Hyuna to make a song for DUNE

>Kim Hyuna will make a song for Denis Villeneuve's upcoming DUNE movie. The song will be made between her and Zendaya. Hyuna was chosen by Villeneuve himself because he is a fan of her and always wanted to work with her, she stated that she is a fan of the book herself and of his work.

Attached: rs_600x600-181221014252-e-asia-things-to-know-hyuna-thumbnail.jpg (1200x1200, 97K)

Other urls found in this thread:


zendaya will ruin it

>ywn be in a mutual artistic crush

>Kpop trash

Unfortunately that sounds like it has no reason to become another way to based, just wait for the next time of doing along sometimes changes to based all along.

Sort of, like a tripcode?

Disgusting esl schizo poster

kinda based. i like kpop


God no please, it will be so cheesy. And Zendaya should act or sing, not both.

>soon 30

Attached: bec27a671215936a612bb33b892bb5f0.jpg (953x1200, 148K)

Gross. The same care should be taken over this soundtrack as was given to LotR.

she looks like she fucks white guys

Didn't lotr have singers do the end credits song too?

Here is her boyfriend... user, I...

Attached: optimize.jpg (740x529, 88K)


I can't find a single source for this.

Skin bleaching has been popular in eastern asian countries

I can snap that things neck no problem

that is supposed to be a male?


Based Hyuna

What's the hottest asian women and will my children be fags if I marry one?

>pop music
>for Dune
Even if it's just for the credits, this stinks.

Attached: 1547492754149.png (875x658, 654K)


Behind the Dune

youtube.com/watch?v=IhjoQB-7QY0 should be the credits song

What baffles me is why someone would make this up, just to see what the userbase here think. Half of which, haven't seen a film in years and won't even watch Dune.

Literally peak Korean male specimen she has there.

should've got twice

Attached: 1582017914975.webm (1080x1080, 2.82M)

>dresses like a 14 year old boy
>fucks a korean super model anyway
pretty based to me to be honest

this game sucked because whenever you fucked your mom she starts to sob uncontrollably

WB marketing team
Just look at the F9 threads

Why would WB make a post that makes me not want to watch the movie though?

He looks like he has HIV/AIDS

>9/10 with makeup
>3/10 without

Attached: ecba25fd28a142e90a1d794cfd1afbb2.jpg (559x390, 39K)

>the average korean women is 10/10
literally how do other women cope with looking like utter trash by comparison

Attached: 44249687_259159811623991_1630629741523886386_n.jpg (1080x1350, 69K)

this is true for most roasties but my nayeon is the exception

Attached: 1580562961434.jpg (1080x2050, 172K)

>makeup whore

When did these insects start getting tits?

>Behind the Dune
My man...
Jessica is so good in this game. I only wish that Mohiam had more scenes too.

Attached: 2.png (1400x1048, 1.1M)

they have superior genetics

Attached: 1582018112070.webm (1048x1080, 2.97M)

It's all makeup and plastic surgery. S. Korea is the plastic surgery capital of the world.


Attached: ca3c3167ead40aa405999651749833ef.jpg (800x1175, 165K)

Dishonest cheeto dust music for a dishonest mountain dew director

PSY is better anyway...

WTF Denis I trusted you!

>genre that panders to yellow fever coomers and lonely landwhales
I know how it got popular, I just wish it didn't.

This, wh

Villeneuve's based


a man of culture

It's good though...

Gangam Style had actual soul, unlike the garbage keeb zoomers listen to nowadays. It helps that Psy doesn't look like an assembly line product idol.


>wang chin chin chin wan ching chong chong wang chin chin chin chin chichin ching chong
there you can use that one for free