster movie since the 90s.. Twister and a couple others were pretty good.
>What do they call the chinese engineers at CERN
That"s unironically a great shot with perfect framing.
top kek
You're both wrong, obviously it's telekinesis.
Here's an ascii artist's interpretation.
What are some spy movies?
why is he even bothering, he won't see shit without a blatant flash function on the camera
damn if you look closely you can see 2 dead bodies in the water
where? I'd be surprised if there weren't but I couldn't see anything that's clearly a body
based legfag
Hey, the Japs drive on the wrong side of the road. Isn't that dangerous?
any movies about madmen?
that chinese though
No one gives a damn about China anymore, the cats out of the bag to their barbarism and subhuman nature.
They kidnap children off the street to harvest their organs, they boil cats and dogs alive, they beat animals with clubs, they don’t help their fellow man even if they are dying right in front of them. They are soulless subhuman automatons.
Make no mistake they are getting punished for their rampant disregard for human life and life in general. Is it a coincidence that before the virus hit xi the Pooh tried to rewrite the 10 commandments. Nope, god is dabbing on the chinks for being human pieces of garbage. Make no mistake their deaths are divine retribution.
And I hope they all burn, amen.
what are some movies that enrage the masses despite not being wrong one bit
Based larping christcuck.
Take your normie beliefs and your racist rants back /pol/ though thanks.
lol that was me in high school
There are none.
Fuck off chink chang.
Fuck off chink, I hope you insects burn in hell
fuggin nice
>the christians bad!11!!n poster is a schizophrenic chink
Called it
"The Tears of Strangers Are Only Water"
not my proudest fap
Nooooo user you're not fitting in with my zoomy board culture!
How can one dog be so based
big litter - they won't miss just one
based heckin pupperino
this is animal abuse
how do they train the dog to look sad as he does it
It's not training, it's selection pressure by humans favouring dogs whose emotions are easier to read.
thats not even china. did you notice how no one died, and the only thing that went wrong was an act of nature, not someone blowing someone else up? thats a big give away its japan not china.
unless its nuclear power plants blowing up. then its probably japan.
I know he's just doing it for a goof, but his dog will probably never fully trust him after that.
Why do these Redd it contrarians keep making these anti Chinese threads?
That dog is more human than the average chink.
because chinks are subhuman insects
This thread is about modern disaster movies, or lack thereof. I can't help it if autists derail the thread.
>0.01 social credit has been deposited into your dystopian nightmare account
then how do they train the dog to feel sad?
seriously it's not like you can tell a dog "okay after you put your paw on his hand look up at the camera with a sad expression and then step in the pot, with feeling this time"
how do they do it?
Cope harder chang
Girls wear skirts but guys wear jeans?
They still have wifi in Wuhan, 寒意?
I recognize that dog
Dogs have feelings too user, haven't you ever owned one?
Because were one Chinese made public health crisis away from literally indiscriminately killing all of you insects. We’re sick of your people, we’re sick of your disease, we’re sick of disregard for life.
I don’t even feel bad hating you like I do blacks, because I know blacks are human. You aren’t. Fucking bug.
i see ptg is redpilling a whole new generation with that dank cold war propaganda
why the damage control chang?
Literally everything in my post is true. You can’t even deny it chink.
damn this dog is based
I hope that woofer was okay, you're not supposed to give dogs chicken bones because of the way they shatter
yeah, that school is pretty based
>don't ever talk to me or my wife's son ever again.
No. Are they smart enough to genuinely feel sad that a puppy is getting put into a pot? i didn't think it should mean anything to them
If you cook enough around a dog they're going to learn what a pot is used for. If you take one of their babies and pretend to put it in a cooking pot they're going to understand that you're gonna cook their baby. They won't understand that it's a joke. Hence the sad dad dog eyes.
cringe and bluepilled
>That look
Huh, fascinating.
I doubt he realised the significance of it, just that someone was messing with one of his children and didn't like it
Idk, maybe you should go back and ask them?
