Marcy's cupcakes? Just toss the cupcake tray into the closet.
Other urls found in this thread:
Q&A Stream starts in a few hours
Redeeming Marcy's card.
New drawing
honestly r8 or else your mother dies in her sleep tonight
no immunities
By inflicting The Core with her autism, Marcy has done more to defeat it and Andrias than anyone else.
Even when doing nothing, Marcy continues to be the best girl.
marcy's autism will be the death of the core
If it wasn't for the animal abuse I would pity the Core.
I'm ready to see angry Marcy.
Imagine actually caring about this frog flavored diet Steven Universe
>Marcy: "I'm not trapped here with you. You're trapped here with me."
>Darcy: "Oh, shit."
That's my girl, make em eat cupcakes and fall on the ground!
Do you expect Marcy to get any lasting consequences for abandoning her parents, kidnapping her friends, and getting mind-raped?
Dead thread
Dead show
Amphibia lost and will be forgotten
It's over
I hate you
Newtussy moment. Post newts.
>brings up ratings and streaming numbers out of nowhere
>constantly tries to dunk on owls
>laughing andrias.png
>is a Loudpedo spic
>still tries to keep the frog/owl conflict alive through sheer autism
>most likely has the Pedo Stache(tm)
>never asks the questions, never makes answers longer than 2 sentences
>If 3A is not mentioned, he WILL bring it up
>constantly says the show is dead and forever shit whenever an episode objectively underperforms
>agrees with every single post slightly critical of Amphibia with NPC tier responses
>calls every user that catches on to his reponsefaggotry a schizo WITHOUT FAIL
>quippy writing style strongly suggests he's a phoneposting turbofaggot with 2 IPs
>never spaces out his spam, all his posts are 30 seconds apart AT BEST
>Gets out of school on schedule, at his worst on weekends, surprise surprise
>most likely out of the three to be a 13 year old cunt from twitter who never got a proper paddling in his life
>Responsible for the Sasha rape greentexts
>Call Anne a mary sue and exaggerate her flaws while downplaying Marcy and Sasha
>constantly shit on the frogs
>complains the loudest about filler
>most definitely made up of the twitter flag crowd
>2/3rds of yurifaggots are sexual predators
>"lmao hetfag"
>will seethe and image spam "straight threads" to death
>has the thinnest skin out of the three
>constantly RP as the trio and jannies dont do a damn thing while nuking greentexts
>must be banished back to /u/ at all costs
>no father figure
The rest of /amph/ threads of today are just made of lesser autists, trolls, and anons being retarded. If I missed anything about the big 3 responsible for the most thread stagnation, let me know. Reposting cuz last thread died
I only have frogussy in my folder.
>more filler
what's next for amfilleria?
Didn't take long for the trolls to show up.
I’m pretty sure tribefag has been responsible for the vast majority of doom posting, particularly the low-effort copy paste comments that are the same from 3A. He’s just trying to stir up shit in general.
>Imagine being this guy with this many people living rent free in his head
Sounds like you got a pretty thin skin yourself.
Don't give him attention.
why do people pretend to like cupcakes? It's just stale, cheap muffins hidden under overly sweet fake cream and artificial colors.
Where are you getting them from? The trash can? Are you a raccoon?
You're forgetting to include that Doomfags are obsessed with Matt, California, and Thai culture. If they don't bring up 3A, they will mention either Matt, Cali, or Thai in their post. Also, one more crucial thing that you forget to add to the Doomfag list, is they samefags a lot. Right schedule, the doomfag is in the thread right now.
What kind of shitty cupcakes have you been eating?
Cupcakes are fucking are delicious. Especially if they're fresh from the oven.
>I consoom le sweet it's le good because sweetness is good
I can't believe sasha fucks dogs
Yes, they are good. If something tastes good, there's no reason to not to eat it.
You're not some kind of faggot that would deny themselves a delicious cupcake out of a sense of contrarianism, are you?
Marcy is slowly turning her autistic. Excellent.
I wanna see Darcy geeking out over some modifications to the robots that make them look like the ones from "INSERT NERD MEDIA HERE", only to suddenly realize how she's acting and ask Andrias what's wrong with her
Why does Darcy look like her skin is melting off?
Yes it's really awesome, Satan.
>Darcy mods them all to sound like Daleks and Space Core
>The endless cries of SPAAAACE and EXTERRRMINATE drive Andrias mad all through the night
>Andria is battling and losing against Anne and Sasha.
>Meanwhile, Darcy is sitting on the throne, eating a cupcake.
>Andrias: "For frogs sake! Help!"
>Darcy: "No, I must have my cupcake. My sweet, cakey, treasures. Piping hot from their 180C woo-oomb!"
I tried to draw her wet
>Paints one to look like a Gundam.
Not the generic kinds you find. There's this cupcake place that made all sorts of flavors and it was the first time I actually liked one. Mighty expensive though. If I was rich I'd probably have it every month.
Needs work, but on the right track. wetness lines come off looking a bit more like hair or fleshy flaps. Would recommend using a white line for them.
>Darcy gets more and more "eccentric" as time goes on.
>Andria realises that he's made a terrible mistake.
He always knew it was a mistake.
He'll be begging Anne and Sasha to stop Darcy by the time they face him.
>Please! You've got to help me! I don't think I can sit through another 16 hour lecture on Stardew Valley and min-maxing crop output!