I feel this applies to every Ben Stiller's romantic comedies...

I feel this applies to every Ben Stiller's romantic comedies. This is making me second guess a lot of my interactions with women.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I like to think I'm a hybrid of both
Ben Stiller movies he wrote and directed are almost all kino though

>tfw insanely creepy but not intimidating enough for women to feel the need to laugh for their safety

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>Walking to my house
>Decently pretty woman ahead of me
>We're walking in the same direction
>She glances a few times backward, probably scared that I'm following her trying to rape her or something crazy like that
>Purposefully quicken my step to get ahead of her so that she's the one following me now
Anyone else wholesomekino?

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>Implying I talk to women

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Apparently this is a thing. I got reprimanded at work for it but the girl was doing it to me and thought we were having a back and forth.

are you actually funny, or so aggressively liberal that men laugh nervously at your comments for fear their own financial and employment safety? a pamphlet for women

this except i sprint past them and play it 0ff by pretending i was catching the green light. some ran into buildings lmao

>for their own safety?

Why do women love to pretend that every man is a potential violent threat?

why are men so creepy and weird when i don't want to fuck them?

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because they are? a gender reversal of this scenario would never occur

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Why does Yea Forums see one tweet and think that represents the entire world?

>not giving a damn if a girl is scared for no reason and playing on it by actually running

guilty of being dangerously based


If I wanted a woman's opinion, I'd listen to an actual woman.

It doesn't matter because they'll still fuck you if they feel threatened enough to nervously laugh. Women actually like this.

Considering Yea Forums is full of Amerimutts, creatures who are 100% emotion and 0% logic and cold thinking, any opinion in this safe space of a website is pretty much a woman's.


This place is not healthy for ones brain

Why are women low key so fucking mean?

left her shoe behind, classic mistake

Purge all of humanity

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>>B-But there are more than 100,000 women in the world!

>wahh women are mean
This is pathetic.
You are a man, you are supposed to be mean and agressive by nature and you are getting outdone by a fucking woman.

We really need a war in western soil to make your balls finally drop.

a life lived free of expectation or consequence

Yes exactly, there's 3.5 billion, in fact.
In fact, I wonder how many of those epic internet likes are not from filthy American subhumans.

sauce and/or story?


I start Talking to myself loudly saying stuff like. I AM SO SORRY MOMMY!!! WHY DO YOU DO THAT MOMMY!!!????

>have muslim housemate that I flirt to and she doesn't like it but laughs and blushes anyway
When women don't have enough spine to discourage you then your chances of fucking them are higher. they're more likely to just go along with what you suggest because they feel too embarrassed or awkward to say no, like they'd be doing the wrong thing.

I love how weak women are

To be fair, nobody expected anything from you millennials.
Which is sad because even then you are a dissapointment.
We expected the generation who grew up under Jackass and Family Guy to be a generation of mean degenerates, instead we have the biggest punch of pussies in history, people that play fucking Pokemon in their 30s

Reminder, by “creepy” they just mean ugly, and by ugly they just mean not having a forward grown face.

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>To be fair, nobody expected anything from you millennials.
>Which is sad because even then you are a dissapointment.
>We expected the generation who grew up under Jackass and Family Guy to be a generation of mean degenerates, instead we have the biggest punch of pussies in history, people that play fucking Pokemon in their 30s

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>a woman that looks like this thinks she can say anything worth listening to about relationships

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Look at the millennial having some basic social interactions with a woman.
It's fascinating how fascinated you are by it.

Probably all Western women. Literally all Western women are man-hating feminists. Only reason women not in the West aren’t the same is because they don’t have access to the internet.


Sometimes I start reading tweets and after 3-4 lines I start to think the person is trolling or on drugs, or just made a bot to tweet random words because none of it sinks in, my brain literally doesn't recognize it as English.

Instead of putting effort in to reading it again and trying to de-niggerfy it I generally just hide the thread.

Lmaooooo women should be locked in cages

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Talk about yourself, Amerimutt, i've met more than one female skinhead around my circles, pretty fine people in general.
Even if all they do is harass people, they at least certainly do far more than the average "idealist".

