Large group of enemies coming to deal with the heroes

>large group of enemies coming to deal with the heroes

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Other urls found in this thread:

>On three

>if you go you’ll die
>I know

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>Large group of enemies surround the heroes
>The heroes hear slow clapping, the villain is finally revealed.

>Are we clear?

Name 5

>heroes are surrounded by enemies
>main villain orders his henchmen to cease fighting

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Mr Peabody

>hero meets main villain and starts to monologue
>we're pretty different now that I think about it...

Attached: Mr_Pepe.png (657x527, 43K)

>villain joins the protagonists in the sequel to fight the bigger villain

Attached: Hector_Barbossa_-2.JPG.jpg (1199x800, 369K)

>villain is the hero in their own story

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>Are they with you?

Attached: 854656432536235.jpg (320x278, 11K)

>I thought they were with you

>large group of enemies approach
>male characters run away
>5'2 100 lb woman stays behind and takes them all out singe handedly
>what? I grew up with 4 brothers

Attached: 1568237216478.png (306x306, 153K)

>No you can't use it!
>few hours later

>Lets go
>To save the world

>”villain” is the Byronic hero of their own story

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>villain puts his plan in motion
>needle touches the disk on the record player
Beautiful classical music time

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>oh yeah? you and what army?

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>Later same woman get's kicked around by one enemy
>Is saved by the rest of the team
>"What are you doing, I had it under control"

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>character puts in earbuds or turns on radio
>fights to thematically relevant song

>oh well might as well keep it in the family

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>animated film from the 2000s
>ends with a dance party

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> wanna look at this
>....My God

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>how long will it take you to hack the mainframe
>a couple of hours
>you have 5 minutes

My favorite

>Doctor Mongoloid is attacking the nuclear base this very moment WE HAVE TO GO NOW
>"Sir, a moment please. I need to tell you an hour long story of my childhood"
>Oh ok

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>you killed my father
>I am your father

name one movie I dare you

>Main Character gets to the lair of the villain.
>The villain welcomes the character warmly in a dressing gown.
>”Ah so good of you to make it, just in time for my favourite piece”
>Villain puts on some classical music on his record player
>The Main Character is stunned by this display, he’s been taken off-guard and is in unknown territory.

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Unironically my favorite trope.
Anyone got some other good examples?

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Dragon Ball Z: Dead Zone

>You just, don't get it, do you?

about as kino as villain tropes get, up there with potential adversary turns out to be an unlikely friend

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Basically every Dreamworks movie

Toy Story 2

>I love you
>I know...

The icing on top for me with that trope is that the villain from the past movie eventually betrays the heroes and has to be stopped as well

>ends with a dance party
>everyone dances in their respectful locations at the same time
>Villains dance in jail

Attached: TWISTED SISTER.jpg (480x360, 11K)

It's always 4 brothers too.
Never 3 or 6, specifically 4.
Hollywood screenwriting is like a bigass game of madlibs

What show is your screenshot from?

>villain explains how he and the protagonist are alike
>protagonist: WE ARE NOTHING ALIKE
>*kills villain*



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>MC is going on a suicidal mission
>if the strong independent woman says...
>I am not leaving without you!
The woman will leave
>where you go I go
The woman will go with the guy

>If you kill the mass murderer about to murder 1 million more people, there's no difference between you two.

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>guy walks off camera with a frustrated and disbelieving expression
>music intensifies


>villain listens to anime soundtracks

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.... Zilla

Not a movie but Spike from Buffy is a classic example

>character challenges the other guy to race to a boring place

>kid birthday party
>hit Piñata horse game
>bad thing happens

>bad guys have a cave troll
>"they have a cave troll"

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>monster barks
>shows sharp teeth
>wind blows snots on guy's face
>guy says something something bad breath
>monster throws guy away without using the teeth

>"Oh great, a cave troll"

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a killer is a killer, what's so hard to understand?

