What are some good movies about survivalists and preppers?

What are some good movies about survivalists and preppers?

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Why aren't the walls or ceiling straight? Also 10 Cloverfield Lane

>totally inconspicuous vent shafts in the middle of nowhere sticking out of the ground

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*welds the door shut*
*puts tape over the vents*
nothing personal

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>Why aren't the walls or ceiling straight?
To give an impression of volume and depth. They're supposed to be straight. The virtual opening by which we see the room isn't.

10 Cloverfield Lane is very comfy until it gets weird. There's also that show on Netflix, I think it's called Preppers or something. I haven't seen it but it's about these people who have bunkers and shit ready for doomsday.

>bunker doesn't have seeds and plants growing for the purpose of food and generating clean air
they're never gonna make it

So someone could just hook a tail pipe into the clearly visible vent and murder you with zero effort.

Just jackhammer the wall and dig back up

*farts in vent*

This is how I'd clear out and raid new bunkers after a nuclear war.

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What prevents someone from stuffing a tube down that vent and connecting the other end to a bottle full of ammonia and bleach?


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Nuclear radiation and aliens dropping melting gas all around the globe. Also the airpurification system is in the way.

There's a couple of these in a grassy lot near where I live sticking out the ground along with some other "utility" looking structures, but the area is completely developed (except for the grassy lot) with low and medium density housing and commercial properties.
What does it mean?

the person/people on watch shift

What the fuck do you think it means you retard? There's literally a fucking picture of it right in the OP. Try and rub your two brain cells together to figure it out.

dont worry about it

How much food do you have stored for the inevitable corona panic which will leave stores empty?

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>Kyle Mooney

Not a movie well, that's debatable, but Death Stranding.

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Fuck off

>activates remote controlled turrets

heh, better luck next time pal

Good romantic comedy with ourguy

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Why would there be a small military bunker in some shithole suburbs? It doesn't make any sense.


>teleports behind you
Nice going, kid

what did they mean by this

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>it was only my shadow clone

Try again, chump

Dick Proenneke made 4 films shot in the wilderness on 16mm. He lived off the grid for decades. 10/10 carpenter.


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What do they watch in their kinocave?

>3 people
>2 beds
>1 bathroom
>0 fridge

It's set in the uk, One guy is a prepper and gets his shit pushed in

>brushes dandruff off head
>scratches beard
>purrs lightly

There's supposed to be a filter.

There's a US version too. Same name, same company

Those bunkers weren't meant for surviving an extended period of time, they were just supposed to protect from the initial thermonuclear blast so the observers inside could quickly gather information and relay it to their HQ about the magnitude and immediate aftermath of the attack.

dwarf fortress irl is wild

>It ain't me!

what a legend

>actually thinking you could build this bond villain shit and keep it under wraps

The reason there's only two beds is so there's always one on lookout for retards like you

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Inside the actor's studio

Worst shit ever

lel. thought that had was a turban for a second

that's a cutaway man

came here to post this. 100% pure unadulterated kino

Absolute plaguekino

At least that log cabin is insulated properly with moss caulked between the logs.

I know one of the more popular images with him has him standing next to a log cabin he made with no caulking whatsoever. It physically makes me cringe so hard coming from a country where log houses are fairly common to see a log house with no caulking. As soon as the wood warps there's going to be a thousand fucking drafts and leaks if you fuck up that part.

>take shelter
Phone call for you sir

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this is cute but nobody really ever seriously went down in this shit
gooks just got napalmed over and over

>there's some lightning coming down and shit
>better hide in this bunker

a movie so kino nobody saw it

It was very good.

the one with bernard fraser was comfy

>brown people befuddle american superior technology
>therefore they must be building ridiculous underground fortresses
Do Americans really?

OK, tiny hovel bunker aside, where do they shit? into each others mouths or something for recycling? or what?

Garbage movie for retards

at all the retards who can't figure out what this is, these bunkers were posts to measure where nuclear bombs drop, they're all over the uk. they're cramped as fuck

Actually Americans built and supplied the cave facilities in Afghanistan. Gooks were already good at digging holes/surviving off nothing.

