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Based Miles

what am I looking at here

Its funny because the character and actor is also jewish

A scene from a movie

u'ra a snowflake erry

The duality of man.

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What a wonderful character arc of self actualization. He grew some nutz and past his sjw white-knighting and decided to punch fascists irl.

Lucius Malfoy was right

>hur dur punching people is okay because of their ideology
I thought leftists were above violence.

All me btw

but how was he different from them then? has a point

back to /pol/ with you incel

Leftists are evil and want to eradicate their enemies by any means, especially immoral means. They allied themselves with Satan and think that they gain more power the more evil they do.

Dude looks like a discount ass dollar store Daniel Radcliffe

>Leftists are evil and want to eradicate their enemies by any means, especially immoral means.
Such as shooting up walmarts?

>back to /pol/ with you incel

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>Leftists are evil and want to eradicate their enemies by any means, especially immoral means. They allied themselves with Satan and think that they gain more power the more evil they do.

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Imagine being an unironic, authoritarian, dehumanizing, mediocre leftist.

I thought I might go and see this movie because the director did something to piss off leftists . good thing I didn't.

Is wojak copyrighted or why tf did they make a cheap imitation wojak?

There was literally some retarded anarchist who shot up a Trump bar that same week.

What a cuck lord

Is that guns akimbo? But I thought the director was our guy?

Yes, because blacks are leftists and they shoot up every place they go.

What does 'our guy' mean? You want movies to be your personal, safe entertainment hugboxes? Jesus what a faggot

i watched this movie after reading posts on Yea Forums about it. I thought, if there's no coherent critic, just /pol/incels whining, then it must be quite good.

and it was

If it's ok to attack people with different political positions then what did the Nazis do wrong?

It was a decent action flick at best, but if it triggers retards whose entire world perspective is based on imageboard maymays that would make it amazing.

>But I thought the director was our guy?
He still is. Guns Akimbo sort of takes the piss out of "comment section toxicity" and the impotent rage of sjws.

All in all a somewhat entertaining movie. Not a bad way of spending 90 minutes.

They lost.
That's really it.

>nazism is just different political position

>>Leftists are evil and want to eradicate their enemies by any means, especially immoral means. They allied themselves with Satan and think that they gain more power the more evil they do.

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Imagine casting a wojack from directly, wouldn't you be embarrassed?

here ya go bud

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It is

Literally what they do though. Russia and China for example. French revolution is another good one.



>Considering the subject matter, it is perhaps ironic that the film was nearly canceled this week after the director got into some online trouble of his own, and it all started with a young Turkish woman who is currently based in Seattle.

>Last weekend, a disturbing series of videos started making the rounds on Twitter. The videos (there were three of them) have since been deleted, but in them, a young, green-haired film buff we'll call D.E. tearfully apologizes and says she took pills, drank alcohol, and scheduled the videos to post online an hour after her death. You can see blood on one of her forearms and she claims to be bleeding quite badly.

>DE survived this apparent suicide attempt and is reportedly seeking treatment. But what prompted this whole thing was a four-year-old direct message that had been leaked online. That message, which was accompanied by DE's avatar, read: "I was gonna reply to this with 'nigga say what' then I was like holy shite that's racist, i can't say that on twitter." That's it. The message was leaked without context or explanation, and the backlash was immediate.

>At first, D.E. denied that she wrote the offending DM, claiming it had been Photoshopped, before later admitting it was her words, apologizing, and vowing to do better. This, however, didn't help: D.E. was, at the time, the founder and editor-in-chief of a film review site called Much Ado About Cinema, and after her message leaked, the staff quit en masse, announcing their resignations on Twitter. Many of D.E.'s friends did the same, publicly cutting ties with her. That's when she tried to kill herself.

>don't look out for your own race goyim only jews get to do that

>As D.E.'s videos started to spread, they were noticed by some high profile names in the film world. In a now-deleted tweet, Barry Jenkins, the director of Moonlight and If Beale Street Could Talk, wished for D.E.'s safety. Jason Lei Howden, the director of Guns Akimbo, commented on the situation as well, calling her critics "woke cyberbullies" and reportedly tweeting a list of Much Ado About Cinema contributors who had stepped down. He also minimized D.E.'s use of the term "nigga," claiming it was clearly written in jest in a private conversation. When a writer named Valerie Complex (who seems to have been on good terms with D.E. before this) responded to Howden, saying, “No one should be saying the n word at all, even in jest," he then accused her of “attempted murder with online bullying."

