Altered Carbon

>be known as the most badass mofo in the entire human sphere.
>Constantly get his shit pushed in and fumble fuck around like a retard

I had forgotten why I hate this show so much.
What I wouldn't give for even one scene where Tekashi Kovacs actually lived up to even a single claim of his reputation.

Also, I don't understand what the show writers thought. Are they honestly trying to get me on the side of a terrorist that wants everyone to die when the technology to live forever exists? What kind of backwards, Muslim crap is that?

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Is season 2 good?
The black girl at the end of season 1 made me lose hope for this show in the future.

I think the other big disappointment with season 2 is the lack of tits and pussies. That was at least something worth watching for.

I can only assume that Disney pulled out their massive dick and fucked Netflix to ensure that their precious Falcon isn't seen in the same camera frame as a naked woman.

>Is season 2 good?
I had high hopes at first.

I'm on episode 5. I lost all faith in episode 4.

The combat sleeve was useless. I don't know if it's bad directing or bad acting but this Kovacs isn't menacing at all.

>The combat sleeve was useless
I honestly think the only reason they put him in an "advanced sleeve with accelerated healing." was so they didn't have to spend the money to keep damage makeup and keep track of what they did do.

again. How am I supposed to care about a terrorist that wants everyone to die?

At episode 6 now.
This is fucking pathetic compared to the adult, free nudity from the first season. Fuck Disney and fuck Netflix for casting Anthony Mackie

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I don’t know how to spoiler tag so I won’t go into detail, but there’s a point about halfway through the season where it becomes really obvious that almost anyone else would have been a better Kovacs than Mackie. Carrera was based though.

Just finished episode 4 and I'm not sure I can do this anymore, lads... all of the world-building is gone, Takeshi Kovacs is a lovesick puppy dog now, has lost all of his badass traits from Season 1. Poe is pretty much carrying this entire show on his back.

So far I'm not against him as an actor. I'm against the baggage he brought with him. I honestly think his role in Disney prevents Netflix from including as much sweet tits, ass, and pussy as in the first season.

honest question, would this guy be cast in anything if he wasn't black?

>super advanced sleeve with advanced strength and stuff. Has a longer reach and higher upper-body strength than female sleeve.

>Constantly gets bodied throughout the entire series by stronk womyn

Netflix everybody

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Only seen two episodes but it's a total letdown compared to season 1.

The best thing about it ws Poe and his hotel

Another problem I've noticed in both the first and second season so far.

It's always a big fucking plot deal that there's not enough sleeves to go around. This was shown the first episode of season 1 by putting a little girl in an 80 year old woman's body. And in this with stacks just piled together in a pit.

But in the latter of season 1 they show that there's a machine that will insta-print any body you want with a genetic code. Hell, the cops took possession of it in season 1 on earth.

If it exists there, it should exist on Harlan. The issue about lack of sleeves is a complete fucking lie throughout this entire series.

>his hotel
I'm actually kind of annoyed they reused the hotel set. Would have been nice if they did something else just to show some creativity., >total letdown compared to season 1.

>letdown compared to season 1.
yeah. The lack of tits and ass is the real weakness of this season.

this is why I can't take this terrorist bitch seriously. What kind of self-appointed psychopath would allow everyone to die at any age when there is a ready and plentiful technology available for everyone?

You know who this bitch is? She's one of those anti-vax fuckers that would refuse a blood transfusion or organ transplant because it wouldn't be "God's Will."

Quick fax, Netflix. Making a immoral psychopath as your hero is a terrible fucking idea.

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>he wants out jewish overords to live forever

hey. Can't argue with the only group on the planet doing their best to exterminate Muslims.

Netflix's fanfic writing in season 1 set this shit on wrong tracks. This is more butchered than Witcher.

I couldn't finish Season 1. This shit is like Blade Runner spin off fan fiction.

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>stronk womyn.
>even stronker

Fuck you, Netflix.
I'm glad I didn't pay anything to see this.

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The inconsistencies with the enhanced combat sleeves is really fucking irritating. One minute they're punching people so hard they literally fly, the next they're getting their shit pushed in by a woman jumping on their back.

