Fucking bullshit propaganda

Fucking bullshit propaganda

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Consoom good
>No Consoom, propaganda bullshit


t. seaworld shill

well yea, fish aren't niggers

t. seaworld

if people want to see orcas, we have plenty of nature documentaries to show them in their natural habitat, we don't need these disgusting freak shows anymore

how's that? that whale became a psycho and murdered his trainers, it's undeniable

>relatively intelligent

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Orcas and dolphins exhibit a high degree of intelligence. This is well-known.

i'm sure there are half truths or lies in it, but i really don't care, these dumb shows shouldn't exist anymore. i went to one once and it was fucking stupid, you watch dolphins and an orca breach a couple times and you get splashed with water. the whole thing is for children, but kids don't fully grasp the situation, they just see a neat animal doing neat things.

It's bullshit propoganda to point out that it's inhumane to keep orcas in captivity? How the fuck can anyone make an ethical case against anything without faggots like you coming along to dismiss it out of hand?

They don't. You heard this from a source of vegan propaganda.

crazy how many people have seen this Orca shite yet barely anyone has seen The Cove which is infinitely more harrowing

Doc: Look at this movie poster, and tell me what you see.
Okay Doc, I see the back of a large black man, one leg of a white woman wrapped around him. She's on the edge of a bed, shaking as the bbc slides in and out if her slippery cunt. God she was BUILT FOR BBC

i watched the cove, but i think this seaworld show thing is much worse. these animals are just prisoners living shit lives, the dolphins in the cove were at least killed and not slowly tortured

But is not feesh. Is memeal.


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Although being less than 15% of aquarium sea life....

They actually do. This has been widely studied. Look up cetacean intelligence.

This but unironically


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Why didn’t they just build bigger enclosures for the orcas?

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Imagine thinking anything that doesn't agree that animals are just things for us to use is "vegan propaganda". I know you're just willfully ignorant to be an edgy faggot so go fuck yourself,

You anons remember Tyke don't you?

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these things swim all over the world, there is no enclosure large enough for them

I've always wondered how hard it'd be to even just "convince" wild Orcas and dolphins to perform. Building an "open stadium" in an area they frequent and teach the locals some tricks for fish. They'd probably do it for shits and giggles, the blubbery fucks.


come home

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Why don't they build a bigger enclosure for you, you walrus. Do a flip you dumb thing

they'd probably get bored of doing that within 5 minutes and just go chase down a fish, eat it, then go hound down some dolphin p*ssy

Zoos should all be banned and closed.

Dumb consoomers

You sound like a /pol/tard

Ted did nothing wrong.


I fucking love ORCAS!
Do I watch these documentaries or will I just get unnecessary sad?

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Shut up before I fry you up you oversized dolphin

You will get angry.
Also, this one

>On March 10, 2006 in Mooyah Bay of Nootka Sound, Luna approached a boat he knew — the ocean tugboat, General Jackson — whose crew were interacting with the whale. It is believed that Luna went up to the tugboat intentionally, as he often did, to engage in playful activity. Apparently underestimating the power of the idling vessel — tugboats have much more powerful engines than other ships of their size — Luna was pulled into the six-foot diameter blades and killed. Because his body was so damaged from the blades, nothing could be recovered for research

nope, im not being sad today, that's enough

Why hasnt the video of the whale killing the girl leaked yet. There must be a few home videos out there

Is this in a documentary?
Also does anyone have a torrent for this? Can't find this one on my usual trackers.

I don't care if whales live or die. Ive been to sea world a bunch of times and its fun. Hippies can fuck themselves.

must be nice to be 12 years old

Kill yourself faggot

I don’t care if you kill yourself (I hope you do) why would I care about a fucking fish

alright lad we all know you're 13 now but you've still got a bit of growing up to do

look at these stupid poopy faces lmao imagine being a stupid poopy face

It's probably possible. But incredibly dangerous.
As teach the animal to make tricks it will no longer fear humans and would seek them out. If an Orca gets a bit frustrated at a random swimmer not giving it trests it could attack.

whales are mammals nutbrain

Jesus fucking christ why, it's still an accident, you can't really blame anyone, but why.

