Legit thread, why cant games deliver a story as well as films can

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Film is a narrative medium. Gaming is an interactive medium.

legit thread, why can't OP stop being such a faggot?

this /thread

The vast majority of gamers are teen and preteen coomers
The most you’ll ever get in terms of writing from games is “I’m 14 and this is deep” shit like Nier Automata, which, of course, is masked by pure waifu faggotry

But the new God of war was goat at delivering the story.

legit thread, why cant my mommy make me cum as well as lolis can?

Film is a visual medium, not a narrative medium.

*explores faith and disillusionment in your path*

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*laughs in DMC*

*laughs in Ninja Gaiden*

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Film is not a visual medium. It is an audio-visual medium.


Why do games try so hard to be movies is the question, when they have a unique element already in gameplay. I can't stand any vidya that has hours and hours of cutscenes.

Silent Hill 2 unironically has better horror story than any movie

>a lost highway ripoff

I like morrowang

>lost highway
It's just an okay horror movie, nothing more. Lynch is incapable of creating anything complex enough without shizo narrative to hide emptiness of the story

Games give you control.

Films do not.

because you have porn addiction and mental illness

This. As film evolved, it began to move away from its roots in stage theater. Compare the static, uncut, wide-angles of A Trip to the Moon to the cuts and motions of Birth of a Nation. The technology pushed the medium further into becoming unique.
But for video games we see the inverse pattern. When the technology was nubile, video games showed little similarity to film. But now that developers have near-perfected 3D graphics they have become obsessed with creating games that imitate movies. The plebian masses praise games for their "cinematics," and revel in stories they consider to be on par or perhaps even superior to most films. In reality these stories would be largely panned, ignored, and forgotten if put to film (ie Uncharted, The Last of Us, The Walking Dead, etc).
I do believe Video Games are an art form and hope this is only a modern day trend.

The control in film comes through analysis and apprasial of the story through formal or informal criticism. Your reading of the film is uniquely your own and can even be used to define your place and purpose in the world.
But, of course, the Yea Forums manbaby is far too dull-witted to accomplish such a feat. Better to click a few buttons over and over again

Story specifically it can't unless its on rails. Bioshock ran with that idea but its one-off really.

Games can be about stuff. Far Cry 2 had more to say about the fucking up of Africa than any amount of heavy handed guilt-kino and you can rattle away with an assault rifle the entire time.

They can, Bioshock did it really well and incorporated an aspect that's unique to video games into the story-telling.

There aren't as many big video game titles with impressive stories as there are films, but it's a young industry. It takes time for things to get off the ground and there isn't the same economic prosperity around that there was when the big cinema classics were being released.
The potential is much higher though. For example horror movies are dull as shit to me. They're not scary and the atmosphere is always weak, even with some of the most lauded titles. But even small indie games are able to outdo movies in this area and the emotional payoff is a lot greater too.

no amount of jump cut scares will ever match seeing a Leviathan for the first time in Subnautica

>The potential is much higher though. For example horror movies are dull as shit to me. They're not scary and the atmosphere is always weak, even with some of the most lauded titles. But even small indie games are able to outdo movies in this area and the emotional payoff is a lot greater too.
I was thinking the same horror in video games or anything atmospheric really gets enhanced 10 times when played

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>This one is nerve and steel, and has its mind concluded
>This one is but flesh and faith, and is the more deluded

I never was able to find out what this is from.
Help me user, you're my only hope.

They're inherently different experiences. Some good examples of story telling using the strengths of interactivity are the half-life series, dark souls, jpurney and pathologic.
The biggest difference comes in not only observing the story but also living and affecting it.

I am of this opinion as well but imo the GTA games have a good balance. Vice city is my favourite game but then again I am not a gaymer.

uncreative, intrusive, or debilitating cutscenes exposition and narrative

Game developers and publishers collectively are infantile faggots with zero sense for art or cohesive vision. They are also fixated too much on conflict and recycle each others gameplay systems and mechanics and rarely create anything original anymore. Fundementally, you're playing the same old shit since their inception, the only difference being fancier shaders and higher resolution. I'm generalising, but I'm 99.8% correct.

