ITT: good films by women

ITT: good films by women

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was american psycho made by a woman? that’s neat

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No, but theze dubz wur.


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Do we like Catherine bigelow?

Fucking shit niggers cock, fuck women.

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Was written by a man

...and that's about it

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>man writes a shitty book (fuck you, I hated it)
>woman takes man's shitty book and directs good movie based off of it

How did she do it, bros?

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>a woman made a film about killing women

What did she mean by this?

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vastly better than that dyke's shitty movie


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American Psycho and The Matrix were unironically my two favorite films long before I discovered Yea Forums.

Housewives of Atlanta

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How about movies directed by these digits ?

that's a bad film

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What movie was this from? I know its about returning from war

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Die shill

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Kathryn Bigelow is the only consistantly decent working female director.

She ranges from pretty good to pretty meh. Nothing amazing but also nothing terrible.


>buying food is boring
>i want to kill mudslimes for israel and big oil
the absolute state of the cuckservative

>replying 1 hour and 49 minutes late
What were you doing for 1 hour and 49 minutes?

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He's a retarded that needed too many hints.

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I hope you have your head split open, waste of life

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Says the manchild who can't handle his shit show being dead. I hope you have your throat cut open in your sleep, retard

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Only good answer itt

>he's going to let this thread archive

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You're gonna die you fucking freak

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confirmed for not reading the book. it was boring shlock. The only people who like it are the same kind of contrarians who think the Witcher books are better than the games.

>I can't enjoy a book because I'm a brainlet but I sure can pretend to love the movie to fit in on a mongolian basket weaving forum
both movie and the book are good go fuck yourself

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Shaping up to be one of my favorite contemporary films

Holy fucking based

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>t. Virgins who try to hide how pathetic they are by being pseudo intellectuals

The book was a bloated mess. The director did a good job cutting a man's autistic overthought rant into a more comprehinsible form, as women often do.


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>>t. Virgins
>as women often do.
project and white knight all you want, women won't fuck you.
>hurr me no understand book you no understand too you pretend you pseud

Are the Watchowiskis unironically the most famous women directors today?

I get laid on the regular. Even the author himself admitted that the book is bloated and movie is better, virgin.

Die out

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>Even the author himself admitted that the book is bloated and movie is better
source or gtfo cuck

your a fucking lying, 20 seconds on google retard.

Wachowski's took upon their manly shoulders the misson to redpill the world and now they pay the price. They have taken the blue pill so that we can pick the red one. Rest in Peace brothers you did well

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>thread about good films made by women
>american psycho is a good film
>thread devolves into "b-but the book is better"
what did incels mean by this? fuck off to Yea Forums

I had no idea the Wachowskis had a sex change until this thread. I thought it was a meme, honestly

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>muh women
and you fuck off to /r9k/ or even better for you fucking reddit you lying beta cuck

Man what a brainlet author. Doesn't even know himself that his book is really about 80's.

The Ascent by /ourgirl/ Larisa Shepitko

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Well, atleast it couldn't be any more clear you are the pseud, thx for making that clear

are you mentally ill?

i'm not the person you were originally talking to you schizo shitposter. unironically you fuck off to r9k


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I only came to this thread to check if anyone remembered this.

Women are better are movies about psychopaths, since the psychopath is, at least subconsciously, their idea mate.


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Burn! is a good movie but it's not by a woman.

what the fuck made you assume I thought you weren't, you autist? your retardation is both unmatched and unmistakable, at least on this board


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get killed

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slit your throat fag

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>pic not related

Wayne's World
The Beverly Hillbillies
The Little Rascals

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>nesquik cereal

Stop ruining the thread

This, they were forcefully turned for redpilling too many people, just like Bradley Manning

Cameron helped her with this one though

tfw you realize the Mom wrote the book to fuck with her kid

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