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>japs slaughter hundreds of whales every year but sea world is the bad guy for making one do tricks

Were do they live? THE SEA.
Were do fish live? THE SEA

People shit on Japan all the time for that though

They're both bad you retarded fuck. One has nothing to do with the other.

And they dont give a fuck.

after watching this i took a vacation to Vancouver island to see orcas in the wild. totally worth it.

I ate whale bacon in Japan. They have a point.

There is an even worse movie about that and the dolphins

You'd have to consider them human first to call them the bad guys

Why is everything a conspiracy, a lie, or an ulterior motive to you schizo limp dicks on this board? Do you genuinely believe everyone and everything is plotting against you? It gets fucking tiring to read

No he doesn't go ask /pol/ what they think about animal environmentalism and the vast majority will say wipe out Negros in Africa to save the wildlife from poaching.

the japs are retarded for doing that, but at least they're just killing them and eating them. having an animal like an orca or dolphin that are supposed to be travelling like 100 miles a day in the wild and putting them in those small enclosures is basically just torture, and all in the name of making retarded kids laugh when the thing breaches and splashes them with water. haha awesome fun teehee.

Does the average human even realize this isn't something you'd want to encounter in the ocean like ever?

Forget great whites, these things are death with fins and will probably torture you as a way of playing with its food before finally crushing you in its jaws.

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So orcas won't eat your ass if you see on the in the wild?

I worked at the park for a year and nobody going there even remotely looked like this. A good chunk needed mobility scooters just to see their relatives do a flip.

Probably dooable
maybe something like it pops up in 50 years

by who? the orca lobby?

orcas don't attack humans in the wild afaik, i'm sure it has happened a couple times, but it's just extremely extremely rare. but if those things were to attack us for food they'd play with us the same way we play with spaghetti

One could argue that seaworld saved these whales from being finned by japanese whaling boats. Based seaworld literally preserving whale culture.

life imprisonment and torture tends to be seen as worse than death

I'm convinced that /pol/ is the ultimate contrarian. They don't even think anymore, they just see which opinion normal people hold and take the opposite stance, and then make up arguments around it to prove themselves right.

the japs hunt minke whales, they don't hunt orcas, im pretty sure its illegal to hunt orcas

>these things are death with fins and will probably torture you as a way of playing with its food before finally crushing you in its jaws.
Nope, Orcas like humans in the wild

Mild kek.

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>jap bugs
>caring about laws

>orcas don't attack humans in the wild
Well lucky you, cunt. Not everyone is so lucky.

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Seaworld sucks dick. Yeah, it might've been cool 100 years ago when dancing circus bears and elephants were all the rage but it's trashy to see everybody clapping for such dumb shit. It also doesn't help that their rides are boring. There is no reason to pick Seaworld over something like fucking Sixflags lmao

>everyone cares about the orcas now that that cringe documentary came out but they also gloss over the fact that seaworld has done literally the most of any organization in preservation for countless other species of aquatic animals
But muh whales though

>People are making something more known that is happening in their own country as opposed to something else on the other side of the planet
Uhhh, no fucking shit? Also someone tell this dumbass to watch The Cove

No one is forgetting about anything. A right doesn't erase a wrong, or even makes it okay.

>seaworld has done literally the most of any organization in preservation

>Dude forget I molested a child, alright. I've done so much in the community
But muh keeds tho

Obviously the documentary was made by CNN and was made to hurt ticket sales and drive traffic to Six Flags(also has ties to Time Warner). LMAOing at you sheep who haven't seen the bigger picture

yeah I'm thinking based

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yep, i don't believe that for a second. they most likely just do some minor things in preservation to save face, but they don't spend much money on it. other organizations do more and they aren't using animals as a circus freak show to make money.