>you have to die in a war for Israel to be a real man

Why are cuckservatives like this?

we're not getting outdone by women, we're getting outdone by a system of men called the state backing the woman up. i can't say "fuck it" and say whatever i want because a man will fire me for the woman, or sue me, or weasel 50% of my assets away etc. this whole "it's mens faults for being pussies" thing is retarded. no man is stronger than the entire system enforcing a gynocentric hyperconsumer model. the only ones who get away with it are guys that are universally attractive, domineering etc, hence the dumbass "chad" memes.

No, you need to have balls to be a man.
And I don't care about which war.
Hell, fight a war against Israel, but please, get out of your comfort zone for once in your life.

>t. wannabe rapist with delusions of grandeur

Female skinheads can hate men too, they just usually shift it from the usual white men to brown men.

Gayfag here, guy on the right's perfectly average. If he had those millimetres of bone he'd be handsome af, but as it is now he's perfectly decent.

>the only ones who get away with it are guys that are universally attractive, domineering etc, hence the dumbass "chad" memes.
kek someone's jelly

>needs haircut
>bad skincare routine
>bad posture
>dressed poorly
>self pity

Right just needs to man up, improve himself, and accept he doesn't deserve 9/10 models.

why not just tell the guy he isn't funny. are they still in high school?

>no man is stronger than the entire system
Hitler was.
Hell, the entire world needed to band together to beat him.

you go fight in a war nigga

Because unlike you they don't have the autism.
Neurotypical humans intuitively understand why you laugh at unfunny people if you're a woman.

Hating non-whites should be natural.
Let me guess, you are deep into your boy vs girl internet fight but you otherwise you are one of those cuckservatives who is "tolerant" with other races.

This mutation of the pathetic moderate right wing needs to be cut off and replaced with a true far right.

of course i am, who the hell wouldn't be?
>hey are you jealous of a guy with a spare 100k and a jawline+beard
no shit sherlock

lol butthurt white knights

i troll them by following them all the way.

A lot of them are nice but sometimes when they are on the rag they turn into monsters. But I always was better at insulting them because women can't form humorous retorts

>bad skincare routine
What skincare routine, my skin is mostly clean of acne and only thing I do is wash my face with water when I wake up.

I’m not conservative or liberal, I just hate women. Sorry if this upsets the real cuckservative (you) who would eat a woman’s shit to prove he’s not a misogynist as long as she’s white.

Jokes on them, women don't talk to me at all

Cool story bro.

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A fake laugh isn't so hard to spot.

What the fuck is going on here?

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this HAS to be russia. HAS to be russia.

Older millennials are better than younger ones. Older ones didn't grow up with this no bullying thing in schools.

why live a lie, just tell the guy he makes you uncomfortable and move on lol

Even worse, a non-idealist.
And no, i'm not conservative, conservatism is about preserving things as they are now, and I do not want that.

>(you) who would eat a woman’s shit to prove he’s not a misogynist as long as she’s white
Not really, but I will stick with my own people because America is proof enough of what happens when you mix yourself with the non-white creatures.
It spawns others like you, people who talk mighty about the world but don't really care about politics, they probably make your brains hurt.

Wholesome post

i don't even talk to women, i don't even have a chance to be a jester for m'lady

I don't listen to fat ugly harpies

My point is that skincare routines are for women.
All a man needs is basic hygiene.

yo hitler was controlled opposition for a banker war. they needed someone to try to pose a threat to the new global zionist central banking system on the pretext of racial grounds, then throw the men capable of opposing the system or fathering children who could oppose the system thru a giant meat grinder that both expanded global trade and military occupation, but also established several safe zones for bankers and their money to retreat to when STHTF. the war was desirable, and had hitler won, they would have embedded their MO into the facist model.

This reads like a Jaden Smith tweet

I'm both.

why did he stay with her?
his fault

Funniest webm posted all day

Ok retard thanks for sharing your stupid ass opinions.

>and had hitler wo
The world would be fine, then.
Needs to be tried again.
Maybe in 30 years when America has turned into North Brazil.

>woman accidentally admits she doesn't understand humor

why do whites insist on adding a little deviation to a common name

>For their own safety

Who the fuck laughs in order to feel safer? "Oh man, I better laugh at his joke or he might rape me!"