>villain is watching his henchmen fall to the protagonist like it's theater
>stands up and claps when they all fall

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>the protagonist of previous movie becomes the main villain in next one
Any kino like this?

>don't worry this steel door can hold off anything...
>good guy, sometimes a cute girl, turns around and sees the cave troll
>...except cave troll

>I'm not locked in here with you. You are locked in here with me.

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Fuck off, Batman.
There's a difference between killing an innocent man and killing a murderer to prevent him from killing more innocent people.

>Villain pointing a gun on protagonists head
>"My victory is sealed after your death!"
>"I'm going to kill you now"
>"This is it! You are going to die!"
>"Hahaha die!"
>Villain is hit

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>He wanted to get caught

>"We are safe in here"
>cave troll starts breaking the door
>"Oh no"

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this is kino though

>*clickety clackety clickety clackety*
>OK, I'm in!

>OK, I'm in!
>puts on headset

That's fucking retarded and you know it.


>character ends up in the situation from which he started

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>walks into courtyard filled with chest high walls
>protagonist sighs
>so do I

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>Killing a massmurderer supervillain is wrong
>locking him up in a solitary confinement cell for the rest of his life is okay

not an argument, faggot
there may be a difference, but the bottom line is the same

>throw me some numbers

The first Mission: Impossible movie kinda does this if you consider it a continuation of the show, I think.

TLOU's early hours were actually terrible. I was close to throwing it into the trash.

>ends with character dancing on credit list

Star Trek

>Agent Z, there's an air vent on the east side
>"Wait who is this"
>I'm Cody, the intern
>"Oh great."

If you can't see the difference then you're just a retarded faggot.

>Its a mech show
>Two robots duke it out
>MC's mech gets multiple pieces of armor torn off
>Eventually it loses a whole arm
>Is fine by next episode

>Bad guy has a gun held to the head of the hero

>A gun shot is heard

>Its actually the bad guy who was shot by the hero's companion

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Dostoevski settled your retarded argument 150 years go, you retarded chaotic good worshipping mongo zoomer

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>MC's mech is only half functional
>Villain is completely unharmed
>"When I'm through with you, I'll destroy this whole CITY"
>"NO!" t. hero who has a sudden spike of energy and destroys the villain with only one arm

>if you kill him, you will be just like him

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>hero has a gun held to the head of the bad guy
>"Do it, you know you want to. We aren't that different"
>Hero is trembling
>A gun shot is heard
>Bad guy is shot by the hero's companion
>"I'm already a killer, MC"

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>dad comes into room to rape me again
>group of old men standing behind him
>"hope you take walk ins, son"

>Its a monster movie
>Clearly people are being killed by something not natural
>Sheriff tells everyone its just a simple bear attack
>"You think a fucking bear can do this kinda damage"
>Sheriff tells cops to cover up anything strange related to monster's murders.

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>somehow there is a measurement telling MC how many percent are damaged and how many percent are left

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Did he? I’m an actual retard and I’ve read the book, where does it mention that anons idea?

>the dead bad guy is later revealed in flashback to be the most victimized and misunderstood good guy and the good guy is the most evil guy

even though it's been a while since I've read it, I'm pretty sure it has the book has nothing to do with your argument, maybe try Harry Potter or Hunger Games, the themes might be more up your speed

I literally said that there is a difference, you braindead nigger. doesn't change the fact that it comes down to the same concept: taking someones life.
a hard concept to grasp for an average amerishart, to be sure, but the civilized world has outlawed capital punishment for a reason.

Literally the entire book is about that. Raskolnikov kills the lady because, among else, he overhears someone mentioning how the world will empyrically be a better place without people like her (she's a jewy loanshark). Later on, Raakolnikov reveals his powerlevel and admits believing that some "higher" people are basically entitled to commit crime in order to push their ideas and world views that would eventualy benefit humanity. There's much more but that's the jist of it.

the last 3 fast & furious movies

>retard zoomer's only refference to books other than Dostoevsky is Harry Potter
Can't make this up. You're a walking meme, read more books insted of forming half baked opinions based on shitposts and macro images.