>literally A OK to cage and train thousands of other species of animals and have them do tricks
>just not whales because i watched a movie

orcafags are the catfags of the sea

What other parks or establishments besides Sea World do this? Cringe ass strawman

Six flags is better
Seaworld is for stupid fat boomers who want to see the funny animal do a flip

Every zoo on earth? Ever been to vegas? How about dogs, horses, parrots, tigers, etc etc

fucking this
>lol so what if millions of animals live in filthy conditions and exist only to fatten up and get killed violently? i don't give a shit about my food lol
>omg no not the whales they are intelligent animals bro they sometimes whistle at people

>Zoos make their animals do flips and shit and train them for entertainment the way Sea world does
This dumb bitch.. And if you did any digging in your life, yes. Tons of people do have problems with how animals are kept in zoos

Meant for

They literally do. The zoo in my area has camel rides where snot nosed kids pay 5 bucks to make a lap on a camel. Do you care about camels like you do whales?

hmmm nootka

everyone with half a brain does not like seeing animals like elephants, tigers, and bears do circus tricks. this thread is about whales because the OP posted blackfish...
dogs and horses have purpose in our lives, orcas and dolphins doing tricks is just some stupid entertainment thing. worse than that orcas and dolphins are more intelligent than both dogs and horses.

>We're gonna follow this Killer Whale who has a history of violence over several years at several parks that Seaworld just happens to purchase

>A good chunk needed mobility scooters just to see their relatives do a flip.

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>They literally do
I'm gonna assume your zoo doesn't have a giant arena for flips and shit now does it? If the thread was about how poorly zoos are I'd post about that, but it is not. So youre epic gotcha failed, bro.


ctrl f "seaworld" 42 results

>its ok when its X animal but not ok when its Y animal
Youre just a hypocrite that was brainwashed by a documentary that was made to do just that. Smooth brain bitch.

>Dude I cared about animals before you
This is why people make fun of your kind

>its ok when its X animal but not ok when its Y animal
Feel free to quote where I said that because earlier I proved your dumbass wrong by pointing out loads of people think zoos are wrong.
>Can't even post without a strawman
>le smooth brain

>dogs and horses serve a purpose in our lives
X animal
>whales just do flips for a crowd
Y animal

wasn't me. Yikes!

Nuke the whales

that was me. that is perfectly reasonable. horses are work animals that we have used in the past because we needed them, they serve a purpose. a whale doing flips does not serve a purpose the same way a horse does, unless you are a child that wants to see free willy do jumps like a fucking moron

> ban animal testing
Yea sure let's have 0 biological scientific achievement and discovery for the next millennium

Yes, I know people with common sense are not taken seriously by internet warriors like you

Lmao you guys are fucking fags. Whales can get fucked

its not nice to talk about your mom like that

Im going to go to seaworld tomorrow just to spite this thread

Wow, you're so cool, user.

>sea world said they wont take any more whales after the ones they have die
>whales live for like 50 years

i sure hope so, aren't you the main attraction?

>Yessss. Must. Consooooom to own strangers

No shamu is and that nigger is gonna dance for me

the orca show is fucking based.

>whale going to seaworld
good luck

dont worry user they totally have fat scooters

by who haha

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Remember that guy who broke into seaworld a few years ago and went into the whale pool and got eaten


I thought this thread is about ariana grande and her blackface

As someone who is local, the majority of people that go to seaworld are foreigners. British and chinese mostly.

>British and chinese mostly.
might as well be called CoronaBongWorld

And hordes of brazilians. Why are there always so many brazilians?

Fl here too. Nobody ever cries about gatorland when they make them do tricks for tourists.

The most common foreigners I'd see when I worked there were poos. Although I thought it was weird that Seaworld would hire Chinese migrant workers during the summer who knew barely any English.

Also you know they'll just wait for it to blow over and do it again

oyuvey, rememberu za sixu mirrionu nipponjin at hiroshima

I watched barefoot gen and akira.. How can you ever forgive us honorary Aryans

>The film however received a number of criticisms from trainers involved in the project, believing information was willfully withheld to support the thesis of the story. Claims of interviewees of substandard quality were voiced by Bridgette Pirtle, herself a former trainer.[9]
Youve been duped

you are retarded. Zoos do more for animal conservation and protection than most. They educate people and mostly kids to respect them and hewlp care and protect as well as proceeds going towards keeping them alive both in captivity and in the wild. Not to mention breed animals that would otherwise go extinct because foreign assholes without an education cant stop themselves from wiping out their populations.