Then don't walk around at night alone in a shitskin-heavy area

look in the mirror, male
that's your true nature

why wasn't he able to fight back? He didn't look like a beta cuck
also based white psycho bitch killing shitskins

Who cares what you think faggot. Your man ass preference is its own Darwinian filter you dumb bitch

because all women are the same

>I better act amicable and like I'm enjoying this conversation so the person will get the hint to leave me alone
Why are women so stupid?

If women are so stupid, why can’t you have sex?

She's probably antigun. Anyone who has ever voted for stricter gun laws deserves to be violently beated and raped by a pack of marauding juicy cocked negroes

Like I said, it's not going to be obvious to someone like you. To us, it's something you immediately understand.
Laughing and showing you're not actually amused is the socially polite way of telling someone to fuck off. It's the easiest and safest way to deal with them. Usually it works, sometimes autists don't get it (these are the people who wouldn't understand how you could laugh AND show someone you're not amused at the same time). Honestly, if it's not working they should adopt more obvious methods, but I understand why they'd be reluctant.

Having sex is easy because they're so stupid

Then why are you still an incel?


you don't understand, they're on both sides of the ideological coin. only God can cull this level of malignant greed and evil. hitler winning wouldn't have changed shit, just the flavor of it. look at the US- the revolutionary war was ostensibly a revolt against the crown (the rothschilds, the banking system, [[[them]]], etc), yet there were fucking freemasons signing the declaration. the civil war was a banker war. the whiskey rebellion already saw money'd interests influencing culture for profit. political ideologies are a false idol my dude, hitler wasn't going to save shit. he was an effective leader but he was not going to reverse the system of money changing in place since rome. this is the church of satan we're talking about, man is too small to squash it. if you don't accept this, you'll constantly be looking for an earthly savior and be bitterly disappointed all of your days.

he looks white

user, if an autist comes up to you and starts talking to you about some bullshit, you don't say "you're boring me to tears, fuck off", do you? No, you say "aha, yes, I see. Yes. Uh-huh. Sorry, I have to go now".

Nobody is the same, but you millennials sure are trying to force this because the complexities of the world are too much for your brains.
Another reason why millennial activism is at the level of Yea Forums's console wars., a pathetic display of the most uneducated and uncivil generation yet.

Nice string of red herrings and ad hominems, but let's stay on the topic of female retardation.

Pretty horrible

Ok virgin.

Why are you so socially retarded?

I feel like we’re close to the point in gender relations where they finally just admit all men under 6/10 are written off and can’t compensate with humor or being nice or a good friend, etc. in other words all the bullshit we’ve been fed about “what to do” was complete horseshit.

The same joke told by a handsome man is charming, when told by George Costanza is creepy and has her ‘fearing for her safety’. How many times do you need the same shit proven?

And on that blessed day of women finally admitting the truth the era of the beta simps is over. They will finally understand they were just strung along and pumped for cash and favours.
Imagine the cleansing feeling of knowing the world of cunt is forever closed to you. You’re free. You can do whatever you want and never worry about how it will affect your dating chances or how you’ll look in the eyes of women.

>I feel this applies to every Ben Stiller's romantic comedies. This is making me second guess a lot of my interactions with women.

Well, if they have sex with you afterwards, they actually do think you’re funny. OR you’re raping them.

this sounds a like a lot of bullshit and cowardice. I understand laughing it off if it's a one time thing and you'll never speak to the person again, but if he's a coworker and does the same shit over and over again, it's probably time to grow a spine and tell him, no?

but I guess that's just the autism in me.

>if you don’t respect women you’re an incel
Where did this meme come from? Aren’t women pushing the idea that women have been systematically oppressed and dismissed by men through the entirety of human history? Was EVERY man in history until the past two years an incel?

>gender relations
The only affected "gender relations" are between internet dwellers.
Tumblrinas and incels.
This is why it has no effect on the real world.
The people affected are horrible people who deserve to have a life of misery and to die alone.

Do you betas seriously engage in conversations with random people that you actively don't want to interact with? Holy shit, imagine being this much of a loser.

Protip: there's no difference because women don't understand humor.

