This example of techno-pedophilia comes to us with wires crossed and synapses shorting out in the attempt to understand...

>This example of techno-pedophilia comes to us with wires crossed and synapses shorting out in the attempt to understand its ramifications. Elli is a machine which has no function other than that for which it was designed, but if a machine has no agency or interiority (and therefore no concept of exploitation), where are the preprogrammed memories that comprise the voiceover coming from? Where are these “thoughts” being thought? Further, it is a machine in the shape of a young girl, played by a young girl. The press notes assure us that every imaginable care was taken to ensure the actress’ physical and psychological wellbeing, and the most upsetting scenes are subtly CG’d. But still, it is impossible to trick our brains into not seeing the final images — which are mostly graphic only in inference — for what they appear to imply: the violation of a child.
sounds like pure fucking kino

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I'm disgusted yet intrigued.

WTF is this

my future wife

Director is Jewish

her surname doesn't sound jewish

>A simulation of a crime is still a crime
Will they ban video games next?

>This example of techno-pedophilia comes to us with wires crossed and synapses shorting out in the attempt to understand its ramifications. Elli is a machine which has no function other than that for which it was designed, but if a machine has no agency or interiority (and therefore no concept of exploitation), where are the preprogrammed memories that comprise the voiceover coming from? Where are these “thoughts” being thought? Further, it is a machine in the shape of a young girl, played by a young girl. The press notes assure us that every imaginable care was taken to ensure the actress’ physical and psychological wellbeing, and the most upsetting scenes are subtly CG’d. But still, it is impossible to trick our brains into not seeing the final images — which are mostly graphic only in inference — for what they appear to imply: the violation of a child.

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>making a fallcious argument nobody has actually made
They should criminalize strawmanning first ;^*

>The comments are poltards sperging about Weimar Germany and the Jews
Every time

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CAMRIP WHEN?’s a bold artistic choice, I’ll give em that

>Mathilda is constantly trying to fuck Leon in Leon: The Professional
>no one complains and calls it a masterpiece

>movie where a guy is in love with his own android creation
>retards sperg about MUH JEWS without even trying to understand the context and complexity behind it
never change america


when is the release?


im not a footfag but thats a really cute feet

For me it was about half way through the trailer


Is this a joke?

Did Yea Forums decide to make a film about a loli sexbot? Can we stop memeing shit inti reality?

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genuinely hope it's good, we need some nihilist, CyberSade kino now that cyberpunk is dead and buried

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YIKES those youtube comments, bet they all play Warhammer 40k

>cyberpunk is dead and buried
it's just in its starting phases

breh those legs

>cunny kino
I really hope its not shit

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wtf is that

>In one of the more effectively queasy body-horror moments ever put on film, the father removes Elli’s tongue and vagina for cleaning, leaving her naked on the counter. It’s a strikingly disgusting moment, pointing not just to the abuse he subjected his human daughter to, but the casual disdain with which he regards her replacement.

Just a friendly reminder to all the pedos of 4channel that your salvation awaits you in your garage. Park your car inside, close the garage door, roll down the windows, get comfy in the driver's seat, turn the engine on and relax. It'll be just like going to sleep. Peaceful even.

Hot desu.


hm is this legal?

Keep seething roastie

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why is she so ugly

>no hips whatsoever
>ugly face
I don't get what you find attractive about this.

oh i will make her a mother of dragons awright

>Making such a film didn't come without its difficulties, not least around the central role, played by the 10-year-old Lena Watson (a stage name inspired by her idol Emma Watson).

>Wollner admits she was initially "scared" about choosing a child for the part (she had originally planned to cast a 20-year-old but then changed her mind, rewriting the script and removing several more explicit elements).

>Looking for Elli was — perhaps obviously — slightly removed from your average casting call, the filmmakers not merely wanting someone who suited the part but also a child, Wollner says, that "came from a healthy environment," with the sort of open-minded family who would understand the story they wanted to tell and also allow them to do it. In the end, she says it was "pure luck" in finding Watson, whose parents were known by a friend of a friend.

>"We had really honest talks with the family, who were there during the shoot. It was very open, very transparent. And of course we talked to [Watson] about the film in a very child-appropriate way."

>Understandably, the few nude scenes were all created via VFX with Watson in a bikini and covered in dots ("Of course we didn't have a minor running around naked," says Wollner). The young actress also wore a silicone mask and wig, which served a dual purpose, not only hiding her real identity but also helping her resemble another actress who appears later in the film.

>"She actually had a lot of fun, I think — we actually had a really good time, although one might not think that!"

>mother of dragons
>letting your 12 year old watch GOT

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So no one will steal your loli bot, duh!

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Sounds like they have never cleaned sex toys before, there is nothing disgusting about it

I'm not your "breh", bro.


The Lord designed women to have babies as soon as they flower. the FBI didnt make women you faggot simp

of courshe

I mean... how else are you going to clean that shit? You can't just jam a garden hose up her robo-cooter, that's sensitive equipment.

You must have a very tough life, knowing that society despises you. That your friends and family would be disgusted by you and turn their back on you if they knew the truth. Why not take all the pain away?

Both me lmao. Just because I don't find fridges attractive that doesn't mean I think aoc of 18 is reasonable.