>put thousands of people out of a job and vastly harm tourism to many cities
>have to spend YEARS rehabilitating animals that have never lived in the wild to be in it, they may never be able to be rehabilitated
>And in the end they just get shot by poachers anyways

t. retard

also if it wasn't for zoos this guy would be extinct

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its not about just taking the opposite stance. Its about asking questions and not just blindly believing fucking everything like you and the rest of the NPCs out there with no inner monologue.

do you animal rights activists feel good about putting them out of business? Literally thousands are now jobless because of you

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theres a bunch of kickass rides at Seaworld and has more to offer than some Six Flags parks... and its got good shows. Its already an amusement park but theres a shit load of marine life too. Your poor ass has never been or never even seen whats actually in the park.


>"B.. B.. But they're so smart!"
>Swims into rotating steel blades

kek what a dead bitch!

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Fuck these faggots. They got the only good thing at sea world cancelled.

No there isn't.
>Y-You're poor!
Only poorfags go to seaworld now considering how they've slashed the ticket prices after Blackfish. Also I got free tickets from working there. Cope seashill

I fed a shark and pet a sting ray there. It was pretty based

>You cant say this thing is bad because other bad thing!

How's life as an npc?

>the hollywood jews said this is bad so its bad!
You tell me

This. Aside from all the research they do you also really can't measure how much good it does for the world to have people develop a fascination with animals. Plus it's pretty common for zoos to take in animals that have been injured in a way that would make reintroduction into the wild impossible. It's important to identify specific genuine animal abuse, but zoos as an institution are definitely good. For example, my local zoos have done away with the dolphin exhibit and seal feeding after deciding that it wasn't good for the animals.

Ok retard

Whales in captivity live for about 15 years. Some wild whales have been documented to be at least 75 years old

Yeah he was butt ass nekkid when they found him with "severe genital injures"

Gators have a brain the size of a chicken's lmao

As far as reptiles go crocodillians are pretty intelligent, it’s just that their evolutionary lifestyle involves being a lazy fat fuck 95% of the time.

I'm pretty sure they didn't major in "Animal Entertainment" dingus

Lmao at all the triggered consoomers ITT.

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You are retarded, which is why you go to the zoo.
Because retards love the zoo.

>People whose livelihood depends on the film failing voice concern

Not surprising

Why don't you go find out, user? Live the dream.

ju8st test on humans dumby

They're about 99 percent as smart as non human animals get. The only way to not consider them smart is if you're applying human standards like a retard who doesn't understand human fucking language and context.

>Instead of recycle what about recycle and no gay sex.

Truly the intellectual awakening of modern man.

How could we forget?

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Is there some whale thing today? I drove by like 2 whale protests this morning

How many billion shekels were made shorting SeaWorld stock

Yeah that's only even potentially valid as an idea if you're one of the people on the sinking ship. Otherwise you're just a mewling little piggy worm trying to save yourself.


We live on land, are we insects?

How has nobody made a giant aquarium and put a whale in it? This is exactly the sort of insane thing our ancestors would have done if they could have, we are seriously dropping the ball here.

Just throw like 500 polar bears in with it and see if they can kill it

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pick one

Uh, hello? Cringe department?

another thing that just occurred to me, figure out which genes are responsible for size in the blue whale, and genetically modify one to be like a mile long.

Even the largest aquarium would be too small for a whale

Whales are only going to get bigger so long as there is no environmental pressure from hunters or lack of food
The Blue Whale is already the largest animal ever, and there is no upper limit on size in the ocean, especially for a warm blooded air breather

The largest whale ever seen was over 33m long and weighed about 250t

If they're so smart, why didn't they learn how to use guns and fight back instead of being made Man's bitch?