Honestly I should have stopped watching the minute The Wedge started performing a highly impractical Cirque du Soleil routine to kill off a room full of people.

Fuck I was hoping to get my scifi fix with season 2 but not a single person in this thread has liked it

don't worry, based denis will deliver for us

It's better to view S1 as a standalone desu. You'll only be disappointed.

I actually stoped there hahaha

I genuinely wish I had done the same. The first season was pretty enjoyable overall, this is just utter dogshit.

The Lord wouldn't put adjutants in his vaccines, faggot.

I really enjoyed the first season, despite its flaws. I was looking forward to season 2 since it was announced, but the lack of any marketing or hype worried me.

After watching it, I see why there was no hype. It was just bad.

Mackie is....fine as Kovacs, but really lacked the intensity of Joel Kinnaman, and never really had much presence.

The other characters, apart from Poe, were trash.

Quell was the worst part of season 1, and basing pretty much the whole of season 2 around her was a huge mistake. I find her so fucking annoying as a character, and her whole story of wanting to bring about the end of sleeves, is shit. It's the whole premise of the world, and a decent take on immortality imo.

I thought the new AI chick was just annoying and badly acted, and the way that she always had a solution just in the nick of time was cliche.

Having to come up with solutions over multiple episodes may have added a bit of depth to her, but then I would have had to suffer more of this shit.

The bounty hunter, I can't even remember her fucking name, can be summarised as "muh coils", and added nothing of value. Nothing.

I won't spoil the ending because I can't be bothered to type more, but seriously fuck Netflix. I actually resubbed to watch this garbage.

At least Drive to Survive had some more kino moments this year.

I liked Kovacs books.
Is "A Land Fit For Heroes" any good?

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Did his magnetic guns play part in anything? I just remeber them failing. Why not do just genetic marker, only you can use these guns. Then bad guy trys to shot him and he laughs and shots him whit other.

Might be. He was fresh out of shower after every fight. But that would mean that s3 will be even shitier.

There needed to be some pseudo religious reason for rebellion. Then it would make sense. More you reuse sleves, more you lose your soul. Then they show it as decreasing amount of data over time. Like small corruption, that supposed to be your soul. But even then rebellion is little bit far fetched. But you tie rich people bad to that and you got yourself tv rebellion.

What happened to the white guy? Im not watching it if they changed him

Reinhabited by the sleeve's original owner. Kovacs is now inhabiting the guy who plays flacon in marvel on a different planet. If you at all enjoyed season one for its neat scifi dystopia aesthetic.... do not watch 2. It's literally just a bunch of stronk black woman who's good at everything running around in the woods. The plot is a mess. They abandoned the cool future detective vibe for 8 episodes of inane bullshit. Watching or rewatching The Expanse would be a better use of time if you want good scifi.

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it's not imortality, just a more direct version of propagating ones bloodline than children, also they have shown time and time again how using this technology makes you less and less "human" even takeshi kovacs is a proven monster reborn over and over and over. I agree he just seems more "lucky" than anything else and not some kind of super warrior and his detective skills this season are fucking trash. I wonder if it's because he is no longer in a supercop sleeve? I really hate smug bounty hunter lady.

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The Governess had a surprisingly nice booty. Definitely needed more nudity.

>I agree he just seems more "lucky" than anything else and not some kind of super warrior and his detective skills this season are fucking trash.
Honestly, it just seems like the writers are doing a shitty job more than anything. Rather than wanting to do cool detective stories they instead want to do more Quell, who is the least fucking interesting and compelling character ever written.

>Anonymous 03/01/20(Sun)17:40:05 No.130153
yea but does the original guy comeback i dont want to see this nigger in the lead for a whole season its pointless, i grew a connection with the original guy

She's an envoy?

Artificial scarcity.

Her were a let down after she looked good in that really tight shirt. The nudity in season 1 actually did add something that this season lacked. The way meths used their body for status and nudity was casual because they were only in sleeves.