It is the autism in you. To most people, simply laughing it off is so much less hassle than going through a spergout. Like you said, you've got to work with them AFTER they spergout, too.
But sure, maybe even then it's the right thing to do, but it's not as clear cut as the socially inept people on this board (and it is just this board) think. Check out this guy:

Nah I'm genuinely funny. Everybody thinks I'm hilarious.

But I didn’t call “everyone in history” an incel. I called you an incel, because you’re unintentionally celibate.

Just how lacking in self awareness is Yea Forums to be calling others losers and pretend you have any knowledge of socializing?
For fucks sake, one single tweet makes you speculate for hours on what it could mean.

You are not normal and you are too autistic to understand this, just stop trying.

>Calls other people autists
>Is unable to communicate directly and expects people to pick up on vague signals
No john, you are the autism

a woman killing her boyfriend probably because he was abusive is not the same as a man violently beating and raping a woman on a whim


First off, I wasn’t that user retard.
Second off, what about that user, or me, makes you think we’re incels?

>laugh it off
>autist thinks he's been funny and fucks off
>call him an autist
>fight ensues
It's that simple, you socially retarded millennial.

Digits of truth confirm.

Women will get into relationships with people because they don't want to turn people down. From now on, stop wondering why people drone on at you about inane bullshit you don't care about.

>he thinks there genuine and not doing it to fuck chad
Kek, the moment you get roasties away from chad is when you see there true nature, of course you will make up another fake story to cope with the fact you fell for the "muh good girl" meme

same, especially my mom

Holy shiiiit, incel user eternally BTFO

>I am scared of confrontation and will opt to mislead someone for an indefinite period of time. There is no way this could possibly backfire on me down the road.
Not helping your case here, dude.

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little bit of column A and a little bit of column B

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Based and penta-pilled
Cringe and incel-pilled

I'm waiting for the puncline...

that is genuinely depressing. imagine just dealing with someone's bullshit day in and day out without ever telling them they're fucking annoying you. nah homie, you can have that.

The thing is, for Yea Forums Chad is every man who isn't deformed, has a job and can hold a conversation with women.
Not that hard to achieve.

It happens about 2.5 seconds in

>What if a girl starts saying "haha" in a text conversation? When you weren't even trying to be funny

Need to know... for a friend of course

Now this is a post I can get behind

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Based and logic-pilled
Cringe and feminist-pilled

I'm sure those autists will kill themselves, or kill the people in question when they find out the truth about the fact that they didn't find their stupid jokes funny.

you're supposed to say:
>there is no punchline, it's not a joke


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So basically, we need a Hitler that will actually cause damage to the world, enough for it to never recover.
Doesn't sound too hard.

This is a good post. I wonder how much is it going to take.

Bullshit, I see this everyday.

she's 100% not interested, not even a fucking meme. k and haha are the kisses of death.

>internet dwellers
>This is why it has no effect on the real world.

Now either you are living in the third world or you’re another dumb boomer who in his mind imagines the internet of the 90s. It’s 2020 and literally every cunt including the homeless live online.

I'm laughing

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Women are such pathetic cowards.

Yeah I'm thinking he's based

this post is meaningless and you should feel bad

It’s over brother. Delete the contact and block it.

No, i'm 21, and the only people who live on the internet are still pathetic losers.
I can already see during this decade the death of the whole "lol im such a nerd xD" shit and going back to the healthy way of living we had of mocking autists for being autists, and mocking the very idea of internet activism.

>If I'm a loser on Yea Forums, then you must be one too!
Where did this idea come from? This is just a place where you can have disposable friends for 5 minutes and talk about random shit. Is it really a club for losers?

I want you to reread what you just wrote and then ask yourself who is really the autistic one in this exchange?

Am I actually gay or are you too hideous for me to tell you that you're too ugly for me to achieve erection because I think it'll drive you to suicide? A pamphlet for twitter hambeasts.

>men hit on this

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I would cave her femoid skull in

you're supposed to say:
>top kek

Are you a quirky woman whose ideas are changing the world, or are you just bitching about the men you can't control? A handy guide for shutting the fuck up and getting back in the kitchen.

This is actually so true tho. And checked

>imagine just dealing with someone's bullshit day in and day out without ever telling them they're fucking annoying
This is apparently normal to the Friends/The Office type of normie. Which means it’s a low IQ thing. Walking into the same branch every day because you don’t have the fortitude to remove the branch or change your path.