Meant for

If you don’t know where these things are, they’re almost impossible to find.

Damn, burgers literally lost to people using fucking medieval spears.

One of the worst endings of any movie I've seen. Completely ruins the entire movie in 5 seconds.

We must invade binladistan

Oh, is that why they found Bin Laden in some mid-class suburb house in Pakistan and not in some ghetto-tech mountain complex in Afghanistan?

but he's right

They never do in burger movies. They always have canned shit and if you see some thread about it on whichever board, schizo anons never even talk about it. They think they'll be able to live more than 5 years off that shit.

US captured the fortress right away because they knew it’s strategic advantage. I dont fucking know what Bin Ladin was thinking/doing you just gave a retarded zoomer opinion and I was trying to help.

you're mostly fine if you can keep away from the fallout for the first few days anyway, which means just getting away from it physically. I guess a bunker works well for that. other alternatives is stuff like warehouses or roofed stadiums, where the space between you and the ceiling protect you

It was built in the 70s-80s to guard the mountains incase Russia invaded again. US was fully aware of it and captured it right away.

How to get rid of the poo in this scenario?

You are reaching very far to justify some retarded pop science magazine's sensationalist bullshit.

Thing in the middle looks like a cock lol

Theres a toilet clearly visible behind the ladder.
But don't let me spoil that fantasy you were developing.

Isn't the point to live in the bunker for 1-2 years until whatever catastrophe passes and it's safe to come out?

I remember one where they had an entire fucking tank underground

>sentry snake
oh come on

I've been to Hack Green but also fancy Kelvedon Hatch one day.

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That's nothing, one time my platoon was on recon in nam and it was my turn to clear the tunnel, except this time the VC had dug too deep and greedily and I had to fight a balrog with only a side arm and my field knife.

Not when the roaming gangs of cannibals start going around.

OK fine I just didn't see it. I didn't realize I needed to do a where's waldo approach to finding where to shit in this cutaway.

Depends on the bunker.
Most are just to shelter in place short term.

10/10 use of English.

Do you believe toilets teleport your shit in some magical land or something?

>move large rock/ object over entrance
>block up air vent
Sorry preppie!

nigga u blind

no but I wear glasses

Don’t you ever bring up that fucking piece of shit game around me again!!!

True kino that men will not understand

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Its an Eltex chemical toilet, zoomer.

It was alright at best.

>brown people befuddle american superior technology
>therefore they must be building ridiculous underground fortresses

>Do Americans really?

There were literally bond fortresses built like this in Afghanistan.
The Pentagon mentioned them, and seemed to be uncertain how they got built, or at least lower level officers mentioned them.
Bin Laden’s family is basically THE major construction company in Saudi Arabia for government building work, so he might have been able to get contacts or the right personel from there to facilitate building underground fortresses of this kind.
The confusing thing, is that Osama was supposedly a CIA asset used as a Boogeyman, which brings up the question not of how he constructed the underground fortresses, but why US military command was unaware of the extent and size of the fortresses.
Did the CIA not tell people like Rumsfeld, did Osama actually go rogue and build them on his own, was there some kind of deep state war, with the Pentagon on one side, and the CIA on another?

I think the CIA is a lot dumber than we give them credit.

True. Your theories are all true, so much so that Bin Laden was found in some house in Pakistan and not some dwarf fortress in Afghanistan.

Bin Laden died way before the US military “killed him” in Pakistan.
There were even US news reports saying he had died, and reports in newspapers in Pakistan saying he had died.
Benazir Bhutto even mentioned Bin Laden’s death, and the man who killed him in a news interview, like a month before she was assassinated.
The US likely just needed a boogeyman to justify more military action at some point, so they claimed he was still the head of his terrorist organization.

should have just nuked all those insectoid gooks and been done with it. Literal bugs.

Dios mio.. La Creatividad...

Burger cope

why are you people so paranoid of your minecraft bases being visible?

do you hate other humans?

