Imagine slowly fallling into Jupiter. That would make a great horror short...

Imagine slowly fallling into Jupiter. That would make a great horror short, you could wring a solid 20-40 minutes out of it but you wouldn't want to go longer than that

Attached: Jupiter.jpg (2500x2500, 1.01M)

Other urls found in this thread:

yeah once you got caught in the gravity even powerful rockets wouldn't be able to break free. But you would probably burn up as soon as you hit the atmosphere.

Uranus & Neptune are underused in cinema. Specially Uranus. Because Neptune at least was used in Event Horizon, and in Ad Astra.
>But Uranus name is offensive, and funny!
That is for anglos, but not for most people on Earth. Uranus deserves more love.


Attached: 7pl0monwyrh21.png (435x435, 221K)

nobody ever goes to Venus either.

There should be more movies about Saturn, those who worship it, and its affect on the average goyim's every day life.

On second thought, nope, nothing to see here.

Attached: 1556297395473.webm (1024x1024, 1.03M)

wtf does NASA know about this???

Too late. See
That too is true. Its always Mars, but never Venus or even Mercury.

KYS fag

Mercury is literally just a rock though. Only interesting thing about it is that its the closest one to the sun.
At least Venus got the whole Death World thing going for it, also it is the planet most similar to Earth in size.

>death world

incredibly high temperatures and pressure and volcanoes and shit

The Solar System consists of the Sun, Jupiter, and assorted debris.

Attached: How she longs to boop giga-chad's snoot. Jupiter is ringed with so many bitches, Amalthea, tsun (1095x1368, 243K)

Attached: 2bfa68457ef30bbf82c6b4def2e2db7e.jpg (998x500, 65K)

The sun is 99.8 % of the mass of the solar system. That includes Jupiter, all the planets asteroids and comets. So the Solar System is just the sun and some left over junk.

Venus and Mercury are too hot user, I know it's fantasy but you need a really stupid reason to justify people surviving on those planets

>once you got caught in the gravity even powerful rockets wouldn't be able to break free
But aren't black holes like a trillion times stronger than that? That'd be more interesting

This is your brain on a US education.

how do we solve the Saturn problem?

You'd be fatally irradiated just reaching Jupiter, and then the violent gas storms would turn you into a popsicle and break you apart. The end.

what is spacesuit?

more interesting but harder to predict as we can never measure anything that's passed the event horizon

Go to /sci/. Those retards seem to think they know what goes on inside of a black hole and it's so obvious for them

Spacesuit is efficient in the void. You can easily feel how wind on earth is able to lower a temperature so imagine 300 km per hour winds of -150°C hydrogen.

so the last 20 minutes of 2001 a space odyssey

Wasn't there some speculation a while ago that the core of Jupiter is actually an enormous planet-sized diamond?

Also solid metallic Hydrogen near the core. Impossible to mine though, the temperature of the core is 30,000 degrees Celsius. And pressure is immense. We could never get there. It is impossible.

Wear a pair of stanfields then under it, they keep ya warm.

Attached: stanys.jpg (650x650, 99K)

Do tholians live their?

its been done already

>Tholian biology required high temperatures around 480 Kelvin (207 °C, 404 °F). They could tolerate lower temperatures for a brief period of time; if they were exposed to temperatures around 380 Kelvin or less, their carapace would fracture. This was painful or distressing; a Tholian subjected to such a temperature regime could be coerced to cooperate. In temperatures even lower, a Tholian would freeze solid and shatter.

No, they would be vaporised.

do you know how fucked the surface of venus is?

tell me

400 degree temperatures and pressure equal to a kilometer deep in the ocean.

>g = 24 m/s^2

sounds like we have a movie, boys.

Ive had this idea for a scene in some sort of scifi movie where a spaceship gets teleported or something. When they arrive at their new destination they look out the windows and only see darkness, no stars or anything. Then the camera pans back really far until the spaceship is just a tiny dot and you realize they are right next to a blackhole. Somebody make this for me.

I've seen it before.

Attached: images (47).jpg (412x351, 19K)

wrong board

it's not hard to figure out, it's a magic, time travailing bookshelf

depends what it is made out off maybe it slows down the terminal velocity

Jupiter belongs to the Belt, sasa ke?

