I really enjoyed the first season, despite its flaws. I was looking forward to season 2 since it was announced, but the lack of any marketing or hype worried me.
After watching it, I see why there was no hype. It was just bad.
Mackie is....fine as Kovacs, but really lacked the intensity of Joel Kinnaman, and never really had much presence.
The other characters, apart from Poe, were trash.
Quell was the worst part of season 1, and basing pretty much the whole of season 2 around her was a huge mistake. I find her so fucking annoying as a character, and her whole story of wanting to bring about the end of sleeves, is shit. It's the whole premise of the world, and a decent take on immortality imo.
I thought the new AI chick was just annoying and badly acted, and the way that she always had a solution just in the nick of time was cliche.
Having to come up with solutions over multiple episodes may have added a bit of depth to her, but then I would have had to suffer more of this shit.
The bounty hunter, I can't even remember her fucking name, can be summarised as "muh coils", and added nothing of value. Nothing.
I won't spoil the ending because I can't be bothered to type more, but seriously fuck Netflix. I actually resubbed to watch this garbage.
At least Drive to Survive had some more kino moments this year.