>no upper limit on size i
surely there is some upper limit. I can't believe a mile long whale could ever exist, how would its heart even pump blood everywhere, it would need like 50 hearts, and imagine how long it would take nerves to send signals from the tail to the brain

Anyone else think this looks like a black man embracing a white woman?


Aka: come and get fedded you retarded skinhead

Anti-animal captivity is one of the few things I agree with leftists on. Keeping animals hostage so boomers can take their retarded kids to gaze at them for 5 minutes is just downright stupid, especially in the age of the internet where you have an entire online library of cool videos of animals that aren't clinically depressed.

lol cuck

>all the ones killed are young, dumb girls doing their "dream job"
>the only person mentioned on the film as having survived an attack from the whales is an actual professional
Maybe don't hire people straight out of school for a job that requires not being retarded

depends on the animals honestly
a lot of big cats love chilling all day doing fuck all and having their food delivered to them
but for stuff like whales and polar bears its extremely cruel

The final form of being animalpilled is being anti-pet and anti pet breeding. Pisses normalfags off so much.

That's the bobpill.

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The aquarium would have to be the size of a country, potentially even larger. If you had a permanent enclosure to live your life inside, what size would oyu want it to be?

Who knows? The real limitation is not the heart but the lungs
A kilometre is huge but there is still a way to go below that
Gulp feeder Baleen whales are for the most part close to the limit as is
The only way I can imagine a whale growing significantly larger is if a new feeding system was evolved to fit different future conditions (like an anoxic ocean full of algae, and plankton)
Being able to breathe air would give whales a big advantage in low oxygen waters, and some sort of ultra low energy feeding style such as just slowly drifting and filter feeding huge regions could be possible.

Not many large marine animals target humans after they’ve been properly identified, the vast majority of shark bites are just sharks trying to figure out what the creature in front of him is.
Humans are super fucking bony compared to most marine prey animals and near indigestible for most sharks because of this, I would suspect the same for orcas

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>Gulp feeder Baleen whales are for the most part close to the limit as is
Why do you think?

think most of us need about 300 square feet

What about working animals like sheep dogs?

Even dogs though? Could be argued dogs have literally evolved to need humans

No. They actually go out of their way to help us out sometimes. Lots of stories of them circling around people in peril at sea to protect them from sharks, stuff like that

I don’t give a shit about Sea World, it seems gay and boring. But most of Blackfish has been debunked by unbiased sources. It is totally a propaganda piece.

That's crazy. Usually it's the other way around with other animals. Tells you a lot

The main argument against any pet breeders is that the demand is lower than the supply and some dogs are basically born just be be instantly put down. Also the the experimental artificial breeding to accentuate certain traits and get exotic looking dogs is not only bad for the dog's health but the process is cruel. Especially when new dogs breeds are created and they are inbred aka "purebred" in order to preserve traits for extra value.

So we should never leave the house to see nature’s wonders in person because we can just watch tv? Some zoos are shitty for sure, but a lot treat the animals great. They have great diets, no predators, and constant medical treatment.

Ok sure but just adopting a dog is a different story than that isn't it? If there are all these extra dogs being put down then you can just go take one of those

Idk why Im even arguing about this lol, I eat meat anyway

What if both of those things are bad?

mutt's law

>maybe the world is their enclosure
really gets my shrimp fluttering

It is recommended that you adopt dogs instead of buying them, yes. But the endgame of the ideology is that pets are no longer a thing.
This is a pretty good writeup
I know

human test subjects are a lot more available under a fascist system

What's wrong with treating animals badly exactly?

Psycho alert

Where dogs, and maybe cats, are concerned I just don't buy that it's an intrinsically exploitative relationship. Nature is full of symbiotic relations between species


Horses are no longer essential to human existence, your argument has no legs to stand. According to your reasoning you should be just as pissed about lipizzaners.

rent free

Orcas are the pitbulls of the ocean; imagine unironically defending these pieces of shit.