>Villains dance in jail
Kek is this actually a thing? Sounds kino.

I said good.


Hobbs & Shaw

Prison Break is chockful of this trope and I love it.

But the book ultimately concludes Raskolnikov was wrong. A killer is a killer.

>>Bad guy has a gun held to the head of the hero
>>A gun shot is heard
>>Its actually the bad guy who was shot by the hero's companion

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The [prototype] games do this I think

>objective is already done
>everyone can escape

Yeah. They raped Mercer's character for that though (apparently he loses his hope for humanity in a tie-in comic set between the two games)
The new nigger player character in 2 is a fucking ape but I do prefer the gameplay a lot, especially the movement feels a lot better and more like Hulk than slowly gliding everywhere

I unironically love those

Makes sense

>you don’t call, you don’t write...

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Not really.

I'm still alive.

>I hope this wasn't on my account
>no not at all, I just needed to stretch my legs

It's still incorrect. There is a greater good. A lesser of two evils.

>inb4 Tha Graaaytah Gud

>The bigger they are...

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>sir I've got good news and bad news. The good news is we're smarter than them, we have better guns and we outnumber them 10 to one.
>what's the bad news?
>cave troll

>Time for Plan B
>What’s Plan B?

"Don't do it, Jimmie."

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any kinos like this?

Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance

kino of the highest order

>no sequel ever
it hurts

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And yet, one will always pay the price for one's evil deeds, even if they were for a 'greater good'.

>one will always pay the price for one's evil deeds
Lol no. This is just a cope people tell themselves.

Men of bronze never pay.

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>character breaks into someone else's car
>keys are tucked above the visor

Who the fuck would actually do this

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>heroes go through valiant battle to defeat enemy, it was tough and well fought
>hero looks up
>sees an even larger horde of enemies rushing his way
>look of "god damnit"

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>And yet, one will always pay the price for one's evil deeds
What about Bush and Blair?

didn't he go to jail in the book?

The Count of Monte Cristo... Kinda

terminator 2

>character crashes into something hard
>"I'm okay!"

>main character 1: "we are out numbered 50 to 1"
>main character 2 with a smirk or grin: "I like those odds"

>a smirk or grin
Those are the same thing

user once again proves he has autism

he is right you pseudointellectual retard

>post apocalyptic zombie movie
>mc has to kill their friend or family member who is infected

>post apocalyptic zombie movie
As opposed to what other kind of zombie movie

fuck you I wasn't gonna keep that but I forgot, I knew some pencil dick was gonna take issue with it


Probably some shitty adaptation does this but Fernand just shoots himself after learning Dantes is alive. He doesn't actually kill him.

>Animated kids movie by big company studio
>The crazy child character does somthing childish crazy
>He misses and gets into an accident
>Stares with no facil expression, like he's about to cry or something
>"That was..."
>Every single time
Why are animated writters so fucking lazy?

>What's plan B?
>Make sure plan A works

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This is a god tier trope, especially if after the team up they go back to being enemies

name 50 kinos where this happens

>army arrives

>then it is an even fight.

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Only really kino if they're fighting each other and spontaneously start fighting together against a common enemy without some BS "finding common ground" scene.

This faggot and Batman v Superman did it in a real retarded way.

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>How do I know I can trust you??
>You can't.

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>crossbow killer?
>c-crossbow killer..?
>crossbow killer!
my eyes allmost dissconnected from the sockets after that eye roll


>You shouldn't

>He's right behind me, right?
>He's in front of you

>Do you hear that??
>*comic relief character farts in the background*

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Big Jaws

basically every episode of 24 lmao

iirc that's how megamind ended

>you've got 10 minutes
>but I need at least 1 hour!
>I'm in

>as an unmudded lake, sir. clear as an azure sky of deepest summer

>protagonists laughing have a good time on the balcony
>look over the fence
>....cave troll

Yeah but i said movie.