>Games give you control.
game devs don't really take advantage of this

I like how these off topic threads in Yea Forums are more civilized and generally less cancerous than their home board counterparts.

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Off topic content is always more civil. Probably due to niche interest and/or shitposter keeping to the regular topics.


The recent slew of Simpson threads is good containment for a lot of spammers.

They do, sometimes.

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I couldn't even play Jedi Fallen Order because the gameplay is so outdated, it felt like playing an Assassins Creed 1 reskin

>literally a plot for a b-movie tier action flick

explain yourself.

The problem isn't that they can't, it's that they don't. Games are too busy copying film, partly because it's hard to work outside of what is already established as being successful, and partly because it's really expensive to even try. So games are mostly stuck trying to portray a linear narrative with the bulk of the plot told in expository dumps in cutscenes, or best case told in a single-shot format like the new God of War.

Games are better served creating worlds for the player to explore and put the story together themselves. The best game I know of that does this is Bloodborne, which has almost no plot to speak of, but has extremely rich lore, and understanding the context in which the player character does the things they do is more important than what they're doing. You can get to the end of that game knowing nothing more than "you went to a place and killed a guy" or you can have a real appreciation for the scope of the world and the characters who created it, even if you never "meet" them, as most are long dead before the game begins. Not that Bloodborne is perfect, far from it, but it's a glimpse into the kind of thing games are capable of.

If bioshock was a movie it would be unoriginal garbage. Please stop this meme that it’s kino.

Video games can’t be kino, it’s impossible, because most video games just plagiarize shit that was already in cinema but make it interactive.

Film and video games can both be narrative media.

Games (almost always) have to have a first person narrative. The audience doesn’t know anything that the hero doesn’t. This doesn’t make a story bad, but it is very limiting.
Games do have unique ways of telling stories, emulating a different medium is a good way to start, but it’s not a long term strategy.

*blocks your path*

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In movies, pacing, protagonist actions and exposition are controlled by the director and they are delivered in accordance with his artistic vision. In games the chaos element of the player is introduced and delivering a narrative effectively is a lot trickier.
This can be dealt with in a few ways, none of them are really perfect. Either you can rein the player in and make him look at cut scenes and do predetermined action sequences like in COD or you give them more freedom and introduce a branching narrative (this is usually where writing suffers since you have to do way more work). You can also be a fucking hack like kojima and turn your game into one big movie anyways.
The best storytelling in games I've seen is in half life 2 and its episodes where the narrative is completely married with the gameplay, even then there are STILL scenes where you just stand around absorbing exposition.

This is a great way of putting it, but a bit out of date.
Games like dark souls and gone home have told stories without emulating cinema.


Best part of Bioshock is exploring Rapture, walking around the ruined city, looking at every nook and cranny. The setting carried Bioshock hard, it really feels like it was once a big, beautiful city that was ruined because of many reasons, and it would be hard to give as much detail as the game had in a movie without it feeling boring or drawn-out.

>Ninja Gaiden
*laughs in Too Human*

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hence interactive medium you idiot
having control does not automatically make a story better

>Ninja Gaiden
*laughs in dead franchise*

Make it a tv show either taking place during the downfall or following an enclave of sane survivors rummaging through the city to survive with flashbacks to the former glory days as they remember the parties and glamour.

I started with Assassin's Creed 2 and absolutely hated the combat system. But I stuck around because I loved the story and the fact that it was actually fun to move between missions when you climbed over historical landmarks in Venice and Rome. Games like GTA4 was boring as fuck in comparison because you just had to get in a car to drive to the next mission, and then more often than not the mission would have you drive to another point. The game set in America was boring as fuck because you were back to just running through woods like every other game, and the only redeeming feature of Black Flag was the introduction of the sea shanties so you had a soundtrack while sailing around for extra immersion.