Attached: 1578206477589.jpg (2048x1150, 450K)

>We could never get there. It is impossible.
nothing is impossible

And the belt belongs to the Earth, rockhopper scum

Attached: 1581623023495.gif (327x500, 3.79M)

There's a decent Arthur C Clarke story along these lines.

Arthur C. Clarke died like two decades ago. Are there no good living sci-fi authors?

which one?


Drummer is fighting for a free Belt

Your choice of gif doesn't work and makes you look retarded, inyalowda

Attached: Drummer.gif (255x500, 1.22M)

>URanus deserves more love

speak for yourself bro

You were born too late, m8. Before people started meming Mars, Venus was supposed to be the next cohabital planet

my waifu princess

In 2001 A Space Odyssey there is a chapter where a probe is launched into Jupiter’s atmosphere. Its very descriptive as it descends through the layers and is eventually destroyed.

thanks bud

Venus is unironically more suitable. Super easy to get a floating habitation set up. So many retards watch sci-fi flicks and think all you need is to make a big bubble or melt the ice caps and suddenly Mars is Earth 2.0, meanwhile in reality it has awful gravity and irradiated soil.

Actually, fuck planets and fuck space. I don't know why people are so hyped to live in a slowly rotating tube while drinking the recycled urine of their neighbors. We've barely even begun to terraform this planet to our whims, barely 10% of the available landmass is even inhabited and we've literally failed to do any more than scratch the surface of the Earth beneath our feet.





i f**kin love science!

Attached: 15821111859217.png (600x800, 50K)

I mean /sci/ is credited in an academic research paper for solving a complex math problem that advanced a field of maths so it’s not like it’s a brainlet board like Yea Forums or Yea Forums

thread theme

You do know that's a false color image of the surface, made by the Jews in order to fool people into thinking Venus is bad, right?

Stupid fucking eurotrash:

Escape velocity of Jupiter is approximately 60 km/s. The escape velocity of Earth is about 11 km/s, or about 7 km/s at high altitude. I fucking hate you retards.

Then show me a real picture, then.

Haha lol

It's so obvious that you're an election tourist


Attached: belter_fucking_shits.jpg (1000x667, 67K)

Based. Deep sea colonies when fuck pod 6

>I don't know why people are so hyped to live in a slowly rotating tube while drinking the recycled urine of their neighbors.
you realize we're all drinking the same recycled piss water of the oceans for thousands of years?

but chinks already made that movie

even better you enter the atmosphere and it reveals its really a cloaking device and its paradise

Star trek did this, and with an automated weapons system but the inhabitants were all dead.

your movie is shit and we're not changing our mind

Your movie is great and we’re not changing our mind

The kinoest of planets.

Attached: 1573331849902.jpg (640x800, 79K)

>it's not hard to figure out, it's a magic, time travailing bookshelf
Do you think he just sat in the room watching his daughter every night until she was old enough for him to act

Residents of Jupiter.

Attached: 1554787066580.jpg (587x620, 93K)

Attached: 1570610242176.jpg (460x626, 67K)

But you didn't post Neptune?

That's not Titan

>79 moons
are they, dare i say it, beta orbiters?

>look up residents of jupiter on google
>google snippets comes out
>population 50000
>what the fuck
>turns out it was jupiter, florida
im disappointed tbqh

but they already made true detective season 1 and twin peaks


fuck it this is now a planet thread, post your most to least kino milky way rocks

saturn > neptune > earth > venus > jupiter > mars > uranus > mercury

They are his main bitches, his side bitches, and various other fangirls. It's just what I was saying above: Jupiter is giga-chad. This isn't even counting the ring system and the trojans that all want his dick but keep a respectful distance.

He's a whoremonger, but Jupiter does have one true love: Amalthea. She is very smol. He keeps her very close to himself.

Attached: his true love.png (186x160, 11K)

I think you meant to post a picture of Saturn friend.

Attached: Saturn.jpg (800x387, 19K)

>Imagine the intense lightning storms on Saturn
>Imagine the size of this gas giant with no hard ground surface to speak of
>Imagine the enormity of its rings and the fact that they average only 33 feet in height
These sounds are almost as good as the hairdryer sounds. Fuck.

