Any good movies about dementia?
Any good movies about dementia?
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formerly lucid
Why did Dems make such a big deal about Trump's health when they're running two geriatrics with dementia or heart problems?
Why does Biden always look like he's pushing out a big shit?
Because it was a vector of attack at the time, and now it's not.
>heart problems
fake news
This isn't a big deal. Chris Wallace is hardly important enough to remember.
Is that why Bernie won't provide medical records?
Thanks nig-
formerly alzheimers
Because the Dems don’t have ideological consistency.
>top of the field is now 3 people who would get crushed hardest since the fag left
Bootyjudge had 0 chances against Trump, spics and negros hate faggots. Bernie can actually win
What are some good movies about grandfatherlove?
Have you heard Trump talk. They're all as bad as each other
No he can’t. He’s toxic to suburban whites in swing states.
Soon to be Sneed.
Ah, the old, "Lift your skirt when grandpa kisses you" reflex.
Why is he so fucking gross?
imagine if diamond joe started fucking his bitch of a daughter doggy style by accident and he doesn't even responds makes me thing of some kind of cartoon or some image series isaw hmmmm HAHAAHAHAH
the DNC is gonna select a decaying potato as their candidate
Bootyjudge just dropped out
>tfw it's either an old jewish guy who owns 6 houses and had a heart attack or Creepy Joe.
based retard poster
trump loses either way
You guys do realize that this is very normal in much of the world, right?
based incest bros
it's not fucking fair bros...i want cunny too