Nah, Kinnaman is out. Which I suppose is fortunate in that he has no further association with this dumpster fire.

So is season two about Kovacs going awol to find a Martian ship and putting together a crew of military guys? Is that scene with one of them being pulled apart bit by bit alive by a robot as torture in it?

Including Quell anymore than a her ideas ruined any hope the series had. Even when she's a character in the third book, it's barely a thing.

I haven't read the books, are they cyberpunk neo noir detective novels, or are they just super mario brothers set in the future?

Even Yea Forumscels drool over white chads, there is no hope for average niggers out there...

Haven't either but everything I've heard is good. Definitely light years ahead of the adaptation (who would have guessed?). I think they tend towards more of a neo-noir vibe. And of course, there is no Quell.

>there is no quell
im sorry, what?

Can you blame them? Kinoman in S1 was peak chad aesthetic.

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She's basically an old philosopher until the third novel. They fucked up envoys too. They were military enforcers. Going to planets and disabling them from inside.

In the books apparently Quell(perfect black woperson) is a character but nothing close to what she is in the series. She's a minor revolutionary and had nothing to do with stack invention and is not Kovacs love interest. Also, Envoys rather than the Taliban are in fact unstoppable UN G-men.

The envoys are so fucking ridiculous in the show. A group of people go on what appears to be a glorified yoga retreat and are somehow considered to be the biggest, baddest fighting force in the galaxy?

Came here to write your post basically.

Also how fucking disappointing was that reveal of the Elder "spirit". The mysterious extinct race way beyond human technology are just bloodthirsty monsters? What the fuck. And about the Governor. Am I the only one who expected her to be her own father? They were building towards that the whole time, right? And fuck those forced fist fights at every turn and especially fuck ending the season with the main characters fist fighting the bad guy. Incredibly shit writing.

It kills Kovacs character. It's more interesting knowing he worked for the system but defected, became a criminal and now hates it. Instead of hating it, learning to hate it more and still hating it.

jesus fucking christ

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The reveal with the governor was fucking terrible. All that buildup for nothing. The elder plotline was trash but to be fair it was less a case of bloodthirsty monster and more of an angry genocide survivor who wanted a last act of vengeance for its species. Overall though yeah, S1 had its pitfalls but this was garbage.

>expected her to be her own father
I thought that for a split second but then it seemed more like she somehow had him in prison. Then it seemed like they just didn't want to pay the original actor.

So who's DNA was Poe carrying?

Kovacs. He was backed up before he got lasered. Once again the writers are incapable of actually killing characters, instead having them heroically sacrifice themselves only to reappear five minutes later (Poe for S1).

How did they fuck it all up so badly? Fucking loved season 1. Finally some decent sci fi cyberpunk kino and then they give us this horse shit. Took them 2 fucking years too, completely lost all steam on the first season.

They did the purely for the tv show, in the books she's a commie bitch and fully endorses resleeving to continue her terrorist actions but they couldn't have an American show where a full-blown commie cunt was considered a hero, so they dialled it down into this anti vax bullshit

But it made so much sense and we all know how much modern tv loves twists. I couldn't believe it.
>Harlan joined the Renouncers for no reason, everyone baffled by it
>Finding him is a big part of the """plot"""
>He is not renounced, in fact someone has just paid them to say it! What could this mean?
>Find out that an Elder is killing all the original settlers which explains why he would have gone through this elaborate plan of replacing his own daughter to fool the Elder
>Also the black mirror-ish "oi mate look how dark and twisted this dystopian world is!"
But no. Daughter just killed dad and starts shooting at the, now peaceful, Elder for no fucking reason at the end. She wanted to learn how to use angelfire. Wouldn't a living Elder be a fairly good asset for that goal? And she was shown as this cold logical leader all the way up to that point too. Fuck it sucked.

no they made their own plot line, it incorporates a tiny amount of book two and book three but it amounts to little more than slight nods rather than inspiration

There is no point to have another Kovac. The second Kovac already repeated the same arc and could pick up where he left off. Also if he was backed up right before the lasering then it completely defeats the point of the lasering at all.