Fucking bug people driving cars that look like a Tylenol. In America we would have driven right through it and still get to work 10 minutes early.
this, some people really are too retarded to even read a small flyer with stuff you shouldn't give to dogs.
>Ya best believe in disaster movies.....YER IN ONE!
>doggo doesn't just eat chikken for himself and gives it to pupperino
This dog is smart
Have you ever wondered why dogs earned the title of "Man's Best Friend"? It's because they've been with us for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years. We get them and they get us. Put a puzzle in front of a wolf and the same puzzle in front of a dog. The wolf will never ask the human for help, even if it can't solve it. Do the same with the dog and the dog will ask you to help them. They understand our facial expressions, the emotional tone of our voices, our body language and depending on the breed they'll understand dozens to hundreds to thousands of our words. The only thing holding dogs back from actually speaking our language is the physical makeup of their mouth, tongue and vocal cords. You tell a dog "No" and they'll react like a child being told no. You say "Walk" to your dog and they'll go ballistic with excitement. Every dog I've had has been trained to let me know when they need to go outside, they give me a look and sometimes a distinct grumble. When I ask "do you have to go potty?" they either agree or disagree with their body language and/or vocalization. Dogs are quite literally the best friend humanity has ever had. They protect us, they help us hunt, they provide top tier companionship and if you treat them well they will never ever leave your side. They will die for you. And quite honestly I'd die for them too. A human who doesn't like the loyal dog is not a human in my eyes.
No it created mustard gas and turned into a brown recluse
damn user im gonna pet my dog right fucking now for being such a good boy
>suburban California "rednecks"
I've heard about those types. They buy lifted trucks with heavy duty tires and don't even need them for work or anything. They're hipsters of the most inane caliber. Here in the upper midwest trucks like that are pretty common but the difference is they're usually owned by farmers and people who actually have a need for a large powerful truck. Fuck, I hate Californians.
this is why fucking chinks deserve coronavirus and a thousand nukes
>gets mauled
kek that dog is so sick of the guy
A man after my own heart. It makes me sick seeing these tacky fucks all day and all night.
You're anthropomorphizing animals. They cannot think and communicate on a human level.
>All dogs are fighting breeds
>All dogs are 9000 IQ geniuses that can fetch your shoes and babysit your kids
Ah yes, that is indeed the opposite of "all dogs will kill you"
Neither can you but here you are
Dogs, great apes, dolphins, corvids and parrots are all the intellectual equivalent of 6yo children or better.
My Bichon was female but would lift her leg to pee. What's up with that? She's dead ;-;
that's a bit high.
Everyone got sick of disaster movies after 2012 which was just the visual equivalent of Emmerich masturbating on screen for two hours.
>makes me sick seeing these tacky fucks all day and all night
Is that because you’re on Yea Forums all day and all night or because you live in California and still drive your jacked up SUV which is now useless because you live in California?
>Have you ever wondered why dogs earned the title of "Man's Best Friend"? It's because they've been with us for tens if not hundreds of thousands of years. We get them and they get us. Put a puzzle in front of a wolf and the same puzzle in front of a dog. The wolf will never ask the human for help, even if it can't solve it. Do the same with the dog and the dog will ask you to help them. They understand our facial expressions, the emotional tone of our voices, our body language and depending on the breed they'll understand dozens to hundreds to thousands of our words. The only thing holding dogs back from actually speaking our language is the physical makeup of their mouth, tongue and vocal cords. You tell a dog "No" and they'll react like a child being told no. You say "Walk" to your dog and they'll go ballistic with excitement. Every dog I've had has been trained to let me know when they need to go outside, they give me a look and sometimes a distinct grumble. When I ask "do you have to go potty?" they either agree or disagree with their body language and/or vocalization. Dogs are quite literally the best friend humanity has ever had. They protect us, they help us hunt, they provide top tier companionship and if you treat them well they will never ever leave your side. They will die for you. And quite honestly I'd die for them too. A human who doesn't like the loyal dog is not a human in my eyes.