>Big door/gate
>"looks like it was for keeping something big out"
>"... or for keeping something big IN..."

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Barbossa was a real one

Attached: giphy (1).gif (320x240, 956K)

>rips up the interior to hotwire the car
>woman companion leans up and pulls down the visor, catching the keys
>Wouldn't this be easier?

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>guy looks confused
>don't look so surprised, i grew up with three brothers

Not Yea Forums but in the manga, this nigga comes back and teams up with kaneda to take on Tetsuo

Attached: joker-teams-up-with-kaneda-photo-u1.jpg (650x996, 105K)

>tag-along makes a wisecrack

>Oh boy, time for Plan B!

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any other beside Watchmen?
this one's more used:
>if he's in jail (or similar)
>he wants to be caught

>do you hear that?

>*third character appears*
>"well, good thing I came up with plan C while you were fumbling around"


>I'm with no one

Naruto, both with Sasuke (sort of) and Orochimaru.

That's a kino trope, though.

Greek city states vs Persia
Romand and goths vs huns
Greeks and bulgarians vs arabs
Anglos and frogs vs germans

I remember that during the sack of Constantinople in 1204 there were greeks and muslims fighting together against crusaders.

>no argument
Cool post nigger.

This is fucking cancer and should die out.

After Earth.

Isn't this MHA?

>ugly, bald villain puts handsome /fit/ hero in a nelson hold and arches his back slightly exposing his abs so you get a boner from the duality of the hero being both brave and vulnerable in the hands of a sadistic villain who will hurt him and bruise his beautiful face and body

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>large group of enemies approach
>male characters run away
>5'2 100 lb woman stays behind and sucks them all off single handedly
>what? I grew up with 4 brothers

Attached: 1581308509648.jpg (245x249, 8K)

> professional well trained well paid military veterans
> who don't smoke, don`t drink, don`t fap
> own their local shooting range every week
> can scrag a bear bare hand
> defeated by a regular child/woman/ nigger

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>one of the henchmen is a 7 foot tall vaguely eastern european brick shithouse
>hero gives him his hardest punch, henchmen just takes it like nothing happened and smiles and he grabs and proceeds to beat the shit out the hero
>hero has to get creative and use elements of the surrounding environment to win the fight
name a more based trope

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>it's quiet. Too quiet


what japanese cartoon is this?
i like this recoome lookin ass dude

> the main character is a sore loser and an incel
> becomes a strong beta in the end

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>movie hero: what is this?
>smart science guy *explains*
>movie hero: in English this time
>smart science guy *summarises it in a single sentence*

A Few Good Men.

>hero gets beaten up
>slightly alters his attacks and wins

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

>group of a dozen generic bandits, all carrying weapons
>Gabrielle, get back!
>chakram flies in a zigzag pattern, hitting each one in the helmet or disarming them and then bouncing to the next

Attached: FB_IMG_1557711872735.jpg (587x440, 30K)

>smart character talks technobabble
>"sigh, it's like a putting a fork in a toasters"
>comic relief idiot jumps in "or a pizza in microwave"


> movie is utter shit
> finally credits appear
> Oasis - stay young starts playing

Gundam, the 8th MS team

You mean niggas getting rushed by multiple enemies in an enclosed space and kicking ass?
>The church scene from Kingsman
>Literally every fight scene vs gangs from the Daredevil and Punisher shows especially the prison scene vs Fisk's guys
>Lebron vs GSW in 2016

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>villain refuses to change his ways despite being clearly wrong

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>early hours
All of it was.

Star Wars :^)

>mysterious villain finally reveals himself
>it's a nazi
>Superhero team: I fucking hate nazis

>Playtime's over!

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What are you talking about, there's only one game

>You're going to kill all those people and for what? Money?
>Not just for money... revenge, you see...

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>protagonist is blind

The woman raskolnikov killed wasn't a murderer you retard