Literally the only game series where I've enjoyed travelling the map more than fighting.

congratulations, you picked literally the most boring options imaginable

Film is a narrative medium and always has been dumb shit.

this so much this its gotten to the point developers try to imitate camera artifacts

Because video games are too occupied with trying to imitate movies rather than actually take advantage of their medium.

Before you reach that part you get invested into it. You join in and get adopted by the team and become one of them after going thru difficult times (if you play it on veteran ofc) together. When you get betrayed it actually bothers you since you end up caring more about Ghost than about some Incel Skywalker, Love You 3000 Man or Poor braindamaged Parasite kid. Yes, it's no Green Mile shit but that's not their aim. And this one still managed to do a much better job than your shitty Pussies of Prey or The Rise of Marey Sue or other such shitshows in story telling and audience investment.

>a post-apocalyptic show taking place in a city under the sea where the people reminisce about the Roaring 20s parties that used to be

Gone home isn't a game

No, MW2 is the Rise of Skywalker of video games.


Because games try to imitate stories and story structures we see in movies. The thing that actually makes video games a distinct art form is the gameplay, but it's almost never used to help tell the story. Narrative driven games are always 1 of 3 things: a walking simulator with dialogue choices, an uninventive shooter, or a movie with quick time events

it was a mediocre film but it was also the best movie of 2019

I liked the leitmotif in this one's soundtrack a lot

What you're asking for is an interactive film. The problem with this approach is that storytelling is not a democratic process. Storytelling depends on one interlocutor imparting a narrative to a passive receiver. If the receiver constantly interjects changing the storyline to one that they wish for, there is no more narrative. In this case, the receiver may as well just be talking to himself like a mental patient. This is why games will always be games, like chess and backgammon, and stories will always be stories. The structures of each are unalterable without destroying what they fundamentally are.

It was done with soul.

>couldn't beat the campaign on easy
>got rekt by noobtubers
>was disturbed by the no russian mission
>triggered by the ad that said grenades are for pussies
>cried when people said faggot and stuff in lobby
Pick all, it's you.

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*transcends film*

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tendies will continue to seethe

because most games that keep people playing for a long time are less than 30 minute rounds that have no story and are just pvp. some single player games have good story tho

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Fucking embarrassing thread. An actual good game can deliver a story by playing and interacting within the game. Shitty movie games littered with cutscenes (aka more opportunities to show off bad writing) will always pale in comparison to the stories of movies.

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Most pretentious piece of media in existence

You must not have played death stranding yet

God of war is normie shit. Normie shit always has big standard plots and cliches.

An 8.5/10 Mafia rise and fall story coming through

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The most talented writers prioritize novels and films alot higher than video games.
The best stories in video games are barely airport taxfree softback tier.
Most of the time, the acclaimed stories in video games are pretty much fan fictier because majority of the writers in the industry are exactly that. Fan fic writers.
Take a bunch of hamburger heplers and whoever wrote the 13 year boy power fantasy, the order 1886 and that's pretty much as good as it gets these days.

The Last of Us is just a rip off of The Road and not a good one at that. Havent played RDR2 but it's probably on par with a average tv show and Uncharted is some lame ass Clive Cussler trite. Bioshock Infinite, as much as I enjoyed that game, the story was cliché and obvious.
And Soulsborn? What story?

And that's pretty much as good as AAA games become.

Sure, there's probably some hidden gems in the indie scene and point and click games from the early 90's but they are far and few between.

>tells story as good if not better than a movie, in your path

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>that driving mission
Me and my brother absolutely couldn't get past that shit because the controls coupled with how easy it was to total the car made it impossible to get there in one piece within the time limit. That's all I remember from it.

Patch the game. They nerfed it. But my advice is when the race starts hug the left side of the track. Get in first and drive smart. If you arent winning by the end of lap 1 restart the mission.