SHELF THREAD - "Crickets 7" Edition

Post your shelves and recent comic purchases!

This new shelf thread is dedicated to Crickets #7 by Sammy Harkham. Has anyone read it? How is it?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also, only a month after Crickets #7 was published, here is yet another new Sammy Harkham comic: "Blood of the Virgin Color Special". It will be available within days apaprently.

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>no copy/paste
thread is dead before it even started

I'll give you a few pics of when I moved my collection from my parents(they allowed me to put my stuff in storage when I moved to another city) to my new place.

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It's mostly German translations of Franco/Belgian stuff, with some Games Workshop products and your usual nerd paraphernalia in between.

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Werner is a German gag comic about motorcycles and dumb humor mostly.
Bullenklöten is by famous gay cartoonist Ralf König, he usually does slice of gay live stuff.
The strip format books on the far right are by Chris Scheuer, he has this iconic 80s kinda style, his stories and comic abilities are rather meh though.

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I collected quite a few Manga too.
In the boxes are underground comics mostly, like the German Heavy Metall and similar stuff.

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I think these covers are still work safe.
Verotic has some great stuff and Milk was a great underground Comic magazine.

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And this is how the kitchen looked after all the boxes arrived at my place.

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And this is the "library" at my current place.

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What copy/paste?

links to online stores and so on and so on

It's alright dweebs, I have (You) covered.

Don't know where to buy? Try these: (known to manhandle books with bad packaging) (worldwide shipping, often has sales) (worldwide shipping) (Amazon alternative, it doesn't have the usual fees, it ships worldwide and accepts PayPal)
[your local comic shop here]

Are you Euro or UK and don't know where you should buy? Try these: (EU) (UK; hefty fees if delivery address outside of UK) (free worldwide shipping but known to manhandle books) (worldwide shipping) (AUS/NZ) (AUS/NZ; good stock and prices, especially with weeb-oriented stuff, but known to sometimes pack books very poorly)

Price Comparison website(s):

New list of things out next week:

Upcoming Omnibus/Hardcovers:

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Looking dor some batman recommendations.

Ive got no mans land omni vol 1 on order and 2 on pre-order, and arkham asylum on order.

Im reading it mostly dogotal and buying what i like so stuff like death in the family and dark knight retiurns i can skip because i didnt like them and dont want to spend my money on them, even if they are 'essential'.
Knightfall and hush also fall under 'not gonna pay for"

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Haven't posted anything in a while. Here are this month's purchases

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Confession: I’m looking forward to the Death and Return of Superman omni.

>Dance Til Tomorrow
That takes me back.

Finally! was waiting all week to post nothing

same, pre-ordered it. hopefully it's better bound than the last version. several anons complained that the last print was coming apart pretty easily.
nothing new for meany more this month, next month it's
>Richard Stark's Parker: The Martini Edition - Last Call
>Death and Return of Superman Omnibus (2022 edition)
>plus some spontaneous buy

Are any of the Batman Absolutes worth buying? I was thinking of picking up an absolute or two for getting through a stressful college semester, and was deciding between Absolute Fourth World 1 (which I've never read), or Absolute Long Halloween. I'm generally a fan of Tim Sale's art, and I haven't read much Kirby, but I enjoy his art. What do you guys think?

I think Long Halloween has been re-packaged enough times that you're bound to run into a copy for $5 at some point.

Fourth World is much more difficult to find, and it's not an evergreen title, so it'll likely go out of print at some point. I'd definitely choose that.


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Got delayed to late August.

For me it’s the hardcover boxset that I got for 66,8€

not soon...

Urasawa featured Yamamoto in his video series about Mangaka, check it out.

>hard case crime
Never heard of this publisher before. How is the interior art of Gun Honey?

looks comfy


hell yeah user proud of you becoming a landCHAD looks great. nice coomer collection btw
thanks for spoon feeding them user but you forgot to put the updated version still though thanks
check out batman black and white or superman and batman both are short stories black and white deals with a bit more mature/serious stories. superman and batman are more gold age wacky stories fun but with modern art.
very coomer friendly user nice pick ups also i thought that VIZ vagabond was OOP

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current updated pasta

Don't know where to buy? Try these: (worldwide shipping) (EU) (EU) US (worldwide shipping) US(worldwide shipping) (UK) (worldwide shipping)

[best deal websites for comics]

[your local comic shop here]

List of things out next week:
Upcoming Omnibus/Hardcovers:

[want to read comics but not buy?]

>what are you reading user?
>any new purchases you make this month?

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ruined, start a new thread

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Also recent pick up that just arrived if anyone was looking to get the slip cases edt it’s in stock on Amazon for 50. Those filthy scalpers wanted 200-300 for it on Amazon/eBay before the reprint

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>I roved out
reeeee I want this so hard it's unreal

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What is it?

if you turn your head to the left it looks like a stylized spiderman symbol on top of teeth so I'd some something Venom related

Cursed thread, so maybe this fits. Did anyone read the Bookscan 2021 analysis a few weeks ago?

DC was the #6 Western Publisher for the Top 750. With 17 titles on the Top 750, this was their lowest year ever, with a calculated $8 million in retail price. Their longtail had a calculated total of $49.6 million with a 36% change from last year.
>DC has just no books over 50k, eight over 20k, and 14 more that come in over 10k.