I think how they pee is a learned behaviour, both my male dogs would squat like girls
Lose the attitude.
Animal lovers are narcissists that hate human interaction, and enjoy the superiority they have in a relationship with animals
I've read pigs are smarter than dogs but we eat those, so what's wrong with a lil pooch poutine?
they got big again in the Days After Tomorrow era when cgi still sucked. I guess i wouldnt mind hollywood taking another stab at them.
>t.chang yue muhammed
Dogs taste worse than pigs, but ethically and morally, there is nothing wrong with eating dogs, horse, cats, and other intelligent animals like simians and parrots.
Found the chink
Literally nothing. People just get irrationally upset because they're closer to dogs. It's like your best friend hooking up with a girl that looks exactly like your ex, no reason to get upset but you certainly will
t. Karolyn Smith-Nusbaum, proud furmommy
Dogs don't really taste good desu. I had dog by accident from some chink restaurant back in the 90s. I asked what it was after asking if they could give me a different dish and they said it was dog.
A copypasta that causes China to ban the site with said pasta
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
You generation came to be, no need for fiction and money spent on props anymore
they cute
It's more common to keep dogs as pets, people in general can better relate to the concept of a dead dog, and thus get upset.
Dogs are not used as food by intelligent civilizations because it's retarded to feed a dog for the purpose of eating it, since you're just converting meat to meat.
You raise pigs because they eat literally anything, meaning you turn trash into meat. Same reason for eating cows and other stupid arguments vegans make. A cow is literally turning grass into meat, and it's delicious.
Probably because people see disaster all around them IRL. That's why they're seeing capeshit, for the escapism.
Would you want the guys to wear skirts?
I prefer my kinos to be suspenseful
I like beef and I like pork but after helping my buddies raise some of their farm animals I think I'd rather have a pet cow than a pig. At least cows stay cute their whole lives. And if they're bulls then they look badass once they're fully grown. Pig faces turn into the fatter Slaton sister when they're fully grown.
>Americans proudly boast about battling through natural disasters to clock in early to serve Mr. Shekelberg
lmao wtf
What a cheeky cunt.
No it isn't you retarded fucking zoomer, are you literally 8 years old?
youre fucking retarded, a pig's purpose is to be eaten by humans, a pig can only survive in the care of man, if you think pigs dont deserve to be eaten, why dont you let it free in the wild to get eaten by anything other than a human
>No it isn't you retarded fucking zoomer, are you literally 8 years old?
Pigs turn into boars you knuckle-dragger, and they thrive more in the wild than dogs and cats.
uh i wasnt aware that if you put a domestic pig in a forest he magically turns into a boar
bravo retard
Their kids do retard
Really strong magnets
Yes a domestic pig will literally turn into a boar if you turn it loose you fucking moron, its tusks regrow in a few weeks and will become literally untameable.
>let a dog loose
>it turns into an unfriendly dog
>let a pig loose
>it turns into a ham monster that destabilizes the local ecology
Seems humans have a duty to eat those porcine bastards
Not only that but wild boar destroy whatever ecosystem they stumble into. They're the bane of the wilderness.
I don't think you know what "domestication" means. It's not just a word we use to describe livestock and helper animals or animals we live with. Domestication is a physiological process that changes the species from what it was originally.
Dogs can become "wild" if you let them loose. But they don't become "undomesticated". Same with domesticated pigs.
Domestic is more than just a word, it's an actual physiological process and change in the brain of the species. This is why we have "tame animals" like you can have a "tame cheetah" but not a domesticated one. There is a difference.
That is japanese text this is a natural disaster
>known for having learned many hand signs from a modified version of American Sign Language (ASL)
that's from japans big monsoon shit or whatever. source: me, I fucking watched this shit.
