>100 word essay due tomorrow morning
>can't stop browsing Yea Forums
100 word essay due tomorrow morning
whats your essay on?
Gender fluidity
ya im thinking based
gotta be more specific, whats your thesis?
Come watch Scent of a Woman>
Gender blender
>100 words
That's literally nothing, that's like an introduction, a summary, and three one sentance bodies.
essays are so fucking easy just keep it as simple as humanly possible. Everything is in threes, just keep breaking it down into more threes until you die or the essay is finished.
what is that uh gender fluid is that like uh fuckin cum or something like fuckin jizz like the fluid that leaks out of your gender parts like your peepo or your vagoo you want me to write a fuckin essay on that nasty shit it fuckin smells you tellin me i gotta write a cum paper for college so i can what be a wagecuck nah professor ill squirt my gender fluid on your face how about that oof marone the fluid filled balls on this one alright thats the fuckin paper sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed sneed
ok user, I finished your paper for you
Go back
This. How can 100 words be called an essay fucking kek. 1000 maybe.
100 word essay? So a paragraph?
>still falling for this ancient bait
way to out yourselfs, newfags.
look at mister yuropoor thinking they are hot shit when they are plain shit
1000 word essays are for high school kids with learning disabilities.
I'll do it for you, what's the topic? I'm procrastinating on my six page essay due Friday.
>can’t tell who’s baiting, who’s baiting by pretending to take the bait and who’s baiting by pretending to pretend to take the bait and who’s replying seriously
Confusing thread
>six page essay
lmao just use a bigger font, cuck
Wtf 100 words?? I only know like 50
Everyone is retarded. Nothing to be confused about.
>20 word essay due in 2 weeks
>haven't even started it
> 100 words
Are you in middle school?
>supplementary figure due tomorrow morning
>shitposting compulsively
kinos for this feel?
>2000 words done on a hungover sunday
>maybe 5 pages left and the dissertation is done
I seriously need to stop coming here.