Making fun of edgy stuff I feel was warranted at one point...

Making fun of edgy stuff I feel was warranted at one point, but I feel like it was part of a bad trend where now literally anything with any degree of harshness or dire tonality is considered to be "edgy"

I feel as though the term "edgy" has gone from meaning
>"Empty shock value."
>"I'm offended by literally anything harsh. Don't wrongthink and go against my puritanical, sheltered ideals."

Attached: 20220324_172609.jpg (2048x2048, 260.37K)

Case study, OP:
Your pic is edgy, not because I'm offended (I'm not), but because it's making a property have excess gore/blood when the original didn't have or need it.
Am I wrong?

I feel as though the term "edgy" has gone from meaning
>"Empty shock value."
>"I'm offended by literally anything harsh. Don't wrongthink and go against my puritanical, sheltered ideals."
Nigga, it's always been mocking empty shock-value and it STILL is. Nobody is calling stuff like Primal "edgy", but people sure as shit are calling Pibby it.


Attached: jenny psychotic killbot.jpg (1024x1501, 119.13K)

No one's offended by edgy pics like OP, most of us have seen shit it doesn't even hold a candle to, the reason edgy shit is so edge is because it's obvious someone is intentionally trying to offend you and just failing miserably at it, basically attention whoring.

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idk man I just like those XJ-9 gore pics for some reason.
Robots killing humans is hot

>gore/blood when the original didn't have or need it.
How is this edgy? Do you think any time someone makes something like this it's to offend or get a reaction out of people?
What if I don't necessarily always give a shit about your aesop morality tales and I just wanna make something that conveys my feelings, or perfects a certain production technique?
Your perception of art is inherently limited and formed by nothing but pop culture. Which is fine, except for when you try to start gatekeeping art based on your own ignorance.
Tell me, do all paintings have plots? Do sculptures? Does all music have a "plot"? No? Then why should all movies follow this completely arbitrary rule? That's limiting what the medium is capable of expressing.

Am I seeing double here?

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>Do you think any time someone makes something like this it's to offend or get a reaction out of people?
Yes, that's genuinely the only reason anyone makes stuff like this and you sound like a middle schooler who complains that his parents don't get him

>Yes, that's genuinely the only reason anyone makes stuff like this
delusional read:

Attached: jenny extremely dangerous.jpg (900x972, 162.16K)

If your only arguments are thought terminating cliches and bad faith to the point of absurdity, then you're not worth engaging with.

Summarize your point in two lines or less, you pretentious faggot. Nobody wants to read your gay ass essay about how making fun of gore fetish Nickelodeon cartoon fan art is limiting the medium of art

>fun of gore fetish Nickelodeon cartoon fan art is limiting the medium
made me chuckle

Attached: XJ-9's plan for world domination.png (400x400, 15.89K)

Funnily enough, things are complicated and you have to explain things in something more than what you can fit on a t-shirt. Unironically go back to Twitter if that much text is too much for you to engage with.

>What if I don't necessarily always give a shit about your aesop morality tales
What if I never mentioned anything about morality tales? Because I didn't.
Now, you're just making more reasons why we should make fun of it and you.

Edgy stuff is not inherently funny, what is funny is trying to be edgy and failing (like the pic you posted). No one over the age of 20(ish) finds gore and blood shocking or counter-cultural anymore so stuff like what you just posted shows the comical contrast between the lack of maturity of the creator (or the audience the creator is trying to appeal to) and the way they want to present themselves through their art.

Because your definition of "edgy" being "Empty shock value" can only fit into that framework.

Sorry m8, only anime/manga are allowed to be edgy.
Western comics and cartoons are for children, so edgy for edgy's sake is not allowed.

now THAT is edgy

"Edge" is a symptom of stunted development.

In what way? What is your definition?

What you have is a weeb influenced gore fetish, go to gurochan and fuck off from here, it's not the place for it. It's a confusing kiddy phase trying to understand death, edgy mixed emotions from life and combining it with your other interests and it should of been out of your system by 14-15 years old.


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>I just wanna make something that conveys my feelings, or perfects a certain production technique?
That's all ok, but if you think that XJ9 murdering someone and holding their hearts conveys to an audience anything more than "Look how grown up I am!!! I draw gore and stuff" you are self-deluded, even if your intentions were to poke at a deeper theme.

>An entire paragraph of word puke and thought terminating cliches

>XJ9 murdering someone
is HOT. That's the beginning, middle and end of it

Audiences would give a standing ovation to a post credit scene with Spiderman in it after 10 hours of a fork scratching a plate. I'm not obligated to care about their opinions.

>Spiderman in it after 10 hours of a fork scratching a plate
can't be any worse than the standard capeshit

Right. So, by your own admission, OP's pic is edgy because it's empty shock value.

Alright, you got a weird fetish, I got weird fetishes, the OP of the next thread over has weird fetishes, we all got weird fetishes man.
But I can just accept that I like monstergirl soccer mom unbirthing without having to make weird pretentious sounds posts about how it's actually the highest form of art

No. This pic doesn't have a plot to it. Are you reading the arguments you're responding too? If that's your level of actual engagement in this argument then I probably won't respond any further.

Trying to "freak people out" is a childish pursuit. It's not the communication of any idea, it's just an attempt to induce rubbernecking by people with nothing interesting to say.

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Can you read the artist's mind?

>This pic doesn't have a plot to it
It doesn't have to have a plot to be empty shock value.