Jupiter got eternally cucked by Saturn though. The biggest, oldest planet in the solar system got put in its place by it and drawn back out past the asteroid belt instead of destroying the inner planets/stopping them from forming

Don't you
Forget about me

Attached: pluto-heart-e1458310295777.jpg (600x608, 74K)

>spend too much time on Yea Forums
>thumbnail looks like a blurred out roast solo pic

How many live in Uranus?

>Uranus deserves more love.

Attached: 1514849459004.png (330x189, 19K)

>Ashes of Clyde Tombaugh on board of New Horizons to fly by and photograph Pluto
>"Heart" area named after him
Truly the kino ending Pluto deserved after its demotion


>That would make a great horror short
no. scale will make it boring

I bet the Gallilean Moons (and possibly Titan) started as worldlets in the inner solar system. It's unsettling how close Earth probably came to being some gas giants bitch.

i think we can all agree that nibiru is the best planet

>all this love for Saturn
you worship twisted primordial evil, the god of the Jews and others, an archon of the demiurge, I hope you know this

And yet everything we slingshot around Jupiter manages to escape it's gravitational pull just fine. So tell me, exactly which probes are unable to break free of Jupiter's gravity?

>Uranus deserves more love.

Attached: 1582843590128.gif (600x600, 48K)

hello Yea Forumseddit

Don't forget that THIS was the last photo ever taken of Pluto, showing the eclipse of the thin atmospheric layers, again surprising every single scientist involved with the mission.

Attached: Blue_hazes_over_backlit_Pluto.jpg (1000x1000, 168K)

>As least as early as 197 Soviet scientists have suggested that rather than attempting to colonize Venus' hostile surface, humans might attempt to colonize the Venerian atmosphere. Geoffrey A. Landis of NASA's Glenn Research Center has summarized the perceived difficulties in colonizing Venus as being merely from the assumption that a colony would need to be based on the surface of a planet:

“However, viewed in a different way, the problem with Venus is merely that the ground level is too far below the one atmosphere level. At cloud-top level, Venus is the paradise planet.”

There's a big difference between using gravity to accelerate a probe object that is flying near the object than to shoot something right into it with the hope it can also make it back out.

As a Roman pagan, fuck off. Jews worship their desert gods and other elites worship Babylonian deities.

Saturn is the God of Time, father of wealth and agriculture, a bringer of new seasons and living renewal, not some evil sandnigger god.

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It’s actually true color. There’s a color reference attached to the lander so they can gauge it among other methods

>what are orbital dynamics


oh shit

Attached: bespin.jpg (1024x585, 43K)

OP here, I've listened to that one several times. It's one of the better ones.

>Venus is unironically more suitable.
Most of its hydrogen has been cooked off. We'd have to throw shit tons of comets at it, not to mention sequestering the crap ton of CO2 and sulfuric acid that makes up its atmosphere right now.

Also, the temperature is only 462 C, no big deal.

Attached: venus magellan composite image.jpg (1600x900, 219K)

>Venus is unironically more suitable.
Venus would be a logistical nightmare. Ganymede is more suitable, it's most galling drawback is the low gravity. Venus, like every bitch, is a shopping list of psychotic issues that are only kept off the roster of atrocities by hetfags who want to keep getting laid.

What does /scitv/ think of the possibility of a planet out in the oort cloud?

Attached: tyche in the oort cloud.jpg (1400x834, 142K)

Jupiter Optimus Maximus > Saturnius

Get fucked, daddy issues.

apparently not everyone finds that scary. i thought those feelings were universal, but it is considered a kind of "phobia". maybe those who don't experience it just lack comprehension though

Wrong planet asswipe. And E8N is the handsome one

I'd prefer mypenis over uranus any day

Venus has an average temperature of around 900 degrees F and will crush you like a tin can if you step on the surface
However, some scientists are proposing building a cloud city

It's more likely than not there are rogue masses all up in that shit. Probably a host of Plutos; hopefully not leftover automated death satellites meant to trap us in our solar system by advanced aliens who want space all to themselves a la the sleem.

