Is there a website or anything I can keep track of the current SW canon...

Is there a website or anything I can keep track of the current SW canon? I'm trying to get into it but I find the amount of content just released since 2014 daunting

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Other urls found in this thread:

How caught up are you?

I use this: just click on the dates to the right to make irt show in order of release

Both very helpful, thank you

Just finished Rebels and currently reading Master and Apprentice and Vader. Trying to stick to a show, a comic, and a book at a time until I'm cought up.
Probably watching Mandalorian next

>keep track of the current SW canon?

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It's better than Yea Forums would lead you to believe. Obviously it ranges in quality, but on average it's usually pretty good

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I'm not holding my breath for the future.

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If you think quality authors are suddenly going to become bad because of a whiteboard, you are part of the same rediculous hivemind as the rest of this board.
Soule isn't magically going to start writing shitty stories because "diversity" was written on a brainstorming board

Exactly. People are taking this waaaay too seriously. It's just part of that same mentality that if Lucasfilm does anything at all, everyone desprately needs to find a reason its going to be shit even if everything is going in it's favor.
Just like when Mandalorian was supposedly going to be a woman under the mask because God forbid we gonna single star wars project without being outraged over hypotheticals.

I've been watching Star Wars Rebels lately and I didn't expect to like it but I gotta say it's pretty comfy.

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How far in are you? The series finale was pretty kino but I don't think it ever really surpasses season 2

I'm half way through season 3. I've enjoyed the whole series.

yes you can always refer to my post:

Movies 1-6
Darth Bane book trilogy
Jedi Knight games
Republic Coommando

thats it

What about Rebels bro.

>Dude just only watch the stuff I grew up with! That's the REAL quality!
Wow no kidding

>lightsaber helicopters away


Ok but what are the good ones

the original 6 movies

Anything by Luceno, Gray, Soule, or Zhan. Phasma and supposedly the Alphabet Squadron trilogy are very good too

Worst show has best girl
how do I get a Sabine gf

Some people are never going to escape.

More like best show has worst girl

CGI clone wars is still canon and whatever is mentioned there is canon. If you liked that then watch Rebels for a more light hearted but also inferior continuation of some unfinished clone wars plotlines that does a lot of things pretty bad, stupid shit like helicopter lightsabers, quipbots and very poor animation.
I haven't read the books they release and from what I heard of, they weren't amazing.

>from what I heard of, they weren't amazing
Stop only listening to fandom menace autists. There are amazing novels in canon too

Oh god you fucking Yea Forumsshill again trying to paint Nu Wars as any good when can't even reach the worst parts of the old EU


>Muh EU!
hi boomer

>old EU
>Talking animals
>that time they let Sam Witwer make a cold steel game
>Teras Kasi

>current canon
just fuck off with this shit
watch what's good who fucking cares what a jewish mouse has to say about it

>30 posts / 13 IP's
you can stop samefagging at any time

That's on average less than 3 posts per person

Let's ignore the absolute faggotry like diversity or shameless trend chasing .
They actually wrote down
>actual ending
>relatable characters
This would be like walking into a carpenters and seeing that they had a sign saying don't saw your own arm off.

I know Yea Forumsmlr got its name for a reason, but you'd have to be mentally retarded to think this is going to be anything but a colossal trainwreck

these are from the same dude at most there's another one, he tend to shill Nu Wars on Yea Forums

You unironically might have schizophrenia.

Looks more like basic pattern recognition to me

>might have schizophrenia.
Literally the only people who use these words are from Yea Forumsmblr the next time you want to shill here you can post some ponies to be more subtle

Thinking everyone who likes something is the same person is not pattern recognition, it's autism

the posts keep growing but not the IP's soo strange and at this point I'm the second one after you my dear Yea Forumsmblr shill

>low IP count
>only one person responding to the accusation, despite the "it adds up to X posts per person" defence
>not even an attempt at a screencap to easily dismiss none of the posts being yours
>instantly jumping to use the schizo card
If I weren't suspicious before, I would be now

No. No it isn't.

Because it's you and me bickering, autist

Lol fine ya got me!

Attached: Screenshot_20200301-113102.png (1440x2880, 359K)

See ya in your next try to shill here your garbage don't forget to tell us about how amazing Phasma period it's in her book the next time

lmao based

The movies
Clone Wars
Nothing else.

>Resistance is worth watching but Bloodlines isn't worth reading
Holy freaking crap!

What are you trying to say? That's me?

Can I be your gf? I'm about as flat as her.