Now, how is Marvel doing?
>And as the final book that sold over 10k, as reported to NPD BookScan in 2022 (though not making the Top 750), we have The Infinity Gauntlet by Jim Starlin and George Perez (and Ron Lim) from Marvel Comics with 10,066 sold.
Marvel had ZERO titles in the Top 750. Their bestselling book was Infinity Gauntlet, and that barely broke 10K sales. In a funny way, IDW placed on the Top 750, with a book licensed from Marvel.
>The purely insane part, to me, is that two other publishers, Scholastic and IDW, each place a book licensed from Marvel into the Top 750, clearly showing there is demand for Marvel product in the Bookstore market. In fact, Marvel is literally synonymous with the very idea of “comics” for a meaningful percentage of the American population, they utterly dominated pop culture for multiple years here, and the source material of comics is actually usually better realized than the various bits stolen by the adaptations. Plus, on top of that, they have “Star Wars” (and also all of the 20th Century Fox library now) – it is absolutely incomprehensible to this observer that they are not entirely dominating the sales of western comics to adults. And yet, they can only sell a single book into the bookmarket at over 10k copies.
In the Long Tail, they hit a calculated retail value of $30.5 million, up 46% from last year.


What the hell is going on with marvel? These numbers really prove that the MCU audience has no interest in comics. It's weird to see DarkHorse completely outperforming Marvel, but I guess that's what happens when you have manga licenses. I wonder why Marvel isn't bringing back something like Epic Comics so they can get some of that manga money.

yeah man im searching for vol 1 still but its going to be next to impossible to get it unless the creator those another Kickstarter which they have said have no plans or desired for it.

That was Hibbs' entire disbelief.

>I remember twenty years ago, to this month, when then Marvel Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada gave an interview to the Observer where he said about DC “I mean, they have Batman and Superman, and they don’t know what to do with them. That’s like being a porn star with the biggest dick and you can’t get it up.” And with tiny little IDW able to sell more copies of Marvel-branded product into bookstores than Marvel, it appears that Marvel is the one who now needs Viagra.

>Here is Marvel’s Long Tail, and some might say, “Well, look, they had excellent year-over-year growth this time”, but I look at it a lot wider – since 2007 the overall size of the bookstore market has more than tripled (from 15.3 m books sold to 51.8m), while in that same period… Marvel is now selling nearly four thousand fewer books, with nearly four times the SKUs in the market. Meanwhile DC is selling sixty percent more books than Marvel.

one of the problems i see is that floopies are a dead and expensive medium they need to shift to a manga style ie more pages per book, maybe non color versions, broader talent pool and focus on non canon runs.

Finally picked this book up, it's sad but extremely comfy
>These numbers really prove that the MCU audience has no interest in comics
The MCU audience has been begging to get into comics, Marvel is retarded and wont let them in. I feel like I've said it before on /shelf/ but not one good Iron-Man run or one good standalone Iron-Man elseworlds style book during the 10 years of his live action domination is proof that place is run by monkeys. All they have done with the MCU is ruin a few books with half assed synergy, they were handed the perfect bag and they fumbled it hard. I feel like we are only getting good reprints coinciding with the shows and movies now whereas before it was just random

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Manga releases weekly and is collected in Takobans like we collect floppies in TPB

this also might be the reason we are getting so many book go OOP so fast as well years before books would sit for years in stock now sometimes a month and everything is gone. i will admit that covid had a good amount to do with that but the explosion of comics into main stream must be a good factor in it

I have definitely noticed them trying to get comics out around the same time as an mcu release, like the Moon Knight by Lemire collected edition or Hawkeye epic collection (which ended up being delayed until after the show). Marvel seems like they have just been struggling to publish anything of quality recently with far more misses than hits. Even when they do find a hit like Hickman's X-Men, they ruin it by trying to prolong the story and forcing him out instead of letting it reach the natural conclusion.

It's an imprint of titan. I like the art alot. Lots of nice coomer shots. I'll post some interiors when I get home from work

>hat VIZ vagabond was OOP
Not that I know of. I've never been waiting almost a year for them to reprint the minster book.

>or Hawkeye epic collection
They got the Matt Fraction run out around the time of the show I thought? And they had a Wanda and Vision book with a similar Alex Ross cover out around the time of that show.

The paper has got so fucking bad now, even in the floppies.
Also one of the Hulk omni reprints fucked up the colours for eight pages.

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>Meanwhile DC is selling sixty percent more books than Marvel.
This alone should wake up someone at marvel since DC's trade department is a fucking joke

Wish dc qould rakw a chance like showcase again, but they nwver qill.
>old silver/bronze age era comics collected in 500 page volumes on cheap paper and in b/w sold for relatively cheap.

It was some ways the only way to collext some stuff.

I guess theyre doing compendiums now so thats pretty decent. But we need more classics.

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>Wish dc qould rakw a chance like showcase again, but they nwver qil
can somebody translate this into english?

Wish dc would take a chance like showcase again, but never will

Phone posting and fat fingers dont mix.

Batman by Paul Dini

Batman Year One and Killing Joke for the original coloring.
Anybody else think Free Comic Book Day this year looks really weak?

agreed. wish i still had the ones i used to own.

Year one recolour isnt too bad its not a huge game changer.
Killing joke is though.

The Dark Knight Returns is the best Batman comic there is.
I didn't realize this until after I read Morrison, Loeb, Grant, Moench, Englehart, Starlin, Dini, and a bunch of the Legends of the Dark Knight along with a few other one-shots.
I'd say get it anyway, since you've already bought all that shit.