What about that parrot that supposedly couñd understand language and even be aware of itself. I forgot its name tho
Alex, he had inteligence of a five year old baby, his last words were
>You be good, I love you. See you tomorrow
Just retarded writing and unchecked cgi, no character and proper drama
why post. ..like american doesn't also do this
Every time
Chad powermove
>only animal to have ever asked a question
really makes me think
fuck you
heckin piggus
so, did he accidentally fly the bus off the edge in a fit of rage or was this intentional?
if you pay attention to his steering it looks intentional
he was speaking to his gf on the bus and had found out she was cheating on him with a black guy
>bitch hits him
>he's had enough of this shit
>don't hit me
>what're you going to do
People that post shit like this are the biggest fags on Yea Forums
Any more of this boy?
good post
Remember all the americans who celebrated this and said it was karma for pearl harbor?
Half true. Not supposed to give dogs cooked chicken bones (and any cooked bones really). Occasionally one of my chickens gets killed by a fox/owl/opossum/raccoon/coyote and if it doesn get carried off I'll feed it to my dogs.
Mutt's law
they used to be fantasy but now it's real
is he the nicest dog alive
i was feeding this bitch's poodle bone-in riblets at a tailgate and it kept eating them whole, bone and everything. Dog ended up being fine, or at least I never heard anything about it.
dogs aren't that smart lmao
It's fucking Japan, you braindead teenagers.
I read that disaster movies are only popular when the economy is bad . I think
This is the tsunami that followed the Japanese earthquake, the precursors to the Fukushima incident. Do none of you disaster plebians not remember watching this live? It was only... Jesus Christ 9 years ago what the fuck
9 years ago there where like 6 years old.
you're not fooling anyone
But Day After Tomorrow and 2012 were hits
Pretty sure you're not supposed to give dogs chicken unless you have removed the bones
what the fuck
fuck pigs
t. Ting Wing Long
the genre reached it's natural conclusion with 2012. It was awful.
>A human who doesn't like the loyal dog is not a human in my eyes
I agree, cat people are shit.
Clearly he was a criminal , the bump was deliberate
Yeah, you stop people by running over them
and the kick was totally necessary too, right?
kill yourself
Remember it? Hell, I saved it.
Americans are subhuman bug people with no emotions
that absolute would never ever happen wtf lmao
What sort of American hates Japan? That's just odd
I miss my dalmatian :(
What disaster is this pic about?
my grandparents are from a very poor and isolated region in El Salvador. Same shit, people would just give dogs the bones and apparently they never died because of that.
poor fucking dog
Interesting deterrent for running red lights.
movies for this feel?
are you fucking with me lol
He knew the sea had come for him. Why struggle against an inescapable fate?
Why does it walk like that? Looks really creepy.
>speeding violation requires any sort of physical force
>these """people""" make fun of the bong police not carrying firearms around at all times
absolute state of amerisharts, both of your countries are bootlicking shitholes, but at least in the UK you won't get shot or beaten during a traffic stop
dalmatians are hunters
they walk slowly when stalking as to not scare away their prey
obviously this is just a pup and being playful, but the instinct is still in effect
I can't finish this. What happens? ;_;
That isn't japanes text. OP's webm is in Chinese, hence the confusion
That's just a leak from the new Akira movie
Dumb fucking idiot dog lol
It's a joke. Nothing happens.
people who say this are chinks, or have never ever interacted with the average mainlander
because you dont put meat in poutine you fuck
Yeah I remember that shit. It's when I realized social media was going to be the death of us.
>>speeding violation
huurrrr duuur. Try evading, and reckless driving
You need to be 18 to post here.
The dog is an insert in the video. Not really there.
Half the people in this country are worthless subhumans who build their entire personality off of facebook and twitter memes. Guarantee none of the niggers in that pic had a single thought on the Earthquake until some random faggot posted an info-graphic/political comic about Pearl Harbor that was shared 100k+ times and activated all the NPCs.
Ah I see this is pasta now. Nice job, guaranteed replies.
Lmao, cant make this shit up
The good boy dieded
What are you gonna, out run the ocean? It be what it is, nigga.
