It was initially the left who pronounced the death of meta-narratives...

It was initially the left who pronounced the death of meta-narratives. But it seems like they are stagnating in a strategy aimed at constructing new meta-narratives (e.g. climate change, 99%, black lives matter, me too), whereas the right have embraced postmodernity fully (media stardom, realpolitik, populist memes, "alternative facts). Is this evidence that left wing politics were inherently tied to modernity, to the rising prosperity of the 20th century, and are incapable of self perpetuation in the 21st? Have you read pic related?

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Does Dio have an autobiography out?

It’s not an unreasonable point.
The left right now craves a kind of moral perfection that is entirely unattainable while the right cynically revels in disjunctions between stated beliefs and performed actions.
This might mean that the left is actually the next evolution, an embodiment of new sincerity, but if that’s the case my prediction is that it’ll be a non-starter in the Darwinian political realm. It’ll eat itself alive.

Especially in the US. The left actively destroys its chances at political resurgence. They hold their "leaders" to a blindly idealistic standard, and subject every white man "one their side" (which, inevitably, is almost every person with political experience and the money to run for office) to a hyper-developed and ruthless ideological scrutiny. If life that may be called human begins with irony, the modern left is certainly a cluster of subhumans. Whereas the right, the right in the US, has always used ignorance as a fuel. This necessitates an ironic, cynical attitude towards the political base. They never believed what they said, so in an era that eschews sincere political belief except as self-parody they are comfortably at home.

>The left right now craves a kind of moral perfection that is entirely unattainable while the right cynically revels in disjunctions between stated beliefs and performed actions.
Lmfao yeah the moralfagging right squealing about how abortion and "degeneracy" are immoral, how society should prioritise Christianity and "traditional values", how people of different races pose a threat to the "moral order" of society, how women should dress modestly -- they are the true libertines! Keep rolling around in your ideological filth retard.
>It was initially the left who pronounced the death of meta-narratives.
No it was postmodern philosophers who are not representatives of the left. This is why the political spectrum is useless.
>climate change
A real and present threat to society. I don't think anticipating danger through scientific calculations and research is a sufficient condition for a meta-narrative.
Yeah the Marxist political movement believes in meta narrative who would have thought
>whereas the right have embraced postmodernity fully
HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAA yeah the RIGHT WING who is constantly talking about "Western Civilisation" and "the muslim invasion" and "we must protect our people" and Christianity don't have a meta narrative



you have a point, present it in a less cunty way next time dear

Climate change is not a "meta narrative" you stupid fuck it's a scientifically backed model of ecological collapse that has already commenced in our lifetimes and will only get worse. This is not some secular eschatology, it is the very real and coming void which will consume everything.

I’m probably a typical extreme leftist. Is it too much to expect a leader to be like me. That is one who considers greed to be mankind’s most devastating problem, and who treats all human life, no matter how degenerate, as important and worthy of peace and happiness as all others?

I like do that shit every day man. I can’t be the only one.

based climate change, can't wait for the seas to turn into hydrogen sulfide and kill all multicellular life on earth.

It may be real but it still turned into a meta narrative.
The ecological movement is not really about the reduction of CO2 only a fool won't understand it.
for exemple if global warning was such a danger we would build nuclear plants instead of closing them.
Then if we take the exemples made by the OP
>climate change, 99%, black lives matter, me too
If you ask any "leftist" who is responsable for this? he will have the same answer for everything ( white man )

>new meta-narratives (e.g. climate change, 99%, black lives matter, me too)
You don't know what that word means do you?
You are conflating small political movements with an all encompassing explanation of history and its interactions. A proper metanarrative would be something like Christianism, Marxism or the Enlightenment.
If you want to make the feels over reals argument that the left prefers narratives to real estatistical "facts and logic" you are essentially closing your eyes to the fact that most of the right believes in the great-replacement as a narrative.

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Climate change is inevitable, of course, it has been happening for millions of years, do not see how anyone can doubt it. However human activity, such as gutting the economy and herding people into cities, cannot mitigate it.

Attached: Global temperatures VostokTemp0-420000 BP-2.gif (880x422, 19K)

Attached: al gore blood climate change temp.jpg (632x768, 75K)

The NIGGER stole the stars from the sky
The NIGGER stole my testosterone
The NIGGER fills the air with the smog from his WEED

>this one graph disproves the whole body of scientific work surrounding climate change!
kek. Co2 has been linked to climate change; it is an undeniable fact that humans are the main cause of it and that we will be faced with disastrous consequences if we do not address it. I'm sorry you fell for the BigOil propaganda

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>scientifically backed model
Which is carelessly imprinted on the world according to the Cartesian-Newtonian mathematical enframing of the world as standing reserve

>the very real and coming void which will consume everything
Nice eschatology

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Read "Unstoppable Global Warming: Every 1,500 Years."