I'm not going to repeat myself.

show me on the map

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You're delusional user. Head to the blast site and don't think twice.

this wasnt so bad. also i'm tempted to recommend Panic Room as well. themes of "white person with feeble, scared brain" go really hand in hand with prepper logic

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Overrated low IQ flick for plebtards who want to feel ‘smart’

That one with MEW where john goodman keeps her locked in the bunker and acts like an obsessive weirdo so she insists he's lying so she fashions a make shift suit, escapes, and initially it looks like he was lying. Then all the shit he warned her about happens and he's somewhat vindicated.

I liked that one with PUTA and the fat guy from Lebowski. Didn't get the retarded ending, anyway.

"The Hole In The Ground"

Please my colored friend, the virus will kill us all regardless of skin color, it wouldn't hurt to at least get a bit of food and water would it? Surely your EBT has been renewed for the month, just a few bags of beans and rice, some canned meats - please!

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This makes for a kino MW2 mission

The graphic artist was pretty generous with the modern look of it all. Cave systems like that existed, but they were carved out of rock and crude and filled with rats

bunkers are just graves unless you are hiding from bombs

some preppers are stupid and have spent thousands on them, what they have basically done is create a huge weapons and food cache

If it was the Apocalypse or pandemic all someone needs to do is

1. park jeep on entrance
2.put plastic bag over vent
3.come back later and loot it

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that's because that wasn't made to be totally invisible. I'm fairly sure they were made to detect nuclear explosions and were built all over the UK during the cold war. Those 2 dudes were supposed to just sit in there and then send radio signals back to HQ to tell them about a bomb going off near them. They were built everywhere so the idea was that 2 or 3 would all report and they could triangulate exactly what got BTFO.

It wasn't meant to be for for hiding after the bombs. those men were soldiers.

>you don’t know where these things are, they’re almost impossible to find.
So you gamble that raiders, bandits and whatnot fleeing from the cities into the country won't by chance stumble upon vent shafts in the middle of the field and smoke you out?

Great survivalship, 10/10.



I'm not a burger, retard.

if you're a canadian you're american, and you have the same popular bad habits judging from your post

>Scorpion Trap
Do Americans really...?

would like to send the latest bunker busters through time to be honests

Sure thing, CIA..

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>not being an enlightened being and knowing when they day comes our bunker will be atlantis itself floating in the inner core of Earth
>not knowing there are countless Earths within Earth itself that you can only access if your pineal gland is 100% functional and pure

Post your prep stash for coronavirus boys.

Here's mine :)

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Here's mine

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infinite chocolate milk

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based schizo

they took shelter from it

I have stuff for maybe two weeks. I want to buy more provisions next week.


>next week
Next week will be too late.
I'm completing my stash of four months of provisions this afternoon.

>no water
see you in 4 days when I take all your shit while stepping over your body

we also have vanilla milk

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Want to know how you can tell the diagram is complete bullshit? Because there isnt any fucking area set aside for prayer. Retarded.

chicken ass skin

and wasabi milk

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That’s the bunker near high Littleton in Somerset is at it?

idiot used kidney beans (corona attacks the kidneys). would have been fine if he used garbanzo

>you will never get comfy in Bin Laden's snug mountain fortress
Feels haram man.


Pretty sure that was this bunker

Literally after two of those grown men take shits in that toilet the whole place will smell like an outhouse.
I’ll take my chances as a tree person.

>>According to the Vietnamese government's national survey and assessment of war casualties (2017), there were 849,018 PAVN/VC military personnel dead, including combat death and non-combat death, from the period between 1955 and 1975

>>The total number of American personnel who were KIA or died non-hostile deaths, were enlisted personnel with a casualty number of 50,441.

>a single entry/exit

not how wars work, incel

That one is open to the public now in the summer.

By their nature they are everywhere though.

reddit movie

well at least their soil is well fertilized, i mean apart from the agent orange.

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>At temperatures of around 4°C or 39.2oF, certain versions of the coronavirus could remain viable for up to 28 days. At temperatures of 30–40°C (86–104°F), coronaviruses tended to persist for a shorter time.