>At that point, the attention turned from D.E.'s alleged racism to Howden's, and from the bullying of D.E. to the bullying by Jason Lei Howden. People called for the boycott and cancelation of Guns Akimbo, Complex (who did not immediately respond to a request for comment for this piece), said she was going to contact the film's studio and publicist and alert them that Howden was harassing her (and if he didn't stop, "sue him for slander and defamation"), and the press quickly picked up to the story, with Howden playing the role of the villain. Headlines read: "‘Guns Akimbo Director Tries to Combat Online Bullying by... Bullying," "Director Jason Lei Howden Used the Guns Akimbo Twitter to Harass People Online," and from the "intersectional feminist media" outlet Wear Your Voice: "How White People Deploy Dog-Whistles to Harm Black Film Critics." This piece, by Nigerian American writer Clarkisha Kent, accuses Howden of engaging in "mass harassment," and refers to the director as "an angry, belligerent, and racist white man by the name of Jason Lei Howen" (sic).

>The campaign to cancel Howden may have worked, at least in the ill-defined and metaphorical sense of "cancel culture." We'll see how this impacts his ability to get work in the future. But any attempts to literally cancel his film did not. According to IndieWire Guns Akimbo is still set for release on Friday, February 28. "While we do not condone, agree or share Mr. Howden’s online behavior, which is upsetting and disturbing, we are supportive of the film and all the hard work and dedication that has gone into making Guns Akimbo," a representative from Saban Films, the movie's U.S. distributor, told IndieWire. In the meantime, Howden has deleted his Twitter.

>So what can we learn from this mess of a scandal? For one, never tweet, never send direct messages, never post anything—in jest or not—that can come back and haunt you later. The internet has created a sort of permanent record for all of us, one in which there's no room for context or nuance or measured consideration. Is it possible that D.E. is an unrepentant racist with a history of abusing people of color? Yes. But is it also possible that she's a young woman who meant no harm with this particular private message? Also, yes. DR did not respond to a request for comment, but whatever the truth about her, we've entered an era in which "intention is less important than impact" is one of the tenets of social justice activism. There's no room for forgiveness, for grace, for actually learning from our mistakes instead of paying for them repeatedly and in front of everyone. That's the nature of cancel culture. And people do pay, sometimes with their lives, but more often with their jobs and reputations. When you google D.E. now, here's what you'll find: allegations of racism, a very public suicide attempt, and then, at the bottom of the results, the now-defunct Much Ado About Cinema, a labor of love that has been taken offline, either temporarily or forever.

So how many of you faggots have actually watched the fucking movie?

>Leftist are the violence ones and not the one's ideology would directly lead into genocide

you think I'm reading all of those words?

see leftists hate you because you're hateful, that makes their constant seething hatred a Good Thing

a bit too much of a meme movie but it's alright

you mean communism

>Clarkisha Kent

this is an obvious larp


literally who?

Whoa I guess shooting up Walmarts is based and redpilled now

Im watching it now, it fucking sucks.

Who are you quoting

>the one's ideology would directly lead into genocide

so the left, again?

>punching people is okay because of their ideology
It is.

Sounds liken a lot of left wing countries

Punching people is violence.

To be fair, have you seen the types of people who go to Walmart?

Right wing people need to realize that they're going to be called violent no matter what, so they might as well genocide all leftists.

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>lead to
by that measure leftists deserve to be preemptively executed

Yes, yes. We're all "nazi fascists".

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Yeah just punch lefties. Resolve all ideological differences with violence.

That's a gross trivialization.
It's never just ideology, it's about ideology put into practice.

If Trump/Sanders/Biden promised to brutally massacre the white race if they get elected/reelected and there's no way to change peoples mind without the use of violence, are you going to tell me that you'll just let it happen because "it's only an ideological difference" and they arrived in office by peaceful means?

Sorry, but this is the problem with Americans, they think their ideologies and votes have no consequence.
If you voted for a warmonger, everyone who voted for that warmonger, or didn't vote at all has blood their hands directly or indirectly.

>If Trump/Sanders/Biden promised to brutally massacre the white race if they get elected/reelected and there's no way to change peoples mind without the use of violence, are you going to tell me that you'll just let it happen because "it's only an ideological difference" and they arrived in office by peaceful means?
That's what's been happening for the past 30 years and yet people haven't reacted violently yet.


>That's what's been happening for the past 30 years and yet people haven't reacted violently yet.
I believe I said brutally massacre, not what you consider white genocide.