Book 1 - cyberpunk dystopian detective novel
book 2 - cyberpunkish Martian war novel - weakest of the three
book 3 - part ai bounty hunting part fugitives on the run

>How did they fuck it all up so badly?
Because they don't give a shit about the books or storytelling in general. All they wanted to do was give their stronk Quell more screentime. Fuck they didn't even have the scifi city aesthetic of S1. Instead it's just more of those PNW looking woods that seem to pop up in every b-tier Syfy ty-show these days. Christ how hard is it to assemble a team of competent people to put together a TV show?

This season really subverted my expectations

Had no idea. From this thread sounds like complete shit. I already hated the changes from season 1. Season 2 sounds like a dumpster fire.

>Also if he was backed up right before the lasering then it completely defeats the point of the lasering at all.
Exactly which is why they did it. When Poe died in season 1 it was impactful. But they fucked that up by bringing him back. Now they've done the same thing. Your argument is predicated on the assumption that the writers are as sane and thoughtful as you. This season clearly demonstrates that they aren't.

Did he break into the writers' room at some point?

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"Envoy intuition" might be the most stupid plot point of this show. Basic social intelligence and the ability to read body language is somehow considered a super power in this universe.

she's minor socialist terrorist on harlan, no science background, never invented stacks, literally just wanted to end what she viewed as a new form of wage slavery and corruption on harlan, she loved the idea of stacks because it allowed them to carry on a never-ending war of terror, fading into obscurity for generations before striking again.

Envoys were government enforcers, black op commandos designed to be inserted in small teams to quell planetary rebellions, they could needle cast in and instantly acclimatise to the new planet, new body new gravity etc. They also had the most effective propaganda backing in the universe, people would literally shit themselves at the thought of an envoy being on planet which is why they were a big deal and it made sense they were viewed with awe and fear, rather than a tiny terrorist group from a shit hole planet.

Yeah its not worth the watch if you're a fan of the books, maybe two or three references to books two and three throughout the entire series and kovacs gets sidelined to focus more on quell

New Season 2 drinking game, every time Mackie says "Kayuhl" you take a shot.

Season 2 has problems but this isn't one of them. She is shown as a prideful and overconfident throughout the season. If she had been logical she would have had Kovach RD'ed as soon as Jaegar found out it was Kovach. She was a megalomaniac and her shooting the Elder made perfect sense.

In s1 it looked like they were gonna do more with it. Him being able to see through walls in the prologue. Apparently they just decided that instead the Envoys were just good at guessing shit.

>loyal to the protectorate for centuries
>one conversation with an arrogant bitch and Jaeger turns against them
Who wrote this shit?

Finished the second season a little while ago. So many mistakes were made.

>>Falconer was best left as a memory.
>>Too many inconsistencies in the lore - why are badass sleeves making people fly with a punch, but then getting stomped in by shit sleeves? Why does the governor know Kovacs killed her in the archive when she didn't back herself up? How did Poe back up Kovacs simply by looking at him?
>>Writers used "muh science" as an obvious way to dig themselves out of plot holes - Kovacs' sleeve is spliced with dog DNA, which had exactly one instance of relevance. Kovacs can summon his guns, which had exactly one instance of use.
>>A bunch of chaff - We don't care about bounty hunter's kid, or her wife, or her father, or what all the ais on the planet are doing, or the commune construct. None of these things had consequence.
>>The villians - the big reveal of the elders was underwhelming and undermined the big bads, of which we already had at least two.
>>The twists are obvious
>>The acting - it says something when an ai emotes better than the humans.
>>The scenery - a cyberpunk that spends 2/3 of its time in the woods. Huh?

The show deviated away from a high-concept cyberpunk series which focused on mysteries solved by a badass spy/soldier. The terrible sideplot from the first season took over. There was no mystery to be solved, no interesting use of the introduced lore concepts, and no attention paid to what made the original season good. They invested too much time of the shortened 8 episode season on three different love plots that people who enjoyed the original season have no interest in. As another user said, season two can be summarized people running around the woods beating one another up with no consequences.