The best part is the idiot in thread defending his NPC behavior.

my man. 4th fave after jackson, teddy and jefferson

now you're thinking with movie logic. the only reason to become a leader is to profit in some way. it's greed motivated. who's going to rise to power just to kill the golden calf? you need the web in place so that people can be your security detail and cooks, keep the books for the proles and distribute goods and shit. there's no way out, human societies will continue to bounce back from whatever cratering we endure, only to coalesce around greed and a love of gold and luxury like a resilient disease around a healthy host. only God can save us user, it's all fucked.

user you can't be serious, this is an India 9.

>Is it really a club for losers?
Yes it fucking is, it always has been and even more so nowadays when people here pretend they aren't.
Only difference between Yea Forums in 2009 and 2020 is that in 2009 people had self awareness, they knew they were autists and embraced it.
Nowadays it's full of pathetic stereotypes who pretend they know about normalfags because they gather around Twitter screencaps.
nu4chan is so laughably desperate to become normalfags that people here swallow every single goddamn Twitter meme like pic related, or buzzwords like "simp".

Attached: 1563362567024.jpg (743x630, 80K)

This is straight up bullying.
With time, I've come to realize that Twitter is generally a shitty place.

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>blue eyes

She’s more genetically superior than you ever will be, mutt.

thirsty men and incels are the most pathetic things in existance

Who are you quoting?

You (You).

>only God can save us user
God already fixed this once with the great flood.
I'm just calling to do the same.

I've never browsed it, it can't be worse than this site.

>t. autist that thinks everyone else is as big of a loser as ximself

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Meh, she's not that bad. Give her good tits and she's golden.

I do this except I pull out my phone and text my girlfriend.
>hey call me
>just do it, I'm gonna yell at you to freak this lady out
And then the lady just stopped in her tracks and I bumped into her.
When I got back to the apartment she was cracking up.
>it's albatross, user! albatross!
Yeah, that was the joke, thanks darlin'.

fair enough. i don't hold out hope a man will have the balls to pull that lever though.

>elementary/middle school
>girls come up to me at random and hug me, tell me they love me
>find out they dare each other to hug guys they find especially ugly/creepy and i was a prime target
>one of them starts a rumor I stalk her because we both walk home and live on adjacent streets, after which most of my friends stop associating with me
I've completely paranoid of women, especially those who show me any more than the normal level of courtesy. At least media helps me simulate the experiece of having a gf. Art/stories depicting cute relationships really help me feel better.

Attached: Kristoff-and-Anna-Fanart-anna-and-kristoff-39411290-1280-1640.jpg (1280x1640, 381K)

It is worse.


I was worried for a moment she took an interest, she always replied immediatly and kept telling me I should do what I want.

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Actually, Yea Forums has never been this self-aware. You didn't have memes like Ryan Gosling cry-posting while you wish for a GF. >tfw no gf was as close as it got, but there was not as much playful ironic self-deprecation back then, it was just self-pity.

based, just hit and quit bro.

I feel like I’ve lost brain cells reading this retarded copypasta. Please stop posting moron.

this is a zoomer board, buddy

I assumed some Asian country. Dude had that chinky kinda look.


Not all of us are NEET incels, user, and not everything is copypasta.

How will user ever recover from this?

>tfw actually funny
>tfw make people genuinely laugh
>tfw ugly as shit
>tfw women laugh at everything Chad says whether it's funny or not
>tfw women say Chad is funny

Even worse you wasted time writing this dogshit story. You sound like a literal fucking trog.

>n-n-no there are good women
Kek, enjoy being a cuck to a roastie who will then steal all your shit after you fulfilled her desires


Why are you still here?

No, I am an autist
You know the difference?
I don't pretend I'm not.
You are just as autistic but are full of culture war-induced "pride" that you can't accept it.

Half the threads in all popular boards are people posting a tweet and people trying to figure out normalfags with retarded generalizations.
A twitter screencap of someone who claims he likes dogs?

A twitter screencap of somoene misinterpreting some movie?

And then, no matter how goddamn random and stupid the question is, you get someone who genuinely answers the question with some shit they made up to explain why that collective does that thing.
This place is so retarded that i've seen people claim all black women are weebs, for fucks sake.