But that means you're all complicit in the genocide for not being actively against it

I’m not a leftist and I think they should punch pussy fags like you. Lift a weight and learn how to make a fist and they stop being so intimidating.

>they didn't say it exactly word for word as I said it so it doesn't count
Well then violence is never necessary since literally nobody would ever say it in those exact words.

>the people who advocate for the disarmament of the populace are also the ones who think political violence is acceptable

Really gets the ole noggin going

I believe we should gas people to death with nitrous oxide and make it the happiest genocide ever. Checkmate.

>with no active participants being killed

you people really need to understand what genocide means. The word is replacement.

That is called war, and it works remarkably well!

>you're all complicit in the genocide for not being actively against it
What about Brenton Tarrant?

Listen, we're covering our face with ski masks and roaming the streets to dispense violence against people who have differing political opinions to STOP fascism

Get it through your heads CHUDS, we're the good guys

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So if you voted for Obama, I get to punch you because Obama murdered civilians with drone strikes and shit. If you voted Hillary, I get to punch you because she supportd that administration and also promised to go to war with other countries. If you’re a Democrat, I get to punch you. If you’re on the left, you get punched. Great logic, chief.

Intentional replacement is genocide. This is the UN definition, which 193 agree upon.

Is the movie any good?

*193 countries

>with no active participants being killed
Some are, with many being hospitalized through leftist violence. But it's okay because they didn't die right?

This thing has got to be one of the most retarded flicks i've ever watched kek, it was also filled to the brim with current year-type feminist + SJW bullshit and allures to ""toxic online trolls"" (though the villains are degenerate anarchist tatted-up drug addict types dressing up in BDSM gear which was fitting)

At least it was a mercifully short watch on 1.1 speed

Oh yeah and the ""plot"" (if you can call it that) with the shitty chekhov's gun and laughable predictable sequel hook was real shitty too

3/10 overall, without the gunfight sequences it would have been a 0/10

That doesn't change my point at all.
If you're not or were not actively canvassing against anti-white sentiments either through words, and if words didn't work then violence, then you are complicit in it continuing.

Anyone who has used violence doesn't count.
This is about people who hypocritically call out the left for using violence for political means when that very lack of violence is what will be your downfall.

Yes that's my exact point. American's are so selfish they like to remove all traces of responsibility and accountability from their political actions.

No shit, the correct choice was to vote for someone who wouldn't be a war monger. Though we care more about the ability to own guns than we do with whether or not who we vote for will kill innocent civilians


Well Hillary is far from left but you're on the right track, user

I'm convinced these threads are made by the same people arguing among themselves

Wait that's not frodo?

>"Suck my clit you guys!!"
>Shooting someone in the dick is a public service
>Raawww gurl powah

What tedious bullshit

This flick tried very hard to be funny but i didn't even scoff properly at most of these """"jokes""", leftist humour is just terrible oberall

yes it's public service because they were evil guys and shouldn't make children

I for one was horrified when skyla left the show, as she happily “went back to the kitchen” and was promptly replaced by what I can only assume is a positive representation of adolf hitler


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The way it was phrased in that scene heavily implied that it was a generalized statement on male genitalia as a whole though

If you like movies with lotsa guns in them (as i do) it's worth a watch but don't expect anything even remotely resembling a well-written movie with a believable plot

Someone needs to punch you nazis in the trucknuts.

Anyone else find it quite disgusting how mainstream movies have hopped on the "le epic 80s synth nostalgia" bandwagon? First ready player one now this

it is.

>The /pol/cels in this thread

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wah you guys are literally as bad as the left always getting offended at shit. she was blasting guys in the dick with a shotgun, one guy got it twice, it was funny. she also had her fingers cut off, i laughed at. wah wah wah

back to incel with you sweetie

I hope the left does this more
the right is a pacified bear, while the left is a paper tiger

Memes aside, this movie is dumb fun, but ultimately its cringe as fuck. Why Radcliffe would agree to something like this? At least swiss army man had some kind of depth despite its ridiculous premise

liberals are against violence because they are status quo loving cuckolds. Leftists love violence, we're waiting for the day it becomes socially acceptable to build guillotines for billionaires

fuck you

cope nigcel


The synth craze seed was planted with Drive. Then that awful kung fury and other gay video game culture shit started aping it. Then eventually stranger things came out, and now 80’s revival is mainstream

nice meme, grandma!

Vladimir, it isn’t 2006 anymore.

It is