Climate change is real so is social inequality, but the left attempts at constructing coherent political dogma to further policy goals is also real

spotted the South American commie, pls fuck off

These movements are attempts at making social events on the micro level into coherent narratives which indicate specific policies. So is your fucking "feels over reals" meme. I wasn't trying to bait with my post why are people cunting so hard?

Based and poetrypilled


agreed that christian right wing has meta narrative. however, i don't think that it's charitable to extend the same observation to secular right wings- they just embrace these values for aesthetics as an attempt to reject the morality of identity politics.

their point is that holding identity card against eachothers is dumb but its incredibly popular, so we gotta just play it through before sincere people realize that its dumb as well.

He used to, but the only copy was burned

Attached: 42A8DE07-4064-442E-9509-FC0DB78047A1.png (207x283, 160K)

Fuck off non-reading pseud

>lefties unironically think social inequalities do not derive from natural inequalities


>Is this evidence that left wing politics were inherently tied to modernity
I have read something like this before. What book by Houellebecq do you suggest?

People like you are extremely rare as society does not encourage or reward that kind of mindset. The reason for this is that if many people had your mindset, a complete overthrow of the current social system would be more likely to occur. If someone like you did get into power, I'd expect them to commit "suicide" from two shots to the back of the head due to the threat they'd pose to existing power structures.

I aspire to be that kind of person, however. You're not alone in the world, user.

Whatever (French: Extension du domaine de la lutte, literally "extension of the domain of struggle")

I was hoping more for a book on how leftism has no future in the West, which is what I took from the op post.

I've read Whatever but must have missed
>Is this evidence that left wing politics were inherently tied to modernity

help pls

But the leaders are like you. They make little mistakes and they’re publically crucified for it just like you’d be if you ran on the Democratic ticket.
I’m talking about the U.S left’s obsession with moral purity, which no person can live up to. The things you’re advocating for are reasonable and already allotted by society minus abortion rights which I agree should be totally allowed nationally. Echo chambers convince you that X or Y group are under threat by le society, this isn’t true, society protects weak groups. I say this as a gay “minority.”

>I say this as a gay “minority.”
Holy fuck, kill yourself

>Keep rolling around in your ideological filth retard.
I think it shows how a.) intellectually dishonest or b.) unintelligent you are that you think a person who has a qualm with the left must automatically be a christian nazi. I'll let you decide which one you are.
Of course they do moral signalling, but they don't actually believe any of it. We always talk about degenerate discord trannies but many conservative representatives are just as depraved if not more so. How many conservative governors have been caught smoking crack or buy prostitutes? It's even openly understood that the president pays for sex.
My point isn't that they abstain from smiley-gladhand-style moralfagging. My point is that, like piranha, contemporary conservatives are mostly on the same page. They don't use morality as an excuse to sandbag one another when it comes to gaining ground that really matters. That's why leftists are on the defense and it's why they'll shoot themselves in the foot all over again in 2020.

>No it was postmodern philosophers who are not representatives of the left. This is why the political spectrum is useless.
not this shit again...
>you see, the postmodern anarcho-liberals are in schism from the Chu- er, Internationale, as they've failed to uphold party doctrine as upheld by the Chairman of the CPUSSR and have regressed into bourgeois idealism and have thus automatically ceased to be of the left.

It can't "resurge" when it's already in power, American leftism = protestant moralizing not Marxist materialism.
>but Trump
The presidency is irrelevant in the US when he cannot command the civil service or judiciary.

Left-wing criticism of metanarratives was contingent on the political situation of the Cold War, where the Western world was governed by liberal conservatives or social democrats, and the communist world was increasingly behind them. Since most left-wing intellectuals are communist, they didn't want to admit that the cause they spent so much time fighting for was losing, so instead of accepting reality, they tried to deny it by attacking reality itself.

Now that communism has been defeated and we are ruled by a coalition of liberals and progressives who use scientistic ideologies to justify their power, the intellectual framework created by the left to criticize the Cold War consensus is way more useful to conservatives and nationalists than to anyone else. The left still doesn't know what to do, they can't choose between trying to ingratiate themselves with the liberal progressives in power or still trying to build a communist alternatives, if they try the first, they will render all post-modern thought "racist" and beyond the pale and completely embrace liberal empiricism and positivism, but I guess they will keep trying to rebuild communism. You don't just abandon an ideology you followed for a century just because its practical application didn't went the way you expected.

That's not true nice people make other nice people it's just the odds are against you. With the internet though communication becomes very easy though if it ends up working that way if would mean on a whole the internet is a good thing people have always been social


>No it was postmodern philosophers who are not representatives of the left.
No True Leftist

It's also a novel but it is about this thing