>Sandra Wollner's drama about a 10-year-old android and her "Daddy" could prove to be one of the festival's most divisive.
What does /pol/ think of this jewish womans newest masterpiece?
>Sandra Wollner's drama about a 10-year-old android and her "Daddy" could prove to be one of the festival's most divisive.
What does /pol/ think of this jewish womans newest masterpiece?
>sex bots are bad, goyim
>there was supposed to be full blown sex scenes, but the director decided to cut them because she wanted an actual kid to play the bot for the sake authenticity
pretty based honestly
probably just implied now
brehs rate my daughter/sex bot
>This example of techno-pedophilia comes to us with wires crossed and synapses shorting out in the attempt to understand its ramifications. Elli is a machine which has no function other than that for which it was designed, but if a machine has no agency or interiority (and therefore no concept of exploitation), where are the preprogrammed memories that comprise the voiceover coming from? Where are these “thoughts” being thought? Further, it is a machine in the shape of a young girl, played by a young girl. The press notes assure us that every imaginable care was taken to ensure the actress’ physical and psychological wellbeing, and the most upsetting scenes are subtly CG’d. But still, it is impossible to trick our brains into not seeing the final images — which are mostly graphic only in inference — for what they appear to imply: the violation of a child.
yes, but it's clear the whole point of the movie is actually to push the anti sexbot propaganda like stated here however this time they're connecting it to "pedo hysteria" to get even more people on board with the idea of banning bots
cute and funny/10
That's my literal daughter/gf you creep
Once advanced sexbots and artificial wombs are perfected, then roasties will be basically obsolete.
They're rushing to preserve their social capital.
How the fuck would you faggots ever afford a sexbot
You don’t actually think the government would ever just hand them out for free out of the goodness in their hearts, do you?
>Robot prostitutes wont be a thing
The connection to pedo gets people that usually post stuff like "biocunt" on board with banning it too though
>but the director decided to cut them because she wanted an actual kid to play the bot for the sake authenticity
I still don't get why he cut the sex scenes
sex dolls are only 1k usd and dolls of the type displayed in that movie can be found though vendors like hgdoll and similar. the "future" is much more the present. which is why feminists are so butthurt about them.
It seems like you think there are only one type of people browsing here.
You might be wrong about that.
Sanpaku whore
would kiss her cunny desu
>spread the word
great work idiot
tite tummy
>I still don't get why he cut the sex scenes
why are lgs speaking nazi so cute bros
these movies thrive on controversy and word of mouth
realistic bots are decades away and youre all going to die alone and or in prison
will we ever get a movie about a trans sexbot?
Mass production drove down the price of TVs, cars and mobile phones.
Millions of sexbots will be created in automated factories to be carefully programmed by AI constructs.
I wish I was Ant
if nothing 2 consenting adults do in a room can be wrong how can something 1 consenting adult does be wrong though?
They put themselves into that corner.
would you a jcunny?
are you sure?
Is that cat dead?
Holy shit, roasties on suicide watch. The age of the cunnybot is upon us.
Yes and she's about to cook it
Holy shit i want oneee
I wish I was Dec.
>this in Berlinale
>Polanski winning in Berlinale
wtf bros??
sasha hgdoll
If you can afford the computer you're posting from you'll be able to get one. These things are going to be everywhere. New versions will come out like phones. It will be insane, people have no idea. We are talking about a new option between man or woman that can be whatever you want it to be forever.
Maybe those uptight women need a robo boyfriend with a giant cock to make them happy.