>super warrior and his detective skills
I laughed my fucking ass off at the show in the first season near the end when he's hiding in the trunk of the car and uses his super-powers to locate the two guards so he can pop out and kill them.

Yeah. I got that super-power too. It's called ears.

>The Governess had a surprisingly nice booty. Definitely needed more nudity.
Any nudity would be nice.

The Governess was a bit old for my tastes, but to each their own I guess

>Poe for S1).
Poe's survival doesn't even make sense. At no time in the entire first season is it mentioned or shown there was a backup made.
The first season made it crystal clear that he was corrupted beyond function. Then he shows up in a pocket hologram with a slight twitch suffering from data alzheimer's.

You trying to kill us?

The woman behind this shitshow is now doing this
>On May 23, 2019, BuzzFeed News's Kate Aurthur broke the news that Kalogridis is writing a script for an adaptation of the BioWare and LucasArts video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. BuzzFeed identifies the project as a "potential trilogy."

Most boring sci-fi show in recent years. The pacing and writing is horrible.

oh fuck off retard

there were plot twists?


Many. There were frequent subtle hints that the show might actually rise to mediocrity, only for the expectations of the audience to be brilliantly subverted.

Im starting season 2 tomorrow and you fuckers are totally letting me down. At least does the latina girl get nude? She reminds me hard of Lela Star

I'm tryna git u DRUNK nigga. U might fight a nigguh, might fuck a FAT GURL or 2, who knows??

The Governess? She's the only one who does. Surprisingly fat ass.

>latina girl get nude
the one from the first season? The actress makes a single cameo appearance but there's exactly zero god damn nudity in this show the second season, which is a serious problem since the show isn't good enough to hold up without it. If you want to see the latin bitch with the fucked up plastic surgery face, you'll have to make due with last season.

seethed formerly sneed

Right. Like I said, they're obvious. Twists are best used in moderation with subtle clues. Of course, if they didn't exist, you wouldn't have a compelling mystery plot. But mysteries build up into one large twist rather than having several obvious ones in quick succession.

Let's look at the show. First episode, who killed the meth? Falconer, answered one episode later. But why? I dunno, she's broken and missing her memories. But how do we fix her? Let's just speculate it was caused by something which did not exist in the first season and has never come up once, and proceed to jog in the woods for four episodes. But the audience isn't this stupid, this is an obvious distraction, who opened up her cryocasket? It turns out it was someone completely inconsequential who had no motive, but luckily we invented a third big bad to fill the plot in.

Contemporary writers like to shower their plots with twists in the same way they used "sadness is deep" constantly a decade ago. The audience comes to expect twists, which makes the plot predictable and harms suspension of disbelief. This season was a textbook example of why doing that is a plague.

>>but luckily we invented a third big bad to fill the plot in.

And the characters never would have learned it was an elder if the elder didn't spend an entire episode pontificating its history and evil plan.

It's Lizzy

why is there so many blacks on this show. I feel like I'm watching Empire or something. There's very few black people that actually watch it why are they doing it? Imagine if whites colonized a bunch of BET shows and replaced the protagonists

I enjoyed the part where Falconer had no idea the elder existed as a matter of narrative convenience and then instantly knew everything about it also as a matter of narrative convenience.

>Imagine if whites colonized a bunch of BET shows and replaced the protagonists

I think that would be unironically amazing. Especially if they picked the most waspy country club white people possible to plow their way through ebonics.

>"And then I was like "oh shit, you did NOT need to do the little homie like THAT, Cecilia!""

Going from one extreme to the other was actually kinda jarring. First season, gratuitous t&a every five minutes. Second season, woman struggles to get out of a cryochamber and her hair somehow stays perfectly placed over her tits for 300 years.

God wouldn't have left you vulnerable to disease if he cared about you user. God's an asshole.

Any similar but better shows I can watch that have inter species relationships? I already watched The Expanse.

