Why is it that any "artistic" piece of cinema is rarely ever as engaging and entertaining as an artistic album or book...

Why is it that any "artistic" piece of cinema is rarely ever as engaging and entertaining as an artistic album or book? Say what you want about ITCOTCK but you can't deny listening to it is far more entertaining than watching 90% of arthouse films. Does cinema just suck as a medium compared to music and literature? Why is that?

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>you can't deny listening to it is far more entertaining than watching 90% of arthouse films
this is true but is that a fair comparison? Wouldn't it be more accurate to find something a bit more pretentious musically to compare to the pretentious nature of arthouse films? ITCOTCK might compare more to coen brothers movies, well produced, unique, high quality throughout and very rewatchable/relistenable

I'm not sure, but maybe it has something to do with how personal the experience of an album or book is? I know that music is malleable and can resonate with a lot of different things for any one person. So all of the different people it reaches can have wildly different interpretations and emotional resonances from the album.

It's been years since I've read books, to be honest, but your ability to pick it up and put it down and apply voices to characters and depict the scenes in your own head makes them inherently more personal than movies, I think, because your brain is building the world of the book as you go along.

With Cinema, the number of ways you can interpret something is limited. I don't know much about auteur theory, and I don't know if it really applies since so many people work on movies, but the final product is definitely the result of one distinct vision. Any movies that are the exception to this are usually derided as bad.

Checked, and this is a fair point too OP.

You probably want to get a different kind of album to compare to arthouse stuff. Everyone knows King Crimson is good.

Id wager the answer to why you think this is because you are a pretentious faggot.

Film is entertainment, not art.

Arthouse is shit because it's trying to force film to be something that it simply is not.

>Throughout history, art has been defined many ways. One modern definition of art is "[t]he expression or application of human creative skill and imagination…producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power."
It's art.

arthouse is shit because 99% of the time they're taking 2 hours to state the obvious. most of these films contain as many ideas a single short poem or something. if your film is THAT slow then no, it's not visual poetry, it's you being too much of a hack to say anything of substance with a medium that demands more from you than you can give it.
not that this is always the case. some directors actually understand what they're doing.

this user wishes he could make film but is stuck being an observer

>modern definition


no you are just a faggot who got all his music opinions straight from Yea Forums memes, yet thinks he's the next Fantano or some shit.

and I actually like Crimson King.

Film is art, and so are video games

Doug might be a fag most of the time, but he is 100% right here

Literature and music are inherently more abstract mediums, that's why it's easier to do something that is "artistic" with them. Think of how you can write an entire book that is just about thoughts and feelings that doesn't connect to any physical reality. That would be impossible to do with cinema. Film is a visual medium and therefore more suited to concrete subject matters.

>new = bad
Modern can stretch as far back as before America was even a thing.

How come everyone is being shit on by projections?

>third Schizoid Man thread in as many days
Can’t help but think of youtu.be/I79YNDYrUno

Because you don't like films

Well, a painting can very easily be artistic as well. I feel the main problem with film is that it's bound to actors and sets. Animation has far more artistic potential but its usually used for children's media and adult animation is usually incredibly poorly made, even if it's intentional like ATHF. And even when adult animation is incredibly well animated (like with Hazbin Hotel), the shows never really take themselves seriously. The only adult animated shows that arent 100% comedy are Bojack Horseman (which sucks ass) and Duckman.

“Modern” is a distinct time period in art whether or not you’re willing to accept itZ

They weren't talking about "modern art" but how art is described in the modern era.

are you familiar with the term ‘splitting hairs?’

Discipline is their best album.

>I feel the main problem with film is that it's bound to actors and sets.
Not necessarily. Think of something like Stan Brakhage's work or even documentary filmmaking.

holy retard alert

But it's true.

>With Cinema, the number of ways you can interpret something is limited.
Open texts (to interpretation) are much simpler to accomplish in written word -- film has the constraint of everything being presented as-is, 'real' (to our senses at least) -- pre-digital arthouse may have some inertial baggage from only having analogue mediums for reference/inspiration (prior to practical and digital effects and even animation opening up technical possibilities). A middling avant garde novel will be more edifying than its equivalent in film most times for being within a mature discipline now centuries in the development. The cinematic lexicon is still being constructed in the early phases of the medium.

You'd think that wouldn't be the case with how often movies are around?

They always pop on Yea Forums and Yea Forums from time to time

Everything KC from the 70s and 80s is stellar
90s stuff is too much up their own ass for my taste
and the 2003 album is actually kinda good

prozak blues and oyster soup are pretty great

Honestly I can't think of any "artsy" music. Progressive isn't "artsy". Neither is technical, industrial, classical, anything really.

Listen to more music

And what makes it "artsy"?

what would you consider artsy?

What does “artsy” even mean to you? No matter what I suggest to you you’re going to say this

Best Hecker album. It’s between this and Haunt Me for me

>what would you consider artsy?
That's exactly my problem. In movies it seems to be more perceptible, but I can't think of any music I would think of as artsy.
So what qualities make something "artsy"?

