9 day take - $79m

>9 day take - $79m
>Budget - $135m
Goddamn - who greenlit this overpriced wreck?

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I'm glad Fox is consistently making Disney lose money

I don’t know, but that cgi dog in the prescreening rubbed me the wrong way, and i watched Sonic that day...

why didn't they just train a real dog and film it somewhere in the snow
it's an amazing story and a fantastic book, it could have been a great movie

21st Century Fox, and that's why their former owners quit the business. If 21st was still a separate entity, they would have had wall street breathing down their neck from the poor performances they've had in the past few years.

Because it's so fucking noticeable, like damn, get better cgi or something.

I remember the book being terrific when I was young - it's a shame to see it tanking.

Look at Mr. Magic Man over here thinking dogs can understand human words.

Seriously - this dog is just off

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The book seems pretty unadaptable. Not only is Buck the main character, but there are constant beatings and maulings of dogerinos. Heck, the people doing them aren't even the bad guys. Come to think of it, maybe they should have marketed it with China in mind

do retards just HAVE to go to a movie? like, can you not?

> 1983
> they train st. Bernard to star as a murder dog in a horror movie
> 2020
> poorly cgi St. Bernard to play as Buck in an already watered down CGI adaption
People use the excuse of the violent nature of the movie but the movie itself already reduced the violence level from the book. Also, it’s not like they have to pit 2 dogs against each other to portray dog fighting. They can have the dog attack a fake stuffed dog and a bit of cgi editing + good angle can result a very convincing dog fight on screen. For human vs dog, you can have the dog train with human take down with human wearing some protection and make some convincing scenes as well. Those dog attack scenes from john wick 3 were extremely well down. Dogs love to do shit like this so it’s not even abuse.

That box office take proves that they definitely don't

that cgi dog piece of shit and sonic making over a dollar makes me lose all hope. bop, hollow man remake, onward and whatever else is playing all look like steaming crap, holy shit.

Yeah that does look bad. I'm still tempted to watch this because I like the book and I like Ford, but you'd think Disney would be able to do a good looking CGI dog with ease at this point.

>you'd think Disney would be able to do a good looking CGI dog with ease at this point.
they don't have to when dumb idiots say "whatever, looks bad but i'll still check it out..."

They could've made X-23 movie with that budget and make real money.

They could have put togo in the theater and make real money

Wait the dog was cgi???

>get better cgi or something.
Or just not make the dog too human. I hate it when they give animals human facial expressions. It's as if they think the audience doesn't understand a scene if it isn't made extremely obvious who feels what.

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They wanted to shoot the movie in LA, filmmaking is too comfortable to be art and have craft these days.

It’s extremely ironic because the movie is about a dog slow descend into the feral and wild lifestyle but the cgi dog made the dog look too human and civilized when compared to a normal well domesticated dog the whole time.
Even Alita’s uncanny cgi face is more thematic fitting to her character

Because you have animal welfare groups and shit breathing down your neck the moment you have an animal. It's cheaper to have a guy walking on all fours and CGI the rest of it than to have a lawsuit against you because a dumb mutt jumped into a woodchipper during filming.

A jew. Does it really matter?

I would venture to say this doesn't look bad as a still image. It looks "fine".

What the fuck are you frustrated about? It's a business. Make your own movie if you think you can do better. Mistakes happen everyday like you forgetting to wipe your ass correctly. Relax.

t. you fucking jew

It would be cheaper if they just use GCI dogs only for the big stunts and action scenes and not the whole movie. Did it need to be CGI when picking up an item with it''s mouth. Pay a motion capture actor to do what a dog does naturally is ridiculous. PETA complaining about a dog doing dog things is retarded.

>t. you fucking jew
i don't think you actually know what "t." means.
lurk more

This movie could've been made for half the budget if Hollywood had two brain cells to rub together.

Fpbp. Death to Disney.