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it is if you have autism

>even Satan hates incels
a-am I safe from y-your wrath, oh dark one?

just imagine, not only acting like in movies, but doing it without understanding what you're conveying to people. What's wrong with you?

Based and checked. Fuck incels.

So what if her eyes are blue, simp. She's fat and looks older than my 65-year-old mother. She's an anti-(white)male LGBT degenerate with her pronouns in her profile.

Yes, i'm going to do what every other generation did, instead of listening to millennials, the 30 year old autistic manchildren and womanchildren who are smugly walking to an inminent suicide in their 40s out of loneliness.

You are not above biology, no matter how much of a bunch of weirdos you millennials have become.

Attached: the millennial.webm (960x540, 2.99M)

Mutt cope. You brown eye scum will always be inferior, learn your place.

What is simp supposed to mean? I feel like retard has more weight to it.

And just like I said here
Here we have an example of Yea Forums swalloing up the latest epic as fuck Twitter buzzword of the week: simp.

Uhh hello? Based department?

Oh, I remember you. You never answered my question. How old were you when you lost your friends?

Nobody knows, but since Twitter niggers use it's epic as fuck, and nu4chan uses it because people here are desperate to be normalfags and think that by emulating Twitter they'll become one.

>looks ugly as fuck
>b-b-b-b-but muh eye color
Imagine white knighting a hag because of some eye colors

Simp, to this user, means anyone who talks to women. Usually it means people who donate to twitch girls or something.

>Yea Forums thinks “simp” is a normalfag term but has no problem using “incel”
Really makes me think

Next tweet from her:
>Men Have Stopped Complimenting Me and Trying To Make Me Laugh, And I Miss That Because of the Patriarchy

she probably later realized that people overheard you two having a good time and got worried they would think she's your friend

/pol/ absolutely ruined this website.

>also an incel

Dangerous combo. My condolences.

Incel always was an illogical concept and a forcememe to delegitimize criticism of the establishment. Do not blame Yea Forums for anti4chan shills.

Pin head

A simp is a guy who defends a 3/10 traitorous woman who would never fuck him, simply because she has blue eyes.

Incel is just another one of endless twitter buzzwords that this shithole swallows up. "Simp" is just the latest example, next week we'll have another one.
For fucks sake, I still remember when this place spammed "Tbh" "Smh" and "Pham" so fucking much that the mods had to filter them out.

Attached: 1564614275725.gif (250x277, 1.88M)

>/pol/ absolutely ruined this website.

Attached: 1583087119234.png (568x590, 350K)

Nah. It's a new cancer, but we had Yea Forumstards before /pol/niggers, and we'll likely have some even worse cancer when /pol/niggers are finally gone

So basically, as always, the millennials replaced a word with another more politically correct version that will offend less.
Just like you replaced virgin with incel, you now replace cuck with simp.

>low key
90s born queer detected

I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Maybe go back to to the place you spawned from where usernames and up/downvotes are a thing to help you voice your dissatisfaction with other people a better more effectively.

It was never about the women.

Now your butthurt reaction is proof that you have brown eyes. Probably wear glasses, curly dark hair, greasy olive skin. Disgusting shitskin. You’re not white unless you have blue eyes.

>>girls come up to me at random and hug me, tell me they love me
>>find out they dare each other to hug guys they find especially ugly/creepy and i was a prime target
You too, huh?
I don’t know how the fuck anyone can be that cruel. I’d rather have been called names/gotten the shit kicked out of me than have to endure anything as bad as that.

What ruined this website is the funny and witty self aware autists being replaced by genuine bitter losers who do nothing but whine about shit 24/7.
You see pic related?
Fucking no one would do this here anymore because Yea Forums is too busy pretending everyone here is "chad" (while complaining chads get everything), some cartoony version of masculinity and just overall insecure and pretending they have a reputation to mantain.

10 minutes and that’s the best comeback you’ve got? Glad you’re triggered nobody likes your retarded greentext newfag, stop trying to fit in.

you can be an incel and not be a virgin

these people live around whites but take crime statistics from blacks

No dude, Yea Forums never came close to the amount of vitriol and shilling that takes place on /pol/. Yea Forums was just retarded edgy teens doing they only thing they know how to do, shitpost. Now you have /pol/ and everyone has a legitimate agenda to spread discourse and disinformation to everyone.