>Playing hide and seek
>With the ghosts of dawn
>Waiting for a smile from a sun child-

Buddy, you're gonna need to give us some kind of definition of what you're looking for. assuming you're foolish enough to search for the kind of music that the musically-inclined consider artsy

Let's compare using in the aeroplane over the sea instead then

ITCOTCK is more like Taxi Driver, than an average arthouse film. Arthouse films are more similar to field recordings or other stupid pretentious music genre.

bretty cool

Attached: evergrace.jpg (400x400, 34K)

ITCOTCK is a cool listen, i like it, but it's like mid-low tier "prog". It's dwarfed by shit like Thick As A Brick, Close To The Edge, Tarkus, Heavy Weather (I know, more on the fusion side, I know) etc. And those are just mainline picks. That's not even getting into dickwaving. So why all the spam about this album? It makes me think you aren't exploring the whole genre.

Most people don’t actually explore music On their own they just listen to the top recommended albums

>Close To The Edge, Tarkus, Heavy Weather

Attached: kira.png (573x472, 403K)

Fucking shit

You need to listen to non-Yea Forumscore music if you’re implying that ITCOTCK is artistic

It's so easy to tell when someone's only just listened to King Crimson for the first time. Fuck off OP.

uncomfortable truths
>r/music/ posters are only aware of ITCOTCK because Kanye sampled it

Not even critics consider dumb arthouse shit the best films. The movies universally recognized as among the best like Citizen Kane, Vertigo, The Godfather etc. are all super entertaining.

nah, you just don't listen to enough modal jazz/fusion to love it the way it deserves

i can see not liking yes, but if you don't like heavy weather i don't want to know you. name your faves cunt

>ITT: retarded OP tries to objectively compare the qualitative merit of a subjective medium to that of other subjective mediums
I can just as easily use the same argument in defense of cinema. Good films have way more of an emotional impact on me than the majority of music I've listened to. And I'm not even going to enter the discussion of what constitutes arthouse films and what can be see as analogous to them when it comes to music and literature.

i like all of those albums, i was just curious if you knew of those three via a vietnamese comic book

>Dude you must love obscure dogshit or you're not a true fan of music
ITCOTCK is highly acclaimed for a reason.

close to the edge wasn't reference in jojo that i remember, just the song roundabout. most people forget tarkus was a character. i was drawn to jojo because it referenced so many albums i liked, not vice versa.

none of the albums i named are obscure. critical acclaim doesn't mean shit either way, we've had this argument too many times. king crimson is just accessible prog for people who don't listen to very much music. be mad somewhere else.

>obscure dogshit

Attached: steel.gif (640x266, 3.26M)

>Jethro Tull
>Emerson Lake and Palmer


>dancing in the shal-

Kek's seed, Yea Forums's creed
Yea Forumsposters posting sneed
Cringe based zoomers onions dude weed
21st century shitpost man

cape shit, falseflagging
three retards still tripfagging
endless cocks for op's gagging
21 century shitpost man

I love the album, but I will not sit through 10 minutes of noodling again.

Cinema is just tiresome. An album doesn't play for 2h30, and you don't have to read a book in one sitting. It's also why television is more entertaining.

>listening to any opinion this man has to say when he made shit like his wall review

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fuck you i spat out my beer

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iso seed, port beg greed
tendies cope, basednys seethe
his games run better on pc
21st century shitpost man

His wall review was nowhere near as bad as it was made out to be. The instrumentals by Rob Scallon were pretty great and the criticisms doug makes being so uninformed is more the fault of the film than doug. The film's job is to get it's message clearly across, if you need to do research on the band and the lifes of it's members after watching it to get the point, the movie is fundamentally flawed

user, he had furry oc donut steels from a webseries that rivals hazbin hotel for le edgi and funni cussing and sex joke

The animations were pretty great for a single student to do in 2 weeks

>the criticisms doug makes being so uninformed is more the fault of the film than doug

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Prog rock is the McDonald's arthouse of music. Listen to classical music instead.

all i know is that you told me to not listen to prog rock and im going to have to disregard your shit. i can still listen to debussy recordings and soft machine. i don't have to choose

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>listening to Plebussy

Attached: q5OL30E (1).jpg (250x174, 5K)

>hasn't listened to rosens rendition of the 12 etudes
>smokes pole like it's a 4th generation family business

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Fuck off, reddit faggot, nigger.

Good comparison

ITCOTCK is more kinda like a Kubrick movie, it's "artsy" but also very normalfag-friendly and everybody loves it.

A more fair comparison to hard-to-watch mostly pretentious arthouse stuff would be this album.

Attached: trout mask replica.jpg (1500x1500, 247K)

I'd much rather listen to Trout Mask Replica than any "art" film

Literally Twilight soundtrack core

Maybe, but TMR sounds like complete shit to anyone that isn't used to that style of music. The same applies to Tarkovsky films and alike, they're just extremely uninteresting to people that aren't used to slow introspective films

Saying shit like 'modal jazz fusion' really makes me want to beat you up.

>thick as a brick
>not aqualung or stand up
get lost

Id rather watch sharknado than listen to that piece of shit



>i don't know what words mean
tough titties

>knowing what's on the soundtrack to Twilight
and why care

Because you get entertained more easily listening to music? Or you've watched bad arthouse films? This isn't a well-defined question