Kinos for this feel

Kinos for this feel

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Mutts in a nutshell

Oliver Twist


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Do americans really?

based response tbqh

It looks like a beanboy from the pic. But we know who never tips as a rule, anyway.

>in a muttshell

>should i pay my waitstaff more?
>no, it is my customers who are wrong

If you don't tip fuck you. Even just a single dollar, if every table I served tipped me just a dollar I wouldn't have to have two jobs

here's an idea you dumb nigger, get a real job that actually pays you

Why doesn't the establishment just charge extra on the food then add to your wages.

Oh wait it's because your employer doesnt give two shits about you.

I only tip men and go to the bathroom and watch as women see the exact cash payment next to two pennys on the tip line and like to watch their reactions. The best ones are when they start to cry.

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Digits wasted on someone who needs a real job

based, fuck roasties

hope you never go back there because we will fuck with your food

too stingy for a few dollars? enjoy a spit wad under your steak :) mush it in so you can't tell, bon a pe tit fucktard

if a girl spat in my food i'd still eat it lol

Wait I don't fully get what you're doing here

a better reply would have been
>maybe pay your employees a living wage so I don't have to play a guessing game as to how financially responsible I am for their livelihood.

I also like to go to the bathroom and wipe the dollar tip inside of my piss filled diaper for roasties like you. enjoy the corona virus.

Ring ring, hello, based department?

Next time you should smear your doodoo feces on the pennies, too.

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spit in my mouth

>land of the free
>you can be banned from a restaurant because you didn't tip

I once waited thirty five minutes for a drink after I ordered and paid for the drink and did not tip even a dollar. The bartender took the order and then proceeded to talk to her coworkers, walk around a lot, fix her hair and then just look at random objects around the bar. It wasn't even that crowded and what I ordered wasn't complicated

>"its your fault that I haven't joined a union or tried to negotiate better pay from a company that treats me like shit!"
lmao burgerpunk isn't just an aesthetic, its a way of life

He leaves women a two cent tip, then hides out of view (in the bathroom) and watches her reaction as she sees that he left her a pittance.

in for tipping thread

I'm already paying for my food, why the fuck should I care about tipping?

>joining a union
enjoy paying an extra $50 dollars for every meal to cover the servers higher wages and union costs

Only cucks tip.

Woah, not cool bro....
We actually work hard to serve you no need to be an asshole

>dumb fucking jew tactic, wagies already get paid
>don't tip
>stupid pajeet shitskins never tip, fuck them
What do you people want?

I bet you also pick pennies off the street.

Try the cooks too, 15\h
The restaurant biz is balls

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I thought there might be a significance to the 2 cents

Living wage is a meme. Most waiters do not want the minimum wage to increase as it just means people won’t tip anymore and a lot of them will get fired.

I understand that zoomies don’t understand the free market but if minimum wage increase would do nothing but hurt entry level positions and create that much more of a barrier to entry.

People realize this right? And yes I don’t tip waiters because they make hand over fist on tips and don’t report it and claim public benefits like food stamps.

This meme needs to end.

Reminder, never to tip via card because the restaurant most likely wont give it to the waiter

>Most waiters do not want the minimum wage to increase as it just means people won’t tip anymore and a lot of them will get fired.
Do American restaurants have a lot more waiters than Euro ones?

here's the big secret doesn't matter what internet retard say do whatever you want ha ha!! can you feel the freedom?

>go on business trips for work several times a year to different places
>have to stay in hotels, eat out every evening charge it to the company
>go to a different restaurant every night, never tip unless a coworkers are eating with me and I have to keep up appearances

I've probably eaten at 100 restaurants in the last few years without leaving any tip

eat shit you fucking pleb wagies
makes it even better when the young girls try to be extra cheerful while serving you trying to get that tip

What kinda restaurant knows someone personally like this?
Also I’d rather have the tipping model. In most of Europe the service isn’t nearly as good and I like to tip blacks and women less than white men. Servers here also usually make like $40 an hour untaxed so it usually works for everyone

>makes it even better when the young girls try to be extra cheerful while serving you trying to get that tip

Is this true? I thought they just liked me...

>Reminder, never to tip

Even if it means eating out is that much more expensive, I am glad I can pay tipping absolutely no heed.

You wouldn't need a union if American capitalism wasn't so fucking despicable, but unfortunately the only protection workers can get under the current economic system is by paying money to corrupt leftwing mafias

Lotta mental gimnastics and neo liberal economics bullshit (objectively proven wrong too)

>In most of Europe the service isn’t nearly as good
What do you mean the service isn't nearly as good? As long as they bring the food to your table who gives a shit. Does anyone enjoy a waiter hovering around with a fake smile?