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This is the kind of shit retards say when they see a cat open a door in YouTube

Due to the amount of energy they use to feed
Its fairly low, but could be far lower like a basking shark

Moshi moshi

>not using your brain power to think about the poor fish makes you a caveman

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They’re really interesting and cool but they’re also psychopaths that breath under water and have fins

literally fish propaganda

yes there is an upper size limit for organisms, its speculated that 300 ft is about the length limit, that's roughly the size of the largest whales and the height of the tallest redwood trees. this is because it becomes impossible to move waste out and energy in as you scale up in size, this is basic biology. you can't just have an organism the size of north America, what are you freaks on about

funny thing is hitler was a major animal lover and would have signed much of this into legislation that would be actively enforced.

>only poorfags go to seaworld
>i worked at seaworld.

t. cthulhu

The only reported attacks by whales were in captivity.

There have been cases of attacks in the wild, but they're rare and have never led to a death. The only orcas that have killed people are those kept in captivity. IIRC one theory for why orcas don't kill us is that they recognise we're the dominant species and don't want to piss us off.


More like "we look like weird seals and they know all they have to do is drag you underwater till you pass out if you become a threat".

Yeah. When I was a teen ages ago. It's pretty common for non-autists to have a summer job.

>Fucking bullshit propaganda

say what you want the shit when they separate the baby from the mother and she in the tank screaming on long distance frequencies trying to contact her baby is gut wrenching

We also ride around in massive metal ships, reshape the land to ease transportation and harpoon whales to death. Most animals won't make the connection, but orcas might be smart enough to.


Be very careful now...

>Yea sure let's have 0 biological scientific achievement and discovery for the next millennium

or just text on niggers

Bro so what if I murdered someone ted bundy murdered lots of people what about him huh?

Howcome you never question yourself?

Imagine being born in an aquarium and living your whole life there, but then you get released into the ocean....

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the entire circus is down so literally everyone lost a job

do anti-zoo people literally believe it's better to be shot by poachers than be in a zoo?

zoos are literally the reason a good deal of animals aren't extinct

>Oh no, Not again!

They're smarter than children and women

No they think both are bad which is why they support putting an end to both, you sound like a Twitter tranny with your self obsessed straw manning

Americans truly are evil Incarnate

that's not saying much

Wild orcas never killed any human

Probably depends on what age the animal gets shot. But yeah if they got a few good years in a non mind numbing environment that is better.

I think my view of zoos got fucked up this one time I was visiting Japan and got dragged to a zoo there. The Japanese are just a little worse towards animals in a way that gives you a different perspective on it. Most of the areas they kept them in were like 30 or 40 percent smaller and shittier than where they'd be kept in a regular western zoo and it was just enough to really hammer home how mentally torturous it must be.

Some parts were worse. I swear there were huge ass bears that lived in an area with a floor space equivalent to maybe 2 normal sized bedrooms spread over 2 concrete tiers. Just the way it slumped against things and the how its body moved radiated a truly profound misery.

Orcas have never killed any children unlike pitbulls

Why do non-whites have no respect for their fellow living creatures? Love of nature is inherently a white trait, as is empathy (white women also don’t have this though). The divine spark dwells only within the white man. Non-whites have been corrupted by the adversary. Care for your inner godhood, brothers. Care for your fellow white men. Care for your land and it’s creatures.

Did they shoot its eyeball out?

Based Ecofascist brethern.

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Mhmmm. I have a use for you

Yeah, but pitbulls get to roam around with based owners and also kill children sometimes, so they obviously live the better life

If this guy had ANY self awareness, he'd recognize that he doesn't look human at all.

He is a superhuman, a Finn.

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>I've always wondered how hard it'd be to even just "convince" wild Orcas and dolphins to perform.
This is the most retarded post in the thread. The animals at seaworld and similar places are literally just wild animals doing tricks. the reason why it is even a thing to begin with is because they arent really trained they just do it willingly. the only real problem is if a several ton animal doesnt feel like doing tricks then it wont. other than that they are perfectly content with being in those places because hey, free food and good stimulation so they dont get bored.

but go ahead and project human emotions and feelings onto a wild animal as if it has any concept of freedom.

