Name a film that is a personal favorite despite mixed to negative critical and public opinion . mine is pictured

name a film that is a personal favorite despite mixed to negative critical and public opinion . mine is pictured.

Attached: ninth gate .jpg (960x1440, 167K)

> mixed public opinion

Ninth Gate is a literal pleb filter.
You don't like this film : I don't like you.

I guess The Butterfly Effect didn't review so hot but I liked it quite a bit.

Star Wars prequels are pretty cool in a cartoony way.

Angel Heart is sick

I like Man of Steel

the prequels have some of my most loved scenes of all time within those films . also some of my most hated scenes of all time.


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Angel Heart and Ninth Gate are absolute kino. The only issue I have with The Ninth Gate is that it’s directed by a know pedophile

I tried watching this movie just the other day. It sucked so bad I had to shut it off like fifteen minutes in. What the fuck is your problem?

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the way samuel l jackson dies in that movie

The Solaris remake with Clooney. I genuinely don't get why people hate it, it's literally the comfiest movie I've ever seen.

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funny. i rewatched it the other day and thought it was way better than i remember. Lori petty still gives me a boner

This movie is great.

I'm literally the only one who appreciates this kino.

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it has soul

One of the worst movies I've ever watched

and how does this "issue" affect the movie in ANY fucking way?

it was just a prank bro!

And every other Hollywood jew is also a pedophile but I guess you give them a pass because they haven't been exposed yet

Pic related, 10/10 action comedy.

One of the best original soundtracks and great writing.

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Why do nun outfits give me a raging boner?

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Fuck you I liked it.

As Above So Below

absolutely agree

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Thing 2011. Story is still solid but it's still too bad about the CGI.

I really like the first half of this movie

looks like a cute young commandant grayza from farscape

I also really like the Ninth Gate

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Maximum Overdrive is the perfect B-movie. I don't know what people expected out of it, other than coked-up insanity, which it delivers in full.

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piss poor casting. battle room design was literally the only positive aspect of the film