Don’t know but probably yes, if minimum wage is increased then that means that people will be let go and and it fuck the economy.

The only thing I tip is my fedora when I own abrahamic faggots on Yea Forums

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american brain rot. pay him no mind

I was at a bar the other night and a guy walked in. Bartender immediately told him to leave. I asked why and he says "he comes here all the time and never tips, i aint serving you if you're not tipping"
Where the fuck did this come from?
What did Tarantino mean by this?

I will explain tipping here and why you save money with it,these numbers are only used as an example
Case A- no tipping culture :
A meal costs $50, if you add wages to it $70
You and X each order one meal, pay 70 each, total 140

Case B- Tipping culture:
Meal costs $50, no adding wages to the cost
You and X each order a meal, 50 for each meal, 100 total. Now you tip 20% making your bill 60 (lower than with wages included) and X tips $30 (he's paying more but can afford it so doesn't care). Total for both $140

You are saving money, simple as.
Of course you can tip zero but this is seen as a dick move because you are already paying less!

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How is it proven wrong at all? Show me studies that disprove this. It’s simple logic, if i the employer are forced to pay my employees 15 dollars an hour I will hire less and require experience before hiring. It creates that much more of a barrier to entry because we aren’t allowing the free market to dictate how much their labor is worth.


>go to restaurant
>literally impossible to tell if you're supposed to just sit somewhere and wait to be served or to stand at the front desk and wait to be seated
>start to feel anxious
>eventually make it past this and get seated and have my meal
>meal is ok, waiter brought it to me with no issue, he wasn't otherwise needed
>not sure if he's gonna bring me the bill or if I have to go up front to pay
>he eventually brings the bill but leaves without it as soon as I put my debit card in the sleeve
>have to wait 5 minutes for him to come back
>he takes it and comes back 5 minutes later
>sign the receipt and write down a couple bucks in the tip section
>check bank account later, the bill was deducted but not the tip
>don't want to come back and be known as that guy who doesn't tip
Why is eating so stressful?

>Paying less
I'm paying for what I ordered, aka food.

Yeah when I was younger I used to think they were hitting on me and I would try and give them my number. Women are whores for money no matter what!

Why the fuck are you working for free ? What else do you for free ? Because I could need your service...

Why is your poverty my business? I want to get dinner, not join an outreach program. Get a better job and stop using guilt as a method of extortion.

>Work hard
>Literally carry plates and refill drinks

WOW SO HARD. Can’t wait until robots take over the food industry

No you'll go out of business and be replaced by walmart

And I save even more money by implementing the tip system, and choosing not to tip at all

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lmao incel

>Does anyone enjoy a waiter hovering around with a fake smile?
This. Do NOT ask me where I'm from. Do NOT ask me how my day is. Do NOT ask me anything personal. You're not my friend, I'm not yours, just take my order and fuck off unless I need a refill.
I hate it when retarded servers try and become your friend because they think it will make you tip them more.
If anything, you hovering around makes me less likely to tip you anything because you are annoying me.

This, just learn to cook yourself or order takeway

i know its bait but there actually are retards out there that waste their energy slaving away at 2 shitty jobs just so they can buy the newest iphone or whatever else scam product for consumer drones
i purposely go out of my way to make their day stressful so they learn a lesson and quit
you're welcome

I only eat chinese takeout so I don't have this problem

Bartenders expecting tips is worse than restaurant servers. You literally just take a top off a bottle or mix pre-made ingredients in a cup. Fuck off.

And then Yea Forums clapped

That too, as small businesses can’t afford to pay their employees 15 dollars an hour and thus most would go out of business. This is nothing but a power play by corporations to take power away from entrepreneurs.

Most human beings enjoy human interaction. If it pains you that much maybe just stay in your basement.

>separating wages from the cost of the meal
This is fucking retarded and you don't understand how labour is factored into the price listed on the menu.

American businesses being allowed to pay less than a living wage is the problem here, not the public.

Youre not angry at the tip, youre angry that this is the best you could hope for in life

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>waiters cost the restaurant 20 fucking dollars per meal they serve in wages
you're beyond retarded, no surprise you're posting some anime faggotry with your bullshit

Why the fuck would anyone even get a job as a waiter in Burgerland?
Stressful as fuck wrangling morbidly obese mart shitters having to kiss ass to earn minimum wage, I would rather work in an African diamond mine

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Why cant I just go pick up the dish and fill my glass myself. Fuck waiters/waitresses, they dont do shit.
I'd rather tip the cook for making a bombass dish

I’m not debating the merits of being a waiter just drawing a parallel that can be applied to any business that is entry level work if the minimum wage was increased.

90% of the time I cant get their attention for a drink or to close my tab and they wont even be busy. Fuck bartenders

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