>A cow is literally turning grass into meat, and it's delicious.
More like: a cow turns onions, corn and cheap grains into meat right?
Do people think this is real and not just a funny sketch?
Last guy probably waited a second and put on his sun glasses before driving away.
Here in Norway they've been making some disaster movies lately.
They started with Bølgen (The Wave), followed by Skjelvet (The Quake). I think there's probably more coming up. There's also the shortmovie Tunellen (The Tunnel).
Amerikeks live in a fucking nightmare bizarro world. Holy fuck. Absolutely no agression whatsoever but the mentally retarded "cop" would be fine to execute him on the spot.
whats the context behind this, was the cop just being a dick or was the guy wanted for something
That dog is a better actor than Daisy Ridley.
What was his problem?
>drives on the left.
Really dumbo?
I've seen cop shows where they put the lights on for a biker. The guy just slows down for a little while, pretending to be looking for a parking spot. Then he speeds away at the lights.
If they were trying to pull this biker over, it makes sense to bump him for not stopping immediately.
This entire image is obviously fake.
The ocean fears the samurai
the exact same trick could be pulled in any vehicle. Should cops start ramming everyone that doesn't pull over immediately on the off chance they're gonna take off? Is it worth risking someone's life for a fucking speeding ticket?
stop being such a bootlicking cuck.
China are so heartless it's ridiculous.
No wonder Carona is so bad right now.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
In cognitive ability, maybe, but they are nowhere near as self aware as a six-year-old.
I've never known of an animal that has asked questions. I thought that bridge has yet to be crossed, it's what separated us. I'll have to look him up.
top kek
Cooke bones are a problem because it's brittle and it shatters, it becomes a pointed object and can puncture internal organs.
Raw bones are totally fine, you can buy raw chicken necks and feed them your dog no problem.
What's the status on posting low resolution webms of chinese people being rekt in car and machinery accidents? Bannable? I've got some shit you people wouldn't believe. People sucked into trash compacters, eaten by elevators, crushed by hydrolic presses and consumed by molten metal.
goodbye Alex
Retard got what he deserved, speeders like him get people killed.
Cows and pigs and sheep are bred to taste nice, whereas we have bred dogs to be pets.
They are all just animals, but we have higher emotional connections to dogs than regular farm animals that are bred to be eaten.
Dogs aren't prey. There's a certain pact among predators of different species to put each other last.
the boxing day tsunami was so fucking kino. that channel 4 documentary that's basically all footage people captured was amazing.
>implying bans have meaning
Just post them.
bitch we've seen it all before.
>foreigners unwilling to take risks to keep their job
>cry racism when their lazy asses get fired
>dat last car
>imminent life-threatening danger just seconds away
>does a three point turn
>he wants his possibly last turn to look sad and pathetic on the inevitable news blooper
>he wants to dishonour his family
What happened to Carona?
Never compromise.
Would be perfect opportunity for me to show off bootleg turn I've been practicing
Alex was such a good boy
They all pass the mirror test, which means they are conscious about their own existence.
>holds the gun like a thug
Enjoy prion disease
The car was unmarked and they ended up having to reimburse him for the damages, try reading the video description next time, mutt:
>Motorcycle vs cops: Oregon police chase results in payout to biker.
>Edwards was accused of using excessive force against Justin Wilkens, whose collarbone was broken when Edwards took him into custody Aug. 3, 2012, after chasing down the speeding rider. The jury claimed Edwards violated Wilkens' civil rights. Wilkens says he did not recognize Edwards' unmarked car as a police vehicle.
>Wilkens sued Edwards for alleged civil rights violations and sought unspecified noneconomic damages in addition to more than in reimbursement for medical and motorcycle towing and repair bills.
And either way, ramming/shooting someone who is chilling at a traffic stop is retarded and never necessary, unless they are brandishing a gun or some shit. Your police force is full of room temperature IQ sociopaths and the general public has way too many brainwashed bootlicking drones that actually defend them.