Then how about neckbeard?
Or maybe fedora tipper?
It's funny that we used to mock the types that "fight" ideological fights and shit on the internet, and now we are surrounded by them.

>I-I-I will be a good cuck
Older generations aren't faring any better since divorces screw every man over, in fact it was the older generations that let roastie get power which allowed them to reveal what they truly are

White men invented laws to protect women.
What did women do? Became feminists who let in violent foreign men.

what's wrong with this man
I hope this is all a crafty pr push to inoculate him from the string of sexual harassment allegations he faced

>i'm not a newfag, i've been here since the election
The post: the game

THIS. Maybe if she didn't have her head in her phone and her hand on a gun this wouldn't have happened to her. Stupid femoid.

Why are you pretending white men don't vote left?
The problem here is all of you, the newer generations who grew up spoiled and without struggles.

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Ye Olefag here. In this situation i generally stare intensely at her like the most psycho wide eye stare possible and start licking my lips. I used to try to be nice but these people consider you to be subhuman. The best thing you can do is make their day as bad as possible.

It's an acronym that's been around for a long time: "sucker idolizing mediocre pussy." It's under the beta/nu-male/cuck umbrella but it's not the same, nor does it have anything to do with virgin/incel.


What does it even mean then? You’ve lost what it originally meant and now you use it as another “if you disagree with me you are an X” generic insult


Or when people melted down an MLP figurine by submerging it for an entire year in rancid cum.
Or when people bullied a 12 year old to the point where she came a tranny.
You know, when Yea Forums embraced its autism instead of pretending to be who they are not.

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>no you can't make fun of my hag Aryan
I will shit on anybody who white knights a roastie regardless of if they are shit skin or "pure" blooded Aryan

*calls the police on you*

Heh, you sure showed that normal young women!

>She attempted to stab him last month. . .
Why the fuck did he stick around? Was he literally fucking retarded?

I wish I could buy this website just to delete it.

Of course you are, you are a millennial, you don't have an ideology, or beliefs, or capacity to fight anything.
Millennials truly are the great enemy of the west along with the jews.

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>dying on the “white knight” hill

You’ll never be white. You will always be genetically inferior to anybody with white skin and blue eyes. You will always be a shitskin, and an incel.

it means involuntary celebate. just because some chick got drunk and had pity sex with you back in high school doesn't mean you have any chance of seeing a vagina now


hmm, wouldn't this logic mean every time you aren't having sex, you're an incel?

don't you want to be having sex right now user? why are you being an incel?

Remember when, 4 years ago, millennials pretended to be right wing and then inmediatly dropped it the moment they realized being part of the right involves work?
That was laughable.
Useful tools, sure, but still laughable.

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Drug addict homo why dont neo nazis follow all his example and off themselves like the queers you are

Neutral good
Chaotic good
Chaotic neutral
Neutral evil
Chaotic evil, but also somewhat based

Sure i'll just wait around 38 minutes for the police to show up.

What happened, ching chong, did you get rangebanned from posting pics?

>we keep laughing at his jokes and he keeps making them, wtf? Why can't men just read our minds like us women can girls?

Women are pure distilled retard shit

>she may be ugly, b-b-b-but at least she is white
Only zoomers can cope this hard by defending an ugly hag who also sucked twenty randos


it means that in your current state you couldn't get someone to fuck you even if you dressed up real nice and got somebody drunk

Read again, retards. Literally one of the first things mentioned is that he had a restraining order on her.

I do this but I make my instruction by kicking her in the back of the knee

>tfw probably creepy but you're to boss so anyone complaining can go fuck themselves

it's a good life

>>she may be ugly, b-b-b-but at least she is white

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>>call him an autist
If only there was a better way of telling him he isn't funny...

thanks for posting an accurate representation of

That guy is the type of ultraconservative cuck who thinks we should knock up dykes and coalburners so they can ruin our white children rather than just write them off and let the anti-white-male gene die out.

You can outright tell him he isn't funny, but people, specially autists, are oversensitive pussies, so it's better to just pretend they achieved something in order to not hurt their poor feelings.