I think "your boos mean nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer" applies quite a bit here.

never said it was high art. maybe someone else did I didn't read any of the text in any detail

But then how does it have empty shock value if there's not plot attached to it? By definition empty shock value usually comes from a message or meaning regarding a plot. Again, what if I just want to make something that expresses my feelings?

When they put it on paper and present it to an audience, yes.

what I'm saying is that I'd go and watch that

>He's now dodging
How do you know artists intention? Do you have a mind reading power?

You are not, but if you want to improve you need to care about the opinion of someone you respect, and they are going to interpret the art you make at face value. (also by audiences I meant the audience you are trying to go after, not the public in general, there is nothing wrong with appealing to the edgy and young, but you have to understand why most people wont find it appealing, including your own audience when they grow up.)

Attached: furpilled since a kid.jpg (750x530, 94.28K)

>By definition empty shock value usually comes from a message or meaning regarding a plot
Where are you getting this definition from?

So because most people don't know dick about art that should give you an excuse not to even try? This entire argument has a million fallacies that'd an eternity to meticulously deconstruct.

It was a very simple post I thought even a child like you would understand. You've had years to grow up, it's time you actually do it and quit disappointing your family. It's not their fault you're this was, it's yours, grow up.

Asking, why do people make fun of "edgy" stuff (edgy in the internet sence) is like asking why people don't take kids movies seriously, it's just not meant for a public past a certain age.

>It's not empty shock value if it doesn't fall into my personal arbitrary parameters of what empty shock value is

Attached: 1462900426053.png (351x351, 153.07K)

It's not hard to tell when an "artist" is a vacuous waste of time in human form.

Some people like something you don't!
That's okay, you can cope, I believe in you!.

Attached: They Cope.jpg (324x400, 36.98K)


Where does "Empty shock value" come from if not attached to a plot? What is your definition of empty shock value? Are Francis Bacon paintings empty shock value?

Attached: 14_francis-bacon_three-studies-for-a-crucifixion_1962-2.jpg (1358x605, 114.16K)

go rewatch terminator then

Do you really believe that someone interpreting a picture of a cartoon character covered in blood as teenage rebellion and not a grand sweeping theme about how sad you are and shit means they don't know shit about art? Are you an actual teenager?

Then what is your definition of empty shock value?

Answer my question: Where are you getting this definition from?

It's the only logical conclusion for where "Empty shock value" can come from. Anything else is just empty whining coming from a overly sensitive pussy.

Attached: url(10).jpg (378x450, 126.61K)

An attempt to shock or offend an audience without actually having any point to it.

>He's stopped attempting to even make an argument
I'll be here when you get hired by the CIA for magically being able to extract information from anyone's head.

>means they don't know shit about art?
Unironically, yes. If they refuse to engage with art on a deeper level, then that's not my problem.

>It's the only logical conclusion...
So you're basing your entire argument on a definition you made up and suits only you.
Learn objectivity.

>So you're basing your entire argument on a definition you made up and suits only you.
Are you not even reading the past few posts showing how I came to this conclusion?
If there's such a thing as "Empty shock value" it can only come from a piece of art having a morality message of some kind or a plot. Not something that just expresses their feelings.

Attached: 1045px-Francisco_de_Goya,_Saturno_devorando_a_su_hijo_(1819-1823).jpg (1045x1920, 712.78K)

>Are you not even reading the past few posts showing how I came to this conclusion?
I asked you where you got the definition from and you said "It'S tHe OnLy PoSsIbIlIty!1!" instead of showing both sides interpretations of it.
>it can only come from a piece of art having a morality message of some kind or a plot
No. It can also be to just get a gasp. You're focusing on the "value" part too much and the "shock" part too little.

You do know the context behind this picture, right?

Of course

Unfathomable projection. Lmao.

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I will grant you one thing exploring a young mind and it's troubles is more interesting that what most people realize, but eventually your old angst just seems funny, and the way you expressed yourself laughable. Everyone is ashamed about *that* phase of their lives and with good reason so they laugh at other people going through it, to be honest it's not fair. You can think what you want about these people, they are not necesarily in the right, but you have to understand where they are coming from, not as because that's what an artist does, but because that's what a person has to do to live in peace with society.

This retard still makes threads to bitch and moan about people making fun of him?

Then what is your definition of "Empty shock value"? I've asked you repeatedly.

>Afraid to directly reply

Why are you posting pictures of more established traditional artists and comparing it to OP's pic?
They're night and day and it's not helping your "argument".

So how does it fit into this thread when it was straight up never intended to be seen by anyone?

Why would I directly reply to someone that I'm not asking the question to? Don't be a retard.

I'm waiting for you to answer mine first: Where did you get your definition from?

They're both violent and bloody. If you didn't know anything about these pictures you'd compare them to OP's pic.

I've already showed you where I got my definition from by following a logical argument train. If you don't answer it with your next reply, I am done engaging.

It's a funny picture and I find the context associated with the artist hillarous

>If you didn't know anything about these pictures you'd compare them to OP's pic.
I absolutely would and do not.
Because there's a difference between them. Which I inferred by asking why you're comparing the two and saying they're night and day.
Fucking retard.

>I've already showed you where I got my definition from by following a logical argument train.
That being:
My subjective take.
Not a long train ride.

>You're focusing on the "value" part too much and the "shock" part too little.
Because if there is any value then by definition it's not "Empty" shock value. At best you're just a pussy, at worst you're a moral busybody that needs to shut the fuck up.


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Nah, you would. Both of these could be the best created pieces of art in history and you'd still bad faith it and call it "edgy"