Hope you enjoy getting shot, cuck.
That is horrible, but I've seen the same for Nippon WHITE PIGGU GO HOMU!!
You guys think animals have a universal language where they all understand one another ?
>noooo not the heckin speederinos!
pls stop
Bikers pull this shit all the time and almost always get away. I have a friend who has done the same. I don't blame the cop.
Yeah, it's called empathy.
jesus christ my guy animals aren't THAT retarded
Holy shit, kill yourself human garbage. Faggots like that biker deserve worse for endangering people driving like fucking children.
>Holy shit, kill yourself human garbage. Faggots like that biker deserve worse for endangering people driving like fucking children.
He's a pig guy.
It's trying to bury the fish. Dogs are dumb and it doesn't understand it can't bury that fish, my dog does the same with trying to bury bones in the carpet.
>They kidnap children off the street to harvest their organs
Yeah, but those are uyghurs, not Han Chinese
>they boil cats and dogs alive
there are a billion Chinese and nearly as many cats and dogs. Meat is meat, it's not like you'll go crazy eating dog meat like you would human, so obviously God is cool with it.
>they beat animals with clubs
It's called training, dumbass. If you hit the animal with your hand or foot directly, then they will attempt to bite it next time.
>they don’t help their fellow man even if they are dying right in front of them.
Less men means more women for the rest of them. You underestimate how devastating One Child Policy was, the society is coping as best they can.
>They are soulless subhuman automatons.
That's racist.
>Your police force is full of room temperature IQ sociopaths
unironically by design, to boot
Big feels incoming
the movies are the disaster now
I remember watching on the news when a helicopter was flying overhead and saw a car trying to outrun the wave
>See you tomorrow
That dog is more based than most people
idk about dogs but I know my cat would understand. He sits in cardboard boxes but knows which box means he's going to the vet. If he even HEARS it coming out of the garage, let a lone sees it, no catching him. Would reason that an animal could deduce what pots are for, especially if you used pots/pans to cook food for the animal.
I hope everyone of you "people" is shot by your beloved police overlords.
That sentence is what the scientist said to the bird as he was leaving, whether he knew he was dying(not gonna see the scientist till later) is up for debate.
poor kid
lmao, biker BTFO
That's fucked up and not funny.
Jesus man, was the most intense thing in my life this week.
Because movies are a disaster
>five year old baby
as opposed to a five year old adult?
There are constantly strange ideas and feelings inside the minds of wild animals. All the more reason to treat them with empathy.
pussy, if it happened to a human you wouldnt give a shit
based hulk ghosts punishing cars that don't stop at crosswalk
Being a dick is giving someone a fine for something they had no control over. This is straight up criminal behavior.
dog bless
Nooo, muh boys in red white and blue, they be good boyz, they dindu nuffin! I swear that this is not normal behaviour, and that this cop will be suspended for 2 weeks (maybe). The American government would never pay thugs to control and instill fear in the minds of the population! Never!!!
go back
only retarded city folk with retarded city dogs think this
my bitches eat anything meat and bones, mostly chicken related
they've been doing it since they were pups and nothing happened
>dogfag would literally die for a dog
Go make out with your nasty jackal, dude. I love my cat, but I would never give my life for him, because he's a dumb animal
I know your response is a meme but I would say the same thing if it was a baby and not a puppy
>uh i wasnt aware
because you're a fucking moron
hahahah fuck them
Are you vegan? Because if you are not, then your little whiny posts are just hypocrisy.
With all the things that are at stake in the world, it astonishes me to see the terrible behaviour of political and intellectual groups. They need to think diligently and with empathy, but instead they fight.
fair enough but you should remember people have different senses of humor and thats especially true on this site
dumb dog is just trying to bury it for later snack
It isn't, I remember
you should see them at female soccer games betweem usa and japan
they're fucking heinous
Thanks for sharing bro.
I build up a lot of emotions and sometimes it feels good to find a good reason to let it all out without shame.
Reddit's law