In case you're still here and still wondering, the answer is no. All good scifi writers got chased out for not being black or woman enough

These are the dumbasses that insult us. Holy fucking shit. Here, you stupid ass eurotrash peasant:

It's been speculated for years about an outermost planet at the edge of the solar system, but with all the stuff in the Kupier Belt, anything of substantial size would have had to clear its neighborhood, including that of the Oort Cloud's particulates

Jupiter kino coming through.

Attached: Galo Sengen.gif (480x360, 1.92M)

I'll be honest, I wouldn't know how I'd react without actually going to see it for myself. I can assume through logic that grasping the magnitude of a world that size is not going to elicit the same response when it's in my face as opposed to in a photograph or Youtube video. I do find the concept daunting, the idea that I wouldn't be able to psychologically withstand the visual sight of such an enormous mass, complete with the full knowledge that there are even bigger things. But damn I'd like to find out sometime.

That's the whole basis for the novel Lucifer's Hammer.

Humanity probably won't survive the next few hundred years, but, assuming we do, would it make sense to pull the Earth's orbit farther from the sun to prevent it from becoming a cinderworld as the Sun's luminosity increases?

Attached: earth burned to a crisp 1by from now.jpg (1280x720, 92K)

Since when was Pluto all shitty looking thought it was ice blue

I hardly think there's a market for 40 minutes of a corpse falling while cosmic horrors turn it into a lump of goo or whatever hypothetically happens

I was going to post this, but then I realized that if it isn't some stupid tweet, Instagram screenshot, or /pol/ "infographic"... then there's no way that the /tvpolcels/ would've heard of it.

Fuck no, Pluto's always been a scarred-up mass of ice and rock. LIfe's rough on the fringe.

There is a video about this on youtube.

>Pluto showing signs of geological activity
Fuck you in your nigger mouth, deGrasse Tyson. My homie is a planet and you can throw yourself in front of Truck-kun.

saturn is the jewish nigger of planets, worst thing that can happen to a man
jupiter is based
mars is the slavshit
venus is faggotry
mercury is the nerd
moon is onions
sun is test

it's simple

>Building surface habitats on Venus
No one is proposing that. Usually when people talk about colonizing Venus they mean setting up floating cities in the cloud tops. Oxygen is lighter than Venus' atmosphere so balloon habitats would be easy, and the temperature and pressure in the upper clouds is the most comparable with Earth in the entire solar system. The biggest problems with Venus are that you would have to ship fuckloads of water there constantly, and Venus' atmosphere tends to vaporize things coming in to fast from orbit.

Enjoy your lethal doses of radiation every day.

In truth, the other world's in our Solar system are worth exploring and possibly maintaining habitats on, but long-term habitation is unfeasible and frankly kind of dumb when you could build space-habitats like O'Neill cylinders much cheaper, more efficiently, and they would be far more comfortable and easy to maintain, than offworld colonies on other terrestrial bodies.

Attached: 8aRKtMQyZxEr7i9nh7Heo9cwQGl9BySKsKIo8-6i8zM.jpg.jpg (620x556, 74K)

I'll beat the shit out of any aliens from any planet or country.

Enjoy your lethal doses of radiation every day.
No different than Mars.

There's no point in floating colonies, even if you had the tech to do so, it would be easier to just build space stations.

Ballooning over Venus is a fantastic idea, until you factor in human stupid. One floater city and all its inhabitants take a nose-dive into Hell's Fartsack and you can bet there'll be Luddite cults that declare Venus a suicide world.

Where in my post did I say anything about Mars?
At least Mars has large sub-surface caverns you could build a spinning habitat in, using Mars' own crust to block the radiation. I think Humans should go to Mars because it's the easiest terrestrial world for human to visit in person besides the Moon (and maybe Ceres), but I don't forsee people ever colonizing Mars long term. There will likely be scientific and tourist facilities on Mars, maybe some mining and industrial sites, but it will never be a major destination.

That was my whole point about O'Neill cylinders. If humans ever colonize Space, it's much more likely to be building thousands of large habitats to our own biological specifications rather than colonizing terrestrial worlds. It makes more sense in nearly every measurable way.

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