The guy that wrote these books (did not read them) had a nice epic fantasy series that he botched towards the end, surprised they did not pick it up because it has a ton of gay sex (protag with some sort of an ethereal elf) and a ton of disturbing flashbacks about war with humanoid reptilians.

Even better, how she reacted to their confusion as though the answer was obvious and she's tired of dragging their dumbasses around. The writers outdid themselves by somehow making her less likable than she was in the previous season.


That was the Elder posing as her. Pay attention to the show instead of tweening.

s1 had me worried when the hot tene girl was changed into an old geezer bitch

If you didn't like the black girl, I have bad news for you.

>The black girl
the black chick returns and now all the main cast is black.

>Constantly get his shit pushed in and fumble fuck around like a retard
It turns the asian kovacs were the best kovacs all along. Im ok with this turn of events.

damn, beat me to it
Honestly the bounty hunter chick was the most annoying part, literally served no purpose beyond "stronk sassy dyke negress btfos stupid men"


Actually yeah. Thin Air is also good.

Literally the only scene where we see Anthony Mackie kick ass is when a stronk woman character borrows his sleeve at one point. You can't make this shit up

It really is strange how much they talk about how badass Envoys are and then show them exclusively getting their asses kicked. Envoy Kovacs loses to copy Kovacs easily, with more training and a superior sleeve. It's such garbage writing.

would make no sense. She's alive and well back on Earth with her parents. Unless he wanted a personal waifu to go with his other one.

They explain that he gets his ass kicked on purpose to get the outcome he wants

Doubtless that's next after this trash fire is over.

I justified that as prime Kovacs not being completely distracted by pussy and actually committed to a mission, and thus the purer version of himself.

It's Rae

I've accidentally watched too much gay sex on Netflix already.

>asian kovacs
Korean Kovacs or Hongkong Kovacs? Also reminder that Mann should get more work.

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That was just with the Yakuza. The rest of the time it's evidently incompetence.

Holy shit I just realized they are the same actor. Admiral Nguyen had some fucking moves he was holding back.

Was Jaeger an incel?

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They should fire all the current writers and just make S3 HK Kovacs doing cyberpunk underworld shit.

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>Monologues about being a Wolf when he's introduced
>Acts like the governor's lapdog for the rest of the season

>Ditch The Expanse
>Fuck up Altered Carbon
>Create masterpiece called Another Life

Only Netflix things.
Coming soon
>Look what we did to Witcher

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>how retards think black people get onto netflix shows

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>Look what we did to Wicher
But uh... that already happened.

I watch AC S1 because Kinnaman is a good actor, i like the woman who play Ortega and the plot was looking good in the first episode. Not a bad season but not too good, they're boring moment but the good moment and fight made me forget about it

S2 is just boring after episode 4

> Kovac treats Poe like shit for no reason
> Lizzie is still in the show but not Ortega
> The god damn alien

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>he was right about beltshits all the time martians too

Actually press mark image as a spoiler like a retard but its not, forgiveness

I hate mackie and his bug eyes.

How do you go from this

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to this?

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niggers ruin everything

That fight scene was so fucking bad. Quell had asianTak in her guard, was doing nothing and the guy was struggling as if he was in pain.

>tfw no Ortega gf

You're not imagining the smell

>implying having to be that close to Quell would not be physically painful

Guess the plot for S3

True, forgot about the envoy emanations.

yes gay main character but good books

IIRC in the book they were some short AK variants and they were coded specifically to him.

gay woke shit with a new batch of black actors to keep salaries low

Newly recreated Kovacs downloads into a sleeve that's a transgender disabled plus-sized black woman and xir teams up with Quell to take down the evil Meth who runs a corporation that recycles black/brown sleeves into white ones and the minor character that helps them has downs.

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Quel is in a white woman's sleeve. Kovach is in a white man's sleeve. The plot revolves around Kovach hiring big black bulls to fuck Quell for his sexual satisfaction. That's it. Just 10 episodes of that.

Everyone has a fatty sleeve.

I miss him bros. What is some other Purefoy kino?

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John Carter

Patrician taste

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>The god damn alien

uwotm8? Did they actually bring in the aliens that made all their tech possible?