>knowing that society despises you
thank you for the compliment

John 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

19 If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but

2 Peter 3:13Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.


>her idol is one if the biggest Hollywood whores

holy shit she got JUSTED so hard.
This is why puberty is a mistake

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A pedophile quoting scriptures, this joke just writes itself, doesn't it.

ddid not the men of the bible marry young women? (and more than one as well)

only npcs care about things like that

go on

Would you die if I reported your posts?

So is there an actual sex scene or what?

>no one complains and calls it a masterpiece

You must be underage, it got so many people mad when it came out.
Most people doesn't seem to remember that because a bit later on came Lynne's Lolita ad everybody forgot all about Leon

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face is too much uncunny valley for me

Cuuuuute feet!

Amen, brother

>supporting pedophilia while also shitting on waifubots
they really outdid themselves

The whole point is to slowly make peadophilla seem normal, that's the end game.

They're using the pedo scare to shit on waifubots, low IQ and based on reviews it's working

Not him but I don't see the problem user. The point being made is that this is an android that looks like a child who the human is presumably going to fall in love with the child and fuck it. So the moral conundrum at the end is "the violation of a child." If fucking a child is wrong, is fucking something that looks like a child (simulation) wrong?

sexdolls doesn't make any sense if you're not a pedo

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Same but it always looks good when it's not real feet/2D.

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feminists fear the sexbot uprising, which is why they're doing everything they can to try and make it illegal or socially taboo

Can't be arsed to look it up but in bongland a man went to jail when he ordered a child sex doll

Just put multiple parentheses around her surname. There’s the proof.

Its a fictional story, you absolute half-wit. What part of "there is no victim" do you not understand?

>not a cute shotabot
Close but no cigar. But for real though what the fuck is this?

True, but likely enough they'll use that as leverage to ban all waifubots.

I want a sex doll to use as a way to take the edge off.
user...I'm tired of spending half an hour on foreplay and oral and fingering and talk.

Just want somethign soft curvy that can handle 9+ inches. Something I can put my hilariously huge dick in for about an hour bust a few nuts then go take a nap.

real spoilers btw
her ai messes up and she gets lost in the forest around where they live and is picked up by someone else that turns her into a boy for his mom that lost her little brother when they were kids

I said both because different parts of the audience will interpret it differently, as intended.

In the same vein I should go to jail for murder for stabbing a mannequin.

This is one of Dan's masterpieces I assume

go to any civilzed country where whores are cheap af

sounds gay

There's a pic going around how how Australia banned child sex dolls and now they've move on to banning loli anime too.

Its a victimless crime
Does prostitution helps lower the rape statistics? A guy who frequents the services of whores would be a rapist if he didnt have that outlet for sexual urges?
Would or would not be better that a paedophiliac was having intercourse with a thing made of rubber and plastic and leaving things at that than seriously considering abducting a child?

I already agree with you user I'm just saying the post wasn't a strawman.

Since Trump became president, we all learned that you can meme everything into existence.

I'm a well built 6'2" black guy with a dick that's knocking on a foot long and is thicker then the fore arms of most women in those countries.

more real spoilers and the ending
eventually her original programming flicks back on and she wants to go back to "daddy" and she runs away from grandma. HOWEVER shes a half boy/half girl freak that just ends up wandering aimlessly
in a way it's also anti tr*nny kino

the real alternative is not "abducting a child", but settle for a past her prime hag
unless you're already a sociopath, but that's a whole different beast

shit sounds degenerate af
why can't they just made cute, traditional, wholesome loli movies anymore?

>Point of the movie is either "Pedo shit good" or "Sexbots bad"
Truly, the jew's creativity for scheming knows no bounds

because (((they))) won't allow it anymore

So what, some roastie browsed twitter for half a day and came across one of those "3D women are not important" memes and decided to make a movie justifying her own seething?

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>is fucking something that looks like a child (simulation) wrong
That makes everyone who fucks a dwarf or petit girl a pedo.
Or give hentai characters rights.

You can be anything you want when you are anonymous on the internet, lol.

director is a femcel who browses Yea Forums

it's a robot movie

No different from Alita.
Roasties accelerated it. World due for a reset. Surprise, corona is here.

link to stream of movie?

fuck off pedo, the movie is just being presented at festivals

thats one ugly kid

Disgusting freeleeecher, kys

>No different from Alita.
besides the fact that this will actually be good

Based and breadpilled.

Joker Teaser
Dhe Guess Who - Laughing
I Used To Think Dhat My Life Was A Tragedy
[BiC Cristal]
But Now I Realize It/s A Fraud

>Comedianne Prank

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This movie seems very sexy. What's wrong with the retards in the comments section though?

Is this cgi or does she just look like an uncanny valley potato?


It's on the OP's

FFS read before posting, banana peeling chimp

the actress is wearing a silicone mask

The OP says some scenes you illiterate retard

Is the whole idea behind this flick supposed to be that in the event a typical man finds himself in guardianship of an android built like a little girl, he'll almost always end up wanting to fuck it?

Kinda shit likes me makes me laugh especially with Australia and their small boob law.

>implying /pol/ isn't extremely divided and seethes at anyone defending Germany
We get it you're an obsessed retarded tranny who hasn't even been on the shilled flooded board you obsess about more than 2 weeks

clown world

Friendly reminder that historians believe Mother Mary to be 14 or 15 years old when she gave birth to Jesus. Nowhere in the scriptures is """pedophilia""" a sin.

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You ever try and move 100 lbs of dead weight?
People will buy them based on the fact they dont weigh so much.