I love this sort of thinking. Just because an animal adapted to be efficient at surviving within it's extremely localized habitat, doesn't make it "intelligent". Foxes are smart and agile little fuckers, but they're not capable of rational thought or even the most basic ways of communications bar whelping and growling. I'm not against animals per se, but you animal rights fags make me cringe.

this. I am okay with improving zoos and making them better for the animals but getting rid of them is literally a death sentence for most species today.

Orcas and other Dolphin species are genuinely pretty damn smart m8. Like, at least on par with chimps, if not smarter. They have their own languages, localized cultures, they use tools (for the extent an animal with no hands and thumbs can), teach their young etc.

They are probably the closest we have to another sapient species on this planet.

Dolphins are only second to humans in intelligence.

i didn't realize it was possible to be this retarded. dolphins and whales are extremely intelligent. how the fuck do you know what their concept of freedom is?

Octopuses are probably even smarter than orcas and dolphins. Why are some marine animals so much smarter than the majority of land mammals?

>how the fuck do you know what their concept of freedom is?
because they willingly do trick for fish

>Octopuses are probably even smarter than orcas and dolphins
this but you dont see people crying about asians eating octopus and serving it at restaurants because an octopus isnt as cute. we wouldnt be having this conversation if people werent simply projecting human emotions onto whales

Corvids, Cephalopods, great apes and cetaceans all display signs of true sapience rather than just sentience, such as the ability to grasp abstract concepts

They have evolved to fill very specific niches. Especially for octopuses, the evolutionary pressure to be smart is pretty hefty when you think about it.
>squishy bodies, no real weaponry aside from their beak, can't swim that fast to either hunt fast moving prey, or flee, nor can really defend itself against threats either.

The options for survival for such a species are making tons of babies to ensure that at least some survive to adulthood, and being smart enough to survive individually down pretty low at the food web.

>octopus isn't cute
You take that back right now

Attached: cute octopus.jpg (1120x630, 922K)

>Do you genuinely believe everyone and everything is plotting against you?
No yes.

BTW fuck Janies the Tranies
You get Band on this pathetic board for replying to a cunt
nowhere else is it that bad
Do you Niggers want to become plebbit maybe apply there you turbo faggots good for nothing Niggers
Fuck jannies
Fuck trannies

This alone would still rank them in intelligence above most nigs

>black fish
>commits violent assault

What's your favorite type of fish?
Mine's a seaweed.

Anti-pet as a blanket statement doesn't quite work, given the parallel, co-adaptive evolution of species like dogs, cats and arguably horses/camels alongside humans. Anti pet breeding in the modern context is absolutely contemptible, though.


This might come as a surprise to you but there are more important things on the agenda right now than building a giant aquarium for whales

It's weird, I've seen Videos of octopuses escaping complicated "fool-proof" tanks by using tools to lift Lids and even pressing Buttons IIRC. As far as I know, there are no lids or buttons in the sea. What the fuck? Why do they have such geometrical perception

So they can grab fish that are hiding in rock or coral formations

If ever I were to suspect any animal intelligence of being alien, it'd be cephalopods. Man, they get weird.



I mean they're like 80% brain.

Just because you havent found their NEET caves yet doesnt mean that we dont have computers, an octopus might be posting here right now

Protect Willy

Orcas literally understand the concept of debt, pass the mirror test at a younger age than nigger children, and remember people by their face. You are as stupid as a fucking creationist you pea-brained coon.

Mmmmm Nootka.

You ever looks at the nigger population in the prison system?

Because we are on Yea Forums where there is no accountability and everybody is trying to lie for profit

>world is about to end in a few years and all this dude can think about is building a giant aquarium to have polar bears fight whales in

Attached: 1570863681139.jpg (240x240, 6K)

In a mad world, maybe the crazy ones are the ones with reason left.

>Hydrodynamic models suggest that a blue whale could not exceed 108 ft (33 m) due to metabolic and energy constraints


America is a strange place.

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