>go to anatarctica
>hunt seal and fish for food
>sleep underwater for warmth (water is colder than the surface of antarctica)
>wait two years (everyone on the planet should be dead for 1 year at this point except people in shelters)
>go get for free whatever i want from wherever i want any grocery store any movie theater while you sit in your bunkey

try not to get cabin fever boyo

Packin' It In

>garrote ambush
>soldier on a stick

pretty sure we got this issue of time when i was a kid

you just slammed my sexuality and my conceptual understanding of warfare in a single sentence.... m-m...masaka!!

The perfect kinograph

Yes it's a very powerful trick my friend, I'm sorry I had to use it on you but now you also have this power. May Allah give you the wisdom to use it solely when you need it.

>Next week will be too late.
You don't know even know where I live, user.

Hidden (2015), one of the cooler things RLM recommended.

How old is the development? Do you know anyone who is from that area who is 20+ years older than it? It could've been a landfill or dump way back in the day, they usually put methane vents around to prevent buildup of gas underground. Several newer developments around the Colorado Front Range (built this century) are like that.

It doesn't matter where you live. All countries with "a few dozen" cases have thousands upon thousands of new ones in incubation right now, and all remaining countries are currently receiving their first batch of people who are also in the incubation period.

It's over.

Looks like some kind a MC Escher shit

Give me one reason to not spend my 300k inheritance in prepper shit. I already own land and a house I need to build a bunker and buy all the other shit. Convince me it's a bad idea

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you should invest that 300k if it exists in standard growth mutual funds

Then you just seal it then?

You don't have to spend 300k, but a bunker is always good to have.

You give me that $300k and in 3 short months I'll bring you a standing army capable of defending your homestead from any such assault.

The Fantastic Mr Fox

>Give me one reason to not spend my 300k inheritance in prepper shit.
How do you plan on doing that without anyone seeing your now suddenly have 300k in prepper shit to be stolen?

you'be a sex slave within the first 20 minutes, fucking tranny.

watch The Mosquito Coast.

Leave no trace

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what's the ending

great flick

Everyone on Yea Forums should invade this place and make kino mountain. No girls and no jannies allowed. Maybe do a mount rushmore thing with Gosling's face on the side.

the locals there have a long history of repelling invaders so chances are high they'd take a break from whining about jews and cutting off their daughters clits to fuck us up hard before turning us into dancing boys
Yea Forums would not survive the mountain

One guy stays up in case something happens, they take turns sleeping

no. I hope you die

heres a prepper movie plot. prepper prepares for his whole life then the disaster strikes and it's so overwelling and beyond any human control he dies immediately along with everyone else.

make sure you contact your county before you start digging, there is shit buried everywhere and you can fuck something up or worse hurt yourself.
It's not a bad idea to be prepared for disasters. it is a bad idea to become obsessed with it and it definitely won't run you 300k.
It's common sense but i would also suggest reading a lot more about what you'd need rather than winging it. Not only to save money but to avoid doing something retarded.

Again, it's not something that needs to cost a lot and there are scammers so be aware. Similar to scammers that target the elderly, people into prepping share a lot of those gullible traits. That doesn't mean prepping is stupid as it certainly is not, but it does attract some nutters and many of those nutters are not terribly bright. Scammers swoop in and take advantage of the dipshit-minded or dementia riddled.

You could make a pretty safe bunker for a lot less than 300k.
Honestly you'd be better off buying some land in the middle of nowhere. Get a back hoe and excavate some big holes in the ground, lay foundations, put some double wide trailers, those prefabricated quonset huts even old school buses with all the guts ripped out can work. You get some of those big concrete drainage pipes to connect the different sections. Then you just build up around them, cover them in dirt, plant enough sod, trees, and bushes that will grow to cover most of the ventilation, skylights, and entrances.
Your biggest problem would be getting power reliably. If you have a good well and can have a septic system down hill you could have running water.

This is legit good movie.
I'd never thought that I'd enjoy a movie about guy being afraid of a storms.

that one with anakin skywalker

This wasn't what the CIA believed. This was propaganda printed in US newspapers to sell the Afghan war.

Take Shelter is one of my fav ones by far

I gotta rewatch that shit some time