Yes. You won't like it.

She kind of shows back up in the third book. Basically some chick gets her stack "infected" with what was effectively a wireless version of Falconer, IIRC they kind of merge personalities.

>Also Carrera
What did he mean by this? Also how the fuck did he get restrained by the governesses simp guards?

We had black, asian and white Kovacs, new one will be indian

>Governor ties hostages to rockets
>Protectorate forces disobey commands from a superior officer to stop
>Jaeger doesn't fucking kill them for this
His entire character became more of a joke by the minute.

>Forgive me sir but we do not cater to sleeves of that color at this establishment. I suggest you seek lodgings for the evening elsewhere. A livery perhaps. Now if you would be so kind as to vacate the premises before I am compelled to loose the dogs.
Geez Netflix a little tone def don't you think?

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>Envoys in the books
Highly trained government black ops, with access to the best technology money can buy, allowing them to pull off extraordinary feats
>Envoys in the show
Hippies living in the woods who rely solely on willpower to do impossible shit

WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING? Convince me that the woman showrunner didn’t ruin this. You can’t.

95% of the people watching the show do not read books. And from what I gather from this thread, the books aren't great to begin with so changing them is perfectly fine.

Such wasted potential. I really wanted him to wind up calling in a Protectorate battlegroup to put a stop to Harlan's bullshit.

the Coil lady, Trepp, her hairstyle, wtf. and her coils light up like a christmas tree and it sits ON the hair, that fluffed up relaxed 80s hair, like she just got out of the mutant bar in Total Recall.

in the future everyone autistic since its the next step in evolution

he is being white again because

S1 carrot
S2 stick
S3 carrot

albeit this formula doesnt work sometimes
SW 7 carrot
SW 8 stick
SW 9 stick again

this lol...
the first season of this goop was worse than the expanse which is itself a b grade sci fi soap opera.

When's FINDOM utopia gonna hit netflix?

books are good

I don't have anything against Mackie, he was given nothing to work with.

All of the chimpresses running around and posing and growling and kicking ass in place of a plot and world-building really made this uninteresting.

You can really tell the money for production wasn't there, and that they brought in woke writers; rendering it stronk womyn POC pap indistinguishable from every other decent franchise that's been pozzed and browned.

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Kovacz fucking works as a singer in a bar, and then five minutes later lets himself get shot dead in the back, because he couldnt fathom that people do that kind of thing... what the hell is happening?
Why are we even talking about this show? it is not worth discussing!

Honestly I thought AC season 2's writing was less all over the place than season 1, but the downside is massively nerfed production values and a lot of interesting ideas out the window. Season 1 looked like a long-form version of Blade Runner, season 2 looks like Canada with slightly more neon.

>the expanse which is itself a b grade sci fi soap opera
Nice of you to immediately point out that your opinion is invalid

At least in the books Kovacs isn't pussywhipped by ms. Mary Sue Messiah Complex.

They did a great job world building in season one and then did nothing with it this season.

This is a good point. Thank you.

Why in AC universe there are the humans with wolf DNA, but no furries or mechanicum over-upgraded cyberpank cyborgs with 10 octopus arms and 66 eyes?

Attached: 1553194114730.png (652x651, 1.04M)

Because it's expensive.

I could have taken a major tonal shift given the books went from cyberpunk noir to military sf to technothriller but season two was just so painfully meh. The first one was a jumbled mess at times, but it at least pulled off a sense of grand scale. Season two lacked the production values and that was a big part of it but then the narrative just felt completely lifeless to match that.

i really hate these shows where they are supposedly on another planet, but its just like Earth and everything is the same. No one even talks about space, day and night cycle the same, atmosphere and air the same, radiation the same, sun the same


>Season 2
For fuck's sake will they please stop shitting on one of my favorite series of novels? God damn these adaptations are trash.

That is literally, LITERALLY, L I T E R A L L Y the reason given in the books as to why certain people don't like to be re-sleeved. Also the entire backstory of the main character is different and this show is barely even an adaptation.